Сообщение о гепарде на английском

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

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Выполнила: Главатских Елена

Now in modern times, everyone knows that the cheetah belongs to the feline family, and is also the fastest cat in the world. According to dozens of measurements of scientists, a cheetah is able to reach a speed of one hundred and twenty kilometers per hour in just three seconds. Hence it is clear that the cheetah will not just run like that, at such a breakneck speed. To do this, he needs a good incentive, for example, a lone victim who can be caught without problems. The cheetah lives on the hottest continent of Africa.

The physique of these animals is very decent, which is covered with a good layer of muscles. The head is streamlined and rather small in size. The ears are medium-sized, and the eyes are located as high as possible. Such a unique skeleton structure and physique is necessary for a quick set of speed and rapid braking. Thanks only to this, these animals are able to develop such a high speed. Also, the cheetah has huge lungs that allow sufficient oxygen to saturate the blood. The weight of the entire body of the animal is not significantly large, about about seventy kilograms. The length of the body also does not differ in special indicators. It is approximately about one and a half meters. The height of the rack on four legs, rarely exceeds the mark of one meter. At the end of the body there is a rather long tail, up to one meter long. The legs at first glance look thin, long as if they are sick, but in fact they are very strong and hardy.

All people remember these animals because of their thick bright yellow fur, and if you ever see this animal, then you won't confuse it with anyone else. The yellow covering of the body is not on the whole body. The Cheetah's belly is more white than black. There are also dozens of black spots resembling circles on the body. The cheetah also has stripes on its face, which originate at the eyes and end near the mouth.

Cheetahs do not go out hunting during the day when the air temperature is very high. Most often they hunt early in the morning or late at night, as the bright sun does not blind their eyes. It is also worth noting that these predators do not have a very strong sense of smell. When hunting, they use only their farsightedness and powerful legs. When a victim is found, the cheetahs do not launch a quick attack. They begin a slow pursuit that escalates into a fast chase. As a result, the victim simply gets tired, and the cheetah uses its fast legs to achieve it.

This predator of the feline family is rightfully considered the best runner among mammals, because it is able to develop a truly stunning speed. The habitat of cheetahs is not wide. Rather, on the contrary – there are fewer and fewer of them. Therefore, it may happen that very soon this animal will be listed in the Red Book. Cheetahs used to live in India, Pakistan, Russia and the Middle East, but now there are no more than 100 of these animals worldwide.

By the way, Asian cheetahs are somewhat smaller than usual in size, have significantly shorter limbs, a thicker neck and a thin coat. The survival rate of this subspecies is quite low. It is extremely difficult for cubs to survive in the wild, because some scientists estimate the mortality rate of cheetahs as very high, which, in principle, is understandable based on the number of these animals remaining at the moment.

In addition to his success in running, the cheetah is also a master of jumping – when the speed of his running becomes maximum, the predator can jump 7 meters. But what this big cat does not know at all is how to growl, purr and make any other sounds.

The animal sees well in the dark, but climbs trees poorly. Female cheetahs are mainly engaged in taking care of the cubs. It is worth noting that cheetahs are quite prolific – the number of kittens can reach nine in one litter. Once every two days, mothers go in search of food, leaving their offspring alone. By the way, cheetah cubs usually do not have dads – females prefer to raise offspring and take care of it on their own.

In general, we can say that male cheetahs are needed by females only for mating. After that, the couples exist separately. Males form some groups of several individuals, which helps them survive in the wild. As a rule, these coalitions consist of brothers. However, there were cases when outsiders also joined them. But this happens quite rarely. Usually cheetahs are wary of unfamiliar animals.

Summing up, it should be noted that the cheetah is an interesting animal, but unfortunately rare. There are not so many of them left in our world, because the main task of a person is to preserve the remnants of their population so that they do not cease to exist on the territory of our planet at all.

Ребенку задали по английскому языку такое задание.Написать несколько предложений о любимом животном.Типа где обитает,чем питается,что умеет делать лучше других. Помогите плиз.

The cheetah is one of the fastest animals on Earth, reaching speeds of close to 60 miles per hour (100 kilometers per hour) while chasing prey.
Cheetahs are big cats, a bit smaller than lions or tigers. Cheetahs have a yellow to brown coat covered with black spots. Their coloring helps them hide in bushes and grass. Cheetahs are built for speed. Their bodies are muscular and streamlined. They have long legs and backs that let them take big steps. They have long tails to help them keep their balance and large hearts and lungs that help them breathe easily.
Cheetahs live in dry places, such as grasslands. They can go a long time without water
Cheetah cubs learn to hunt by following their mothers. They can live to 12 years of age in the wild and 16 years of age in zoos

About cheetahs? It's not a problem, but. OК, перехожу на русский: не проблема - помогу, но я сейчас немного занята, срочно надо?

The cheetah is an atypical member of the cat family. It is the fastest land animal, reaching speeds between 112 and 120 km/h. Mostly they live in Africa, India, and Middle Asia. They prefer to live on open spaces like savanna or deserts. But in Africa Cheetah is one of weakness animals, so such animals like Lions can fight for food with him.

Преревожу: Гепрад - типичный представитель семейства кошачьих. Это одно из самых быстрых животных на земле, скорость которого достигает 112 и 120 км/ч. В основном обитают в Африке, Индии и Средней Азии. Они предпоситают жить на открытых пространствах, таких как саванна и пустыни. Однако в Африке гепард одно из слабых животных, поэтому часто борется за еду со львами.

Надеюсь этого достаточно =)

ИРИНА! Чтобы написать для ребенка текстик, надо всегда понимать, в каком классе учится дитятко - потянет ли такой текст или нужно адаптировать - это раз.
Во-вторых, в англ. варианте указано, что гепард - НЕтипичный представитель семейства кошачих, а не наоборот, как в русском тексте. И, в-третьих, самой слабое животное Африке НЕ МОЖЕТ бороться за еду с самым сильным животным - львом. Это львы у бедных гепардов жрачку отнимают.. .

Historically cheetahs were found throughout Africa and Asia from South Africa to India. They are now confined to parts of eastern, central and southwestern Africa and a small portion of Iran.

In 1900, there were over 100,000 cheetahs across their historic range. Today, an estimated 9,000 to 12,000 cheetahs remain in the wild in Africa. In Iran, there are around 200 cheetahs living in small isolated populations.

Did You Know?

When cheetahs are running, they use their tails to help them steer and turn in the direction they want to go, like the rudder of a boat.


Презентация по английскому языку на тему Cheetah

Found mostly in open and partially open savannah, cheetahs rely on tall grasses for camouflage when hunting.

They are diurnal (more active in the day) animals and hunt mostly during the late morning or early evening. Only half of the chases, which last from 20 - 60 seconds, are successful.

Cheetahs knock their prey to the ground and kill with a suffocating bite to the neck. They must eat quickly before they lose the kills to other bigger or more aggressive carnivores.

Cheetahs are also typically solitary animals. While males sometimes live with a small group of brothers from the same litter, females generally raise cubs by themselves for about a year.

Did You Know?

Unlike other big cats, cheetahs cannot roar. However, they can purr on both inhale and exhale, like domestic cats!

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Range Historically cheetahs were found throughout Africa and Asia from South Africa to India. They are now confined to parts of eastern, central and southwestern Africa and a small portion of Iran.

Historically cheetahs were found throughout Africa and Asia from South Africa to India. They are now confined to parts of eastern, central and southwestern Africa and a small portion of Iran.

 In 1900, there were over 100,000 cheetahs across their historic range. Today, an estimated 9,000 to 12,000 cheetahs remain in the wild in Africa. In Iran, there are around 200 cheetahs living in small isolated populations.

In 1900, there were over 100,000 cheetahs across their historic range. Today, an estimated 9,000 to 12,000 cheetahs remain in the wild in Africa. In Iran, there are around 200 cheetahs living in small isolated populations.

 Did You Know? When cheetahs are running, they use their tails to help them steer and turn in the direction they want to go, like the rudder of a boat.

Did You Know?

When cheetahs are running, they use their tails to help them steer and turn in the direction they want to go, like the rudder of a boat.

Behavior Found mostly in open and partially open savannah, cheetahs rely on tall grasses for camouflage when hunting. They are diurnal (more active in the day) animals and hunt mostly during the late morning or early evening. Only half of the chases, which last from 20 - 60 seconds, are successful. Cheetahs knock their prey to the ground and kill with a suffocating bite to the neck. They must eat quickly before they lose the kills to other bigger or more aggressive carnivores. Cheetahs are also typically solitary animals. While males sometimes live with a small group of brothers from the same litter, females generally raise cubs by themselves for about a year. Did You Know? Unlike other big cats, cheetahs cannot roar. However, they can purr on both inhale and exhale, like domestic cats!

Found mostly in open and partially open savannah, cheetahs rely on tall grasses for camouflage when hunting. They are diurnal (more active in the day) animals and hunt mostly during the late morning or early evening. Only half of the chases, which last from 20 - 60 seconds, are successful.

Cheetahs knock their prey to the ground and kill with a suffocating bite to the neck. They must eat quickly before they lose the kills to other bigger or more aggressive carnivores.

Cheetahs are also typically solitary animals. While males sometimes live with a small group of brothers from the same litter, females generally raise cubs by themselves for about a year.

Did You Know?

Unlike other big cats, cheetahs cannot roar. However, they can purr on both inhale and exhale, like domestic cats!

Diet Cheetahs eat mainly gazelles, wildebeest calves, impalas and smaller hoofed animals

Cheetahs eat mainly gazelles, wildebeest calves, impalas and smaller hoofed animals

Cubs are smoky in color with long, woolly hair – called a mantle – running down their backs. This mantle is thought to camouflage cubs in grass, concealing them from predators. Mothers move cubs to new hiding places every few days. At 5 - 6 weeks, cubs follow the mother and begin eating from their kills.

Cubs are smoky in color with long, woolly hair – called a mantle – running down their backs. This mantle is thought to camouflage cubs in grass, concealing them from predators. Mothers move cubs to new hiding places every few days. At 5 - 6 weeks, cubs follow the mother and begin eating from their kills.

Thank you for your attention! Mambetalieva Zh.

Thank you for your attention!


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Мари Умняшка

Лучший ответ:

Таня Масян

One of the fastest animals in the world is a cheetah. The cheetah is a large cat. It’s body is about 140 cm and 80 cm tail. This animal weighs 54 kg. It lives in Africa and Iran. All the day this animal is hunting. Cheetahs’ female usually give birth between 2 to 8 cubs. But unfortunately, it is very rare animal.

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