Сообщение про ярмарку на английском

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

We often go to the local market to buy groceries. Farmers sell fresh fruits, vegetables and berries there. One can purchase honey, eggs, meat and other food. Some products are produced in our region, others are obviously imported as bananas and oranges don’t grow in our country.

My mother prefers to by seasonal fruits and vegetables. There are more vitamins in them comparing to the products that have been stored for a long time. I like strawberry very much. In summer one can feel its flavor approaching the market. Strawberry from the supermarket doesn’t taste that good.

Salesmen are very friendly. They always greet us. There are many customers on weekends, sometimes even queues occur. The market is located on the plaza. Every salesman has a tent. But tents don’t protect customers against rain, snow or wind. So we don’t go to the market when the weather is bad.

Our local market is always nicely decorated on holidays and one can buy handmade souvenirs there.

Мы часто ходим на местный рынок, чтобы купить продукты. Фермеры продают там свежие фрукты, овощи и ягоды. Можно приобрести мед, яйца, мясо и другие продукты питания. Некоторые продукты производятся в нашем регионе, другие, очевидно, импортируются, поскольку бананы и апельсины не растут в нашей стране.

Моя мама предпочитает сезонные фрукты и овощи. В них больше витаминов по сравнению с продуктами, которые хранятся в течение длительного времени. Я очень люблю клубнику. Летом можно почувствовать её аромат, подходя к рынку. Клубника из супермаркета не такая вкусная.

Продавцы очень дружелюбны. Они всегда приветствуют нас. По выходным много покупателей, иногда даже возникают очереди. Рынок расположен на площади. У каждого продавца есть палатка. Но тенты не защищают клиентов от дождя, снега или ветра. Поэтому мы не ходим на рынок в плохую погоду.

Наш местный рынок всегда красиво оформлен по праздникам, и там можно купить сувениры ручной работы.

There is an old and very good tradition among the people in the Poltava Region to have a fair in the village of Velyky Sorochintsy. This Sorochinsky fair usually takes place at the end of summer. The village of Sorochintsy is widely known in the whole world because of this fair. M. Gogol, an outstanding writer, described it in his famous works. The people of Sorochintsy organized this incredible fair very well. The people from the nearest and the distant villages come to the fair and sell their products and buy consumer goods. Many guests from different parts of Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Bulgaria and from many other countries come to Sorochintsy to take part in this fair. The representatives from many plants and factories bring their products to advertise and sell them. They make agreements on cooperation between different enterprises and try to do their best to co-operate with each other. At the Sorochintsy fair one can meet many interesting and talented people, one can listen to folk songs. Different exhibitions will show you the works of famous Ukrainian artists and ancient folk crafts. You may visit videosaloon and take part in different entertainments. You are all welcome to Sorotchintsy fair during the last decade in August.

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Тест уровня английского языка Узнай, насколько хорошо ты владеешь английским языком пройдя интерактивный тест.

В топике Сорочинская ярмарка описывается не знаменитое произведение Николая Васильевича Гоголя, а современная ярмарка, проводимая в последнюю декаду августа каждого года и широко известная за пределами Полтавы. Сорочинская ярмарка собирает очень много участников и посетителей из ближайших и дальних деревень, а также из разных уголков Украины, России, Польши, Болгарии и многих других стран. Здесь же проводятся выставки произведений известных украинских художников и мастеров старинных народных промыслов.

There is an old and very good tradition among the people in the Poltava Region to have a fair in the village of Velyky Sorochintsy. This Sorochinsky fair usually takes place at the end of summer. The village of Sorochintsy is widely known in the whole world because of this fair. N. Gogol, an outstanding writer, described it in his famous works.

The people of Sorochintsy organized this incredible fair very well. The people from the nearest and the distant villages come to the fair and sell their products and buy consumer goods. Many guests from different parts of Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Bulgaria and from many other countries come to Sorochintsy to take part in this fair. The representatives from many plants and factories bring their products to advertise and sell them. They make agreements on cooperation between different enterprises and try to do their best to co-operate with each other.

At the Sorochintsy fair one can meet many interesting and talented people, one can listen to folk songs. Different exhibitions will show you the works of famous Ukrainian artists and ancient folk crafts. You may visit video saloon and take part in different entertainments. You are all welcome to Sorotchintsy fair during the last decade in August.

Напишите сочинение про ярмарку на английском(коротко и простыми словами).

At fairs there are lots of people selling fruit and vegetables.

Sometimes I go there with my mum and dad.

We buy lots of things at fairs and sometimes there are people performing.

At fairs everything costs less because farmers bring their food straight from their farms.

I like to go to fairs because it is very fun there.



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