The olympic flame сообщение

Обновлено: 30.06.2024



3 Olympic flame



4 olympic flame

5 olympic flame

6 Olympic flame

7 Olympic flame handover ceremony

8 Olympic flame lighting ceremony

9 Olympic flame

10 Olympic flame-lighting ceremony

11 flame

1. сущ.
1) а) огонь, пламя to kindle a flame ≈ воспламенять, зажигать to burst into flame ≈ загораться open flame ≈ открытый огонь a flame burns ≈ горит огонь an (the) eternal flame ≈ вечный огонь the Olympic flame ≈ олимпийский огонь Syn: fire, flare, blaze б) горение, сгорание The house was in flames. ≈ Дом был охвачен пожаром. The car burst into flame. ≈ Машину охватило пламя.
2) а) яркий свет б) перен. блеск, яркость, великолепие Syn: brightness, brilliance
3) пыл, страсть
4) шутл. предмет любви, предмет обожания my old flame ≈ моя старая любовь Syn: sweetheart ∙ to stir the flames (of racism) ≈ раздувать пламя (расизма)
2. гл.
1) гореть ярким пламенем, пылать Syn: blaze
2) разразиться( чем-л.), 'взорваться' He flamed with indignation. ≈ Он разразился приступом негодования.
3) вспыхнуть, покраснеть;
рдеть, пылать (напр., о щеках) Syn: redden, grow red, turn red, glow ∙ flame out flame up пламя - in *s в огне, горящий, пылающий - to burst /to break/ into *(s), to go up in *s вспыхнуть, загореться - to commit to the *s предавать огню, сжигать - to shoot out *s извергать пламя яркий свет, сияние - silver * of moonlight серебристый свет луны - the *s of sunset зарево /пламя/ заката пыл, страсть - * of anger вспышка гнева - to fan the * разжигать страсти - the * of his intellect блеск его ума предмет страсти - an old * of his его старая любовь /пассия/ пылать, гореть пламенем сиять, светиться, пламенеть - the western sky *d небо на западе пламенело - the garden *d with tulips сад казался огненно-красным от тюльпанов вспыхивать, пылать ( о страсти и т. п.) - to * with indignation пылать негодованием - her anger suddenly *d она вдруг вспылила вспыхнуть, загореться, покраснеть - her face *d with excitement ее лицо пылало /она покраснела/ от волнения( специальное) проводить через пламя, фламбировать( кулинарное) поливать горящим кипятком (пуншем и т. п.) ~ шутл. предмет любви;
an old flame of his его старая любовь to commit to the ~s сжигать;
in flames пылающий, в огне;
the flames of sunset зарево заката flame вспыхнуть, покраснеть;
her face flamed with excitement ее лицо разгорелось от волнения ~ гореть, пламенеть, пылать ~ пламя;
the flames огонь;
to burst into flame(s) вспыхнуть пламенем ~ шутл. предмет любви;
an old flame of his его старая любовь ~ пыл, страсть;
to fan the flame разжигать страсти ~ яркий свет ~ out, ~ up вспылить ~ out, ~ up вспыхнуть, запылать ~ out, ~ up вспылить ~ out, ~ up вспыхнуть, запылать ~ пламя;
the flames огонь;
to burst into flame(s) вспыхнуть пламенем to commit to the ~s сжигать;
in flames пылающий, в огне;
the flames of sunset зарево заката flame вспыхнуть, покраснеть;
her face flamed with excitement ее лицо разгорелось от волнения to commit to the ~s сжигать;
in flames пылающий, в огне;
the flames of sunset зарево заката

Northwest of Sparta in the city of Olympia rose a beautiful temple for the worship of Jupiter, the principal god of the Greeks. This temple was built by Hercules, the great hero. According to the legend Hercules, the son of Jupiter had ordered that a great festival should be held here every four years in honour of his divine father.

For the purpose of attracting all the neighbouring people to the temple of Olympia, Hercules founded many athletic games such as wrestling, stone and spear throwing, foot, horse and chariot races, boxing, swimming and the like. Hercules himself was present at the first of those festivals and acted as an umpire, rewarding the victors by giving them the highest prize - crowns of olive leaves.

The festival lasted five days and included sacrifices, sports and feasts. A few weeks before the festival three messengers of Jupiter went to all Greek states bidding the people to the contest. The competitors, having registered by a certain date, were asked to appear before the statue of Jupiter who was represented with a thunderbolt in his right hand as a warning to evildoers. Upon sacrificing a pig they swore to use no unfair means to secure victory and that they had trained for ten months.

As the Spartans were great athletes, they soon took important parts in the Olympic Games, won most of the prizes and claimed the honour of defending the temple at Olympia in all times of danger. All the people coming to Olympia to watch the Games laid some precious offerings before shrines, so that the temple could come to be noted for its beauty and wealth.

As the Games were held every four years, the people eagerly looked forward to their coming" and soon began to reckon time by them. Even historians used this way of dating important events. It was therefore usual to say that such a thing happened in the first, second or third year of the fifth, tenth or seventeenth Olympiad.

It must be noted that the decree of that time was that there should be no wars during an Olympiad. Although the Olympic Games were probably held before any good record was kept, we can trace them back to 716 В. С. These athletic meetings took place regularly until 393 В. C. when the Christian Emperor Theodosius I abolished them on the grounds that a festival having a pagan origin was not in keeping with Christian beliefs.

It was only in 1896 that they were revived, and a great festival was held in Athens. The victors received medals and wreaths, but the people did not wear crowns as formerly, nor did they make any sacrifices to the old gods. Since then the Games have been held regularly in different countries and have become a wonderful sport tradition which helped to bring peoples closer together.

No Olympic Games can start without the Olympic Flame, the sacred fire brought from the temple in Olympia, which is the symbol of the spirit of friendly competition.

Let this flame burn ever higher throughout the world.

1. rose a beautiful temple - возвышайся красивый храм

2 for the worship of Jupiter - для прославления Юпитера

3 . had ordered that a great festival should be held - распорядился, чтобы проводилось большое празднество.

4 for the purpose of attracting - для привлечения внимания

5 acted as an umpire, rewarding . the highest prize - выступал в качестве судьи, присуждая . высшую награду

6 having registered by a certain date - после определения дня выступления

7 as a warning to evildoers - как предупреждение грешникам

8 Upon sacrificing a pig - После принесения в жертву поросенка

9 claimed the honour of defending - заявляли о том, что им принадлежит честь охранять

10 so that the temple could come to be noted for - чтобы храм прославился

11 eagerly looked forward to their coming - с большим нетерпением ожидали их наступления

12 this way of dating - этот способ датирования

13 the decree . was that there should be no wars - существовало решение (постановление) о том, чтобы не вести никаких военных действий

14 before any good record was kept - до появления какой-либо точной регистрации исторических событий

15 on the ground that - на том основании, что

16 not in keeping with Christian beliefs - не по канонам христианской веры

17 nor did they make any sacrifices - они также не делали никаких жертвоприношений

2. Л.В. Мисик, А.Л. Арцишевська, Л.Р. Кузнєцова, Л.Л. Поплавська. Англійська мова. Комунікативний аспект. / За ред. доц. Мисик Л.В. – Підручник. – К.: Атіка, 2000. – 368с.

3. Гужва Т. М. Англійська мова: Розмовні теми: Навч. посіб. Для студентів фак. Інозем. Філології, університетів, ліцеїв, гімназій та коледжів. – Харків: Фоліо, 2005. – 414с.

Семь интересных фактов об олимпийском огне

21 апреля в Древней Олимпии (Греция) будет зажжен новый Олимпийский огонь и отправится в Бразилию, в Рио, где с 5 по 21 августа пройдут летние Олимпийские игры.

1. Что собой представляет олимпийский огонь?

Олимпийский огонь и пять колец считаются самыми узнаваемыми символами Игр.

Огонь выступает в роли символического связующего звена между античными и современными Олимпийскими играми. Согласно древнегреческой мифологии, Прометей украл огонь у Зевса, так что огонь – это символ жизни, рационализма, свободы человечества и его стремления к знанию. Ведь огонь горел в древней Олимпии в течение всего празднования античной Олимпиады. Теперь именно здесь зажигают олимпийский огонь, который потом шествует по разным странам и континентам.

2. Всегда ли огонь сопровождал современные Игры?

Нет. На первой современной Олимпиаде, которая состоялась в Афинах в 1896 году, не было огня. Олимпийский огонь появился только в 1928 году в Амстердаме. Но не из Олимпии, его просто зажгли в Нидерландах. А вот нынешняя церемония зажжения огня в Олимпии и эстафета передачи факела впервые придумали к Играм в Берлине 1936 года. Многие историки считают, что Третий Рейх Гитлера ввёл эстафету с пропагандистской целью. На античных олимпиадах не было таких эстафет. Тем не менее, в Афинах и других городах древней Греции были состязания бегунов с горящими факелами (Лампадодромия) в честь античных богов.

3. Как зажигают огонь?

Ритуал стартует у алтаря богини Геры, который находится напротив храма Зевса в Олимпии. Церемония начинается с театрализованной процессии жриц, её возглавляет верховная жрица. Девушки окружают алтарь, облачившись в древнегреческие наряды. Затем верховная жрица призывает бога солнца Аполлона зажечь огонь с помощью сферического зеркала и солнечных лучей. Когда огонь появляется, верховная жрица переносит его в небольшую керамическую посудину и направляется с ним вместе с процессией к античному стадиону. По дороге они останавливаются у оливкового дерева, где мальчик срезает оливковую ветвь как символ мира. Когда процессия достигает стадиона, верховная жрица зажигает факел первого бегуна, тогда и начинается эстафета.

4. А если нет солнца?

На такой случай (редкий для греческого климата) предусмотрен резервный огонь. Так как к этому событию готовятся заранее, то проводят репетиции. На одной из них зажигают огонь в соответствии с традицией и держат его про запас. Если официальная церемония пришлась на пасмурный день, то факел зажигается из резервного огня. Последний случай, когда пришлось использовать запасной огонь, был во время церемонии Олимпиады в Сиднее в 2000 году. Не повезло Австралии и ранее, на Олимпиаде в Мельбурне в 1956 году тоже пришлось прибегнуть к использованию резервного огня.

5. Кто такая верховная жрица и как ею стать?

Выбор верховной жрицы и всех остальных участниц процессии – ответственность национального олимпийского комитета Греции, а именно – комитета олимпийского огня. Жриц выбирают из греческих актрис и танцовщиц, они должны быть красивыми и грациозными. Первой верховной жрицой в истории современных Олимпийских игр стала танцовщица и учительница танцев Кула Працика. Нынешняя верховная жрица – актриса Катерина Леху.

6. А если пламя погаснет?

По традиции, огонь должен гореть в течении всей Олимпиады. Однако бывали случаи, когда олимпийский огонь угасал. Чаще всего факел потухал во время эстафеты, но иногда даже в чаше на стадионе. Поэтому параллельно с эстафетой перевозят резервный олимпийский огонь, который затем хранят в безопасном месте.

Пожалуй, самый курьёзный случай произошёл в 1976 году во время Олимпиады в Монреале. После того, как огонь потух из-за проливного дождя, один из чиновников решил зажечь его простой зажигалкой. Организаторы быстро объяснили ему все правила, потушили огонь от зажигалки и снова зажгли – уже настоящий олимпийский огонь из резервных источников.

7. Где побывал олимпийский огонь?

Самая высокая точка, куда удавалось донести олимпийский огонь – гора Эверест, это было во время Олимпиады в Пекине в 2008 году.

Его также пронесли через Северный полюс и через глубины озера Байкал во время зимней Олимпиады в Сочи в 2014 году.

И это было не первое путешествие олимпийского огня под водой – ранее аквалангист перенёс огонь через Большой Барьерный риф во время Олимпиады в Сиднее в 2000 году.

Факел (не огонь) также побывал в космосе вместе с астронавтами. Это было во время Олимпийских игр в Сочи в 2014 году, Сиднее в 2000 году и Атланте в 1996 году.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

The meaning and the values of Olympics are conveyed by symbols. Among these a.

The meaning and the values of Olympics are conveyed by symbols. Among these are the rings, the motto and the flame. These symbols transmit a message in a simple and direct manner. They give the Games and the Olympic Movement an identity.

The Olympic medals awarded to winners are another symbol associated with the.

The Olympic medals awarded to winners are another symbol associated with the Olympic games. The medals are made of gold-plated silver (commonly described as gold medals), silver, or bronze, and awarded to the top 3 finishers in a particular event.
The kotinos (Greek: κότινος), is an olive branch, originally of wild olive-tree, intertwined to form a circle or a horse-shoe, introduced by Heracles. In the ancient Olympic Games there were no gold, silver, or bronze medals. There was only one winner per event, crowned with an olive wreath made of wild olive leaves from a sacred tree near the temple of Zeus at Olympia.
The Olympic medals
The kotinos

The ringsThe five rings represent the five continents. They are interlaced to.

The rings
The five rings represent the five continents. They are interlaced to show the universality of Olympics and the meeting of the athletes of the world during the Olympic Games. On the Olympic flag, the rings appear on a white background. Combined in this way, the six colours of the flag (blue, yellow, black, green, red and white) represent all nations.

The mottoA motto is a phrase which sums up a life philosophy or a code of con.

The motto
A motto is a phrase which sums up a life philosophy or a code of conduct to follow. The Olympic motto is made up of three Latin words : citius- altius- fortius.
These three words encourage the athlete to give his or her best during competition. To better understand the motto, we can compare it with the Olympic creed : The most important thing in life is not the triumph, but the fight ; the essential thing is not to have won, but to have fought well.

The flame The Olympic flame is one of the best-known features of the Games.

The Olympic flame is one of the best-known features of the Games. From the moment the flame is lit, a very precise ritual is laid down :
– The lighting. In memory of the modern Olympic Games’ ancient origins, the flame is lit in Olympia (Greece) some months before the opening of the Games. The Olympic flame can only be lit by the sun’s rays. – The torch. A new torch is created for each edition of the Games. Each relay runner carries his or her own torch: it is the flame which is passed from runner to runner and which cannot be extinguished.– The relay route. Carried by relay from Olympia to the host city of the Games, the flame crosses different regions, countries and continents.

The Olympic mascots are fictional characters, usually an animal native to the.

The Olympic mascots are fictional characters, usually an animal native to the area or human figures, who represent the cultural heritage of the place where the Olympic Games are taking place. The mascots are often used to help market the Olympic Games to children, particularly infants. Since the 1968 Winter Olympics in Grenoble, France the Olympic Games have had a mascot. Starting with the 2010 Vancouver mascots, the Olympic and Paralympic mascots have been presented together.
The Olympic mascots

Schuss was the unofficial mascot of the 1968 Winter Olympics in Grenoble, Fr.

Schuss was the unofficial mascot of the 1968 Winter Olympics in Grenoble, France, featuring a cartoon character wearing skis.
1968 Summer Olympics. There were unoffical dove and jaguar mascots in Mexico city. The Jaguar mascot was based on a throne in the shape of a red jaguar in the "El Castillo" pyramid at Chichen Itzá. The stylized white dove represented the slogan of the games, "Los juegos de la Paz" or "Games of the Peace".

It was not until the Summer Games in Munich in 1972 that the first official O.

It was not until the Summer Games in Munich in 1972 that the first official Olympic mascot was created.
"Waldi", the first official mascot to appear for the 1972 Munich Games, was a Dachshund. He was modelled after Cherie von Birkenhof, a longhaired breed of the species. Very popular in Bavaria, Waldi also possesses qualities that are indispensable to an athlete: resistance, tenacity, and agility. Waldi was dressed in pastel colors to express the gaiety and joy of the Olympic festival.

1976 Olympic Winter Games in Innsbruck – Snowman. It represents the Games of.

1976 Olympic Winter Games in Innsbruck – Snowman. It represents the Games of Simplicity.
"Amik" the beaver was chosen as the official mascot for the Summer Olympic Games of Montreal, 1976. "Amik" in Indian language means beaver. The beaver has always been associated with hard work.

1980 Olympic Winter Games in Lake Placid – Roni (Raccoon). Its face design re.

1980 Olympic Winter Games in Lake Placid – Roni (Raccoon). Its face design resembles the hat and goggles used by competitors. Named for the Adirondack mountain range.
The Moscow Olympic 1980 bear "Misha" was developed by the renowned illustrator of children's books Victor Chizikov. A second, less well-known mascot, was also present during the Moscow Games . The mascot was a seal named "Vigri", who represented the yachting events in Tallinn.

1984 Olympic Winter Games in Sarajevo – Little wolf, Vucko. It helped to chan.

1984 Olympic Winter Games in Sarajevo – Little wolf, Vucko. It helped to change the common perception in the region of wolves as frightening and blood-thirsty.
The eagle "Sam" became the mascot of the Los Angeles Games1984. He was chosen because the imposing bald eagle is the national symbol of the United States. Sam is a cartoon eagle who is dressed in the style of the legendary Uncle Sam, with a star-spangled background in red, white, and blue, the national colors of the United States.

1988 Olympic Winter Games in Calgary, Canada – Hidy and Howdy, two polar bear.

1988 Olympic Winter Games in Calgary, Canada – Hidy and Howdy, two polar bears. Both represent Western Canadian hospitality
"Hodori", the mascot of the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul, South Korea, portrays the friendly side of a tiger, which is present in many Korean legends. The "Ho" in "Hodori" comes from the Korean word for tiger, and "Dori" is a common masculine diminutive. The Olympic rings adorn the neck of Hodori, and he wears a "Sangmo" hat from a traditional farm dance. The streamer on his hat in the shape of an S stands for Seoul.

1992 Olympic Winter Games in Albertville – Magigue. Magique was a snow imp. I.

1992 Olympic Winter Games in Albertville – Magigue. Magique was a snow imp. It plays with the concept of dream and imagination through its star-like shape.
The Spaniards did not immediately take to "Cobi", the surreal dog from the Summer Olympic Games of Barcelona 1992, who was designed by local cartoonist Javier Mariscal. "Cobi's" popularity slowly grew and by the end of the Games he was loved universally by the Spanish and the rest of the world.

1994 Olympic Winter Games in Lillehammer - Håkon and Kristin, two Norwegian c.

1994 Olympic Winter Games in Lillehammer - Håkon and Kristin, two Norwegian children, both are dressed in Viking clothes.
The mascot of the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta was an amorphous abstract fantasy figure. It carried the name "Izzy", derived from "Whatizit?" because no one seemed to know exactly what "Izzy" really was.

1998 Olympic Winter Games in Nagano, The Snowlets: Sukki, Nokki, Lekki and Ts.

1998 Olympic Winter Games in Nagano, The Snowlets: Sukki, Nokki, Lekki and Tsukki, four owls. Representing the four major islands of Japan. The first syllable of each name combines phonetically to create the word "Snowlets".
"Ollie", a Kookaburra, "Syd", a Platypus; and "Millie", an Echidna, are three native animals chosen as mascots for the Sydney 2000 Games. These Australian animals represent the earth, air and water. "Ollie": epitomizes the Olympic spirit of generosity and universal generosity (from Olympic). "Syd": represents the environment and captures the vigour and energy of Australia and its people (from Sydney). "Millie": is a techno-whiz and information guru, with all the facts and figures at her fingertips (from Millennium).

2002 Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City - Powder , Snowshoe Hare, (Swifte.

2002 Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City - Powder , Snowshoe Hare, (Swifter). Copper, Coyote, (Higher). Coal, American black bear, (Stronger). All three mascots are indigenous animals of the US state of Utah, and are named after natural resources important to the state's economy. These animals are major characters in the legends of local American Indians, and these legends are reflected in the story of each mascot. To remind them of this heritage, all mascots wear a charm around their neck with a petro glyph image.

Phevos and Athena are the two official Athens 2004 mascots. Their creation wa.

Phevos and Athena are the two official Athens 2004 mascots. Their creation was inspired by an ancient Greek doll and their names are linked to Ancient Greece, yet they are children of modern times. His name is of one Olympian god: Phevos, the god of light and music, known as Apollo. Her name is of one Olympian god: Athena, goddess of wisdom and patron of the city of Athens. Phevos and his sister, Athena, represent the link between Greek history and the modern Olympic Games.

2006 Olympic Winter Games in Turin – Neve and Gliz, a humanized snowball and.

2006 Olympic Winter Games in Turin – Neve and Gliz, a humanized snowball and ice cube.
The five Beijing Olympic Games mascots are officially called the Fuwa. They are Beibei, the fish; Jingjing, the panda; Huanhuan, the Olympic flame; Yingying, the Tibetan antelope; and Nini, the swallow. The first syllables from their two-syllable names form a line that reads "Beijing Huanying Ni", or in English – "Welcome to Beijing". The mascot’s colours were chosen in line with the colours of the Olympic rings.
Beibei represents the blessing of prosperity, Jingjing the blessing of happiness, Huanhuan the blessing of passion, Yingying the blessing of health and Nini the blessing of good luck.

2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver: Miga is a mythical sea bear, part or.

2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver: Miga is a mythical sea bear, part orca and part Kermode bear, a rare white bear that only lives in British Columbia. Quatchi is a young sasquatch, the sasquatch is a popular figure in local native legends of the Pacific West Coast. Sumi is an animal guardian spirit who lives in the mountains of British Columbia, from Galactic News. Sumi’s name comes from the Salish word “Sumesh” which means “guardian spirit.” Muckmuck, a Vancouver Island Marmot, an official mascot, but their designated “sidekick“.

2012 Summer Games in London - Wenlock and Mandeville. Drops of steel with ca.

2012 Summer Games in London - Wenlock and Mandeville. Drops of steel with cameras for eyes. Wenlock's name was inspired by the Wenlock Olympian Society, an annual Olympic event held in Wenlock, England. Mandeville takes his name from the Stoke Mandeville Games. Wenlock wears five bracelets in the five Olympic ring colors. The three points on his head symbolize the three podiums of the winners (for first, second, and third place), the shape of his head is the same shape as the Olympic stadium, and on his body the logo of the game is printed. Mandeville wears a pink watch set to 0:20:12, and on his head there are three points in red, blue, and green representing the Agitos, which is the symbol of paralympic games.

2014 Olympic Winter Games in Sochi – Bely Mishka (the Polar bear), the Snow L.

2014 Olympic Winter Games in Sochi – Bely Mishka (the Polar bear), the Snow Leopard, Zaika (the dore hare), the Ray of Light and the Snowflake.

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