Торнадо на английском сообщение

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

Торнадо — узкий чудовищно вращающийся столб воздуха, который тянется от грозового облака до земли. Поскольку ветер невидим, вы не всегда можете рассмотреть торнадо. Видимый признак – воронка, состоящая из водяных капель, иногда предметов, на протяжении своего существования торнадо не всегда соприкасается с поверхностью земли. Пыль и мусор во вращающейся воронке также делают торнадо видимым и указывают на положение смерча.

The tornado is a narrow monstrously rotating column of air that stretches from a thundercloud to the ground. Because the wind is invisible, you can not always see a tornado. Visible sign — a funnel, consisting of water droplets, sometimes objects, during its existence the tornado does not always touch the ground. Dust and debris in the rotating funnel also make the tornado visible and indicate the position of the tornado.

A tornado is a tube of very fast going round air that touches the ground. Wind inside the tornado spins extremely fast. A tornado can have wind speeds of over 480 kilometers per hour. But most tornadoes have wind speeds less than 180 kilometers per hour. That's why tornadoes are very dangerous. They are especially dangerous to people in cars or mobile homes. According to statistics nearly 60 people are killed by tornadoes every year. Tornadoes cause a lot of damage to anything in their path. Amazingly tornadoes can happen almost in any part of the world. In the United States, tornados have happened in every state. The centre part of the United States is informally named 'Tornado Alley' because of the large number of tornadoes there.

Торнадо представляет собой трубку из очень быстро вращающегося воздуха, которая касается земли. Ветер внутри торнадо вращается очень быстро. Торнадо может иметь скорость ветра более 480 километров в час. Но большинство торнадо имеют скорость менее чем 180 километров в час. Вот почему торнадо очень опасны. Они особенно опасны для людей в автомобилях или мобильных домах. По данным статистики почти 60 человек погибает от торнадо каждый год. Торнадо наносят большой ущерб всему на своем пути. Удивительно, что торнадо может возникнуть практически в любой части мира. В США, торнадо имели место во всех штатах. Центральную части Соединенных Штатов неофициально называют 'аллея Торнадо' из-за большого количества там торнадо.

Рассказы на английском

Рассказ про торнадо на английском с переводом поможет подготовиться к уроку. Текст про торнадо на английском дополнен интресной информацией.

Сочинение про торнадо на английском

Tornadoes – also known as “twisters” – are violently rotating columns of air that reach from a storm cloud to the earth’s surface.

The winds of a tornado can reach speeds of up to 480km per hour – that’s strong enough to peel the roofs off houses, uproot trees and hurl heavy objects, such as cars, hundreds of metres! Most tornadoes have wind speeds less than 100 miles per hour (161 kilometres per hour).

Tornadoes come in different shapes and sizes. Some may appear as wide funnel-shaped clouds, others as thin rope-like swirls stretching from the ground to the sky.

The duration of tornadoes, and the distance they travel, varies. Most last less than ten minutes and travel five to ten kilometres before disappearing. In extreme cases, however, they can last several hours and cross distances over 150km!

Tornadoes are measured using the Fujita Scale (or F-scale), ranging from F0 to F5, with F5 being the strongest and most destructive.

The deadliest tornado ever recorded was in Bangladesh in 1989. As it travelled through the Dhaka region of the country, more than 20 villages were destroyed and around 1,300 people were killed.

Most of the world’s tornadoes occur in the United States in what’s known as Tornado Alley. Stretching from west Texas to North Dakota, this area can see more than 200 tornadoes each year!

If a tornado occurs over water, it’s called a waterspout.

Not all tornadoes are easy to see. In fact, they can be invisible until they pick up dust and debris, or a cloud forms within the spinning funnel.

In the southern hemisphere tornadoes usually rotate in a clockwise direction.

In the northern hemisphere tornadoes usually rotate in a counterclockwise direction.

The formation of a tornado is so complex that scientists still don’t completely understand it. And what’s more, the unpredictability of tornadoes makes them difficult – and dangerous – to study. A tornado will demolish everything in its path, including measuring equipment. And so, the secrets behind this incredible force of nature are yet to be discovered…

Basements and other underground areas are the safest places to seek refuge during a tornado. It is also a good idea to stay away from windows.

The national weather service has issued a tornado warning, effective until 11 a.m., for north and western.

One we have a tornado warning we know the order is to get that out to the public to let the people know that this is happening.

I want to write about a tornado that comes into our house and blows all the windows out and ruins all the furniture and kills everybody.

The Committee is concerned about the reports regarding the high number of cases of domestic violence in the country.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

What is it tornado? Tornado is very strong, rotating wind. It looks like a fu.

What is it tornado? Tornado is very strong, rotating wind. It looks like a funnel coming down from a storm cloud. When it reaches the ground, a tornado acts like a giant hoover.

Diameter of a funnel can reach 1 – 3 km

Diameter of a funnel can reach 1 – 3 km

Also known as "twisters," they extend downward from the huge clouds of a seve.

Also known as "twisters," they extend downward from the huge clouds of a severe thunderstorm. The winds that rotate within a tornado usually reach a speed of almost 300 miles per hour!

There are about 800 tornadoes a year in the USA

There are about 800 tornadoes a year in the USA

THE MOST TERRIBLE TORNADO! The USA state Oklahoma in 1999

THE MOST TERRIBLE TORNADO! The USA state Oklahoma in 1999

Moore (state Oklahoma) is called "the world capital of the tornado," because.

Moore (state Oklahoma) is called "the world capital of the tornado," because tornadoes happen there with sad regularity

The tornado was rated F5. The speed of wind reached 512 km/h

The tornado was rated F5. The speed of wind reached 512 km/h

Ratings of tornado The numbers from F0 to F5 are rating of tornado wind speed.

Ratings of tornado The numbers from F0 to F5 are rating of tornado wind speed. The letter F comes from the name of Dr Ted Fujita, the scientist who created the scale for classifying tornadoes

Diameter of a funnel was 3 km and zone of destructions consisted 27 km

Diameter of a funnel was 3 km and zone of destructions consisted 27 km

There was also a case of five railway coaches, each weighing 70 tons, lifted.

There was also a case of five railway coaches, each weighing 70 tons, lifted from their tracks

Tornado brought heavy destructions. Hospital and two schools were destroyed.

Tornado brought heavy destructions. Hospital and two schools were destroyed. Ninety people were killed and two hundred were injured.

Directed by Nekhorosheva Oksana Screenplay by Katkova Yulya and Polukhina Yu.

Directed by Nekhorosheva Oksana Screenplay by Katkova Yulya and Polukhina Yulya 7 class MBOU “Solgonskaya SOSH”

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