Сообщение о паралимпийских играх на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Paralympics’ games become more and more popular. Thousands of sportsmen and sportswomen who have refused to give up and are ready to face a challenge take part in them. Their positive attitude to life is an inspiration to many. People who have become invalids for various reasons understand that their life can be interesting and useful. Life itself is a total miracle. A lot of Paralympic sportsmen had had a terrifying experience before they understood it. Alex Ashapatov was a famous sportsman when he lost his leg in an accident in 2002. He continued going in for sport and won several competitions first in volley-ball then in disk-throwing. Olesya Vladykina who won the swimming competition in the Peking Olympic Games won a victory over herself. A year before the Olympiad the tourist coach had rolled down in Thailand, she had survived the horrible accident but lost her arm and her back was seriously bruised. Most people would have become depressed after such a tragedy but Olesya amazed everybody by her courage. She didn’t waste time feeling sorry for herself but began to train hard. Strange as it may appear her disability gave her secret power. Here is the result: she got a gold Olympic medal. Olesya thinks that only extreme moments make you use your potential. Her motto is “Never give up!” We should write more about such people and do everything possible so that they shouldn’t feel invalids even in a wheelchair.

Сайт решак.ру отлично работает на мобильных телефонах, им можно успешно пользоваться во время урока. Телефон хорошо прячется за учебником или рукавом. Или можно сказать, что забыли учебник дома, а на телефоне у вас электронный.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

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Russia is sport-loving nation. People who are fond of sport can be subdivide into 2 groups: those who prefer watching competitions and those who like to do sport. The first group is more numerous.

As for me I prefer doing sports to watching them because I’m an active person by nature and secondly I’m believer in benefits of sport. I’m fan of the Olympics because they make me feel optimistic. For me each Olympic and Paralympic Games mean 2 weeks of happiness. I think the Olympics are popular because they’re so exciting. Everyone wants to know what’s going to happen, who’s going to win.

I want to invite to the world of the Paralympic Games. Olympic Games are the brightest sport events in the world. The Winter Paralympic Games is an in 1976 in Örnsköldsvik , international multi-sport event where athletes with physical disabilities compete. The Winter Paralympic Games are held every four years directly following the Winter Olympic Games . The Winter Paralympics are also hosted by the city that hosted the Winter Olympics. The Winter Paralympics began Sweden.

There’re six disability categories:

The athletes are divided according to their level of impairment.

One of the heros of the Paralympic Games became the Russian sportsman Roman Petushkov. He showed an unlimited power of a real sportsman. He is a role model for everybody.

When he was a child he did judo, karate and boxing because he wanted to be like Bruce Lee. Later was Alpine - skiing .

If the past few years are any indication, Petushkov will not have any problem accomplishing that feat( подвиг ). After losing both his legs in a car accident in 2006 his life changed completely. He met his new coach Irina Gromova. Roman lost so much but he found the strength to take part in the world’s competition.

Nordic skiing was his international debut in 2007.

Petushkov’s triumphs came at the Vancouver 2010 Paralympic Winter Games where he won a silver medal in cross-country skiing and a bronze medal in biathlon. In the following seasons, Petushkov has shown the best results in all competitions.

In this games he added to his collection 6 medals. He has shown the world that absolutely anything is possible and that life is about amazing capabilities and not perceived deficiencies

R.Petushkov proved that dreams can be achieved through strength and passion to change the perception of “impossible” to “I’m possible.”

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Paralympics have grown from a small gathering of British World War II veteran.

Paralympics have grown from a small gathering of British World War II veterans in 1948 to become one of the largest international sporting events by the early 21st century. The Winter Paralympics began in 1976 in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden

 Record-breaking Sochi 2014 Paralympics

Record-breaking Sochi 2014 Paralympics

Cross-country skiing Ice-sledge hockey Wheelchair curling Alpine -skiing Biat.

Cross-country skiing Ice-sledge hockey Wheelchair curling Alpine -skiing Biathlon Winter Paralympic games

“The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part.

“The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing isn’t to have conquered but to have fought well” Pierre de Coubertin Six-time gold medallist Petushkov leads candidates for Best Male Paralympian at Sochi 2014.

We look forward to new victories of Roman and continue to do sport.

We look forward to new victories of Roman and continue to do sport.

After losing both his legs in a car accident in 2006, Petushkov was introduc.

After losing both his legs in a car accident in 2006, Petushkov was introduced to para-Nordic skiing and made his international debut by 2007. Petushkov’s break through came at the Vancouver 2010 Paralympic Winter Games where he captured a silver medal in cross-country skiing and a bronze medal in biathlon.

In this Games he added to his collection 6 gold medals. He has shown the worl.

In this Games he added to his collection 6 gold medals. He has shown the world that absolutely everything is possible

The 36-year-old was the biggest individual medal winner at the Paralympics wi.

The 36-year-old was the biggest individual medal winner at the Paralympics winning six gold medals in the 7.5 kilometres, 12.5km and 15km biathlon sitting races along with top spots in the 1km sprint and 15km cross-country sitting events as well as the 4x2.5km open relay

R.Petushkov proved that dreams can be achieved through strength and passion t.

R.Petushkov proved that dreams can be achieved through strength and passion to change the perception of “impossible” to “I’m possible.

Source of information: 1.https://www.google.ru/search?q=фото+первых+олимпийс.

Thanks For Attention

Thanks For Attention

Краткое описание документа:

Данная презентация посвящена герою Паралимпийских игр в Сочи 2014 Роману Петушкову. Он стал настоящим героем Паралимпийских игр. Он является кумиров для миллионов людей во всем мире. Он- пример мужества и стойкости. Каждый из почти сотни спортсменов, приехавших на Паралимпийские игры в Сочи, достоин того, чтобы называться героем. Все российские спортсмены вместе доказали, что они являются лучшими в мире, выиграв 80 медалей на домашней Паралимпиаде. Это стало рекордным результатом за всю историю подобных игр. Паралимпийские игры – это такой комплекс различных простых видов спорта, который был выбран специально для людей инвалидов. Со слов участников мы можем понять, что они хотят быть признанными за их достижения, как любые другие спортсмены. В этих соревнованиях даже люди с самыми большими физическими отклонениями могут продемонстрировать свои способности в обстановке, где их недостатки не имеют значения. В прошлом люди не уделяли так много внимания этому спортивному событию, но сейчас появляется новый интерес к этому мероприятию. Больше и больше видов спорта бы добавлено с того момента, как Паралимпийские игры начались. Многие из них были добавлены с помощью и благодаря идеям участников. С моей точки зрения Паралимпийские игры – это очень важное событие для всех нас и людей всего мира, потому что каждый человек должен самоутвердиться. И конечно люди-инвалиды заслуживают шанса показать свои навыки и способности в соответствующей обстановке.

Редко кто затрагивая тему об Олимпийских играх мы вспоминаем о Паралимпийских играх-это спортивные соревнования для инвалидов.Эту презентацию можно использовать как дополнительный материал уроках во время изучения тем "Спорт","Здоровье","Отношение между людьми",так и на внеклассных занятиях.

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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

History of games On the day of the opening of the 1948 Summer Olympics in London , Dr. Ludwig Guttmann of Stoke Mandeville Hospital organised a sports competition for British World War II veteran patients with spinal cord injuries. The games were held again at the same location in 1952, and Dutch veterans took part alongside the British, making it the first international competition of its kind. These Stoke Mandeville Games have been described as the precursors of the Paralympic Games. The Paralympics were subsequently officialised as a quadrennial event tied to the Olympic Games, and the first official Paralympic Games, no longer open solely to war veterans, were held in Rome in 1960 . At the Toronto 1976 Games other groups of athletes with different disabilities were also included.

Sir Philip Craven President of the International Paralympic Committee states, “The paralympic movement inspires people both with and without a disability to interact in the same global family, enjoy equal social rights and build a harmonious world together . The Paralympic Games continue to evolve with time. They give a chance for disabled athletes all over the world to come together and compete for the same thing, to strive for the best. The Paralympics offer hope, but more importantly a chance to take action. They hold no limits or boundaries only never ending possibilities for athletes all over the world.

Summer sports Archery Athletics ( track and field ) Boccia Cycling Equestrian Football 5-a-side Football 7-a-side Goalball Judo Powerlifting Rowing Sailing Shooting Swimming Table Tennis Volleyball (sitting) Wheelchair basketball Wheelchair fencing Wheelchair rugby Wheelchair tennis

Wheelchair basketball Wheelchair Basketball was originally developed by World War II veterans in the USA in 1945/1946. The sport has developed worldwide and was introduced to the Paralympic Programme in Rome in 1960. It is one of the most popular sports in the Paralympic Games. It is designed for athletes who have a physical disability that prevents running, jumping and pivoting. Wheelchair Basketball is open to male or female athletes and is played by two teams of five players each. Depending on their functional abilities a point value from 0.5 (most severely disabled) to 4.5 is given to each player. Five players out of 12 from each team are on the court during playtime and throughout the game the total point value of each team must not exceed 14 points.

Volleyball(sitting) The Volleyball (sitting) event was introduced at the Arnhem 1980 Paralympics. Volleyball is governed by the World Organization for Volleyball for the Disabled (WOVD). In 2009, there are athletes from more than 50 countries practicing the sport. A high level of teamwork, skill, strategy and intensity is needed in Volleyball. Each team's goal is to pass the ball over the net and to touch the ball on the ground of the opposing team's side. Male and female athletes with a physical disability are eligible to participate and must fulfil the conditions of a minimum degree of disability

Wheelchair Tennis Wheelchair Tennis appeared for the first time on the Paralympic Programme in Barcelona in 1992. It originated from the USA in the 1970s and continues to develop a strong following of players and fans internationally. The game follows able-bodied Tennis rules and athletes must have high levels of skill, fitness and strategy. The only difference in Wheelchair Tennis competitions is that the ball is allowed to bounce two times - the first bounce being within the bounds of the court. Athletes must have a permanent substantial or total loss of function in one or both legs. For the quad division the eligibility criteria require that a player has a disability in three or more limbs. The events are singles (between two players) and doubles (between two pairs). The winner of a match is the first athlete or pair to win two sets.

Football 5-a-side Football 7-a-side

Archery Athletics ( track and field ) Boccia Cycling Equestrian Wheelchair tennis

Judo Powerlifting Rowing Sailing Shooting Swimming Table Tennis Wheelchair fencing

Winter sports Alpine skiing Ice sledge hockey Nordic skiing Biathlon Cross-country skiing Wheelchair curling

Alpine skiing Nordic skiing Biathlon Cross-country skiing

Ice sledge hockey Wheelchair curling

We are proud of them.

Alexander Svetov-Nevolin He is a champion of the world,Russia and Europe in swimming.He was born in1988,in Rostov region.

Most award from the Russians at the Paralympics began Irek Zaripov, who won four gold and one silver in ski racing and biathlon. Three gold in the asset Cyril Michałowo, two - Anna Burmistrova and Sergey Shilov.

The Olympic G ames are one of the most striking examples of world’s progress and humanism. The Olympic Games in Sochi give Russia an excellent opportunity to reveal to the world our best qualities and perspectives

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Учебно-методический материал. Конспект урока ( 6 класс):"My Dream House. My Dream Room."
Презентация: My Dream House. My Dream Room.

Презентация относится к уроку: "Дом моей мечты. Комната моей мечты".

Paralympic Games: sports for the bravest and most courageous

Исследовательская работа по теме "Паралимпийские игры", включающий информацию об истории создания и основателе игр, их влиянии на инвалидов и государство в целом, игры как способ межкультурной коммуни.

План-конспект урока "The Paralympic Games".

Данный урок был разработан для учащихся 7-ого класса и является логическим продолжением темы «Sport Is Fun” раздела 4 УМК М. З. Биболетовой \'\'Enjoy English -7”, разрабатываемой на протяжении IV четвер.

Учебно-методическое пособие "Работа с текстом "Paralympic games""

Данное учебно-методическое пособие по чтению предназначено для тех, кто имеет знание базового английского языка. Задачей пособия является дальнейшее совершенствование навыков чтения и понимания содерж.

Intellectual game “The Field of Dreams”


Quizzing Game "Around the World in 45 Minutes" 5 Form

Игра-викторина для 5 класса по страноведению на тему:" Вокруг света за 45 минут".

Now I want to describe my attitude to the Paralympic Games. The Paralympics is such a complex of different kinds of simple sports which was chosen specially for disabled people. From the words of the participators we can understand that they want to be recognized for their achievements, just like any other athletes. In these even the most disabled people can demonstrate their abilities in the environment where their disabilities don’t count.

In the past people didn’t pay so much attention to this sport event (I mean the Paralympics), but now there appears some kind of new interest, especially pleasing for Bob Steward – the director of the IPC (International Paralympic Committee), he invites new participators. With money which IPC collect with their own efforts they can sponsor more than 100 athletes from 35 countries of the world.

More and more sports have been added since the Paralympics began. Many of them were added with the help and ideas of participators. So far there are events for the blind, amputees and people with cerebral palsy. Games specially for mentally disabled people were added in Atlanta.

From my point of view Paralympic Games is a very important event for all of us and people all over the world, because every person must prove himself. And of course disabled people deserve a chance to show their skills in abilities in corresponding atmosphere.

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