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2.2. ЗАВЕРШИТЕ каждое из начатых предложений, опираясь на содержание прочитанного текста, и переведите получившиеся предложения.
1. A fiduciary duty is …

2. The lawyer-client relationship is .

3. The lawyer must .

4. The lawyer may .

5. The client can .

6. The client should …

7. The term "client" includes …

2.3. УСТАНОВИТЕ, соответствуют ли данные утверждения содержанию прочитанного текста; если утверждение неверно, исправьте его:
1. A fiduciary relationship creates many legal duties for the clients.

2. In the lawyer-client relationship, the term "client" includes only le- gal entities.

3. The client may not inform his lawyer if he is dissatisfied with the lawyer's representation.

4. The client must inform the lawyer immediately if he has moved or changed phone numbers.

5. The lawyer must keep confidential all his communications with clients without any exception.

6. The lawyer must provide his clients with the “4 Cs”: competence, confidentiality, communication and ‘conflict of interest’ existence.

7. The lawyer must represent the client's interests diligently and com- petently.

8. The lawyer usually expects that the clients will assume their fidu- ciary duty.

2.4. ОТВЕТЬТЕ на вопросы к прочитанному тексту:
1. What conflicts of interest should the lawyer disclose in his commu- nications with the client?

2. What is considered to be a 'client' if the lawyer is representing an organization?

3. What rules must the lawyer behave ethically according to?

4. What should the client do in his relations with the lawyer retained for representation?

5. What shouldn’t the client ask the lawyer to do?

6. When should the lawyer obtain the client’s consent to an existing conflict of interest?

Работа может быть проведена в конце учебного года для проверки знаний учащихся.

Вводная контрольная работа по английскому языку для 8 класса

You are going to listen the text. You must complete the missing information in the notes.

To protect – защищать

Environment – окружающая среда

This book would be suitable for someone who:

A BRAVE NEW WORLD (Aldous Huxley)

All human values have changed. Family life has disappeared, human beings are produced in bottles instead of being born. People do not suffer; but they have no ideas of their own, their lives are planned for them from start to finish, and they know nothing of the passions, the joy or sorrows, the triumphs or the defeats of the great figures of the past. In spite of the light and often amusing way this book is written, here is a warning to us all to think carefully about the way the world is developing before it is too late.

В REBECCA (Daphne du Maurier)

AFTER the death of his beautiful wife, Rebecca, Maxim de Winter goes to Monte Carlo to recover. There he marries a quiet and ordinary young woman who is very different from his first wife. Maxim takes her back to England - to Manderley, his lovely country house.

The new Mrs de Winter finds that at Manderley Rebecca is still in everyone’s thoughts - including Maxim’s - and she begins to feel that she will never be able to equal Rebecca as a wife or as a mistress of Manderley.

Then one day a discovery is made - and the young Mrs de Winter begins to understand why Rebecca is still so important to all those at Manderley.


But murder stories are always fascinating. Who did it? And how? Or why? Was it murder at all, or just an unfortunate accident?

Who will triumph, the murderer or detective? This collection contains a wide range of detective stories, from the astute detections of the famous Sherlock Holmes, to the chilling psychology of Ruth Rendell.

D A PASSAGE TO INDIA (E M. Forster) East meets West in this intriguing story. Or does it? Why should Miss Quested accuse Dr Aziz of attacking her? How can Dr Aziz defend himself against it?

Will the trial cause a battle between the Indians behind Dr Aziz and the British community behind Miss Quested?

E PIGMALION (Bernard Shaw)

‘You see this creature with her awful English: the English that will keep her in the gutter to the end of her days. Well, sir, in three months I could pass that girl off as a duchess at an ambassador’s garden party.’

Can Professor Henry Higgins really turn flower-girl Eliza Doolittle into a lady?

Прочитайте краткое содержание книг А-Е. Установите соответствие утверждений 1-5 содержанию каждой из книг и впишите соответствующую букву рядом с утверждениями.

1 likes mysteries and solving problems

2 likes reading about love and relationships

3 is interested in human and political issues

5______is interested in cross-cultural differences

Complete the sentences.

  1. . you at school last week?
  1. Was b) Were c) Are
  1. When we . the office, it . .
  1. left, was raining b) were leaving, was raining c) left, rained
  1. It . a small car, but it . four doors.
  1. is, is b) has, is c) is, has
  1. Give the book to . .
  1. her b) she c) hers
  1. Flying is . than driving.
  1. the quicker b) quicker c) the quickest
  1. They work . night.
  1. on b) at c) in
  1. When we were children, our parents . family problems with us.
  1. discussed b) found c) thought
  1. She was born twenty-five years . in a small village.
  1. since b) before c) ago
  1. You have to be a very good . to get a job as a chef..
  1. cooker b) cookery c) cook
  1. If you are hot, you can take . your jacket.
  1. off b) on c) away
  1. You’re having a test next week, .
  1. don’t you? b) are you? c) aren’t you?
  1. We haven’t got . money.
  1. much b) many c) more
  1. The . of the environment is everyone’s responsibility.
  1. protect b) protection c) protective
  1. She lives in …. Rome with her family.
  1. - b) the c) a
  1. Her hair …. lovely!
  1. are b) is c) it’s

Complete these sentences by using the correct word from the box. There is an extra word which you do not need to use.

In a Language School.

water subjects exciting four problems love

making teacher boring summer learning

Fourteen-year-old Andy, who is from Korea, lives in France. He is (1) _________ French and is also studying English. What’s it like for him? “I (2) __________ living here,” says Andy, “and I’m beginning to feel like I’ve lived here my whole life and not for only (3) ___________ years. I’m not usually very good at (4) ___________ friends, but everyone here is so nice that I’m not having any (5) ___________. If I don’t understand an exercise at school, I ask the (6) ____________ or one of my friends to help me with it, and they always do. I enjoy most of the (7) _____________ we do at school, but I’m not very fond of history. It’s a bit (8) ___________! Another thing I like about living here is that I’m able to do lots of (9) _____________ sports, like swimming and water-skiing. I’m really looking forward to my (10) ____________ holidays this year because I want to learn windsurfing!”

Владимир Путин, президент Франции Франсуа Олланд, канцлер Германии Ангела Меркель и президент Украины Петр Порошенко (слева направо)

Какие меры закрепили минские соглашения. Краткое содержание

Как исполнялись минские соглашения

По факту за семь лет сторонам после долгих переговоров удалось лишь добиться обмена насильно удерживаемых лиц (по факту пленных). ДНР и ЛНР, а также МИД России неоднократно обвиняли Киев в незаконном занятии населенных пунктов в буферной зоне и появлении там тяжелой техники.

Не были амнистированы участники событий 2014–2015 годов. И хотя Верховная рада приняла в 2015 году закон об особом статусе Донбасса, однако увязала вступление его в силу с проведением местных выборов. При этом в Киеве настаивали на том, что сначала должны восстановить контроль над границей, а уже потом проводить выборы. В Москве с этим категорически не соглашались.

В 2019 году участники Контактной группы приняли так называемую формулу Штайнмайера (по имени ее автора, главы МИД Германии Франка Штайнмайера), в соответствии с которой закон об особом статусе должен был вступить в силу после признания местных выборов в Донецкой и Луганской областях соответствующими стандартами ОБСЕ. Помимо этого, предполагалось вновь отвести вооруженные формирования на прежние позиции. Принятие этой поправки вызвало недовольство оппозиции в Киеве. Согласовать порядок проведения выборов сторонам так и не удалось.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Итоговая контродьная работа по английскому языку для 7 класс

Фамилия, имя_________________________


Задание 1 Прочитайте статью из газеты и установите соответствие утверждений 1-5 содержанию текста. Отметьте каждое утверждение TRUE, если оно соответствует содержанию текста, FALSE, если оно не соответствует или NOT STATED, если в тексте нет точной информации.

Boy George usually stays in bed on Saturdays, but last week he sold clothes in a shop. Actor Jeremy Irons sold flowers. And who did this man buy his knives and forks from? Uri Geller? It was all right.

Last Saturday, shoppers in Covent Garden in London had an unusual day. For 12 hours over 300 stars from television, pop music, sport and the cinema worked in shops, pubs, cafes and restaurants in Covent Garden. More than 100,000 customers came to see them.

Actress Kelly Hunter organized everything. The idea was simple. People came to see the stars, they bought things and the shop owners gave 5 per cent of the money to charity. But the stars didn't only sell things. They signed thousands a autographs and gave kisses to their fans. (A kiss from Boy George cost Ј 5). In other shops, customers met boxer Frank Bruno, the Bishop of California, TV cook Delia Smith and many others.

One hundred policemen were there, but there was no trouble. It was a good day for everyone. Fans got autographs and kisses from their favourite stars, the shops got a lot of new customers and at the end of the day more than Ј 100,000 went to charity.

Covent Garden is in London.

1.True 2) False 3) Not stated

2.Boy George works in a clothes shop every Saturday.

1.True 2) False 3) Not stated

3.There are only clothes shops in Covent Garden.

1.True 2) False 3) Not stated

4.All the stars were actors and actresses.

1.True 2) False 3) Not stated

5.Kelly Hunter lives near Covent Garden.

1.True 2) False 3) Not stated

Задание 2 Закончите предложения словами much, too many, enough .

1) There are ________________ many ecological problems nowadays.

2) There isn’t _______________ fresh air in the big cities.

3) Have you got ____________ money to buy IPhone 6?

4) Some families don’t have _____________ money to buy expensive things.

5) There are so ________ places I want to visit! For example, Disneyland in Paris.

Задание 3 Откройте скобки , поставив глаголы в Present Perfect Continuous Tense

1.Robert (be) in Orlando for two weeks.

2.Ted (dive) since last year.

3.He (work) at the RAP for two years.

4 .Cindy(work) at the library for five months.

5.Rod( study) lions since he left university.

Задание 4 Вставьте since или for.

Meredith has lived here _________ 1997.

Meredith has lived here _________ eighteen years.

John has had the ball_________ last July.

He has had the ball _________ eight months.

Molly has liked fairy-tales _________ she was a tiny baby.

Задание 5 Выберите верную форму глагола

Everybody . (know/knows) his name.

Everyone . (is/are) happy.

Most people…( go/goes)on holiday in summer.

Everybody . (was/were) at work on time.

Some people(like/likes)going to the cinrma.

Задание 6 Закончите разделительные вопросы, обращая внимание на форму глагола в основной части.

Your sister isn’t married, ……….?

Jack didn’t pass his exams, ……….?

Our love will last forever, ……….?

You have never been to China, ……….?

Sandra has already got up, ……….?

My coffee and croissants are not cold, ……….?

They won’t spend all their money, ……….?

Tim is fond of table tennis, ……….?

This palace was built in the 16 th century, ……….?

Задание 7 Раскройте скобки*

I wish I __________ (be) taller so that I could be in the basketball team.

The Browns live in the city, but they wish they ________ (live) in the suburbs.

Mike didn’t go to college after school. Now, he wishes he ________ (go) to college.

I wish you ________ (stop) watching TV while I am talking to you.

I wish I __________ (know) someone to whom I could have gone for advice when I was 18.

Итоговая контродьная работа по английскому языку для 7 класса

Фамилия, имя__________________________________


Задание 1. Прочитайте статью из газеты и установите соответствие утверждений 1-5 содержанию текста. Отметьте каждое утверждение TRUE, если оно соответствует содержанию текста, FALSE, если оно не соответствует или NOT STATED, если в тексте нет точной информации.

Sleep . sleep . sleep

In a normal life a person sleeps for about twenty-five years. But why do we sleep? The simple answer is: we don't know. We need more sleep when we are young. A baby sleeps for about ten hours. A teenager sleeps for eight and a half hours. And adult sleeps for seven or eight hours. Old people need only five or six hours.

There are two kinds of sleep. When you go to sleep you go into deep sleep. Your temperature falls, your body relaxes, and you breath slowly. After about half an hour you go into active sleep. This is also called rapid eye movement sleep (or REM sleep), because your eyes move. You dream in both deep sleep and REM sleep, but in REM sleep you dream in pictures. If you wake up in REM sleep you can usually remember your dream. Your body spends about twenty minutes in REM sleep and then goes back into deep sleep for an hour.

Do you ever talk or walk in your sleep? People sleepwalk in deep sleep and sleepwalkers do amazing things. They open doors and windows, they ride bicycles and drive cars. They cook, they take a bath or a shower (often in their pyjamas), they shave, they clean their teeth, they get dressed, they dig the garden and other things.

Everyone sleeps for eight hours a night.

1.True 2) False 3) Not stated

2 Teenagers need less sleep than adults.

True 2) False 3) Not stated

3 Some people sleep for only one or two hours.

True 2) False 3) Not stated

4 REM sleep is the same as active sleep.

True 2) False 3) Not stated

5 You only dream in deep sleep.

True 2) False 3) Not stated

Задание 2 Закончите предложения словами much , too many , enough .

1) There are ________________ cars in the streets of big cities.

2) In some african countries kids don’t have_______________textbooks.

3) Thtere’s ____________ pollution in industrial countries.

4) I haven’t got _____________ homework to do this weekend.

5) Have you got ________ money to buy the book!.

Задание 3 Откройте скобки , поставив глаголы в Present Perfect Continuous Tense

1.I(wait) for you since 2 o’clock.

2.My dad (read) the newspaper for 2 hours.

3.Laura ( sleep) since nine o’clock.

4.We(walk) in the park for an hour.

5.I(study) Englishfor five years.

Задание 4 Вставьте since или for.

Steven has been a worker_________ he left school

We have had three tests _________ Tuesday.

The couple have stayed here _________ three days.

I have had my player _________ ten weeks.

Molly has had the player_________ Christmas

Задание 5 Выберите верную форму глагола

1. Nobody . (love/loves) me.

2.Everyone . (was/were) so kind to her.

3.Most people in our class (like/likes) listening to music.

4.Everybody . (need/needs) a good friend.

5.Most people( make/makes) their bed in the morning..

Задание 6 Закончите разделительные вопросы, обращая внимание на форму глагола в основной части.

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