Краткое содержание danny s story

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

I was four months old when my mother died. I was the only child in the family and there were just my father and I. We lived in a gypsy caravan, which my father owned. He washed me and took care of me like any mother would do with her son. But I never was unhappy.
I helped my father in the workshop. His workshop was a stone-made building that he had built by himself.
We earned for living by repairing engines in our workshop. It was a fine workshop, enough big to repair one machine. Although we had electric lights in the workshop, we were not allowed to have them in the caravan as it was dangerous. So we got our heat and light in the same way as the gypsies had done years ago.
We had a wood-burning stove and we used to make stew with it. We had all the furniture and all comforts we needed.
I really liked to live in that caravan. I really liked father's stories. And no doubt, my father was the best father any boy ever had.
If you don't know my father well, you may think he was serious. But he wasn't. He is was actually a lot of fun. But he never smiled with his mouth. He had bright blue eyes and when he thought of something funny, you could see a golden light dancing in the middle of each eye. I can't say my father was an educated, I doubt he had read many books in his life, but he was an excellent storyteller. He always told me bedtime stories. The best stories were turned into serials and went on many nights running.

Моя фамилия Петров. Я живу в центре Москвы. Я работаю в Министерстве Иностранных дел. Я - инженер, а так же я студент . Многие инженеры в нашем Министерстве учат иностранные языки. Я учу английский. Мы учим английский по утрам.
Мы сейчас на уроке. Джейн стоит у доски. Она пишет предложение на английском. Мы не пишем . Мы смотрим на доску .
Мы не часто пишем в классе . Иногда бывют диктанты . На уроке мы читеам тексты и делаем много упражнений . Мы не часто разговариваем по-русски в классе . Мы общаемся на английском с нашим учителем . Мы обычно общаемся на русском языке после уроков .
Как Ваша фамилия ? Моя фамилия-Смирнов.
Где Вы работаете? Я работаю в офисе.
Чем Вы занимаетесь ? Я- инженер.
Вы учите французский? Нет, я учу английский.
Когда у вас обычно бывает английский ? По вечерам
Вы сейчас на уроке ? Нет

1. helmet
2. bicycle
3. handbag
4. digital camera
5. taddy bear

1. This is a basketball and this is a cap.
2. This is a scateboard and this is a watch.
3. These are gloves and these are trainers.
4. This is a guitar and this is a scarf.

1. These are dolls
2. That are buses
3. These are foxes
4. These are leaves
5. That are the brushes
6. These are men
7. These are toys
8. These are mice

21 - twenty one
32 - thirty two
43 - fourty three
54 - fifty four
65 - sixty five
76 - seventy six
87 - eighty seven
98 - ninety eight
20 - twenty

I was four months old when my mother died. I was the only child in the family and there were just my father and I. We lived in a gypsy caravan, which my father owned. He washed me and took care of me like any mother would do with her son. But I never was unhappy.
I helped my father in the workshop. His workshop was a stone-мейд building that he had built by himself.
We earned for living by repairing engines in our workshop. It was a fine workshop, enough big to repair one machine. Although we had electric lights in the workshop, we were not allowed to have them in the caravan as it was dangerous. So we got our heat and light in the same way as the gypsies had done years ago.
We had a wood-burning stove and we used to make stew with it. We had all the furniture and all comforts we needed.
I really liked to live in that caravan. I really liked father's stories. And no doubt, my father was the best father any boy ever had.
If you don't know my father well, you may think he was serious. But he wasn't. He is was actually a lot of fun. But he never smiled with his mouth. He had bright blue eyes and when he thought of something funny, you could see a golden light dancing in the middle of each eye. I can't say my father was an educated, I doubt he had read many books in his life, but he was an excellent storyteller. He always told me bedtime stories. The best stories were turned into serials and went on many nights running.

Краткое содержание текста Dannys Story на Английском Афанасьева, 7 класс.

I was four months old when my mother died.

I was an only child in the family and there were just my father and I.

We lived in a gypsy caravan, which my father owned.

He washed me and took care of me like any mother would do with her son.

I never was unhappy.

I helped my father in the workshop.

His workshop was a stone - made building that he had built by himself.

We earned for living by repairing engines in our workshop.

It was a fine workshop, enough big to repair one machine.

We had a wood - burning stove and we used to make stew with it.

We had all the furniture and all comforts we needed.

I really liked to live in that caravan.

I really liked father's stories.

And no doubt, my father was the best father any boy ever had.

If you don't know my father well, you may think he was serious.

He actually had a lot of fun.

But he never smiled with his mouth.

He had bright blue eyes and when he thought of something funny, you could see a golden light dancing in the middle of each eye.

I can't say my father was an educated, I doubt he had read many books in his life, but he was an excellent storyteller.

He always told me bedtime stories.

The best stories were turned into serials and went on many nights running.

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Перевод текстов по английскому языку 5 класс афанасьева what's the time.

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Помогите пж нужно срочно завтра на английский, нужно принести текст про шотландию 10 предложений, хорошо составленных и полное содержание текста.

(даю 17 баллов)Текст для 6 класса афанасьева.

У меня завтра оценка на четвертную, моогите пж.

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Класс 5 , автор Афанасьева.

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Английский 5 класс автор Афанасьева Михеева страница 61 2часть номер 8.

Можете написать краткое содержание этого текста?

Можете написать краткое содержание этого текста?

Чтобы я выучила его наизусть.

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A story for a Magazine

Текст по английскому, может кто перевести?

Переведите текст по Английскому языку 8 класс, О?

Переведите текст по Английскому языку 8 класс, О.

В. Михеева, Москва "Просвящение" 2013.

Стр. 275 "how I Became a Writer".

I was four months old when my mother died. I was the only child in the family and there were just my father and I. We lived in a gypsy caravan, which my father owned. He washed me and took care of me like any mother would do with her son. But I never was unhappy.
I helped my father in the workshop. His workshop was a stone-made building that he had built by himself.
We earned for living by repairing engines in our workshop. It was a fine workshop, enough big to repair one machine. Although we had electric lights in the workshop, we were not allowed to have them in the caravan as it was dangerous. So we got our heat and light in the same way as the gypsies had done years ago.
We had a wood-burning stove and we used to make stew with it. We had all the furniture and all comforts we needed.
I really liked to live in that caravan. I really liked father’s stories. And no doubt, my father was the best father any boy ever had.
If you don’t know my father well, you may think he was serious. But he wasn’t. He is was actually a lot of fun. But he never smiled with his mouth. He had bright blue eyes and when he thought of something funny, you could see a golden light dancing in the middle of each eye. I can’t say my father was an educated, I doubt he had read many books in his life, but he was an excellent storyteller. He always told me bedtime stories. The best stories were turned into serials and went on many nights running.

Краткое содержание текста Dannys Story на Английском Афанасьева,7 класс.

I was four months old when my mother died. I was the only child in the family and there were just my father and I. We lived in a gypsy caravan, which my father owned. He washed me and took care of me like any mother would do with her son. But I never was unhappy. I helped my father in the workshop. His workshop was a stone-made building that he had built by himself. We earned for living by repairing engines in our workshop. It was a fine workshop, enough big to repair one machine. Although we had electric lights in the workshop, we were not allowed to have them in the caravan as it was dangerous. So we got our heat and light in the same way as the gypsies had done years ago. We had a wood-burning stove and we used to make stew with it. We had all the furniture and all comforts we needed. I really liked to live in that caravan. I really liked father's stories. And no doubt, my father was the best father any boy ever had. If you don't know my father well, you may think he was serious. But he wasn't. He is was actually a lot of fun. But he never smiled with his mouth. He had bright blue eyes and when he thought of something funny, you could see a golden light dancing in the middle of each eye. I can't say my father was an educated, I doubt he had read many books in his life, but he was an excellent storyteller. He always told me bedtime stories. The best stories were turned into serials and went on many nights running.

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