Сообщение о городе ярославль на английском языке

Обновлено: 01.06.2024

history of the city Yaroslavl - the first Russian city on the Volga. First mentioned in 1017 in the "Tale of Bygone Years". In the early 13th century, Constantine begins build up Yaroslavl stone temples. In the 17th century, the city became the largest center of the Moscow State after Moscow. During the industrialization of Yaroslavl to become a major industrial center. In July 1918, the city became the scene of one of the largest demonstrations against the Soviet regime - Yaroslavl uprising.

location of Yaroslavl is the location of the East European Plain, its the central part. Yaroslavl - the administrative center of Yaroslavl region, located on the right bank. Volga River, a distance of 282 km north-east of Moscow. In this city there are multiple railway junctions and road junctions, including property in Yaroslavl. In addition, Yaroslavl has an airport and river port. The tourism industry is very developed in Yaroslavl, and growing.

emblem of Yaroslavl

history of Yaroslavl The city was founded in 1010 by Yaroslav the Wise as a fortress to protect the north-eastern border of Russia. It was the first Christian city on the Volga. In 1238, he sacked and burned the Mongol-Tatars. In 1463, Yaroslavl became a member of the Moscow State. Here in the case of danger to transport the state treasury.

HISTORIC PLACES Holy Transfiguration Monastery One of the oldest monasteries in the North-West of Russia, according to the documents known since 1186. In 1213, the monastery was the first in the Russian school - called Grygoryivsky porch (later he was transferred to Rostov).

Church of the Savior on the city The temple was situated on a smooth slope to the lower promenade Kotorosl , where one of the most massive towers of the fortress town called Earthen Zeleynaya-Podzeleynaya .

Church of the Epiphany One of the most famous monuments of the city of Yaroslavl, creating his unique and unique appearance - is the church of the Epiphany. Its construction is to 1684-1693 years, owes its existence to it means wealthy Yaroslavl merchant Alexei Zubchaninov

The ancient icon of Yaroslavl "Yaroslavl Orans ", the beginning of the XIII century "Spas Golden Hair", the beginning of the XIII century "Nicholas, belt," the first half of the XIV century

Church of Elijah the Prophet - the church in the center of Yaroslavl in the Soviet area, an outstanding architectural monument of the Yaroslavl school of architecture of XVII century. Is run by the Diocese of Yaroslavl and Rostov and Yaroslavl Museum.

night landscape in Yaroslavl

The monument to the founder of Prince Yaroslav the Wise of Yaroslavl is located on an area of the Epiphany in the center of Yaroslavl.

Very close to the Holy Transfiguration Monastery monument bear, set in 2009 for the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslavl. Bronze Bear with paw raised stood on a huge rock, like the legend of the foundation of Yaroslavl, which bear left towards Yaroslav the Wise. There is a monument in this feature - each hour bear growls.

The monument to Nikolai Nekrasov - Russian poet, writer, publicist, uchivshemusya in Yaroslavl.

Our country is big and it is full of interesting towns. When my friends say they would like to travel abroad, I always ask if they have seen everything in Russia. There are so many historical and beautiful town like Kazan, Ufa, Vladivostok, Yaroslavl and many others.

Today I would like to tell you a little bit about Yaroslavl. This city is located 160 kilometres northeast of Moscow.

Yaroslavl was founded in 1010. It’s one of the oldest Russian towns. It became popular only in XVII century. Yaroslavl is a center of Yaroslavl region.

A lot of popular people, opera singers, scientists and artists were born here. They are Karolina Pavlova, Alexand Liapunov, Leonid Sobinov and some others.

There are many interesting and historical places in this city. For example, here you can find Yaroslavl Kremlin. Actually it’s not properly Kremlin, but the monument. The building was destroyed during the fire in 1658. Now it’s a museum where you can find many historical documents.

Also you can find here monastery and cathedral. The cathedral is the oldest monument not only of the city, but the whole regione. This place remembers Ivan Groznyi, Minin and Pizharskyi. There is no information who built this place. Local people say they were Italians.

Another interesting thing is that local people invite tourists to have excursions here. I think it’s a very good experience, because local people know many stories and legends and they want to share with guests.

I have never been to Yaroslavl, but sometimes I see news about this city and I would like to come here. I see the streets here are clean and beautiful. I think some my classmates have relatives here. So maybe one day I will come to visit this city and I will take an excursion with someone who spent here all his life.


Наша страна огромна и здесь полно интересных мест. Когда мои друзья говорят, что хотят побывать за границей, я спрашиваю их, а все ли они видели в России. Здесь ведь так много исторических и красивых городов, таких как Казань, Уфа, Владивосток, Ярославль и много других.

Сегодня я бы хотела рассказать вам немного о Ярославле. Этот город расположен в 160 километрах на северо-востоке от Москвы.

Ярославль был основан в 1010 году. Это один из старейших русских городов. И стал популярным город только в 17 веке. А ещё Ярославль является центром Ярославской области.

Много известных людей, оперных певцов, ученых и художников родились здесь. Среди них Каролина Павлова, Александр Ляпунов, Леонид Собинов и многие другие.

В городе есть много исторических мест и памятников. Например, здесь можно найти Ярославский Кремль. Хотя, это не совсем Кремль, а только памятник. Само здание было разрушено во время пожара в 1658 году. Сегодня это музей, где хранится много исторических документов.

А ещё на территории города находится монастырь и собор. Спасо-Преображенский собор является старейшим памятником не только города, но всей области. Это место помнит Ивана Грозного, Минина и Пожарского. Нет точной информации, кто возвёл собор. Но бытует мнение, что это были итальянцы.

А ещё интересно и то, что местные жители устраивают экскурсии для туристов. Мне кажется, это замечательный опыт, ведь местные жители знают много историй и легенд, которыми обязательно поделятся с гостями.

Yaroslavl is one of the largest Russian cities. Ярославль один из крупных российских городов.

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The city of Yaroslavl is the capital of the Yaroslavl region. Город Ярославль является столицей Ярославской области.

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Population of the city is more than 600 thousand people. Население города составляет более 600 тысяч человек.

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The city of Yaroslavl is located on the banks of the Volga and Kotorosl rivers. Город Ярославль располагается на берегах рек Волги и Которосль.

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First time the city of Yaroslavl is mentioned in the Russian chronicles in 1071. Впервые город Ярославль упоминается в русских летописях в 1071 году.
Yaroslavl was founded by the prince Yaroslav Mudry. Ярославль был основан князем Ярославом Мудрым.

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In honor of him, the city got its name. В честь него город и получил своё название.

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Согласно преданию, князь убил священного зверя – медведя. According to legend, the prince killed a sacred beast – a bear.

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This legend was reflected in the emblem of the city, which depicts a bear. Эта легенда нашла отражение в гербе города, на котором изображён медведь.

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In Yaroslavl was founded the first public theater in Russia. В Ярославле был основан первый в России общедоступный театр.

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For this reason, the city is considered the birthplace of the Russian theater. По этой причине город считается родиной русского театра.

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There are many museums in Yaroslavl. В Ярославле много музеев.

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Yaroslavl. А city in Russia.

Выполнила: Главатских Елена,

Yaroslavl is the city of the Golden Ring of Russia. It is one of the most ancient cities and rightfully deserves the title of the key among the cities of the Golden Ring. Yaroslavl has one hundred and forty architectural monuments that are part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The city was founded and built by Yaroslav the Wise at the beginning of the eleventh century. Yaroslavl became the first city of Christianity on the Volga. The symbol of the city is a bear. It is available on the city coat of arms – in its left paw there is a golden axe. According to an ancient legend, pagans who lived in the village of Bear Corner provoked a bear attack on Prince Yaroslav. Yaroslav the Wise was brave and defeated him.

Currently, the most important place in the city is considered to be the embankment. It's called Strelka. Here the Kotorosli merges into the Volga.

In ancient times, a large Kremlin made of wood was located on Strelka. It was called the Chopped City, as it consisted entirely of wood, and carved and openwork patterns were made by local craftsmen.


The attraction of ancient Yaroslavl is the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery. It was built at the beginning of the thirteenth century by order of Prince Konstantin Vsevolodovich. In the sixteenth century, the structure was reinforced with strong stone towers and walls of great thickness. From that moment on, the royal treasury was kept in the monastery. There was also a Streletsky regiment guarding the treasury. Today you can see this treasury, climb the monastery bell tower, from which you can see the whole city and admire the landscapes of the Volga.

Tolga St. Vvedensky Monastery is a unique work of architectural art. Currently, the age of the monastery is more than seven centuries. It is located in a cozy and quiet place. It is beautiful here and there is a large amount of greenery. Therefore, in the spring, the building is drowned in flowers, and black swans live in the backwater located nearby. Peacocks live in a grove of cedars.

There is a new park near the Assumption Cathedral. It appeared in honor of the millennium of Yaroslavl. The park has fountains with music, a large number of beautiful trees. In the central part of the park there is a stele with a double-headed eagle, which has a height of twenty meters, and a flowerbed shaped like a bear. On the edges of the park there are various sculptures of heroes of history, reflecting the entire history of the ancient city.

Yaroslavl is the only city in which there is a monument to the Holy Trinity. He is the unity of the Holy Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This composition is set for the centennial anniversary.

Karabikha is a museum-estate, which is located near the village of Krasnye Tkachi. It is famous for the fact that N. Nekrasov lived and worked here. The poet spent about ten years in it. During this period of time, he wrote his best works.

Currently, Yaroslavl is a large historical center of the Volga region, one of the main centers of science and culture, to which a large number of tourists of any age come every year.

Yaroslavl is an ancient city to the north of Moscow. It was founded in 1010 by Prince Yaroslav the Wise. There is an old beautiful legend about the foundation of Yaroslavl. Once Prince Yaroslav with his warriors came to the place where the Kotorosl River flowed into the Volga. The Prince liked the place, but the pagans who lived there didn't like this invasion and let their sacred bear kill the Prince, but Yaroslav fought against the sacred animal and killed it with his pole axe. Then he founded the fortress and it was called Yaroslavl and the coat of arms of the town was a bear with a pole axe on its shoulder.
Yaroslavl has the rich historic past. It saw the Tatar invasion, the Polish intervention, was damaged during the Revolution and suffered a lot. But in spite of all these difficult periods of history it has remained magnificently beautiful and it is one of the greatest attractions for tourists. Yaroslavl is one of the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia. Every day a lot of tourists come to visit this ancient Russian city and admire its wonderful cathedrals, monasteries, churches and the famous embankment.
The first Russian theatre was built in Yaroslavl by Feodor Volkov. Yaroslavl is a big industrial city. Big plants and factories produce engines, paints, oil, tires, and other important things. The first in the world plant producing synthetic rubber was built in Yaroslavl, too.
When we speak about this city we can't help mentioning Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman cosmonaut, who was born there.
In 2005 Yaroslavl became a member of UNESCO because of its wonderful architecture and rich history.

admire [ad'maia] восхищаться
coat of arms ['kautav'aims] герб
embankment [im'bcerjkmant] набережная
engine ['end3in] мотор
fortress ['fo:tns] крепость
found (founded, founded) [faund] основывать
foundation [,faun'derj(3)n] основание
intervention [jnta'venf^n] вторжение
invasion [т'уегз(э)п] нашествие
magnificent [maeg'nifisnt] великолепный
pagan ['peigan] язычник
pole axe ['paul'aeks] секира
sacred ['seiknd] священный
synthetic rubber [sin,9etik'rAb3] синтетический каучук
tire ['taia] автомобильная шина
warrior ['\УЭ:ПЭ] воин

1. When was Yaroslavl founded?
2. What is the legend about the foundation of the city?
3. Why are the tourists attracted by Yaroslavl?
4. What and who is Yaroslavl famous for?

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