Сообщение о некрасове на английском языке

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

Дорогой ученик! В этом материале опубликованы русские писатели на английском языке. Под английским текстом есть перевод на русский язык.

Russian Writers

Alexander Pushkin

Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837) was a Russian poet, playwright, and novelist who is considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature.

He published his first poem at the age of 15. Critics consider many of his works masterpieces. His notable works are Eugene Onegin, The Captain's Daughter, Boris Godunov, Ruslan and Ludmila.

Mikhail Lermontov

Mikhail Lermontov (1814-1841) was a Russian writer, poet and painter. He was the most important Russian poet after Alexander Pushkin's death and the greatest figure in Russian Romanticism. His notable works are Death of the Poet, Demon, The Novice, A Hero of Our Time.

Leo Tolstoy

He first achieved literary acclaim with his trilogy, Childhood, Boyhood, and Youth , and Sevastopol Sketches . He is best known for the novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina .

Ivan Turgenev

His best known works are Rudin, A Nest of the Gentry, On the Eve, Mumu and Fathers and Sons . Fathers and Sons is one of the most acclaimed Russian novels of the 19th century.

Fyodor Dostoevsky

Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) was a Russian novelist and philosopher. His works explore human psychology in the troubled political and social atmospheres of 19th-century Russia, and engage with a variety of philosophical and religious themes.

His notable works are Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, Demons, The Brothers Karamazov .

Nikolay Nekrasov

Nikolay Nekrasov (1821-1878) was a Russian poet. As the editor of several literary journals, notably Sovremennik, Nekrasov was also successful and influential.

His best known works are The Railway, Who Is Happy in Russia? Musings By the Front Door, Russian Women .

Mikhail Bulgakov

Mikhail Bulgakov (1891-1940) was a Russian writer, doctor and playwright active in the first half of the 20th century.

He is best known for his novel The Master and Margarita , published posthumously, which has been called one of the masterpieces of the 20th century. His other notable works are The Fatal Eggs and Heart of a Dog .

Про Некрасова :)
Nikolai Nekrasov (1821 - 77/78) - the leading poet of the Russian revolutionary democracy.

Nikolay Nekrasov was born in the Ukraine. The boy was three years old, when his father, a landowner and Yaroslavl retired officer, moved the family to the family estate Greshnevo. Childhood years here - a large garden of apple trees, near the Volga River, which is called the cradle of Nekrasov, and next to the famous Sibirko or Vladimirka, which recalled: "All that was going on it and rode it and knows from postal triples and finishing prisoners, put in chains, accompanied by guards, had a steady diet of our children's curiosity. " And there were catching birds and mushrooms, a strong friendship with a peasant rebyatni. Infant verse seven poet, dedicated to the "beloved mama." Heavy experience "crazy fun" father of his despotism. The eleventh year of high school in Yaroslavl, where barely finish my studies through fifth grade. Reading books, epigrams on teachers and friends, dreams of glory . Lyrics and book manuscript of the novel - it is the age of seventeen. They Nekrasov and arrived in St. Petersburg. Father ordered to determine the regiment, and he decided to go to university (some time was listed as a volunteer). In 1838, he began his literary life, which lasted forty years.

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Biography Nikolai Nekrasov

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Biography Nikolai Nekrasov

Biography Nikolai Nekrasov

Nikolai Nekrasov, (1821-1877) Russian poet

Nikolai Nekrasov, (1821-1877) Russian poet

Born in the town of Nemiroff (Podolsk Province) in the family landed gentry.

Born in the town of Nemiroff (Podolsk Province) in the family landed gentry. Early years were in the village Greshnevo the family estate of his father, a man of very heavy-handed. At the age of 10 years was given to the Yaroslavl school.

In 17 years, moved to St. Petersburg, but refused to devote himself to a mil.

In 17 years, moved to St. Petersburg, but refused to devote himself to a military career as his father insisted, was deprived of material support. In order not to starve to death, he began to write poems commissioned by booksellers. At this time he became acquainted with Belinsky.

At the beginning of 1875 Nekrasov seriously ill or famous surgeon or surgery.

At the beginning of 1875 Nekrasov seriously ill or famous surgeon or surgery could not stop the rapidly developing colorectal cancer. At this time he began work on the series "The Last Song" (1877), a kind of poetic testament dedicated Thecla Anisimovna Viktorova (in the work of Nekrasov Zinaida), the last love of the poet. Nekrasov died at the age of 56 years. In 1869 Nekrasov acquired the right to publish the magazine "Notes of the Fatherland" and published it. During his work in "Notes of the Fatherland" created the poem "Who Lives Well in Russia", "Grandfather", "Russian women", wrote a series of satirical works, the apex of which was the poem "Contemporaries."

At the beginning of 1875 Nekrasov seriously ill or famous surgeon or surgery.

At the beginning of 1875 Nekrasov seriously ill or famous surgeon or surgery could not stop the rapidly developing colorectal cancer. At this time he began work on the series "The Last Song" (1877), a kind of poetic testament dedicated Thecla Anisimovna Viktorova (in the work of Nekrasov Zinaida), the last love of the poet. Nekrasov died at the age of 56 years.

Н.А. Некрасов

Николай Алексеевич Некрасов – известный русский поэт, прозаик, критик, издатель XIX столетия. Литературная деятельность Некрасова способствовала развитию русского литературного языка. В своих сочинениях он использовал, как фольклорные традиции, так и новые речевые элементы. Поэт считается новатором в области литературных жанров. Его народные, сатирические поэмы стали важным вкладом в золотой фонд русской литературы.

Происхождение и ранние годы

Некрасов появился на свет 10 декабря 1821 года в городе Немирове. Будущий поэт происходил из дворянской семьи, ранее богатой.

В этом доме родился Некрасов

Отец – Алексей Сергеевич Некрасов, армейский офицер, небедный помещик. Он имел слабость к азартным играм и женщинам. Отец не мог служить хорошим моральным примером: имел жестокий буйный характер, типичный для крепостников. Плохо обращался с крепостными крестьянами, заставлял страдать жену и детей.

Мать – Елена Андреевна Некрасова (в девичестве Закревская), наследница зажиточного посессионера Херсонской губернии. Она была образованной и миловидной. Ей приглянулся молодой офицер Алексей Сергеевич, но родители были против брака. Тогда женщина решила выйти замуж без их согласия. Однако семейная жизнь с деспотичным мужем стала кошмаром.

Детство Николая Алексеевича проходило в родовом имении в деревне Грешнево. Он рос в большой семье. Кроме него, у родителей было еще 12 детей. Однако атмосфера не была благоприятной: отец постоянно измывался над крепостными, не уважал свою семью. Шаткое материально положение вынудило Алексея Сергеевича занять должность исправника. Он разъезжал по окрестностям и выбивал недоимки с крестьян. Отец часто брал с собой на работу маленького Николая, возможно, чтобы показать, каким должен быть помещик. Однако будущий поэт наоборот навсегда воспылал ненавистью к крепостникам и жалостью к простому народу.


Когда Некрасову было 11 лет, его отдали учиться в ярославскую гимназию. Там он пробыл до 5 класса. Учился он не очень хорошо, не ладил со школьной администрацией, которая была недовольна его сатирическими стишками.

В 1838 году отец отправил 17-летнего сына в Санкт-Петербург для поступления в дворянский полк. Однако Николай не разделял мечту отца о военной карьере. Повстречав приятеля с гимназии, который стал студентом, он тоже захотел учиться. Поэтому Некрасов нарушает приказ отца и пробует поступить в Петербургский университет, но безуспешно. Он становится вольнослушателем лекций. Строгий отец не прощает сына и перестает его обеспечивать деньгами. Юный Некрасов теперь вынужден бороться за выживание. Почти все время он тратил на поиски заработка. Случайно он нашел способ заработать – писал прошения за гроши.


Прожив самостоятельно несколько лет в нужде, Некрасов понемногу стал из нее выбираться при помощи литературного таланта. Он давал частные уроки, печатал небольшие статьи в периодических изданиях. Первые успехи вдохновили юношу – и он всерьез задумывается о литературной деятельности: пробует себя в поэзии и прозе. Вначале Николай пишет в романтическом направлении, подражая лучшим представителям, что позже станет основой для разработки собственного реалистического метода.

Дом-музей Некрасова в Чудово

После поэтической неудачи Некрасов пробует свои силы в прозе. В произведениях он отобразил личный жизненный опыт, поэтому образы получились правдивыми и оттого близкими народу.

Некрасов пробует себя в разных жанрах, в том числе и юмористическом: пишет балагурные поэмы и водевили.

Издательская деятельность тоже привлекала многогранного литератора.

Основные произведения

Некрасов с любимой собакой. Скульптура

Последние годы

Презентация на тему Презентация по английскому языку на тему Биография Николая Некрасова (7 класс), предмет презентации: Английский язык. Этот материал в формате pptx (PowerPoint) содержит 6 слайдов, для просмотра воспользуйтесь проигрывателем. Презентацию на заданную тему можно скачать внизу страницы, поделившись ссылкой в социальных сетях! Презентации взяты из открытого доступа или загружены их авторами, администрация сайта не отвечает за достоверность информации в них, все права принадлежат авторам презентаций и могут быть удалены по их требованию.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Biography Nikolai Nekrasov

Biography Nikolai Nekrasov

Nikolai Nekrasov, (1821-1877) Russian poet

Nikolai Nekrasov, (1821-1877) Russian poet

Born in the town of Nemiroff (Podolsk Province) in the family landed gentry. Early years were in

Born in the town of Nemiroff (Podolsk Province) in the family landed gentry. Early years were in the village Greshnevo the family estate of his father, a man of very heavy-handed. At the age of 10 years was given to the Yaroslavl school.

In 17 years, moved to St. Petersburg, but refused to devote himself to a military career as

In 17 years, moved to St. Petersburg, but refused to devote himself to a military career as his father insisted, was deprived of material support. In order not to starve to death, he began to write poems commissioned by booksellers. At this time he became acquainted with Belinsky.

At the beginning of 1875 Nekrasov seriously ill or famous surgeon or surgery could not stop the

At the beginning of 1875 Nekrasov seriously ill or famous surgeon or surgery could not stop the rapidly developing colorectal cancer. At this time he began work on the series "The Last Song" (1877), a kind of poetic testament dedicated Thecla Anisimovna Viktorova (in the work of Nekrasov Zinaida), the last love of the poet. Nekrasov died at the age of 56 years.
In 1869 Nekrasov acquired the right to publish the magazine "Notes of the Fatherland" and published it. During his work in "Notes of the Fatherland" created the poem "Who Lives Well in Russia", "Grandfather", "Russian women", wrote a series of satirical works, the apex of which was the poem "Contemporaries."

At the beginning of 1875 Nekrasov seriously ill or famous surgeon or surgery could not stop the

At the beginning of 1875 Nekrasov seriously ill or famous surgeon or surgery could not stop the rapidly developing colorectal cancer. At this time he began work on the series "The Last Song" (1877), a kind of poetic testament dedicated Thecla Anisimovna Viktorova (in the work of Nekrasov Zinaida), the last love of the poet. Nekrasov died at the age of 56 years.

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