Сообщение об оттаве на английском языке

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Ottawa is the capital of Canada and the country's fourth largest municipality. With a metropolitan population estimated at 1,190,982 Ottawa is also the second largest city in the province of Ontario. It is located in the Ottawa Valley in the eastern portion of the province of Ontario. Ottawa lies on the banks of the Ottawa River, a major waterway that forms the boundary between Ontario and Quebec.
There is no federal capital district in Canada. Ottawa is a municipality within the Province of Ontario. Although it does not constitute a separate administrative district, Ottawa is part of the federally designated National Capital Region, which includes the neighbouring Quebec municipality of Gatineau. As with other national capitals, the word "Ottawa" is also used to refer by metonymy to the country's federal government, especially as opposed to provincial or municipal authorities.
Ottawa is governed by a 24 member City Council. The members of this council are elected by the residents of Ottawa. Each councillor represents one ward (sub region) within Ottawa. The mayor however represents Ottawa as a whole. City council responsibilities include the maintenance and efficacy of the following services: fire department, paramedics, police department, water, transit, recycling, garbage, and sewage. The current mayor of Ottawa is Larry O'Brien.

Оттава является столицей Канады и четвертый по величине муниципалитет страны. С столичном населения оценивается в 1,190,982 Оттаве также является вторым по величине городом в провинции Онтарио. Он расположен в долине реки Оттавы в восточной части провинции Онтарио. Оттава лежит на берегу реки Оттава, главного водного пути, который формирует границу между Онтарио и Квебек.
Там нет федеральный округ капитала в Канаде. Оттава является муниципалитет в провинции Онтарио. Хотя это не является отдельной административный округ, Оттава является частью федеральной назначенного National Capital Region, которая включает в соседний муниципалитет Квебек Гатино. Как и в других национальных столиц, слово "Оттава" также используется для обозначения метонимия для федерального правительства страны, особенно по сравнению с провинциальных или муниципальных властей.
Оттава регулируется 24 членов городского совета в. Члены этого совета избираются жителями Оттаве. Каждый советник представляет одну палату (суб область) в рамках Оттаве. Мэр однако представляет Оттава в целом. Обязанности городского совета включают поддержание и эффективность следующих услуг: пожарную, скорую, отдел полиции, воду, транзит, переработка, мусор, и сточные воды. Нынешний мэр Оттавы Ларри О'Брайен.

оттаваоттава - столица канады, и страна, четвертая по величине муниципалитете.в столичном населения, по оценкам, 1190982 оттава также является второй по величине город в провинции онтарио.он находится в оттаве ущелье в восточной части провинции онтарио.оттава, лежит на берегах оттава, главным путям, что образует границу между онтарио и квебек.нет федерального столичного округа в канаде.оттава - муниципалитет в провинции онтарио.хотя она не представляет собой отдельный административный район, оттава, является частью федеральной назначенный национальный столичный регион, в который входят соседние провинции квебек муниципалитет гатино.как и в других столицах государств, слово "оттава" также используется для обозначения на метонимия для страны, федерального правительства, особенно в отличие от провинциальных и муниципальных властей.оттава, регулируется 24 члена городского совета.члены совета избираются жителями в оттаве.каждый советник представляет собой уорд (субрегионе) в оттаве.мэр, однако представляет в оттаве в целом.городской совет возлагается ответственность за поддержание и эффективности следующих услуг: пожарные, спасатели, полиция, вода, транзита, рециркуляции отходов, мусора и бытовых сточных вод.нынешний мэр оттава - о 'брайен, ларри.

Нужен рассказ на английском про Оттову. . Не очень подробно. Так, что бы на 5 по английскому . :D Спасибо всем огромное.

Canada is a country with rapid growth of the population. It is mainly concentrated in large cities. The most important among them is the capital of the country, Ottawa. It is situated on the picturesque bank of the Ottawa River. One third of its population is descendants of English and French immigrants. Before the colonization the Ottawa region was an Indian trading centre. The name of the city comes from the Indian word meaning “trade”. For a very long time Ottawa was a fur trading centre. The suburbs of the city house different industrial factories: electronic enterprises, food processing factories, paper mills and others. Ottawa is called a city of bridges. There are more than 20 bridges in the city. Ottawa is famous for its walks, along which about a million of tulips bloom in spring.

Ottawa is the capital of Canada. Located in the Eastern part of the province of Ontario on the banks of the Ottawa river, which forms the border between the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Ottawa is the fourth largest city in the country and the second largest city in Ontario. Along with located from the Quebec side of the river Gatineau, and a number of other municipalities, Ottawa is the National capital region. Capital status the city was given by Queen Victoria, but Ottawa is not the capital, built on the General plan, such as Washington and Brasilia. The picturesque Rideau canal passing through the centre of the city, in the summer dotted with pleasure-craft, and in winter with people skating — they are happy to use the river as a natural ice rink with a length of 7.8 km. In the nineteenth century the BAYTOWN (renamed in 1855 to Ottawa) was a labor camp, infamous throughout North America constant skirmishes between the loggers. And on these dirty and dangerous streets in the years 1859-1865, to the dismay of many Canadians, were erected the houses of Parliament (open daily for free guided tours). Today after logging a second source of income Ottawa is tourism. It is a pleasant city with beautiful parks and canals, world-class museums and beautiful monuments. His brief history as the capital of the country is reflected in the impressive Victorian Parliament buildings, modern office architecture, and works of art held in the National gallery of Canada (National Gallery of Canada). Located on the border between Ontario and Quebec, Ottawa is a bilingual city, but the majority of French Canadians (and many excellent restaurants) now live in Gatineau, on the Quebec side of the Ottawa river. and with the exception of long trips, it is better to leave the car parked at the hotel and walk on foot or ride the bus. A complicated system of one-way streets and more confusion because of the meandering of rivers and canals makes the car difficult even for the locals. Like its counterpart in London, the canadian Parliament (open to the public, but is under restoration until at least 2020) is an impressive complex in neo-Gothic style, erected on the ruins left after the fire of 1916, He towers over the Ottawa river on a small cliff, which is somewhat exaggeratedly referred to as Parliament hill. Imitation of Westminster big Ben, 92-metre Peace tower with a clock on four sides and a Carillon of 53 bells, stands in front of the main building as a monument to the fallen in the First world war. Take the Elevator to the observation deck, there is a beautiful view of the city, the Gatineau hills and Ottawa river. In the program of tours usually include visits to the Senate (equivalent of house of lords in the UK) and the house of Commons. If you want to attend the debate in the visitors ' center, under the Peace tower, will help you to get a permit. To the North of the Central building houses a charming pinewood panelling parliamentary library, miraculously not killed in the fire of 1916, This elegant building has recently opened after four years of reconstruction and restored to the former splendor of the Victorian era. The powerful Gothic rotunda you will see the majestic, almost God-like statue of Queen Victoria surrounded by the first Prime Ministers of Canada. Some rooms have been restored in the Western wing, also survived the fire. In such a great Canada and its main city is Ottawa.

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Ottawa, Canada's Capital Ottawa is the capital of Canada. The city is situated along the Ontario side of the Ottawa River, opposite Gatineau, Quebec.

The metropolitan population of Ottawa is 1.1 million and is currently the fou.

The metropolitan population of Ottawa is 1.1 million and is currently the fourth largest city in Canada, and the second largest in Ontario after Toronto.

Unique as a North American capital, the city is bilingual. English is the fir.

Unique as a North American capital, the city is bilingual. English is the first language of a majority of the population, but French is the first language of a significant number.

Ottawa started as a humble lumber town, then called Bytown, named after Colon.

Ottawa started as a humble lumber town, then called Bytown, named after Colonel John By. History

Colonel By oversaw the construction of the Rideau Canal, now a UNESCO World H.

Colonel By oversaw the construction of the Rideau Canal, now a UNESCO World Heritage site, much of which was done by hand, between 1826 and 1832.

In 1857, Queen Victoria chose Ottawa as the capital of Canada.

In 1857, Queen Victoria chose Ottawa as the capital of Canada.

Showplaces and entertainment Ottawa is a pleasant town that is known for its.

Showplaces and entertainment Ottawa is a pleasant town that is known for its festivals (particularly its Tulip Festival), Winterlude (billed as "America's greatest winter festival "), numerous museums and overall pleasantness.

Winterlude Winterlude is Ottawa's unique winter festival that takes place every year in the month of February. People from all over the world come to Ottawa to take part in this amazing event.

Here are some of the activities that have taken place in previous years: Skat.

Here are some of the activities that have taken place in previous years: Skating on the Rideau Canal Annual Bed Race Public Ice-Carving Challenge Capital Loggers , displays and special activities Snowflake Kingdom and so much more!

Gatineau National Park Gatineau National Park, just across the river in Quebe.

Gatineau National Park Gatineau National Park, just across the river in Quebec Province, is a delightful place to visit any time of the year, but in autumn the changing colors of its forests makes it one of the most beautiful places in the world.

Parliament Hill Its Gothic revival suite of buildings serves as the home of t.

Parliament Hill Its Gothic revival suite of buildings serves as the home of the Parliament of Canada and contains a number of architectural elements of national symbolic importance. Parliament Hill attracts approximately 3 million visitors each year.

“Why I choose Ottawa” It is a beautiful place for life Ottawa is safe People.

“Why I choose Ottawa” It is a beautiful place for life Ottawa is safe People are friendly to newcomers There are plenty of recreational options to enjoy all year long The city is very clean and developing really fast Has a lot of potential for personal and professional growth: reputable employers and educational institutions

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Ottawa - capital of Canada and seat of Carleton County, southeastern Ontario, at the confluence of the Ottawa, Gatineau, and Rideau rivers. Its metropolitan area lies astride the Ontario-Quebec border.

The first descriptions of Ottawa's future site were written by the founder of New France, Samuel de Champlain, in 1613. The rivers served as passageways for explorers and traders over the following two centuries. The Napoleonic Wars increased Britain's need for shipbuilding timber, and the Ottawa Valley offered just such resources. In 1800 an American, Philemon Wright, had begun timbering across the Ottawa River in what became the city of Hull. During the War of 1812 between Britain and the United States, the Rideau provided the British with a safe shipping route from the Ottawa River to Kingston, on Lake Ontario, thus spurring settlement of Ottawa. It was hastened by the arrival in 1826 of Lt. Col. John By of the Royal Engineers to work on canalizing the river, and the town became Bytown.

Ottawa might still be a modest city had not political quarrels between Quebec city and Toronto and between Montreal and Kingston induced leaders to call upon Queen Victoria to designate a capital for United Canada. In 1855 Bytown was incorporated and rechristened Ottawa after the Indian tribe. It became the fastest growing metropolis in eastern Canada, a development due largely to the presence of the national government. In 1937 Prime Minister William L. Mackenzie King brought the architect Jacques Grйber from France to begin the redevelopment of the national capital district.

The fur trade and lumbering have diminished in importance, and industry now employs only a small fraction of the labour force. The federal government is the major employer. Many commercial and financial associations from around the country as well as embassies and trade associations are also located there.

Ottawa is served by both of Canada's major railroads and several airlines. There is bus service throughout the city. Navigation on the Ottawa and Rideau rivers, except for pleasure craft, is a thing of the past.

The major cultural centres remain the city's three universities. The University of Ottawa and St. Paul University are bilingual institutions, whereas instruction at Carleton University is entirely in English. A large community college, Algonquin, provides technical training. Ottawa also houses the National Arts Centre, which includes an opera house and two theatres, the National Library and Public Archives Building, the National Museum of Science and Technology, and the National Gallery of Canada. Pop. (1991) city, 313,987; Ottawa-Hull metropolitan area, 920,857.

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