Сообщение про розу на английском

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

My favorite flower is the violet. These flowers are popular as houseplants. They are very beautiful and easy to care for. The plant has rounded leaves and many small flowers. Each flower has five purple petals. Although, there are other varieties: white, blue, pink, with stripy and wavy petals. We have violets on the windowsill at home.

Мой любимый цветок - фиалка. Эти цветы популярны в качестве комнатных растений. Они очень красивые и за ними не сложно ухаживать. Растение имеет округлые листья и множество небольших цветков. На каждом цветке по пять фиолетовых лепестков. Хотя, бывают и другие сорта: белые, синие, розовые, с полосатыми и волнистыми лепестками. У нас дома на подоконнике есть фиалки.

I like tulips. These spring flowers are often given to women on March 8. Tulips come in different colors: red, pink, yellow. They can be seen in the flower beds of our city. These flowers always cheer me up.

Мне нравятся тюльпаны. Эти весенние цветы часто дарят женщинам на 8 марта. Тюльпаны бывают разных цветов: красные, розовые, желтые. Их можно увидеть на клумбах нашего города. Эти цветы всегда поднимают мне настроение.


My favorite flowers are lilies. These are exquisite flowers with long petals and a stunning fragrance. Lilies come in different colors. I especially like the white ones. I think a bouquet of lilies is a great present. These flowers are often used in floristic and landscape design.

Мои любимые цветы - лилии. Это изысканные цветы с длинными лепестками и потрясающим ароматом. Лилии бывают разных цветов. Мне особенно нравятся белые. Я думаю, что букет из лилий - это отличный подарок. Эти цветы часто используют во флористике и ландшафтном дизайне.

My favorite flowers are peonies. These plants have very large flowers with many petals. I think they look just gorgeous. The most common are pink peonies. But there are also white, lilac and cherry varieties.

Peony is a perennial plant. These flowers should be planted in well-lit areas. Peonies bloom in late spring and continue to bloom in June.

When I see blooming peonies, I always stop to admire them.

Мои любимые цветы - пионы. У этих растений очень крупные цветы со множеством лепестков. Я думаю, они выглядят просто роскошно. Наиболее распространены розовые пионы. Но бывают также белые, сиреневые и вишневые сорта.

Пион - многолетнее растение. Для выращивания пионов нужен хорошо освещенный участок земли. Пионы зацветают в конце весны и продолжают цвести в июне.

Когда я вижу цветущие пионы, я всегда останавливаюсь, чтобы полюбоваться на них.


My favorite flower is gladiolus. It is a tall plant with straight leaves. The upper part of the stem is covered with flowers. Many gardeners grow these flowers. They look very impressive.

Breeders have created many varieties of gladioli. So we can find gladioli of any color.

Gladioli bloom in the second half of summer. Many students come to school on September 1 with bouquets of gladioli.

Мой любимый цветок - гладиолус. Это высокое растение с прямыми листьями. Верхняя часть стебля покрыта цветами. Многие садоводы выращивают эти цветы. Они смотрятся очень эффектно.

Селекционеры создали множество сортов гладиолусов. Так что можно найти гладиолусы любого цвета.

Гладиолусы цветут во второй половине лета. Многие школьники приходят в школу 1го сентября с букетами гладиолусов.

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Любимые цветы королевы Since then, the red rose is a symbol of England. The British love roses and grow a lot. Queen Elizabeth II visits the rose gardens and admires them.

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Сады алых роз Nowadays, up to 5,000 different varieties of roses are grown in England: red, white, yellow, pink, and even purple. The British are proud of their history and honor their symbols. A large number of Britons prefer to spend their free time in the parks, where they admire beautiful flowers and tell their children about these flowers.

Красная роза сегодня Until now, in the UK, the rose is the most important pri.

Красная роза сегодня Until now, in the UK, the rose is the most important print on many fabrics. Its appearance in one form or another is reflected in architecture, jewelry, souvenirs. Most often the rose is depicted on the stained glass windows. Its contours and lines can be found on old English buildings. The story of the red rose is tragic. But the symbol suffered became a sign of truce, and, therefore, today is perceived as a peaceful symbol of England. In addition, in this country they love to plant live red roses in gardens and greenhouses. A red rose with light patches is both a merger of two powerful dynasties, and highlighting the winner of the war, without detracting from the defeated. Rose in England - is the power, power and beauty that can conquer anyone. Historians call the events of those years when the symbol was born, the Wars of the Roses. But in the historical documents of the time of Richard III, this name was not used. It appeared thanks to the writers who, over the centuries, glorified the events of a century ago. Rose is a romanticized image, covered with a halo of mystery.

Роза это очень красивый цветок . Она бывает разных цветов красная желтая. На стебельке есть колючки . Роза очень вкусно пахнет.
The roes is very beautiful flower. It is of defferent colors red yellow and even white .On the stem are thoms. This color smells good!

1 The narrator of the story is Uncle Oscar's nephew.
2 There were 4 people in Uncle Oscar's family - his wife, their two children and himself.
3 He was forty-seven years old.
4 H e was an accountant.
5 His wife talked a lot in his family and Uncle Oscar was always quiet.
6 I think his children didn't love their father because they were selfish, and selfish people never love others.
7 Uncle Oscar's hobby was collecting stamps.
8 Because he didn't play any musical instruments and he didn't go in for sports, he was always quiet and no one ever noticed him.
9 No, he didn't. Uncle Oscar didn't go in for sports.
10 He went to the bank but he didn't get there.

Are you going to ski resort?
What are you going to cook for Christmas dinner?
Are you going to stay home with your family for Christmas?

My Favourite Flower

Flowers are regarded as a marvelous creation of nature. That’s how the nature speaks to us. It conveys love, peace and harmony through flowers. Any event receives a new meaning when decorated with flowers. To my mind all flowers are bewitching and glorious: field daisies, red tulips, lilacs, chrysanthemums, orchids.

My favourite flower is the red rose. In my opinion, it is the most beautiful and graceful flower. It can be presented to show ardent love and devotion. However, most people buy them on any occasion, be it someone’s birthday or wedding day, anniversary or special holiday. People know that roses show respect and good attitude. That’s why nearly everyone loves them. Rose oil and petals are used in gastronomy and cosmetology. For example, I know that some nations make a delicious marmalade from rose petals. And, the beauticians use the essence of rose to make face masks or conditioner for hair.

Speaking about the heavenly scent of this flower, I should mention that I adore rose-based fragrances. I think that many people would agree that it’s one of the best scents. Bees also like the scent of a rose. They eagerly stock its sweet nectar. Vivid colours of roses often attract the attention of butterflies. Roses grow on a long, slender stalk, which is often covered with sharp thorns. For this reason there is a well-known saying “There’s no rose without a thorn”, meaning that every beautiful thing or desirable situation has its share of difficulty. In conclusion, I’d like to say that roses give the world not only their beauty and message of love, but they are also rather useful.

Мой любимый цветок

Цветы относятся к чудесным созданиям природы. Таким образом, природа общается с нами. Посредством цветов она передает любовь, мир и гармонию. Любое событие получает новый смысл, если украшено цветами. На мой взгляд, все цветы чарующи и прекрасны: полевые ромашки, красные тюльпаны, сирень, хризантемы, орхидеи.

Мой любимый цветок - красная роза. По-моему, это самый красивый и изящный цветок. Его дарят, чтобы показать страстную любовь и привязанность. Тем не менее, большинство людей покупают их по любому поводу, будь то чей-то день рождения или день свадьбы, юбилей или особый праздник. Люди знают, что розы выказывают уважение и хорошее отношение. Вот почему почти все их любят. Розовое масло и лепестки используются в гастрономии и косметологии. Например, я знаю, что в некоторых странах делают вкуснейшее варенье из лепестков роз. А косметологи используют масло розы для изготовления масок для лица или кондиционера для волос.

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