Гарри поттер сценка для школы на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

- воспитание дружеского отношения между участниками команды.

Форма: игра - квиз ( игра по станциям, викторина)


- маркеры для рисования;

- листы для выполнения заданий;

- русско-английские и англо-русские словари.

Предварительная подготовка:

- подбор материала к внеклассному мероприятию;

- составление сценария и презентации;

- проведение инструктажа с ведущими на станциях;

- составление маршрутных листов, ключей;

- подготовка призов и грамот для награждения победителей и призеров.

Ход мероприятия

Директор школы Хогвартс:

Good afternoon, boys and girls. We welcome you at our competition-quest “A Day at Hogwarts School”!

You should be very friendly and solid today to overcome all our difficulties and prove you are good learners.

Каждой команде предстоит пройти различные испытания и получить ключи, которые вам потребуются на заключительном этапе квеста. На выполнение каждого задания время будет ограничено – 5 минут, поэтому проявите все свои самые лучшие качества – дружелюбие, сплоченность и взаимопомощь, чтобы успешно преодолеть трудности, которые вам встретятся.

А сейчас капитаны команд получите маршрутные листы. Строго следуйте им и внимательно слушайте своих наставников!

Мы верим, что у вас все получится!

We wish you good luck! Let ’ s start !

(Команды идут по станциям согласно маршрутным листам)

Станция 1: Историко - художественная

Good afternoon, boys and girls! How are you?

1. Кто написал книги о Гарри Поттере?

А) Джоан Роулинг

B ) Астрид Линдгрен

C ) Памела Трэверс

Ответ: Джоан Роулинг

2. Сколько раз Гарри одержал победу над Волан-де-Мортом?

3. Как звучит среднее имя Гарри?

Ответ: Джеймс

4. Какого вида шрам есть на лбу у Поттера?

A ) Шрам в виде совы

B ) Шрам в виде звезды

C ) Шрам в виде молнии

Ответ: Шрам в виде молнии

A ) Предмет, в котором заключена часть души тёмного мага

B ) Предмет, в котором заключена память матери Гарри

C ) Хранитель магического подземелья

Ответ: Предмет, в котором заключена часть души тёмного мага

6. Кем был магически защищен Гарри Поттер?

Ответ: Матерью

7. Чего, по мнению директора школы Альбуса Дамблдора, напрочь лишен Гарри Поттер?

Ответ: Эгоизма

8. Как зовут крестного отца Гарри?

B ) Невилл Долгопупс

C ) Северус Снегг

Ответ: Сириус Блэк

9. Какого цвета глаза у Гарри Поттера?

Ответ: Зелёные

10. Сколько праздников в Хогвардсе?

Ответ: Пять

А сейчас давайте порисуем! Будьте внимательны и следуйте инструкциям! (за каждое правильно нарисованное предложение участники получают 1 балл)

Draw a head . Draw two big ears. Draw two big eyes, one big nose and one big mouth. Draw two big teeth. Draw a fat body. Then draw two hands and two legs. Draw a fluffy tail.

Станция 2: Древние руны

Good afternoon, boys and girls! How are you ?

Вопрос: Сколько лет должны обязательно учиться дети в Хогвартсе?

( Ответ: пять)

(если участники правильно отвечают на вопрос, то зарабатывают дополнительные 5 баллов, которые отражаются в маршрутном листе в соответствующей графе)

Данный материал может быть использован во внеклассной работе по английскому языку.

scenariy_teatralizovannoy_postanovki_na_angliyskom_yazyke._garri_potter_i_uznik_azkabana.docx 23.99 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Используя различные методы и приемы работы, я даю своим ученикам возможность прикоснуться к миру иноязычной культуры. Сегодня я хотела бы обратить ваше внимание на такую форму работы как предметная неделя, в случае нашей школы это предметный месяц. Уже в течение нескольких лет мы посвящаем предметный месяц какой-то определенной теме: научные достижения, праздники стран изучаемого языка, заочное путешествие по великим городам мира, литература и искусство. Все учителя иностранного языка принимают активное участие в работе, совместно разрабатывая программу действий. И все проводимые в рамках месяца мероприятия, так или иначе, связаны с выбранной тематикой: будь-то викторины, конкурсы стихов и иллюстраций, конкурсы поделок, нетрадиционные уроки. Это позволяет нам всесторонне освятить тему. Самым значительным событием всегда становится заключительный концерт или театрализованная постановка, которая является результатом огромных усилий и совместного творчества педагогов и учащихся.

“Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban”.

Characters : Действующие лица:

Harry Potter Гарри Поттер

Hogwarts students студенты Хогвартса

professor Dumbledore профессор Дамблдор

professor McGonagall профессор Макгонагалл

professor Trilony профессор Трилони

professor Lupin профессор Люпин

Fat Lady полная Дама

На сцене Рон, Гермиона и другие ребята рассматривают посылку.

Hermione: You can’t open it. It was sent not for you! It is for Harry!

Girl: Oh, come on, Hermione! We’ll just have a look.

Boy: Ron, open it.

Рон разворачивает посылку.

Girl: Wow, it is a new broomstick!

Boy: A new model, Nimbus 2000. The fastest broomstick in the world!

Ron: Harry, I didn’t want to open it. They made me! Показывает на друзей.

Harry: Ron, what’s going on?

Hermione: There is a present for you Harry! A new broomstick.

Ребята вручают метлу Гарри.

Boy: Who has sent it Harry?

Harry: Удивленно рассматривая метлу. I don’t know!

McGonagall: Students, what are doing here? You have lessons.

Ron: Professor McGonagall, somebody has sent a new broomstick for Harry.

McGonagall: And who was it?

Harry: I don’t know, Professor.

McGonagall: Mister Potter, give the broomstick to me. We don’t know who has sent it. It can be dangerous. I will show it to Professor Dumbledore. Гарри медлит. McGonagall: Mister Potter! Макгонагалл возмущенно протягивает руку.

Гарри вздыхает и отдает метлу. Макгонагалл уходит.

Ron: Обращается к друзьям . It is your fault.

Harry: It is very interesting Ron.

Ron: Oh, look! The picture is empty!

Hermione: And where is the Fat Lady?

Girl: The Fat Lady has disappeared!

Children: The Fat Lady has disappeared!

Слышится громкий плач. Появляется полная дама.

Fat Lady: Плачет, обмахивается платком. Oh, Professor! It was so awful, so awful! I was so afraid! Oh, Oh.

Fat Lady: It was him! A horrible man!

McGonagall: What man?

Fat Lady: Sirius Black!

McGonagall: Sirius Black? Here at Hogwarts?

Fat Lady: Yes, right here. Продолжает плакать.

McGonagall: Students, please, follow me!

На сцене сидят студенты Хогвартса в ожидании урока. Все кроме Гермионы. Неожиданно появляется Гермиона.

Ron: Hermione? Where have you been?

Hermione: I was here, Ron.

Ron: No, you weren’t.

Появляется профессор Трилони.

Triloni: Жестикулируя. Dear children at my lessons I’ll teach you how to get a glimpse of the future ! Let your fantasy fly over your mind! Now, take your neighbor’s tea cup and try to predict his future.

Студенты тихо посмеиваются.

Trilony: Обращаясь к одному студенту. What have we here? Заглядывает в чашку. Is your granny healthy?

Student: I hope she is!

Trilony: I wouldn’t be so sure. Обращаясь к Рону. Dear boy, what do you see?

Ron: Сомневаясь. I think Harry has a dog.

Trilony: Aha! And what does it mean?

Ron: Неуверенно. Maybe someone will present him a puppy?

Trilony: Let me see. Забирает у Рона чашку, испуганно обращается к Гарри. Oh, my dear boy, you have Grim.

Hermione: Скептически . Grim is a symbol of death!

Ron: Испуганно . It’s Voldemort, of course! Are you afraid, Harry?

Harry: Пожимает плечами . I don’t know.

Hermione: It is nonsense!

Trilony: Поправляя очки и укоризненно качая головой . Dear girl, you have no fantasy and you learn too much. You haven’t many friends because you are too smart.

Hermione: Возмущенно вскакивает. I don’t believe you. I think your subject is very, …. very stupid! Убегает.

Ron and Harry: Hermione, wait! Уходят.

Trilony: What’s happened? Did I say something wrong?

Трилони растеряна, остальные студенты поднимаются и уходят.

Harry: Professor, teach me please how to fight against Dementors.

Harry: But you turned Dementor out of the train.

Lupin: He was alone, Harry.

Harry: I don’t want to be afraid of Dementors.

Lupin: All right! You must use “Patronus”. But it is not very easy. Concentrate! Наводит волшебную палочку на ящик . Dementor!

(Based on the book Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J. K. Rowling)

Пьеса была поставлена учениками 6-го, 10-го и 11-го классов в театральной студии “Happy English” школы № 554. В 2006 году ребята стали лауреатами 3-й степени конкурса “Юные таланты Московии” в номинации “Театральные постановки на английском языке”. Постановка длилась около 40 минут и имела большой успех. Большинство детей читали книгу Дж.К. Роуллинг “Гарри Поттер и тайная комната” и хорошо понимали то, что происходило на сцене, несмотря на довольно сложный текст. Действие первой сцены начинается с Рождества, когда Леди в Розовом и Почти Безголовый Ник с грустью вспоминают первый день учебного года – приезд замечательного профессора Локхарта (сцены 2 и 3). Действие 4-й и последующих сцен возвращают нас к событиям второй половины учебного года.

Students of Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (girls and boys of about 12 years old):

Ginny Weasley, Ronald’s sister

Katie Brown, Ginny’s friend

Collin Creevey, a student, who likes taking photos of everybody, always with a camera

Draco Malfoy

Teachers of Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry:

Prof. Dumbledore, the headmaster of the school, an old man with a long white beard

Prof. McGonagall, an energetic and elegant lady in a hat and mantle

Prof. Snape, a sulky man in a dark mantle

Prof. Lockhart, a handsome man with a brilliant smile

The Lady in Pink, madam in the portrait, likes singing

Moaning Myrtle, the ghost of a dead girl, lives in the girls’ toilet

Tom Riddle – Lord Voldemort

Nearly Headless Nick, the ghost (a puppet, made from paper, plastic and a balloon, sounded from out the stage)

На переднем плане в золоченой раме сидит Леди в Розовом.

На заднем плане висит полупрозрачная кукла Почти Безголового Ника.

Появляется проф. Дамблдор.

Nearly Headless Nick (Nick): Christmas! It is Christmas again! I like this holiday. It’s always connected with our best wishes.

Prof. Dumbledore (Prof. D.): Morning Nick! Merry Christmas to you! Is everything calm?

Nick: Yes, I’ve been marching the corridors all night.

Prof. D.: Thank you! Oh, The Lady in Pink is singing. It’s Gendel. She is praying for us.

Леди в Розовом исполняет “Dignare” Генделя.

Prof. D.: Thank you, madam. (уходит).

Nick: It’s fine! Thank you very much! Excellent!

Lady: It’s very kind of you Sir Nick. I hope this Christmas will be really merry. But I can’t forget this awful sign on the wall “The Chamber of secrets has been opened! Enemies of the Heir, BEWARE!” I hope, I’m not an enemy of Slytherin’s heir!

Nick: It doesn’t matter to us – we aren’t alive.

Lady: Yes, (he, he). That’s good. But poor Mrs. Norris, Filtch’s cat… And do you remember that wonderful day when school began? That day, when all students gathered and brilliant Prof. Lockhart appeared. Ah, handsome Prof. Lockhart!

Первый день учебного года. Звучит веселая музыка (из саундтрека к фильму о Гарри Поттере). На переднем плане на столе лежат пачки книг проф. Локхарта. Учителя школы Хогвартс, здороваясь, представляют друг друга. Ученики проходят через раму, вежливо раскланиваясь с Дамой в Розовом.

Prof. D.: Glad to see you Prof. McGonagall. Prof. Snape, how are you?

Prof. McGonagall (Prof. McG.)., Prof. Snape: Morning! Fine, thanks! How were your holidays? (отходят в глубину сцены)

Hermione: Oh, Harry, Ron! Your arrival wasn’t smooth, was it?

Harry: Yes, but we haven’t been expelled. And that is good, Hermione!

Ron: Look! My wand! It’s broken! What shall I do in classes? (показывает согнутую буквой “Г” волшебную палочку)

Katie: Ginny! I’m so glad to see you here!

Ginny: Ah, Katie, it’s wonderful that we are together again!

Collin: May I take your photo?

Malfoy: Yes, of course. I’m Draco Malfoy, and who are you?

Collin: I’m Collin Creevey.

Malfoy: Oh! Another Mudblood in our school! Awful!

Prof. Lockhart (Prof. L.).: Welcome everybody! Oh, Prof. Dumbledore! How do you do?

Prof. D.: Glad to see you in our school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We hope our students will enjoy your lessons of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Prof. L.: No doubt! But first I’d like to introduce myself. Me, Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honourary Member of the Dark Force Defense League and Five times winner of Weekly’s Most-Charming-Smile Award! I hope you’ve all bought a complete set of my books and…

Ron: He is mad if he thinks we have read them all.

Prof. L.: What do you mean? Oh! It can’t be Harry Potter! (вытаскивает Гарри из толпы учеников). Together, you and I are worth the front page! Nice big smile, Harry! Ladies and gentlemen! What an extraordinary moment this is! And Harry Potter, he not only gets my signature on my autobiography Magical me, but gets the whole book free of charge! Smile, Potter, smile. (впихивает Гарри стопку своих книг и грубо отталкивает его) And now ladies and gentlemen, follow me and I’ll sign your books! (уходит, за ним с книгами бегут все девочки и проф. МакГонагалл)

Prof. D.: Prof. McGonagall, what do you think? (оглядывается, смотрит на проф. Снэйпа, они оба с удивлением разводят руками и уходят)

Девочки возвращаются.

Malfoy: Famous Harry Potter. Can’t even come to school without making the front page!

Ginny: Leave him alone, he didn’t want all that.

Malfoy: Potter, you’ve got yourself a girlfriend. Red hair and old second hand robe. Of course it’s Ginny Weasley.

Harry: Shut up, Malfoy!

Katie: You are just jealous!

Malfoy: Jealous? Of what? I’m not like Ron Weasley, who might sell Potter’s photo. I think it would be worth more than his family’s whole house!

Ron: Eat slugs Malfoy! (наступает на него, хватая за рукав)

Malfoy: Crabbe, Goyle! Where are you? Quick, come here! (вырывается, оглядывается в испуге)

Рон и Малфой вынимают палочки. Гермиона кидается между ними, но потом отскакивает назад.

Hermione: Stop it, you mustn’t! It’s forbidden!

Ron: Eat slugs! (роняет сломанную палочку, хватается за живот и падает на колени)

Malfoy: (смеясь, поднимает палочку Рона, затем кидает её с пренебрежением) Look at his wand! Poor family! His parents can’t buy a new wand! Ha-ha!

Collin: (пытается сфотографировать Рона) Can you hold him still, Harry?

Harry: Get out of the way, Collin! (уходят)

Выходят Джинни с Кэти. У Джинни в руках толстая клеенчатая тетрадь.

Ginny: What a strange diary! It’s so old!

Katie: Ginny, what is it? Whose diary is it?

Ginny: I don’t know, it’s empty.

Katie: So, you can take pieces of paper out of it and write messages to … to Harry!

Ginny: Oh, no!

Katie: But you like him.

Ginny: Everybody likes him. He is so brave, so clever. But he isn’t going to notice me, I see. (уходят)

Леди в Розовом сидит в раме, на заднем плане – привидение Почти Безголового Ника. Воспоминания закончились. Опять время Рождества.

Lady: Oh, Sir Nick, it was a wonderful time. But then everything changed. A horrible monster attacked a poor cat near the girl’s toilet, where little Moaning Myrtle lives.

Nick: Monster? But nobody has seen him yet. Some students think that it’s Harry Potter who…

Вбегает Кэти.

Katie: Evening dear Lady, hello Sir Nick! Have you seen Ginny Weasley?

Lady: She has just gone out. But, why? I think you aren’t friends now.

Katie: Oh, yes. I don’t know what has happened to her. She never talks to me. She has become so sad and always keeps quiet.

Появляются Гермиона, Рон и Гарри.

Hermione: Ron, do you hear? She is speaking about your sister.

Ron: Oh, girls! They are sometimes so silly!

Hermione: Don’t say that! Katie, how is Ginny?

Katie: Who knows? She is always reading her diary. And one night I saw her leaving our dormitory.

Hermione: And where did she go?

Katie: I don’t know – I was afraid to follow her at night. Maybe she had a date with Harry…

Harry: Me. Are you mad?

Гарри в возмущении делает несколько шагов к Кэти. Она испуганно отскакивает, полагая, как многие, что он Монстр, убивший кошку Филча миссис Норис.

Katie: Don’t touch me.

Harry: Why?! I don’t want to touch you at all!

Katie: Don’t come close to me – I’m – I’m afraid of you! I don’t want to be like Mrs. Norris! (убегает)

Ron: Don’t pay attention to it, Harry! All girls are stupid!

Hermione: All?

Ron: Well, you are an exception…

Hermione: Thanks! I think we should go to Moaning Myrtle. Her toilet is near that place where Mrs. Norris was attacked.

Ron: Oh, there is no exception! How can we, boys, go to girls toilet?

Hermione: Don’t worry! It’s been out-of-order for a long time cause Moaning Myrtle lives there. (уходят)

Туалет Плачущей Миртл: несколько нарисованных раковин. “Выплывает” девочка в белом – привидение Плачущей Миртл.

Myrtle: (плача) Nobody likes me! Everybody lies to me! Behind my back they call me fat Myrtle! Ugly Myrtle! Miserable, moaning, moping Myrtle! O-o-oh!

Hermione: Hello, Myrtle! How are you?

Myrtle: They are not girls! They can’t be here!

Hermione: But I just wanted to show them how – er – nice it is in here…

Harry: (громким шепотом Гермионе) Ask her if she saw anything…

Myrtle: What are you whispering?

Harry: Nothing…

Myrtle: I wish people would stop talking behind my back. I do have feelings though I – I’m dead.

Hermione: Myrtle, no one wants to upset you! We’d like to ask you if you saw anything funny that night, maybe you know who attacked the cat…

Myrtle: I wasn’t paying attention; I was so upset that I tried to kill myself… But then I remembered that I’m – I’m…

Ron: …already dead!

Myrtle: Oh! (заливается слезами и уходит)

Hermione: Let’s go! Good bye, Myrtle! It was very kind of you to talk to us. (уходят)

Холл. Висит большой плакат о первом занятии Дуэльного клуба. Появляется проф. МакГонагалл, смотрит на плакат и, мечтая о проф. Локхарте, идёт к пианино.

Prof. McG.: There is still a man, isn’t there? (начинает играть Сентиментальный вальс Чайковского)

Выбегают Джинни и Гермиона и начинают танцевать. Гарри и Рон смотрят на них, стоя с краю. Через некоторое время, сначала тихо, а потом все громче и громче, полностью перекрывая вальс, звучит страшная музыка Василиска (из саундтрека к “Властелину колец” – тема битвы). На её фоне раздается хриплый, жестокий голос Василиска.

Basilisk: Come, come to me, let me rip you, let me tear you, let me kill you! I’ve been hungry for so long…, kill… time to kill! I smell blood…

Его слышит только Гарри, поэтому проф. МакГонагалл продолжает играть, девочки танцевать, а Рон – смотреть на танец. Гарри медленно делает круг по сцене, вглядываясь в предполагаемую стену, затем в ужасе сжимает голову руками, опускаясь на пол. К нему подбегают девочки и Рон.

Harry: Stop! Listen!

Hermione, Ron: What do you mean? I couldn’t hear anything! Harry, what are we…?

Harry: Shhh… It’s very strange you couldn’t hear it! I don’t know what it is, but it is going to kill someone! Do you think I should tell the teachers about that voice I heard?

Ron: No. Hearing voices no one else can hear isn’t a good sign even in the wizarding world.

Harry: But you do believe me, don’t you?

Ron, Hermione: …Yes, yes, of course.

Hermione: We’d better get to Dueuing Club now! (показывает на плакат)

Ginny: Do you think Slytherin’s heir can duel?

Ron: Could be useful.

Hermione: I wonder who’ll be teaching.

Появляется проф. Локхарт.

Harry: (замечая проф. Локхарта) Oh, no!

Prof. L.: Thanks a lot, that you let me start this little Duelling Club to train our students. (отходит в сторону, к нему подбегают девочки)

Prof. McG. (to Prof. D.): I think it could be rather useful…

Prof. D.: Mmm, I can’t agree with you, Minerva. I’m afraid it’ll turn into a vulgar fight between students.

Prof. McG.: But Professor! Haven’t you read a story by Lockhart about his last duel? Isn’t it marvellous?

Prof. D.: Yes, I have… You have a point there. That case was really wonderful. And who will be his assistant?

Prof. McG.: I’ve heard Prof. Snape will.

Prof. D.: Oh, that’s good. In that case I won’t worry – Prof. Snape is so skillful! So, Minerva, I have to go… But I ask you to monitor the situation. (уходит)

Появляется проф. Снэйп.

Prof. L.: Gather round, gather round! Can everyone see me? Can you all hear me? Excellent! Let me introduce my assistant, Prof. Snape. He has sportingly agreed to help me with a short demonstration before we begin. But I don’t want any of you to worry – you’ll still have your Potions Master when I’m through with him, never fear!

Ron: Wouldn’t it be good if they finished each other off?

Prof. L.: On the count of three, we will cast our first spells. (раскланивается с проф. Снэйпом, затем они расходятся и начинают медленно сходиться, направив волшебные палочки друг на друга)

Prof. McG.: One, two, three!

Prof. Snape: Expelliarmus! (хлопок)

Проф. Локхарт подскакивает и падает.

Prof. L.: (поднимаясь) That was a Disarming Charm – as you see I’ve lost my wand – ah, thank you, Miss Brown. Yes, an excellent idea to show them that, Prof. Snape. It was quite obvious what you were about to do. If I had wanted to stop you, it would have been only too easy. Oh! Enough demonstrating!

Prof. Snape: Let’s have a volunteer pair. How about Malfoy and Potter?

Prof. L.: Excellent idea!

Малфой и Гарри приветствуют друг друга волшебными палочками и расходятся.

Malfoy: Scared?

Harry: You wish!

Проф. Снэйп шепчет что-то Малфою.

Prof. L.: Three, two, one – go!

Malfoy: (раньше времени) Serpensortia! (хлопок)

Из коробки появляется громадная кобра – ею управляют с помощью палки из-за ширмы.

Prof. Snape: Don’t move, Potter! I’ll get rid of it…

Prof. L.: Allow me! Expe…

Раздаётся звук выстрела, змея падает, но потом поднимается и грозно нависает над Колином, сидящим на корточках с фотоаппаратом. Гарри идёт к змее и шипит.

Harry: Schhhh… (звучат записанные из фильма слова Гарри на змеином языке. Змея, покачиваясь, опускается в коробку)

Prof. Snape: Escapalus! (Змея исчезает)

Collin (to Harry): What do you think you are playing at? (убегает)

Все с ужасом смотрят на Гарри. Проф. Снэйп поворачивает его к себе за плечи, пристально глядя в лицо.

Prof. McG.: Harry? What have you said?

Prof. Snape: He’s a Parselmouth like Salasar Slytherin. It’s very strange…

Prof. McG.: Oh, Harry! Prof. Snape, could I have a word with you? (уходит с проф. Снэйпом)

Harry: I am a what?

Ron: A Parselmouth! You can talk to snakes!

Harry: So? I bet loads of people here can do it.

Ron: Oh, no! They can’t. It’s not a very common gift, Harry. This is bad!

Hermione: It matters because being able to talk to snakes was what Salasar Slytherin was famous for.

Ron: And now the whole school’s going to think you’re his great-great-great-grandson or something!

Harry: But I’m not!

Hermione: It’s hard to prove. He lived a thousand years ago and so you could be. Besides, nobody could understand what exactly you said! (уходят)

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Harry Porter

Scene 1

(Слайд 1, заставка Harry Potter , музыка)

(Слайд 2, дом)



Aunt : Up! Get up! Now! ( Слайд 3, чулан , музыка )

Dudley : Wake up, cousin! We’re going to the Zoo!

Aunt : Here he come the birthday boy. Happy birthday, son!

( to Harry ) Cook breakfast. And try not to burn anything.

Harry : Yes, aunt Petunia. ( Слайд 4, кухня , музыка )


Aunt : I want everything to be perfect! For my Dudley`s special day!

Uncle : Hurry up! Bring my coffee, boy.

Harry : Yes, uncle Vernon.

Aunt : Aren`t they wonderful, darling?

Dudley: How many are there?

Uncle: 36. Counted them myself.

Dudley : 36?! But last year I had 37.

Uncle: But some are bigger than last year` s

Dudley: I don`t care how big they are!

Aunt: This is what we are going to do. We`re going to buy two new presents. How`s that, pumpkin?

Aunt: It should be a lovely day at the zoo. I`m really looking forward to it.

Uncle ( to Harry ): I`m warning to you now, boy. Any funny business, any at all. and you won`t have any meals for a week. Get in. ( Слайд 5, зоопарк , музыка )


Everyone is looking at the snake.

Dudley : Make it move.

Uncle ( knocks the glass): Move!

Harry : He`s asleep!

Dudley : He`s boring . ( Слайд 6, ящерица , музыка )


Aunt, uncle and Dudley go away.

Harry ( to the snake ): Sorry about him. He doesn`t understand what it`s like lying there. watching people press their ugly faces in on you.

(In surprise ) Can you hear me? It`s just, I`ve never talked to a snake before. Do you. Do you talk to people often? You`re from Burma, aren`t you? Was it nice there? Do you miss your family? I see. That`s me as well. I never knew my parents either.

Dudley : Mummy, Dad you won`t believe what this snake is doing! ( pushes Harry. Harry falls. Harry looks at him ant the glass disappears. Dudley falls. Harry smiles.) Mum! Mummy! Help me!

Aunt : My darling, boy! How did you get in there? Who did this? How did you get in there? Is there a snake?

Aunt : It`s all right, sweetheart. We`ll get you out of these cold clothes.

Uncle ( to Harry ): What happened?

Harry : I swear I don`t know. The glass was there and then it was gone, like magic.

Uncle : There`s no such thing as magic.

( Слайд 7, гостиная , музыка )

Aunt : And smile! Vernon, just look at him! I can’t believe it! In just a week, he will be off to Smeltings

Uncle: Caveat Smeltonia. Proudest moment of my life.

Harry : Will I have to wear that too?

Aunt: What? You? Go to Smeltings? (All laugh) Don’t be so stupid! You are going to go to the state school where you belong. This is what you`ll going to wearing, when I finish dyeing it.

Harry : That`s Dudley`s old uniform. It`ll fit me like bits of old elephant skin.

Aunt: It`ll fit you well enough. Go get the post.

Letter : Mr. H. Porter.

The cupboard under the stairs.

4, Privet Drive

Little Whining

Dudley : Dad, look! Harry`s got a letter.

Harry: Hey, give it back. It`s mine!

Uncle : (laugh) Yours? Who`d be writing to you? ( сова бросает письма и дядя их рвет ) No more mail through this box.

( Hagrid appears ) (Слайд 8, дом на острове, музыка 1)


Hagrid : Sorry about that.

Uncle : I demand that you leave at once, Sir! You are breaking and entering!

Hagrid : Dry up, Dursley, you great prune. (Музыка 2)

Mind I haven`t seen you since you was a baby, Harry. But you are a bit more along than I would expected. Particularly` round the middle.

Dudley : I`m not Harry.

Harry: I`m. ( Музыка 1)

Hagrid : Well, of course you are. Got something for you. Afraid I might have sat on it at some point, but I imagine it`ll taste fine just the same baked it myself, words and all.

Harry :( opens the box with the cake) Thank you. ( Слайд 9, торт , музыка )


Hagrid : It`s not every day that your young man turns 11, now is it?

Harry : Excuse me, who are you?

Hagrid : Rubeus Hagrid, keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts. Of course, you know all about Hogwarts.

Harry : Sorry , no .

Hagrid : No? Blimey(blaimi), harry, didn`t you ever wonder where your mum and dad learned it all?

Harry: Learnt what?

Hagrid : You`re a wizard, Harry.

Hagrid: A wizard. And a thumping good one, I1d wager once you`re trained up little.

Harry : No, you`re made a mistake. I mean. I can`t be a wizard. I mean, I`m just Harry. Just Harry.

Hagrid : Well, just Harry, did you ever make anything happen? Anything you couldn`t explain when you were angry or scared? ( gives him the letter ):

Dear Mr. Porter. We`ve pleased to inform you. that you have accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy.

Uncle: He will not be going there! We swore when we took him in we`d put a stop to all this rubbish.

Harry : You knew? You knew all along and you never told me?

Aunt : Of course we knew. How could you not be? My perfect sister being who she was .My mother and father were so proud when she got her letter. We have a witch in the family. Isn`t it wonderful? I was the only one to see her for what she was. A freak! Then she met that Porter, and then she had you. and I knew you would be the same. Just as strange, just as abnormal. And then she got herself blown up, and we got landed with you.

Harry : Blown up? You told me my parents died in a car crush!

Hagrid : A car crush? A car crush killed Lily and James Potter?

(Dudley takes the box with a cake )

Aunt : We had to say something.

Hagrid : It’s an outrage. A scandal!

Uncle : He’ll not be going.

Hagrid : A great Muggle like you is going to stop him?

Harry : Muggle?

Hagrid : Non-magic folk. This boy’s has his name down since he were born.

(Dudley is eating the cake )

Hagrid : He’s going to the finest school of Witchcraft and Wizardy. He’ll be under the finest headmaster Hogwarts has seen, Albus Dumbledore.

Uncle : I will not pay to have a crackpot old foot teach him magic tricks.

Hagrid : Never insult Albus Dumbledore. in front of me.

( Points Dudley and he has a pig tail)

Hagrid : ( Looks at his watches) We’re a bit behind schedule. Best be off.

( At the railway station ) ( Слайд 10, вывеска 9 ¾, музыка )


Hagrid: I`m gonna have to leave you. Dumbledore will be waiting his – to see me. Your train leaves in 10 minutes. Here`s your ticket. Stick to your ticket, that`s very important.

Harry: “Platform 9 and ¾”? But Hagrid, there must be a mistake. This says platform 9 and ¾. There`s no such thing, is there?

(Harry doesn`t see Hagrid)

(Перестановка декораций, слайд 11, поезд, музыка)


(In the train) ( Слайд 12, поезд едет , музыка )


Ron: Excuse me. Do you mind? Everywhere else is full..

Harry: Not at all.

Ron : I`m Ron, by the way. Ron Weasley . (Слайд 13, купе, музыка)


Harry: I`m Harry. Harry Porter.

Ron: (surprised)So it`s true! I mean, do you really have the.

Harry: The what?

Ron : The scar.

(Harry shows him the scar) . Wicked! (wikid)

Woman with sweets : Anything of the trolley, dears?

Ron : No, thanks. I`m all set.

Harry : We`ll take the lot. ( Looks at the box) Are they real frogs?

Ron : It`s a spell. You want the cards. Each pack`s got a famous witch or wizard. I`ve got about 500 myself.

Harry : ( Harry opens the box) I`ve got Dumbledore!

Ron: I got about six of him.

Harry : Hey! He`s gone.

Ron : You can`t expect him to hang around all day, can you? ( Look at the rat) Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow. Want to see?

Harry: Yeah! (Ron takes a stick)

Hermione appears. Ron takes his magic stick.

Hermione: Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville`s lost one.

Hermione : Oh, are you doing magic? Let`s seen then.

Ron : Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow. Turn this stupid fat rat yellow.

(nothing happens )

Hermione: Are you sure that`s a real spell? Well, it`s not very good, is it? I`ve only tried a few simple ones myself . but they all worked for me.

(Sits down opposite Harry. Takes her magic stick.)

Hermione : For example. Ocukes Reparo. That`s better, isn`t it? Holy cricket, you`re Harry Porter! I`m Hermione Granger. And you`re .

Ron: I`m Ron Weasley.

Hermione: Pleasure. You two better change into robes. I expect we`ll be arriving soon. You`ve got dirt on your nose. Did you know?

Scene 6

(Перестановка декораций, слайд 14, замок, музыка)


На сцене сидят студенты Хогвартса в ожидании урока. Все кроме Гермионы. Неожиданно появляется Гермиона.

Ron: Hermione? Where have you been? (Слайд 15, столы и чашки, музыка)

Hermione: I was here, Ron.

Ron: No, you weren’t.

Появляется профессор Трилони.

Harry : Quiet ! (Слайд 16, самовар, музыка)

Triloni: Жестикулируя . Dear children at my lessons I’ll teach you how to get a glimpse( заглянуть ) of the future ! Let your fantasy fly over your mind! Now, take your neighbor’s tea cup and try to predict his future.

Студенты тихо посмеиваются.

Trilony: Обращаясь к одному студенту. What have we here? Заглядывает в чашку . Is your granny healthy?

Student: I hope she is!

Trilony : I wouldn’t be so sure. Обращаясь к Рону . Dear boy, what do you see?

Ron: Сомневаясь . I think Harry has a dog.

Trilony: Aha! And what does it mean?

Ron: Неуверенно . Maybe someone will present him a puppy?

Trilony: Let me see. Забирает у Рона чашку, испуганно обращается к Гарри. Oh, my dear boy, you have Grim.

Ron: What?

Hermione: Скептически . Grim is a symbol of death!

Ron: Испуганно . It’s Voldemort, of course! Are you afraid, Harry?

Harry: Пожимает плечами . I don’t know .

Hermione: It is nonsense!

Trilony: Поправляя очки и укоризненно качая головой. Dear girl, you have no fantasy and you learn too much. You haven’t many friends because you are too smart.

Hermione: Возмущенно вскакивает . I don’t believe you. I think your subject is very, …. very stupid! Убегает .

Ron and Harry: Hermione, wait! Уходят .

Trilony: What’s happened? Did I say something wrong?

Трилони растеряна, остальные студенты поднимаются и уходят.


Harry : Professor, teach me please how to fight against Dementors .

Lupin: I can’t.

Harry: But you turned Dementor out of the train.

Lupin: He was alone, Harry .

Harry: I don’t want to be afraid of Dementors.

Lupin: All right! You must use “Patronus”. But it is not very easy. Concentrate ! Наводит волшебную палочку на ящик. Dementor ! (Музыка 1)

Появляется дементор.

Dementor : Uh, uh, uh …….

Harry: Шепчет . Expecto, Expecto,….

Dementor: Uh, uh, uh, uh….

Гарри падает в обморок. Дементор исчезает в ящике. Люпин помогает Гарри.

Lupin: Harry! Here, eat some chocolate. It will help you.

Harry: Съедает шоколад и поднимается. I want to try again.

Lupin: Think about something good. You must be strong. Ready?

Harry : Решительно. Yes ! (Музыка 1)

Lupin : Dementor !

Появляется дементор.

Dementor : Uh, uh, uh, uh.

Harry: Кричит . Expecto Patronum! ( Музыка 2)

Дементор вздыхает и исчезает .

Lupin: You did it Harry, a good boy!

Harry: Yes, but I am very tired.

Lupin: OK. We’ll try again next time. You are a very brave boy!

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

(Справа за кулисами находятся:Conductor, McGonnagan, Black Lord, Harry,Hermione, Ron).

(Слева за кулисами находятся следующие персонажи: Winky, Peeves, Malfoy, Doctor, Hagrid, Author).

Звучит первый музыкальный фрагмент: Вступление из к.ф. Гарри Поттер.

Author (стоит слева на сцене): Hello! Our performance “The

Philosopher’s Stone” is beginning. We are going to tell

you about Harry Potter.

(выходит Гарри Поттер и стоит с печальным

He is eleven and he lives at

Privet Drive in Little Winging in his aunt’s family. He

is a typical boy, but he has not got a mother and a

father and he does not remember them. He does not

know what happened to his family. He is not happy

in his aunt’s family. He does all the housework there.

One day on his birthday he meets a man.

(Показывает рукой на левую кулису. Выходят

Hagrid с волшебной палочкой в руке и Harry.)

Hagrid: Hi! My name is Hagrid. I’m a gamekeeper at Hogwarts.

I’m your real friend. I knew your mother and your

father very well. They were wizards. Everybody

respected them. They were very famous. Do you know

that you re a wizard too?

Hagrid: You should go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and

Wizardry to study there. What are you wearing?

Harry: My clothes.

Hagrid: Put on your wizard’s clothes and take this magic wand.

(размахивает волшебной палочкой)

Let’s go or we will miss the train to Hogwarts.

Everybody likes you there. They are waiting for you.


( на сцену из правой кулисы выходит Ron с мячом и тремя

билетами на поезд)

Author: Harry Potter goes to the railway station to get a train

to the magic school in Hogwarts. But he cannot find

platform nine and three quarters and Hagrid has gone.

Harry: Excuse me?

Harry: Could you tell me how to get to platform nine and three

Ron: Of course. Go through this secret entrance.

Harry: What’s your name?

Ron: My name is Ron Weasley. I’d like to be your friend.

I will learn at Hogwarts. It’s my first year there. Have

you got a brother or a sister?

Harry: No, I haven’t.

Ron: And I’ve got five brothers and a sister.

Harry: You are lucky!

(уносят плакат с платформой)

( поют песню, перекидывая мяч)

Harry: We met on Sunday

Ron (кидая мяч): The first of July

Harry: We talked on Monday

Ron: The second of July

Harry: We smiled on Tuesday

Ron: The third of July.

Harry: We laughed on Wednesday

Ron: The fourth of July

Harry: On Sunday we met and on Monday we talked

Ron: On Tuesday we smiled and on Wednesday we laughed

Author: Harry and Ron become friends. They are meeting

Hermione, their future classmate.

( из правой кулисы выходит Гермиона)

Hermione: Hi! I’m Hermione Granger. I know you. You

are Ron Weasley and you’re Harry Potter.

( второй муз. фрагмент.Танец Гермионы, Рона и Гарри.)

Harry: How do you know our names?

Hermione: Ron! You’ve got red hair like your brothers. And

you Harry, have a special scar on your forehead.

Harry! You’re very famous in the wizard world.

Your parents were killed by the evil Black Lord,

Volan de Mort. He brought misery to the world

some time ago. Nobody knows where he is now.

I believe he is still alive. He waits for his chance.

He is very dangerous.

(третий музыкальный фрагмент: прибытие поезда.

Кондуктор и Черный Лорд выносят три стула для поезда)

Ron: Look! The train is coming! We are leaving for Hogwarts

(садятся на стулья. Кондуктор дает свисток 3 раза)

Conductor: Welcome! Take your seats, please. Show me your

( показывают билеты кондуктору) Ok. Thanks.

(кондуктор читает стихотворение)

Train is a-coming, oh yes,

Train is a-coming, oh yes,

Better get your ticket, oh yes,

Better get your ticket, oh yes,

Room for many more, oh yes,

Room for many more, oh yes,

Train is a-leaving, oh yes,

Train is a-leaving, oh yes,

Conductor: We have arrived at Hogwarts!

( уходит и уносит стулья)

( звучит четвертый музыкальный фрагмент тема из к/ф)

( кондуктор справа из кулис выносит плакат: Замок)

( слева Hagrid выносит плакат: Лес)

Author: At Hogwarts our friends are going to meet new school,

teachers, and of course, new knowledge.

Ron: Oh! It’s great here! Look Harry! (показывает на

плакаты) It’s the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid’s Cottage,

the Magic Lake and the Castle. Do you know that

magic creatures live here? Peeves is a poltergeist, and

Winky is a house elf.

( слева выходят, подпрыгивая, Peeves и Winky с конфетами)

Peeves: Hi! I’m Peeves. And you re our new pupils. Oh, Harry!

You are not very clever. You should study a lot to

become a real magician.

Winky: I’m Winky a house elf. I can make some magic.

Harry: What are you wearing?

Winky: I’m wearing an apron and I’ve got this tablespoon.

Taste our magic candies “every flavor beans”

(подает каждому конфету)

Ron: They taste bitter!

Harry: Ugh! My bean has an sour taste.

Hermione: Mine tastes sweet!

(кондуктор выносит справа стол с колбами)

(справа выходит McGonnagal)

McGonnagal: Good evening, to our new pupils! I’m

Professor McGonnagal. I’teach mystical things

at Hogwarts School. Leave your bags here

and go up to the hall to celebrate the

beginning of the new school year.

(слева выходит Malfoyrina)

Malfoyrina: Hi! My name is Malfoyrina. Oh, Ron Weasley!

And you must be Harry Potter! Poor thing!

You haven’t got a mother and a father. Don’t

you know that the Black Lord killed them

because they were weaker and less intelligent

Harry: Stop talking! You won’t be my friend because

Hermione: (хватаясь за голову) I have got a headache.

Malfoyrina: Oh, my hand! (показывает картинку большой

McGonnagal: What’s the matter? Oh! Awful! Terrible! Go to

the magic doctor, she will help you.

(уходит McGonnagal, выходит доктор с аптечкой и

Doctor: Hello! I’m Madam Pomfrey. I treat magic

illnesses. Show me your head and your hand.

(меряет температуру Hermione и прослушивает её, дает

Malfoyrine магическое лекарство) Take my magic medicine!

I will cure you for sure.

Hermione: Thanks a lot!

Doctor: Not at all! Be careful with magic diseases!

( Доктор и Мелфойрина уходят в левую кулису)

Hermione: (подходя к Гарри) Harry! I know a magic secret.

In the Castle there is a magic door. Behind

it there are ten rooms. And in the last room

there is the Philosopher’s stone. The Black

Lord can steal it. Let’s go there and prevent

Author: Harry got into the magic room. His friends

helped him. Harry sees a strange person there. Who can it be?


( справа выходит Черный лорд с зеркалом и философским камнем. Говорит, размахивая плащом. На сцене Гарри, Гермиона и Рон)

The Black Lord: I’m the fear in your hearts! I’m the Black

Lord! Harry Potter! I’ve been waiting for

you! I killed your parents and made a scar

on your forehead. I have come to destroy

the world! Look in the mirror!

Harry: I won’t listen to you and look in the mirror!

Oh! The Philosopher’s stone!

(Гарри вытаскивает философский камень из кармана Черного лорда)

The Black Lord: Give it to me! Give it to me! Aaaaa!

Ron and Hermione: Disappear! (Черный лорд быстро

Ron: The Black Lord won’t appear for a long time. He is

Hermione: The evil has been defeated! Harry, you will be a

Harry: Thank you, friends!

Author: Harry, Ron and Hermione are expected by new

(звучит пятый финальный музыкальный фрагмент. Все действующие лица выходят на сцену и кланяются)

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