Сообщение о новороссийске на английском

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Цель урока: рассказать об истории Новороссийска и провести воображаемую экскурсию по городу.

Задачи урока:

  1. Развитие навыков аудирования, чтения.
  2. Формирование коммуникативных навыков, умения работать в группах, умения логически излагать свои мысли, аргументировано отстаивать свою точку зрения
  3. Развитие креативных способностей учащихся
  4. Воспитание патриотизма, любви к своей большой и малой родине

Оборудование: Фотографии из истории Новороссийска, фотографии с видами города, рисунки учеников, мультимедийный проектор.

На доске: “There is no place like my home”, “East or West – Home is best”

Ход урока

I. Вступительная часть

1) Организационный момент (на экране 1 слайд презентации)

T.: Hello! Nice to meet you. Today we will speak about our native place, native town. The topic of our lesson is “Novorossiysk is my native town”.

T.: Answer the question: Do you like your native place and why?

II. Основная часть

T.: At home you had to prepare some interesting facts about Novorossiysk which has a long and interesting history. There is no same place like Novorossiysk and its neighborhood on Russian territory where so many historic monuments of different epochs and people are concentrated.

Survived ancient edifices – dolmens (stone burials) are considered to be contemporaries to Egyptian Pyramids. The history of the town began more long before its birthday. The town arose in that very place that on different times attracted the attention of the Greeks, Romance, Scythians, Turks and Genoans. They made their settlements, fortresses there developed trade and crafts. Our Tsemesskaya bay, resistant to freezing is extremely convenient to navigation. So from time immemorial to contemporaneity this territory has been the center of intersection of geopolitical and economic interests.

Выходят ученики в греческом одеянии и рассказывают о греческом городе Бате, который находился на месте современного Новороссийска (презентация (слайды 2-4), звучит греческая музыка).

Ps: The first were Greeks. At the IV-V centuries AD on the place of modern town appeared one of the new Greek colonies - settlements. One of the settlements was ВАТА. Bata became a border town of the Bosporus kingdom. Bata had some trading with Metropolis. The main reasons which attracted Greeks were fertile soil and soft and warm climate.

At the first century AD the conquest of Normandic people destroyed Bata and stopped the development of civilization here. These were Greeks who gave the name of Tsemesskaya Bay. It means the forests with many insects.

T.: Well done. What can you tell us about the birthday of Novorossiysk?

Выходят ученики, которые представляют собой Лазарева и Раевского. Они рассказывают об основании г. Новороссийска. (Презентация (слайды 5-7))

T.: Thank you. Rapid growth of Novorossiysk as a commercial port began at the last quarter of the XIX century. This involved intensive railway construction, building of oil pipeline structures, sea berths. First the main export product was grain and the largest in Europe elevator was built here. Then the increase of dispatching oil began. The town business potential increased with discovering of the new layer of the valuable stone marl. Thanks to this stone it became possible to produce cement. Starting from the XIX century as one of the major world commercial ports, Novorossiysk was packed with banks, offices and agencies that specialized in commission and dispatching activities.

Now tell us about our town during the World War Second.

Ps. : During the World War Second Novorossiysk being the last Sine of defense stopped the impact of the fascists troops and didn't let them breakthrough to the Caucasian area. The landing force and the seizure of the bridgehead, named lately Malaya Zemlya played the great part in the defense of Novorossiysk. For the military valor and courage of its defenders the city of Novorossiysk was awarded the rank of the "Hero City". The day of liberation from the enemy 16.09.1943 is considered to be the day of the city rebirth. People's heroism is perpetuated in stone and metal in many monuments and memorials.

T.: Thank you very much.

Т: And now answer some questions:

  1. Who were the first founders of Bata? (the Greeks were)
  2. Why did they found Bata in Tsemesskaya Bay? (Because of fertile soil and soft and warm climate.)
  3. What means Tsemesskaya Bay? (It means the forests with many insects)
  4. When was Novorossiysk founded? (12 th of September 1868)
  5. Who was the town founded by? (It was founded by Michael Lazarev and Nikolay Raevskiy.)
  6. Is Novorossiysk a Hero-city? (Yes, it is)
  7. Why? (Because of courage of its defenders during the war)
  8. Are there many monuments in our town? (Yes, there are. They are mainly connected with the Second World War.)
  9. Is Novorossiysk a port? (Yes, It is. It's a large maritime town)
  10. Do you like you town? (Yes, I do)

в) Работа с видео эпизодами фильма о Новороссийске

T: Now Novorossiysk possesses the status of the major Russian Black sea port and the center of international cooperation.

T: Now let's see how well you know the history of our town. Match the dates and the events.

(Каждому ученику дается карточка с датами и событиями из истории города.)

The Turks built the fortress Sudzhuk-kale

The birth of the town of Novorossiysk

Novorossiysk got the status of town

The Squadron of Chernomorian Navy was sank.

Novorossiysk became the part of the Krasnodar territory

The beginning of the defensive operation

The landing in South Ozereyka

The liberation of the town.

Novorossiysk was awarded the rank of the Hero-City

Novorossiysk got the status of town

The landing in South Ozereyka

The liberation of the town.

Novorossiysk was awarded the rank of the Hero-City

The Squadron of Chernomorian Navy was sank.

The birth of the town of Novorossiysk

1846 December, 15

The Turks built the fortress Sudzhuk-kale

1838 September, 12

Novorossiysk became the part of theKrasnodarterritory

The beginning of the defensive operation

г) Развитие диалогической речи: Проведение виртуальной экскурсии по городу. (Можно использовать презентацию слайды 12-15.)

Т: Well, and now let's see how well do you know you town. Act the dialogues "In the streets of our town" (Use the photos on the blackboards).

III. Заключительная часть

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Novorossiysk, the Hero City, is the pride of Russia, her true son and firm ou.

  • Поможем развить концентрацию и внимание с раннего возраста
  • Повысим гибкость и раскованность в общении

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Novorossiysk, the Hero City, is the pride of Russia, her true son and firm ou.

Novorossiysk, the Hero City, is the pride of Russia, her true son and firm outpost. Welcome to Novorossiysk, the seaport and resort-city Novorossiysk is full of amazingly beautiful nature scenery and historical sites. You will also find various kinds of popular and exclusive entertainment here.

Novorossiysk has long and rich history. The most ancient settlements to be fo.

Novorossiysk has long and rich history. The most ancient settlements to be found on the territory of Novorossiysk are about 6 thousand years old. In the ancient period here existed a Greek settlement named Batah, which was a part of Bospor kingdom. Later on this place was visited by the Romans, then came the Byzantines and in the Middle Ages the Genoeses called the bay “Kalolimeno”, which meant “Beautiful harbour”. Here lived many tribes coming one after another: the Kerkets, the Goths, the Khazars, adygs…

In 1722 on the southern coast of the bay the Turks built the fortress called.

In 1722 on the southern coast of the bay the Turks built the fortress called Sudzhuk-Kale. The Turks intended to stay there for long, but Russian Empire ruined their plans. In 1829 the confronting countries signed the peace treaty of Adrianople, according to which the whole north-eastern coast of the Black Sea belonged to Russia. In September of 1838 from warships of admiral Lazarev’s fleet an amphibious landing was made onto the shore of Sudzhuk Bay under the command of general Raevskiy. It was then that a military fortification was founded and given, by the tsar’s order, the name of “Novorossiysk”.

During the Great Patriotic War Novorossiysk became the arena of very severe c.

During the Great Patriotic War Novorossiysk became the arena of very severe combats. Due to courage and firmness of soviet warriors the enemy, who was heading for the Caucuses, was stopped here by the walls of the city in September 1942 and in 1973 the honorary rank of “city hero ”was bestowed on Novorossiysk.

In 1943, the city authorities made the decision to immortalize the names of w.

In 1943, the city authorities made the decision to immortalize the names of war heroes. Nearer to the seafront there is an obelisk, erected in honour of the 20th anniversary of the liberation of Novorossiysk from white Russian movement and the interventionism. There are two marble monuments to the famed heroes of the battles for the city: Kunikov S.L. and Sypygin N.I. Here are buried the participants of the fights for Novorossiysk in September of 1943, Heroes of the Soviet Union, commanders and marines, each name is imprinted in golden letters on the history of the Great Patriotic War.

In 1958 the fire of Eternal Glory was lit on the square of Heroes in commemor.

In 1958 the fire of Eternal Glory was lit on the square of Heroes in commemoration of heroism demonstrated by the soviet soldiers and partisans during the fights for Novorossiysk.

But let us return to modern Novorossiysk. Certainly, the magnificent seafront.

But let us return to modern Novorossiysk. Certainly, the magnificent seafront named after admiral Serebryakov, who started the building of the city, is the pride of all the citizens. Vladimir Sinyagovskiy , the head of Novorossiysk, doesn’t conceal his dream to make the city seafront the best on the Black Sea coasts.

In Novorossiysk you can take a promenade along the fantastic seafront, deligh.

In Novorossiysk you can take a promenade along the fantastic seafront, delight in lying on spacious beaches, walk through cozy, well-kept streets, squares and parks, see numerous monuments, visit interesting museums and, of course, enjoy the incomparable local nature. Novorossiysk has also its own “Pushkinka”. The local youth love to meet and spend tome on the cozy square near the monument of the great poet. Here on the central park alley you can see the bronze sculpture of the “Stranger in the carriage” and the “Girl on a ball” on the neighbouring Peace Street delights the eyes of passers-by. Novorossiysk abounds with fountains, alleys and squares.

Pushkin’s monument “Stranger in the carriage”

Pushkin’s monument “Stranger in the carriage”

“Girl on a ball” “Gift of water”

“Girl on a ball” “Gift of water”

While walking along the seafront, you will definitely have a desire to go up.

In the seaside village Myskhako there is a memorial complex where you can se.

The complex also includes one object of wildlife — the tree (sycamore), plant.

In the eastern part of the city, in august 1942 the brave defenders of Novoro.

The framework of a railway carriage, which during the fights was on the neutr.

The framework of a railway carriage, which during the fights was on the neutral territory, is the integral part of the ensemble. Ten thousand shellholes in this framework show us how hard the fights were and how high was the density of fire.

On the seafront you can see the bronze figure of the Unknown Sailor, personif.

On the seafront you can see the bronze figure of the Unknown Sailor, personifying the collective image of the defender and deliverer of Novorossiysk

As for the leisure in Novorossiysk, beside the three cinema theatres, there a.

The spiritual history of Novorossiysk is a long and rich one. In our mountain.

The spiritual history of Novorossiysk is a long and rich one. In our mountains long ago preached apostle Andrew the first called. The life of the other man of faith, the reverend Feodosiy Caucasian, is really miraculous. For some time Father Feodosiy lived in the building of the train station Caucasian, once out of the dry rocky surface a spring came. Father himself laid rocks around the spring. This holy spring in village Mountainous, now existing, is one of the most favourite places of pilgrimage. The other most famous spring in our land is a few steps from the mountain road going from the stanitsa Neberdzhaevskaya to the village Grushovyi.

Novorossiysk is a charming place in any weather and at any time of day. Stand.

Novorossiysk is a charming place in any weather and at any time of day. Standing on the beach in the surrounding mountains, you can feast your eyes on breathtaking sunrises and sunsets.

In the daytime Novorossiysk demonstrates the simple beauty of its industrial.

In the daytime Novorossiysk demonstrates the simple beauty of its industrial scenery: fanciful silhouettes of industrial constructions, ocean ships and harbour cranes. However, the biggest seaport of Russia that every day receives import and export cargos and is connected with the world through many sea routs is only one guise of the herocity.

In the evening you can watch the fantastic panorama of the city, when myriads.

In the evening you can watch the fantastic panorama of the city, when myriads of lights turn Novorossiysk into a grand amphitheatre on the coast of the the Tsemess Bay.

The nature in Novorossiysk region is wonderful and absolutely fascinating. A.

The nature in Novorossiysk region is wonderful and absolutely fascinating. A lot of people come to Novorossiysk to bathe in the sea. There are three beaches in Novorossiysk: the Central beach, Sudzhuk headland and Alexino. Seawater at the beach in bathing season is warmed up to +25°C. The sea climate of Novorossiysk makes summers very warm and winters moderately cold. For this reason ducks, swans and herons migrate to winter here.

On the coastline situated on the territory of Myskhako village there is a «wi.

Of course, it is impossible to tell here about all places of interest that No.

Волны Черного моря омывают один из крупнейших портов страны – Новороссийск.

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Waves of the Black Sea are washed one of the largest ports of the country – Novorossiysk.

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История этих мест тянется еще с V века до нашей эры.

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The history of these places stretches from the 5th century BC.

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В то время город носил другое название – Бата.

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At that time the city was called Bata

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В 18 веке турки строят здесь крепость Суджук, которую неоднократно брали то русские, то турецкие войска в нескончаемых русско-турецких войнах того времени.

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In the 18th century, the Turks built here the Sujuk fortress, which was repeatedly taken by Russian and Turkish troops in the never-ending Russian-Turkish wars of that time.

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Во время войны 1941-1945 года, советские войска держали оборону 393 дня, не пуская врага.

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During the war of 1941-1945, Soviet troops held the defense for 393 days, not letting the enemy in.

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За этот подвиг в 1973 году ему было присвоено звание Города-героя. История Новороссийска хранит память об этих событиях.

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For this feat in 1973 he was awarded the title Hero City. The history of Novorossiysk keeps a memory of these events.

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Много памятников и монументов в городе посвящены героям войны.

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Many monuments and monuments in the city are dedicated to the heroes of the war.

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После года боев, на улицах города остались только руины.

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After a year of fighting, only ruins remained on the streets of the city.

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Решено было строить его заново.

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It was decided to build it again.

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Центр цементной промышленности, важнейший транспортный узел российского юга, город виноделия и, конечно, черноморский порт – это сегодняшняя история города Новороссийска.

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The center of the cement industry, the most important transport hub of the Russian south, the city of winemaking and, of course, the Black Sea port – is the history of the city of Novorossiysk today.

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Здесь собрано большое количество достопримечательностей, известных не только в России, но и в других странах.

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There are a lot of attractions, known not only in Russia, but also in other countries.

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– Набережная адмирала Серебрякова с неповторимыми скульптурами

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– Embankment of Admiral Serebryakov with unique sculptures

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– The cruiser-museum “Mikhail Kutuzov”

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– Memorial complex “Valley of Death”

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– Планетарий имени Гагарина Ю.А.

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– Planetarium named after Gagarin Yu.A.

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– Observation platform “Seven Winds”

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And lovers of mysticism can go to the mysterious dolmens and try to solve their mystical mystery!

Отдых в Новороссийске - это отдых в городе с богатой историей и культурой.

Город располагается в Цемесской бухте, одной из самых удобных на Черном море.

На западе и юго - западе город окружен предгориями Большого Кавказа.

Климат Новороссийска близок к средиземноморскому.

Купальный сезон длится с мая по октябрь, средняя температура воздуха + 24 градуса, средняя температура воды + 20 градусов.

В районе Новороссийска множестово красивых мест : известное курортное место Широкая Балка, Абрау - Дюрсо, где находится знаменитый завод шаманских вин и необычайной красоты озеро.

Мы предлагаем отдых в Новороссийске :

Гостиница "Метроклуб" (Широкая Балка).

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