Сообщение о алексее маресьеве на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Алексе́й Петро́вич Маре́сьев (7(20) мая 1916 — 18 мая 2001) — лётчик-ас, Герой Советского Союза. Из-за тяжёлого ранения во время Великой Отечественной войны ему были ампутированы обе ноги. Однако, несмотря на инвалидность, лётчик вернулся в небо и летал с протезами. Всего за время войны совершил 86 боевых вылетов, сбил 11 самолётов врага: четыре до ранения и семь — после ранения.



Детство и юность

Алексей Маресьев родился 20 мая 1916 года в городе Камышине Саратовской губернии. В три года остался без отца. Мать, Екатерина Никитична, работала уборщицей на деревообделочном заводе и воспитывала троих сыновей — Петра, Николая, Алексея.

После окончания школы в городе Камышине Маресьев Алексей Петрович получил специальность токаря по металлу в училище при лесозаводе и там же начал свою трудовую деятельность. В 1934 году Камышинский райком комсомола направляет его на строительство Комсомольска-на-Амуре. Здесь, без отрыва от производства, Алексей занимается в аэроклубе.

В 1937 году призван в армию. Вначале служил в 12-м авиапогранотряде на острове Сахалине, затем был направлен в Батайское авиационное училище им. А. К. Серова, которое окончил в 1940 году, получив звание младшего лейтенанта. После окончания училища был оставлен там инструктором. Там же, в Батайске, встретил войну.

Военные годы

В августе 1941 года направлен на Юго-Западный фронт. Первый боевой вылет Маресьева состоялся 23 августа 1941 года в районе Кривого Рога.

Больше недели колхозники ухаживали за Маресьевым. Нужна была медицинская помощь, но в селе не было врача. В первых числах мая вблизи деревни приземлился самолёт, пилотируемый А. Н. Дехтяренко, и Маресьев был отправлен в Москву, в госпиталь. Врачи вынуждены были ампутировать ему обе ноги в области голени из-за гангрены.

Толчком к возвращению Маресьева в строй могла послужить история про русского лётчика Первой мировой войны Прокофьева-Северского, который потерял правую ногу, но, несмотря на это, вернулся в небо.

Ещё в госпитале Алексей Маресьев начал тренироваться, готовясь к тому, чтобы летать с протезами. Тренировки продолжались в санатории , куда он был направлен в сентябре 1942 года. В начале 1943 года прошёл медкомиссию и был направлен в Ибресинскую лётную школу (Чувашская АССР).

В феврале 1943 года совершил первый после ранения пробный вылет. Добился отправки на фронт. В июне 1943 года прибыл в 63-й Гвардейский истребительный авиационный полк. Командир полка не отпускал Алексея на боевые задания, так как обстановка в небе накануне Курской битвы была крайне напряжённой. Алексей переживал. Ему посочувствовал командир эскадрильи А. М. Числов и взял с собой в пару на боевой вылет. После нескольких удачных вылетов в паре с Числовым доверие к Маресьеву возросло.

24 августа 1943 года Маресьеву было присвоено звание Героя Советского Союза за спасение жизни двух лётчиков и сбитие двух немецких истребителей.

В 1944 году Маресьев согласился с предложением стать инспектором-лётчиком и перейти из боевого полка в управление Вузов ВВС.

Всего за время войны совершил 86 боевых вылетов, сбил 11 самолётов врага: четыре до ранения и семь — после ранения.

После войны

С 1946 года в отставке. Свои последние вылеты на самолёте (учебном У-2) Алексей Петрович совершил в начале 50-х годов в качестве инструктора спецшколы ВВС в Москве.


Был женат (супруга - Галина Викторовна, в прошлом сотрудница Главного штаба ВВС, умерла в 2002г.). Имел двоих сыновей: Виктор (1946 г. рожд.), - инженер-автомобилист; Алексей (1958 г. рожд., умер в 2001г.), - инвалид с детства.


18 мая 2001 года в Театре Российской армии намечался торжественный вечер по случаю 85-летия Маресьева, но буквально за час до начала концерта у Алексея Петровича случился инфаркт, после которого он скончался. Торжественный вечер состоялся, но начался он с минуты молчания.

Алексей Петрович Маресьев похоронен в Москве на Новодевичьем кладбище.





См. также



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Смотреть что такое "Маресьев, Алексей Петрович" в других словарях:

Маресьев Алексей Петрович — Алексей Петрович Маресьев 7(20) мая 1916 18 мая 2001 Лётчик, Герой Советского Союза Место рождения … Википедия

МАРЕСЬЕВ Алексей Петрович — (р. 1916) летчик, Герой Советского Союза (1943), полковник (1978), кандидат исторических наук (1956). В Великую Отечественную войну в истребительном авиаполку сбил 4 самолета. Был подбит и 18 суток тяжело раненный добирался до своих войск. После… … Большой Энциклопедический словарь

Маресьев Алексей Петрович — [родился 7(20).5.1916, Камышин], советский лётчик, майор, Герой Советского Союза (24.8.1943). Член КПСС с 1944. Работал токарем, участник строительства Комсомольска на Амуре. В Советской Армии с 1937. Окончил Батайскую военную авиационную школу… … Большая советская энциклопедия

Маресьев Алексей Петрович — (р. 1916) советский лётчик, майор, кандидат исторических наук (1956), Герой Советского Союза (1943). В Советской Армии с 1937. Окончил Батайскую военную авиационную школу (1940). Участник Великой Отечественной войны. В ходе войны был командиром… … Энциклопедия техники

Маресьев, Алексей Петрович — (20.05.1916 18.05.2001) летчик истребитель, Герой Советского Союза, гвардии полковник, канд. исторических наук (1956). Участник Великой Отечественной войны с августа 1941 г. Воевал в составе 580 иап и 63 гв. иап. 4 апреля 1942 г. в бою над… … Большая биографическая энциклопедия

Маресьев Алексей Петрович — (1916 2001), лётчик, Герой Советского Союза (1943), полковник (1978), кандидат исторических наук (1956). В Великую Отечественную войну в истребительном авиаполку, сбил 4 самолёта. Был подбит и 18 суток тяжело раненный добирался до своих войск.… … Энциклопедический словарь

Маресьев, Алексей — Алексей Петрович Маресьев 7(20) мая 1916 18 мая 2001 Лётчик, Герой Советского Союза Место рождения … Википедия

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
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My hero. Made by Natalia Popova From 7b Lyceum №4

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

My hero. Made by Natalia Popova From 7b Lyceum №4

My hero. Made by Natalia Popova From 7b Lyceum №4

Aleksei Maresyev I respect Alieksei Maresyev. He was a pilot. By April 1942.

Aleksei Maresyev I respect Alieksei Maresyev. He was a pilot. By April 1942, Maresyev had shot down 4 German planes. However, on the 4th of April Merseyv's luck ran out. He was shot down.

He tried to land on a frozen lake but lost control of the plane and crashed o.

He tried to land on a frozen lake but lost control of the plane and crashed over a forest. He crawled on his hands for 18 days and nights to reach the Russian frontline.

His legs had become badly frostbitten and had to be amputated.

His legs had become badly frostbitten and had to be amputated.

In 1943, he became a squadron leader. During one mission Maresyev shot down 3.

In 1943, he became a squadron leader. During one mission Maresyev shot down 3 enemy planes. In August 1943, Aleksei Maresyev was awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union.

For me, Aleksei Maresyev is an example to follow.

For me, Aleksei Maresyev is an example to follow.

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Описание разработки

Цели презентации:

Воспитательная цель: воспитание социальной толерантности и активной жизненной позиции посредством знакомства с историями сложных судеб и примерами воли к жизни и самовыражению, умением преодолевать жизненные проблемы.

Языковая цель: практика чтения и общего понимания информации на английском языке, развитие языковой догадки.


краткие биографии и достижения на английском языке следующих известных людей (событий):

- Андреа Бочелли;

- Франклин Делано Рузвельт;

Презентация по английскому языку Nothing is impossible

Aleksei Maresiev.

Aleksei Petrovich Maresiev - Russian Soviet pilot, major, the Hero of the Soviet Union.

He was born 7 May 1916 in Kamishin, Volgogradskii region Worked as a turner, took part in constructing Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

He joined the Soviet army in 1937, graduated the Bataisk flying school in 1940.

In the Great Patriotic War he was a flight commander in the fighter group. At the beginning of the war he shot 4 enemy aircrafts down.

In March 1942 his aircraft was shot down. He managed to land, but at the enemy territory.

As his feet and legs were badly injured, he had to crawl along the forest to the front line for 18 days. People from the village Plav found him.

In the Moscow hospital professor Terebinskii had to amputate his legs below the knee to safe his life.

Содержимое разработки


And after you have watched this presentation think about one question:

What helped these people?

Aleksei Maresiev

Aleksei Petrovich Maresiev - Russian Soviet pilot, major, the Hero of the Soviet Union

Aleksei Petrovich Maresiev -

Russian Soviet pilot, major,

the Hero of the Soviet Union

He was born 7 May 1916 in Kamishin, Volgogradskii region Worked as a turner, took part in constructing Komsomolsk-on-Amur. He joined the Soviet army in 1937, graduated the Bataisk flying school in 1940. In the Great Patriotic War he was a flight commander in the fighter group . At the beginning of the war he shot 4 enemy aircrafts down.

He was born 7 May 1916 in Kamishin, Volgogradskii region

Worked as a turner, took part in constructing Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

He joined the Soviet army in 1937, graduated the Bataisk flying school in 1940.

In the Great Patriotic War he was a flight commander in the fighter group . At the beginning of the war he shot 4 enemy aircrafts down.

In March 1942 his aircraft was shot down. He managed to land, but at the enemy territory. As his feet and legs were badly injured, he had to crawl along the forest to the front line for 18 days. People from the village Plav found him. In the Moscow hospital professor Terebinskii had to amputate his legs below the knee to safe his life.

In March 1942 his aircraft was shot down. He managed to land, but at the enemy territory.

As his feet and legs were badly injured, he had to crawl along the forest to the front line for 18 days. People from the village Plav found him.

In the Moscow hospital professor Terebinskii had to amputate his legs below the knee to safe his life.

In the hospital Maresiev read a story about a Russian pilot of the World War I Prokofiev-Severski, who had his one leg amputated but managed to start driving a plane again. So as soon as Maresiev got his artificial limbs , he started his hard training-aircrafts were much driven by pedals. In 1943 he joined the fighters regiments.

In the hospital Maresiev read a story about a Russian pilot of the World War I Prokofiev-Severski, who had his one leg amputated but managed to start driving a plane again.

So as soon as Maresiev got his artificial limbs , he started his hard training-aircrafts were much driven by pedals. In 1943 he joined the fighters regiments.

20 July 1943 he saved lives of two pilots and shot down 2 German aircrafts. During the War Maresiev made 86 fighting flights and shot down 11 fascist aircrafts. In 1943 he was awarded with the Hero of the Soviet Union.

20 July 1943 he saved lives of two pilots and shot down 2 German aircrafts.

During the War Maresiev made 86 fighting flights and shot down 11 fascist aircrafts.

In 1943 he was awarded with the Hero of the Soviet Union.

The Maresiev’s exploit became a book of Boris Polevoi “Story of a real Man”. And then appeared a film, an opera, a medal, a planet was named after him, and also flying clubs, youth clubs, etc .

The Maresiev’s exploit became a book of Boris Polevoi “Story of a real Man”.

And then appeared a film, an opera, a medal, a planet was named after him, and also flying clubs, youth clubs, etc .

Italian tenor, singer and songwriter

Italian tenor, singer and songwriter

Bocelli was born in 1958 in a small village of La Sterza, Tuscany. Born with poor eyesight, he became blind at the age of twelve following a football accident. As a young boy, Bocelli showed a great passion for music. His mother said that music was the only thing that would comfort him. At the age of six, he started piano lessons, and later also learned to play the flute, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, guitar and drums. Then, when his nanny Oriana gave him the first record of Franco Corelli, he realized that pursuing the career of a tenor was his destiny.

Bocelli was born in 1958 in a small village of La Sterza, Tuscany.

Born with poor eyesight, he became blind at the age of twelve following a football accident.

As a young boy, Bocelli showed a great passion for music. His mother said that music was the only thing that would comfort him. At the age of six, he started piano lessons, and later also learned to play the flute, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, guitar and drums.

Then, when his nanny Oriana gave him the first record of Franco Corelli, he realized that pursuing the career of a tenor was his destiny.

In 1992, Italian rock star Zucchero chose Bocelli to make a demo tape of the song Miserere for his new album and sent the tape to the Italian tenor Luciano Pavarotti who was impressed by his voice. In 1993 Pavarotti invited the young singer to take part in a concert programme in his native town Moden.

In 1992, Italian rock star Zucchero chose Bocelli to make a demo tape of the song Miserere for his new album and sent the tape to the Italian tenor Luciano Pavarotti who was impressed by his voice.

In 1993 Pavarotti invited the young singer to take part in a concert programme in his native town Moden.

Bocelli won on the Newcomers section of the Sanremo Music Festival in 1994, recorded 14 solo studio albums, of both pop and classical music, 3 greatest hits albums, and 9 complete operas, selling over 80 million records worldwide. The album

Bocelli won on the Newcomers section of the Sanremo Music Festival in 1994,

recorded 14 solo studio albums, of both pop and classical music, 3 greatest hits albums, and 9 complete operas, selling over 80 million records worldwide.

The album's first single, "Time to Say Goodbye", topped charts all across Europe, went on to sell over 12 million copies worldwide, making it one of the best-selling singles of all time.

Widely regarded as both the most popular Italian and classical singer in the world, Bocelli was made a Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic in 2006.

Valentin Dikul He was born in Kaunas, Lituania. He lost his parents when he was a kid and spent much time in different orphan houses since he was 7. At the age of 9 he got interested in circus. He went into gymnastics, wrestling, power lifting. He invented different tricks and started going to the circus club.

He was born in Kaunas, Lituania. He lost his parents when he was a kid and spent much time in different orphan houses since he was 7.

At the age of 9 he got interested in circus. He went into gymnastics, wrestling, power lifting. He invented different tricks and started going to the circus club.

The injury At the age of 15 when making a stunt he fell from 13 meter height. He got a serious spinal injury…

At the age of 15 when making a stunt

he fell from 13 meter height.

He got a serious spinal injury…

Rehabilitation When in hospital, he started doing exercises for his active and non-active muscles. In 8 months he left the hospital as the 1 st group disabled. He became the head of an amateur circus club. In 5 years his spine began to recover and he managed to walk with 2 sticks.

When in hospital, he started doing exercises for his active and non-active muscles.

In 8 months he left the hospital as the 1 st group disabled.

He became the head of an amateur circus club. In 5 years his spine began to recover and he managed to walk with 2 sticks.

Medical Centres In 1988 Dikul opened “Russian Rehabilitation Centre for Spinal Injury and Infantile Cerebral Palsy” and since then has helped many people with spinal problems.

In 1988 Dikul opened “Russian Rehabilitation Centre for Spinal Injury and Infantile Cerebral Palsy” and since then has helped many people with spinal problems.

Aimee Mullins

Aimee Mullins

 An actress

 An athlete

Atlanta Paralympics, 1996

Atlanta Paralympics, 1996

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

32nd President of the United States (1933–1945)

32nd President of the United States (1933–1945)

Roosevelt sailing with half-niece Helen and father James, 1899

Problem In August 1921 being on holiday with his family in Canada, he got Poliomyelitis which resulted in paralysis of his legs. For the rest of his life Roosevelt didn‘t want to accept that he was paralyzed. In private, he used a wheelchair, but he was careful never to be seen in it in public.

  • In August 1921 being on holiday with his family in Canada, he got Poliomyelitis which resulted in paralysis of his legs.
  • For the rest of his life Roosevelt didn‘t want to accept that he was paralyzed.
  • In private, he used a wheelchair, but he was careful never to be seen in it in public.

Rahabilitation Roosevelt wanted to run for public office again. So he did much exercise fitting his hips and legs with iron braces. He taught himself to walk a short distance with a help of a stick. He tried different treatments (including hydrotherapy) and in 1926 he bought a resort at Warm Springs, Georgia, where he founded a hydrotherapy center for polio patients which still operates as the Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation.

  • Roosevelt wanted to run for public office again. So he did much exercise fitting his hips and legs with iron braces. He taught himself to walk a short distance with a help of a stick.
  • He tried different treatments (including hydrotherapy) and in 1926 he bought a resort at Warm Springs, Georgia, where he founded a hydrotherapy center for polio patients which still operates as the Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation.

Some facts American musician, singer, pianist, drum and harmonica player , songwriter, record producer, an activist for political causes.

American musician, singer, pianist, drum and harmonica player , songwriter, record producer, an activist for political causes.

Early years Stevie (the birth name is Stevland Hardaway Judkins) was born on the 13 of May 1950 , in Saginaw, Michigan, U.S. He was born six weeks before the right date of birth, so he was put in hospital incubator. The doctors made him oxygen therapy and damaged his eyes. So he got blind. When Stevie Wonder was four, his mother left his father and moved to Detroit with her children. There he began playing musical instruments: piano, harmonica, drums and bass. During childhood he was active in his church choir.

  • Stevie (the birth name is Stevland Hardaway Judkins) was born on the 13 of May 1950 , in Saginaw, Michigan, U.S.
  • He was born six weeks before the right date of birth, so he was put in hospital incubator. The doctors made him oxygen therapy and damaged his eyes. So he got blind.
  • When Stevie Wonder was four, his mother left his father and moved to Detroit with her children. There he began playing musical instruments: piano, harmonica, drums and bass. During childhood he was active in his church choir.
  • His musical career started in Motown. Berry Gordy , the record producer, said about Stevie :

"we can't keep calling him the eighth wonder of the world". So Stevie became Stevie Wonder.

He has a very developed sense of harmony and uses many extended chords in his compositions.

Politics In 2009, Wonder was named a United Nations Messenger of Peace.

Many people think that the man who started the Paralympics was Ludwig Guttman , an English neurologist. He wanted to create elite Olympics for people with disabilities. In 1948 he made a sports competition for World War II veterans with spinal injuries.

He proved that sport helps people with disabilities to be successful, strong and active, and live a full and happy life.

Предлагаемый вашему вниманию урок английского языка был проведен в мае, и был посвящен 70 годовщине Победы в Великой Отечественной войне. Актуальность темы урока обусловлена потребностью современного общества в воспитании духовно-нравственной, социально-активной, патриотически-ориентированной, толерантной личности. Реализация поставленных целей и задач позволяет повысить уровень знаний, умений и навыков учащихся, способствует развитию их мировоззрения и повышению уровня учебной мотивации.

metodicheskie_rekomendatsii_k_uroku_ogeroevov_mareseve.docx 34.65 КБ
aleksey_petrovich_maresev.pptx 2.69 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Предлагаемый вашему вниманию урок английского языка был проведен в мае, и был посвящен 70 годовщине Победы в Великой Отечественной войне. Актуальность темы урока обусловлена потребностью современного общества в воспитании духовно-нравственной, социально-активной, патриотически-ориентированной, толерантной личности. Реализация поставленных целей и задач позволяет повысить уровень знаний, умений и навыков учащихся, способствует развитию их мировоззрения и повышению уровня учебной мотивации.

Королева Наталья Анатольевна

Санкт-Петербург ГБОУ СОШ №79

Учитель английского языка

Предметная программа и её автор

Обучающие: развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи совершенствовать навыки образования и использования форм пассивного залога (PassiveVoice);

Развивающие: развивать умения использовать новую лексику по теме во всех видах речевой деятельности;

Воспитывающие: - формировать уважительное отношения к героям ВОВ, способствовать становлению патриотизма учащихся.

Комбинированный(введение и активизация языкового материала, систематизация, обобщение, контроль).

методы и приёмы

технология интегрированного обучения, ИКТ, технология дифференцированного обучения.

Фронтальная, парная, групповая.

мультимедийная установка, компьютер, экран, классная доска, раздаточный материал для групповой и парной работы

Структура и ход урока

Урок начинается с приветствия учащихся.

Good morning everybody! It’s nice to see you again.

Goodmorning. We’re glad to see you.

1. Актуализация знаний.

Учитель обращает внимание учащихся на эпиграф, написанный на доске (изречение древнегреческого философа Платона):

T: I would like to begin our lesson with the quotation. On the board you can read the words of a famous Greek philosopher Plato. Let’s read and translate them.

T: That’s right. Comment on this phrase, please

T: I fully agree with you. And what anniversary are we celebrating this year?

P1: “People not knowing its past has no future”. Народ, не знающий своего прошлого, не имеет будущего.

P2: I think, that people should always remember the history of their country.

P3: If we forget tragic past of our country, we can’t make our life happy in the future.

P4: This year we celebrate the 70 th anniversary of the Victory over the Nazi Germany in World War II.

2. Формулирование темы урока, мотивация учебной деятельности.

T: So, I’ll try to present the topic of our lesson. Today we are going to speak about the great hero of the Great Patriotic War ; I hope you’ll learn some new interesting facts about war. Also, we‘ll practice new vocabulary and some grammar material.

3. Постановка цели и задач урока

We‘ll learn new vocabulary and practice it in oral speech

Use the new words in passive constructions.

Введение новой темы

1) Введение новой лексики.

2). Развитие монологической речи.

T: перед вами термины, смысл которых вам надо объяснить

На экране демонстрируется видеоролик, после которого учащиеся делают вывод

Учащиеся практикуются в правильном произношении слов( см Приложение1 Глоссарий: (вписать ответы)-на карточках ).

Учащиеся повторяют слова за учителем и выполняют задания на карточках (у каждого на парте). По окончании – проводиться взаимопроверка.

Первичное закрепление, обобщение и систематизация знаний.

3) развитие навыков работы с текстом и активизация новой лексики

T: Now you’ll watch the presentation and learn some facts about Aleksei Maresyev.

Then you’ll be handed papers

To do the next task I’ll divide you into 3 groups. Each group gets a fact file of a hero.

You should ask 5 questions about new information.

Учащиеся смотрят презентацию, затем получают раздаточный материал – текст.

Учащиеся работают с текстом на карточках и стараются задать 5 вопросов к нему. (см Приложение 2). Каждая группа получает задание с FactFile и составляют рассказ о жизни и подвиге героя. Выступают по 2 человека от группы.

Релаксация: прослушивание стихотворения, выделение основной идеи стихотворения.

Цель – Снятие умственного напряжения.

T: Let’s have rest a little.

Listen to the poem by Olga Kopteva.

Please, express the main idea of the song.

Учащимся раздаются тексты со стихотворением Ольги Коптевой «ПОМОГИ МНЕ ВЫЖИТЬ, НЕБО (памяти Алексея Маресьева)

1.Контроль грамматических навыков использования Passive Voice

T: In the text you can see some underlined expressions. What can you say about these constructions?

T:You are right. Now come to the board and write how the Passive is formed.

T: Yes .That’s OK. We’ll have some grammar practice.

5.Make the sentences passive. You have the sentences on your cards.

P1: As far as I remember these are Passive Constructions

Учащиеся выполняют задание. Проверка осуществляется путём фронтального опроса(см Приложение 2).

T: Thank you for your work. I think, we’ll always remember the terrible years of the Great Patriotic War and we’ll never witness such a global war nowadays.

What have you learned and practiced at the lesson?

S: I’ve learned…
(We have learned new words on the topic

We have practiced Passive Voice

Have learned some interesting facts about the Hero.)

For your home task find information about Briton Douglas Bader and find out what he and Russian Aleksei Meresyev have in common. Then write a fact file about his heroic deed.

Класс делится на три группы и получает задание:

  1. обработка материала о летчике- истребителе Алексее Маресьеве

I группа - детские годы, учеба в летном училище - слайд 4-7

III группа - деятельность Героя Советского в мирное время - слайд 13,14,15

  1. задать 5 вопросов к тексту (у каждой группы своя часть текста)(см. Приложение3)

Приложения к уроку:

Приложение2 Глоссарий : (вписать ответы)

serving in the army-

Russian Air Force-

a fighter pilot-

A. P. Maresyev got his “second wings” in Ibresi.

1 Alexei Maresyev was one of those people who really love flying, and he couldn't picture his life without the freedom and thrills that being in control of an airplane gives. Being a pilot was Alexei's dream since the early childhood; he used to be a really ill child, and there was almost no chance of him getting into a flight academy - but he did it. After signing out from the hospital Alexei had to spend a lot of time trying to learn to walk again.

“I had to study without food for eighteen days crawling in the snow, that's true”- Alexei Maresyev recalled." When I was brought to the hospital, I was practically hopeless. But I did survive and gradually began recuperating. Then I said to myself, "I must fly".

He had to start all over again and first he had to learn how to walk with artificial limbs. It was very difficult, but after numerous attempts Alexei did succeed. He wanted to come back into the Air Force. But when a commission learned about his amputated legs, they ruled him unable and useless for flying.

Alexei wasn't going to give up that easily; he danced on his artificial legs in front of the commission to show them that he could do anything that other people could. But after he stopped dancing Maresyev left the room and lost his consciousness from the horrible pain. Of course his courage and progress moved the judges; he was back in the air force.

It was very difficult for him to return to flying. He went from one of the office to another, and everywhere he was met with a refusal. And then the only man, Lieutenant-General of the Aviation S.E. Belokon permitted Maresyev to go to Chuvashia and learn to fly on a plane again. Later S.E. Belokon wrote: "Maresyev asked the command to allow him to flights with such perseverance, it was seen that he was strong, courageous and ready for everything to fly, go to the front and beat the enemy".

So Alexei Maresyev was sent to Ibresi to learn to fly again.

2 The airfield was built in November 1941 not far from Ibresi. It was finished in two months. A lot of people from Ibresi and other villages helped in building this air field. People also helped to clean the airfield from snow in winter. Many instructors and students-pilots stayed with the families in Ibresi. The head of the flying school major M.T. Litvinov spoke well about the people of the settlement. More than two thousand pilots were prepared at the flying school in Ibresi.

Alexei Petrovich Maresyev arrived at Ibresi in 1943. He spent his first night at School Number One in Ibresi. The school was a hostel at that time. Every morning Maresyev went on foot to the airfield_which was two kilometers from the settlement. It was very difficult for him to go on foot but he never showed his tiredness. His first training flight was successful. After that he made a lot of training flights and then he began to train young students-pilots. Maresyev worked in Ibresi for five months as a pilot-instructor. He was brave, everybody admired him.

… from the letter of the head of the flying school colonel Vasili Moiseyevich Yukov:

". At the beginning of 1943 senior lieutenant Maresyev was sent to Ibresi to the flying school for flight tests from what depended his further serving in the Air Force as a war pilot.

After his arriving at Ibresi the roads were a sea of mud, it was impossible to drive cars. Maresyev and I often went on foot to the airfield. He walked creaking with artificial limbs, but he didn't show any discomfort or tiredness. It gave the hope that the flights would be successful. So it was. The tests in the air and the following training flights showed that nothing prevented Maresyev returning into the family of war pilots. The young students-pilots were admired with his flights. Comrade Maresyev had a great authority with pilots and other workers. I have marked in the conclusion, that the training flights ended successfully, Maresyev could pilot all types of planes, but he was recommended to be used as a heavy bomber pilot or a reconnaissance pilot. In a few days an instruction came from Moscow: "Maresyev should be left in the flying school as a pilot-instructor".

Neither Maresyev nor me didn't expect such an order”.

3 As a result of that gargantuan effort, Maresyev was eventually allowed back to the front lines and started flying again. During a dog fight in August 1943 he downed 3 Nazi FW-190 fighters. In total he completed 86 combat flights and shot down 11 Nazi warplanes. He was awarded a Golden star of Hero of the Soviet Union (August 24, 1943), the highest military decoration in the USSR.

In 1944, Maresyev joined the CPSU and two years later he retired from the army. In 1952, Maresyev graduated from the Higher Party School. In 1956 Maresyev obtained a Ph. D. in History, and started working in the Soviet War Veterans Committee.

Alexei Maresyev was given the title Hero of the Soviet Union, and his experience was featured in a story, "The Story of a Real Man", by Boris Polevoi. Schoolchildren were taught of his experience.

But he repeatedly insisted the praise was exaggerated. "There's nothing extraordinary in what I did" he said in newspaper interview. "The fact that I' ve been turned into a legend irritates me." Maresyev learned about the book's publication from excerpts heard being read on radio but never read the book itself.

Eventually he became a member of the Supreme Soviet, and in resent years served as the first deputy chairman of the Union of Veterans and Disabled People of Russia. Maresyev was awarded Order of Lenin, Order of the October Revolution, Order of the Red Banner of Labour, Order of the Red Star and numerous medals.

He died of heart attack May 19 th , 2001, just an hour ahead of his official 85 th birthday celebration. Asked in one of the many pre-anniversary interviews how he was going to mark his 85 th jubilee. Maresyev said "With my loved ones, friends and brothers in arms many of whom, unfortunately, are gone now. I don't like jubilees, you know. When I was younger I liked spending my free time motor boating, gathering mushrooms and fishing in the Volga. In winter I usually went for skiing and skating even though it was not something you can do easily on prostheses like the ones I'm wearing. I think young people can learn a lesson or two from what I went through in my life. First of all, never be scared, go for it and hold out whatever happens. ..".

ПОМОГИ МНЕ ВЫЖИТЬ, НЕБО (памяти Алексея Маресьева)

Помоги мне выжить, небо.
До рассвета только мне бы.
До своих бы мне добраться,
И с врагами поквитаться.
Не могу я кануть в небыль.

Положил врагов немало.
Наша где не пропадала,
Помоги, моя землица,
Проводи-ка до станицы.
Эк, тебя поискромсало!

Ты дождись меня, родная,
Я вернусь. Я обещаю.
И приду, каким бы ни был.
Будет трудною победа.
Ворог силушку узнает.

Русский дух наш богатырский,
Да с закалкою сибирской,
Да на правду всё помножить,
Нечисть выдержать не сможет.
Будет гнить в земле российской.

До победы только мне бы,
Мне б поля засеять хлебом.
Заживут шальные раны.
Ты укрой меня туманом,
Помоги мне выжить, небо.

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