Сообщение о федоре емельяненко на английском

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

(Аркадина:) И у меня правило: не заглядывать в будущее. Я никогда не думаю ни о старости, ни о смерти. Чему быть, того не миновать (Чехов 6). (A.:) And another thing: I make it a strict rule never to look into the future, never to worry about old age or death. What will be, will be (6b).

(Федор:) Слава богу, я не пройдоха, не жулик. (Клавдия Васильевна:) Можешь им стать. (Фёдор:) Ты уже преувеличиваешь, мама. (Клавдия Васильевна:) Нет, я просто стараюсь всегда заглядывать вперед (Розов 2). (F:) Thank God, I'm not an impostor or a crook. (K.V) You may become one. (E) Now you're exaggerating, mother. (K.V.:) No, I'm simply trying to look ahead (2a).

10 Д-10

(it is impossible to recall, determine etc sth. that existed or took place in the past) because so much time has passed since then

after all this time sth. was (happened etc) so long ago that. (in limited contexts) at this late date.

Что за дамочка была у Шикалова и какая между ними приключилась история, автор за давностью лет, признаться, не помнит. (Войнович 2). То tell you the truth, after all these years the author can no longer recall what sort of lady Shikalov had or what adventures they shared. (2a).

Федор Павлович не мог указать ему (Алеше), где похоронил свою вторую супругу, потому что никогда не бывал на ее могиле, после того как засыпали гроб, а за давностью лет и совсем запамятовал, где ее тогда хоронили. (Достоевский 1). Fyodor Pavlovich could not show him (Alyosha) where he had buried his second wife, because he had never visited her grave after her coffin was covered with earth, and it was all so long ago that he just could not recall where they had buried her. (1a).

Сколько еще она прождала своей очереди, сейчас, за давностью лет, установить уже никак невозможно. (Войнович 4). How much longer she waited for her turn cannot, at this late date, be determined. (4a).

11 Д-220

if at least it would be all right (a different matter, something else, very well, one thing) if (in limited contexts) one could understand it if.

Хоть околей, хоть издохни в лесу, а в барак без нормы не возвращайся. И добро бы хоть они, бедные, пайку свою съедали, а то ведь нет. Детям сперва надо голодный рот заткнуть (Абрамов 1). It didn't matter if you caved in and dropped down dead (in the forest), but woe betide you if you came back to the barracks without filling your quota. It would have been one thing if the poor creatures could have eaten their own rations, but no-first they had to stop up the hungry mouths of their children (1a).

12 Н-172

(to wear shoes, boots etc) without stockings or socks: (wear shoes etc) on one's bare (sockless) feet

. Сандалии были рыночные, дешевые и надеты на босу ногу (Катаев 3). His sandals were a cheap pair from the market worn on his bare feet (3a).

Федор Константинович проводил большую часть дня на темно-синей скамейке в сквере, без пиджака, в старых парусиновых туфлях на босу ногу, с книгой в длинных загорелых пальцах. (Набоков 1). Fyodor, in his shirt-sleeves and with sneakers on his sockless feet, would spend the greater part of the day on an indigo bench in the public garden, a book in his long tanned fingers (1a).

Это человек, похожий на Христа, в потрепанном пиджаке и туфлях на босу ногу (Лимонов 1). Не is a Christlike man in a ragged suit jacket, his feet bare in his shoes (1a).

13 Н-252

well, I'll be (damned (a monkey's uncle etc))! well now! well, well (, well) well, what do you know! well, I never!

Илья остановился, покачал головой. Ну и ну! Нашёл, о чём думать. Самое подходящее времечко выбрал, чтобы молодость вспомнить (Абрамов 1). Ilya stopped and shook his head. Well now! What a thing to be thinking about! Talk about choosing the very best time to hark back to the days of your youth! (1a).

14 Р-131

in a certain sense a kind (sort) of of sorts something of a NP to some (a certain) extent after a fashion in a manner (of speaking).

Быть принятым в салоне графини Безуховой считалось дипломом ума. секретари посольства, и даже посланники, поверяли ей дипломатические тайны, так что Элен была сила в некотором роде (Толстой 5). То be received in the Countess Bezukhova's salon was regarded as a diploma of intellect. Secretaries of the embassy, and even ambassadors, confided diplomatic secrets to her, so that in a way Helene was a power (5b).

Там из окна выглядывает, в некотором роде, семга эдакая, вишенки по пяти рублей штучка, арбуз-громадище. - словом, на всяком шагу соблазн такой, слюнки текут. (Гоголь 3). He'd catch sight of a huge salmon staring out of the window at him, in a manner of speaking, lovely cherries at five roubles apiece, an enormous watermelon. -in short, such temptation at every step that his mouth watered.. (3a).

15 С-45

ВЫПУСКАТЬ/ВЫПУСТИТЬ В СВЕТ что VP subj: human or collect obj: a noun denoting a book, journal etc) to issue (a book, periodical etc) in printed copies for sale or distribution

. Федор Константинович вспомнил: (это) Буш, два с половиной года тому назад читавший в кружке свою пьесу. Недавно он ее выпустил в свет. (Набоков 1)____Fyodor remembered: it was Busch, who two and a half years ago had read his play at that literary circle. Recently he had published it. (1a).

Так, прежде чем выпустить в свет книгу о геологах (пусть это будет даже роман), издательство направляет его в геологическое ведомство, о пограничниках - в КГБ, о революционерах - в Институт марксизма-ленинизма и т. д. (Войнович 1). Before a book about geologists, even if it's a novel, can see the light of day, the publisher sends it to the Department of Geology, if it's about border guards, to the KGB, if it's about revolutionaries, to the Institute of Marxism-Leninism, and so forth (1a).

16 Ф-32

HE ФУНТ ИЗЮМУ (-a) coll, often humor NP these forms only subj-compl with бытыз ( subj: usu. abstr), usu. pres fixed WO

Сколько видел Федор за свою короткую жизнь, сколько слышал, войны хлебнул четыре ровных годика, тоже не фунт изюма. (Максимов 1). Fyodor had seen and heard a good deal in his short life. He'd supped four full years of war, which is also no joke (1a).

17 заглядывать в будущее

♦ [Аркадина:] И у меня правило: не заглядывать в будущее. Я никогда не думаю ни о старости, ни о смерти. Чему быть, того не миновать (Чехов 6). [A.:] And another thing: I make it a strict rule never to look into the future, never to worry about old age or death. What will be, will be (6b).

♦ [Федор:] Слава богу, я не пройдоха, не жулик. [Клавдия Васильевна:] Можешь им стать. [Фёдор:] Ты уже преувеличиваешь, мама. [Клавдия Васильевна:] Нет, я просто стараюсь всегда заглядывать вперед (Розов 2). [F:] Thank God, I'm not an impostor or a crook. [K.V.] You may become one. [E ] Now you're exaggerating, mother. [K.V.:] No, I'm simply trying to look ahead (2a).

18 заглядывать в завтра

♦ [Аркадина:] И у меня правило: не заглядывать в будущее. Я никогда не думаю ни о старости, ни о смерти. Чему быть, того не миновать (Чехов 6). [A.:] And another thing: I make it a strict rule never to look into the future, never to worry about old age or death. What will be, will be (6b).

♦ [Федор:] Слава богу, я не пройдоха, не жулик. [Клавдия Васильевна:] Можешь им стать. [Фёдор:] Ты уже преувеличиваешь, мама. [Клавдия Васильевна:] Нет, я просто стараюсь всегда заглядывать вперед (Розов 2). [F:] Thank God, I'm not an impostor or a crook. [K.V.] You may become one. [E ] Now you're exaggerating, mother. [K.V.:] No, I'm simply trying to look ahead (2a).

19 заглядывать вперед

♦ [Аркадина:] И у меня правило: не заглядывать в будущее. Я никогда не думаю ни о старости, ни о смерти. Чему быть, того не миновать (Чехов 6). [A.:] And another thing: I make it a strict rule never to look into the future, never to worry about old age or death. What will be, will be (6b).

♦ [Федор:] Слава богу, я не пройдоха, не жулик. [Клавдия Васильевна:] Можешь им стать. [Фёдор:] Ты уже преувеличиваешь, мама. [Клавдия Васильевна:] Нет, я просто стараюсь всегда заглядывать вперед (Розов 2). [F:] Thank God, I'm not an impostor or a crook. [K.V.] You may become one. [E ] Now you're exaggerating, mother. [K.V.:] No, I'm simply trying to look ahead (2a).

20 заглянуть в будущее

♦ [Аркадина:] И у меня правило: не заглядывать в будущее. Я никогда не думаю ни о старости, ни о смерти. Чему быть, того не миновать (Чехов 6). [A.:] And another thing: I make it a strict rule never to look into the future, never to worry about old age or death. What will be, will be (6b).

♦ [Федор:] Слава богу, я не пройдоха, не жулик. [Клавдия Васильевна:] Можешь им стать. [Фёдор:] Ты уже преувеличиваешь, мама. [Клавдия Васильевна:] Нет, я просто стараюсь всегда заглядывать вперед (Розов 2). [F:] Thank God, I'm not an impostor or a crook. [K.V.] You may become one. [E ] Now you're exaggerating, mother. [K.V.:] No, I'm simply trying to look ahead (2a).

См. также в других словарях:

Федор Емельяненко — Биография Федора Емельяненко Федор Емельяненко родился 28 сентября 1976 года в городе Рубежное Луганской области (Украина). В 1978 году семья Емельяненко переехала в Россию, в город Старый Оскол Белгородской области. В 1994 году Емельяненко с… … Энциклопедия ньюсмейкеров

Федор Емельяненко — Фёдор Емельяненко Общая информация Полное имя Фёдор Владимирович Емельяненко Прозвище Последний император (англ. The Last Emperor), The Baddest Man on the Planet Гражданство … Википедия

Емельяненко, Фёдор Владимирович — В Википедии есть статьи о других людях с такой фамилией, см. Емельяненко. Фёдор Емельяненко Фёдор Емельяненко в 2009 году … Википедия

Емельяненко Фёдор — Фёдор Емельяненко Общая информация Полное имя Фёдор Владимирович Емельяненко Прозвище Последний император (англ. The Last Emperor), The Baddest Man on the Planet Гражданство … Википедия

Емельяненко, Фёдор Владимимрович — Фёдор Емельяненко известный российский спортсмен. Чемпион мира в тяжёлом весе по боям смешанного стиля по версии Pride, чемпион Pride Grand Prix 2004 в тяжелом весе, чемпион мира в тяжелом весе по версии Rings, 3 х кратный чемпион мира по боевому … Википедия

Александр Емельяненко — Биография Александра Емельяненко Боец смешанных единоборств Александр Владимирович Емельяненко родился 2 августа 1981 года в городе Старый Оскол Белгородской области. Его мать преподаватель, отец – газоэлектросварщик, в семье четверо детей … Энциклопедия ньюсмейкеров

Фёдор Емельяненко — Общая информация Полное имя Фёдор Владимирович Емельяненко Прозвище Последний император (англ. The Last Emperor), The Baddest Man on the Planet Гражданство … Википедия

Филипович, Мирко — В Википедии есть статьи о других людях с такой фамилией, см. Филипович. Мирко Филипович Общая информация Полное имя Мирк … Википедия

ГОУ ДОД "СДЮШОР по самбо" (Нижнего Новгорода) — ГОУ ДОД СДЮШОР по самбо … Википедия

Веласкес, Кейн — Кейн Веласкес Общая информация Полное имя Cain Ramirez Velasquez Дата рождения … Википедия

In the picture you can see a man.

На картинке вы можете видеть мужчину.

He is around 35 years old.

Ему около 35 лет.

У него нет волос.

His forehead is slopped.

Его лоб покатый.

His eyes are green and have almond form.

Его глаза зеленые и имеют миндальную форму.

His nose is grecian and definitely broken.

Его нос греческий и определенно сломан.

His lips are thin.

Его губы тонкие.

He has an oval face.

У него овальное лицо.

His ears are high set and round.

Его уши высоко посажены и округлены.

His has a round chin.

У него круглый подбородок.

He has a calm expression on his face.

У него спокойное выражение лица.

He looks like a tough and strong-willed man, as well as noble.

Он выглядит как сильный и волевой человек, а также благородный.

About Fedor Emelianenko

Fedor was born on September 28, 1976 in the town of Rubizhnoe, Lugansk region, USSR. His father is Vladimir, a welder. His mother is Olga, a teacher. Fedor has an older sister Marina and two younger brothers Alexander and Ivan.

In 1978, the Emelyanenko family moved (1) to the town of Stary Oskol, Belgorod region, RF. Fedor's whole family lived in a communal apartment, occupying (2) a room originally intended (3) for drying clothes, and sharing with the neighbors a kitchen and a bathroom.

At the age of 10, Fedor began to practice sambo and judo. He started taking his younger brother Alexander to the trainings because there were no one to leave him at home with. As a result, Alexander himself became a professional fighter. He was one of the ten best heavyweights in the world for a while (4) .

Fedor - four-time world champion in mixed martial arts (MMA) in the heavyweight division (5) . In the period from 2003 to 2010 Emelianenko was recognized worldwide (6) as the best-known MMA fighter in heavyweight division in the world. At the same time, he got in the lists of the best fighters, regardless of the weight division (pound-for-pound).

For almost ten years, Fedor remained (7) undefeated (8) , which is unprecedented (9) in the history of the MMA. This made him a cult fighter and attracted to this sport hundreds of thousands of people.

Approximately in 2006, after a trip to Diveevo, his interest to christian religion was rekindled (10) . He began to think seriously about God, faith (11) and relationships between man and God.

Fedor differs (12) from many fighters with his moral qualities and the ability to philosophically reflect on the various (13) aspects of our existence (14) . A personal example and a deep understanding of complex philosophical and religious issues (15) attracted (16) to him the interest of many people both in Russia and abroad.

Fedor has three daughters.


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Vocabulary (используйте карточки для слов, которые сложно запоминаются):

Fedor Vladimirovich Emelianenko

№ слайда 1

Fedor Vladimirovich Emelianenko

Russian sportsmen competing in MMA, sambo-wrestling and judo. Emelianenko is the

№ слайда 2

During the period from 2003 to 2010 Emeljanenko has been world-wide admitted as

№ слайда 3

During the period from 2003 to 2010 Emeljanenko has been world-wide admitted as the best heavy weight ММА fighter.Almost for ten years Feodor remained unbeaten that is unprecedented in the history MMA.The first person who has won Fedor was Fabrisiu Verdum who had submitted Emelianenko with "triangle" on 26th of June 2010

Besides career of professional fighter Emeljanenko enters into number of co-owne

№ слайда 4

Mixed Martial ArtsThese are the martial arts representing a combination of set t

№ слайда 5

Mixed Martial ArtsThese are the martial arts representing a combination of set the technician, schools and directions of single combats. ММА is full-contact fight with application of punch technics and struggle both in a rack, and on a floor.

№ слайда 6


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Fedor Vladimirovich Emelianenko born September 28, 1976, Rubezhnoye, Luhansk region, Ukraine is a Russian athlete, four-time world champion in mixed martial arts-MMA heavyweight according to "Pride FC", two-time — according to "RINGS", two-time-according to "WAMMA", four-time world champion and nine-time champion of Russia in combat sambo. Honored Master of Sports in sambo and Master of Sports of international class in judo


choose the correct item i am going to the …. to buy some bread. toy shop b) post office c) bakery there are …. cushions on the sofa. any b) some c) an she …. take the bus to school; she walks. don’t b) does c) doesn’t we watch “the simpsons” every night. we … miss it. always b) sometimes c) never i’ll … lunch while you are at the shop. do b) make c) makes they … the washing up now. are doing b) do c) does why don’t we meet … 7 o’clock. on b) in c) at my baby sister …. walk yet. she’s only one. can b) can’t c)don’t david has a new …. in his kitchen. cooker b) wardrobe c) sofa there is a cinema …to the library. opposite b) next c) behind … me, is there the library on this street? sorry b) excuse c) welcome how many brothers … jack got? has b) is c) have what is your …? i’m canadian. postcode b) address c) nationality june is the … month of the year. six b) sixth c) sixteen we usually go to school … car. by b) on c) in do you …. your teeth every day? do b) brush c) wash on christmas day we all …. gifts. transfer b) exchange c) change let’s watch the fireworks ….. display b) show c) programme what …. some pizza? like b) about c) many they often … camping at the weekend. do b) play c) go chess and puzzle are both …. games. table b) shelf c) board we went to sochi two years … . last b) ago c) yesterday patty and mary are twins. their birthday is …the 15 of may. on b) at c) in we had a nice picnic in the … . restaurant b) stadium c) park a lion is … than an elephant. smaller b)smallest c) small fifty plus twenty is … seventy b) ninety c) eighty look! the children is …… tv now. is watching b) are watching c) watch be quiet! you …… make noise. must b) mustn’t c) can my grandma is an actress. …. films are fine! their b) her c) his sam … go swimming in winter. doesn’t b) isn’t c) don’t choose the correct response. how can i help you? i want to buy a souvenir. that’s a good idea. what is the date today? it’s monday. it’s 6th of october. what do you think of this sitcom? i don’t like them. it’s boring. how about saturday evening? i’m ok. i’m afraid i can’t. can i have the menu? here you are. no, i’m on a diet. can i have your name, please? thank you, mr brown. yes, it’s mr brown. с. read the e-mail and mark the sentences t (true) and f (false) or ds (doesn’t say). hi sam, i want to tell you about my perfect day. sunday is my favourite day of the week. i usually do my homework on saturday so i am free on sunday. i usually wake up at 10 o’clock and have a big breakfast. then, i take my dog sparky for a walk. we always go to the park. there we meet with my friend, tom and his dog. after that, i go to the basketball court near my house. i love basketball! i play some games with my friends. in the afternoon, i surf the internet or listen to music. then, in the evening, i watch my favourite shows on tv. at night, i have a bath and go to bed. i absolutely love sundays. please tell me about your perfect day. love, robert robert is busy on saturday. robert wakes up early on sunday. robert and sparky meet friends at the park. the basketball court is far from his house. robert loves tennis and volleyball. robert never listens to music. d. write an email to a new friend about yourself. use the email in ex. c to help you.

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