Сообщение на тему президент сша на английском языке

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Every four years, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November, millions of Americans go to the polls to choose a new leader in a free and open election. The candidates, nominated during the preceding summer at the conventions of their respective political parties, have waged vigorous campaigns. Through the media of radio, television, newspapers, and magazines, they have made known their views on both national and international affairs and have become familiar faces to the people.

On Inauguration Day, January 20, the successful candidate for the high office of president of the United States takes this oath of office: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will do the best of my ability preserve, to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." This is the same oath that has been taken by every American president since George Washington.

Президент США

Каждые четыре года в первый вторник после первого понедельника ноября, миллионы американцев идут на избирательные участки, чтобы выбрать нового лидера на свободных и открытых выборах. Кандидаты, выдвинутые во время предыдущего лета на съездах своих политических партий, ведут энергичные предвыборные кампании. Через средства массовой информации такие как радио, телевидение, газеты и журналы, они обнародовали свои взгляды на национальную и международную политику, а лица стали знакомы народу.

В день инаугурации, 20 января кандидат на высокий пост Президента Соединенных Штатов принимает эту присягу: "Я торжественно клянусь (или обещаю), что буду добросовестно исполнять обязанности Президента Соединенных Штатов Америки, и буду делать все, что в моих силах для сохрананности, охраны и защиты Конституции Соединенных Штатов ". Это та клятва, которая принимается каждым американским президентом, начиная с Джорджа Вашингтона.

Do you want to be President of the United States of America? Maybe you can apply for the post.

Answer these three questions. Are you a US citizen? Are you thirty-five years old or older? Have you been a resident of the United States for fourteen years or longer?

Did you say "yes" to all three questions? Then you can take the first steps to the White House.

You become President for a term. A term is four years. You can only serve two terms. This means that you can only be President twice.

This law was adopted in 1951. Before that the law was different. In fact, Franklin D. Roosevelt became President in 1933. He was still President when he died in 1945. He was President for twelve years. No one was President longer than he was.

As President of the United States, you earn $200,000 a year. You also get an extra $50,000 for expenses, tax free. You have your own limousine, jet, and housekeepers, all free.

You also live rent free, in the White House in Washington, D. C. And you are the head of the richest country in the world.

Presidents of the United States were people of very different professions.

Twenty-two were lawyers, four - soldiers, four - farmers, four - teachers, two - writers, two - businessmen, one - engineer, one - tailor, and one - actor. Eight of them did not have a college education!

Президент Соединенных Штатов

Вы хотите стать президентом Соединенных Штатов Америки? Возможно вы можете претендовать на пост.

Ответьте на эти три вопроса. Вы - американский гражданин? Вам - тридцать пять лет или больше? Вы были постоянным жителем Соединенных Штатов в течение четырнадцати лет или дольше?

Вы становитесь президентом на срок. Срок составляет четыре года. Вы можете отслужить только два срока. Это означает, что вы можете стать президентом только дважды.

Этот закон был принят в 1951 г. До этого закон был другим. Фактически, Франклин Д. Рузвельт стал президентом в 1933 г. Он все еще был президентом, когда он умер в 1945 г. Он был президентом в течение двенадцати лет. Никто не был президентом дольше, чем был он.

Как президент Соединенных Штатов, вы зарабатываете $200000 год. Вы также получаете дополнительные $50000 на расходы без налога. У вас есть свой собственный лимузин, самолет и домоправительницы, все бесплатно.

Вы также живете не выплачивая арендной платы в Белом доме в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия. И вы - глава самой богатой страны в мире.

Президенты Соединенных Штатов были людьми совершенно разных профессий.

Двадцать два были адвокатами, четыре - солдатами, четыре - фермерами, четыре - учителями, два - писателями, два - бизнесменами, один - инженер, один - портной, и один - актер. У восьми из них не было образования колледжа!

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Тема по английскому языку: Джордж Вашингтон

Отец страны


Вашингтон был, возможно, одним из самых уважаемых президентов США. Являясь членом экономической и политической элиты английских колоний, он представлял многие моральные качества этой элиты: сам по себе он не был амбициозным, но имел сильное чувство долга. Самым важным вкладом Вашингтона в нацию был просто тот факт, что большая часть населения доверяла ему.


Джордж Вашингтон всегда преследовал два интереса: военное искусство и расширение на запад. В 16 лет он помогал Томасу, лорду Фэрфаксу, исследовать земли Шанондо. Будучи назначенным подполковником в 1754, он сражался в первых стычках, которые потом переросли в франко-индейскую войну. В следующем году он помогал Эдварду Брадоку.


Будучи женатым на вдове Марте Дендридж Кастис, Вашингтон посвятил себя бурной и счастливой жизни. Но в отличие от своих приятелей плантаторов, он чувствовал, что их угнетают британские купцы и стесняет британский режим. По мере нарастания ссоры, он высказал свое сопротивление этому режиму. В 1775 Вашингтон был избран главнокомандующим Континентальной армии и 3 июля возглавил свои хорошо натренированные войска и начал войну, которая длилась 7 лет. В 1871 Джордж с помощью французских союзников заставил сдаться Корнваллис в Йорктауне.

Смерть и наследие

Джордж Вашингтон был избран президентом после того, как была ратифицирована новая конституция в Филадельфии. Его президентство продлилось до 1797, когда он вышел на пенсию и отправился в свое имение в Маунт Вернон. Вашингтон умер от инфекции горла 14 декабря 1799. Нация оплакивала его несколько месяцев.

George Washington

Father of his country

George Washington was born on 22 February, 1732. He served as the first constitutional President of the United States from 1789 to 1797, and as the commander of the Continental Army in the American Revolutionary War from 1775 to 1783. His role in the revolution and subsequent independence and formation of the United States was significant. That is why Washington is called “Father of his country”.

U.S. president

Washington was probably the most revered of the U.S. presidents. A member of the economic and political elite of the English mainland colonies, he exhibited many of the moral qualities of this colonial elite: he was not personally ambitious and he had a strong sense of duty. Washington’s greatest contribution to the nation was simply the fact that a large portion of the U.S. population trusted him.

Early years

George Washington always pursued two interests: military arts and western expansion. At the age of 16 he helped survey Shenandoah lands for Thomas, Lord Fairfax. Commissioned a lieutenant colonel in 1754, he fought the first skirmishes of what grew into the French and Indian War. The next year he was an aide to Edward Braddock.


Married to a widow, Martha Dandridge Custis, Washington devoted himself to a busy and happy life. But like his fellow planters, he felt himself exploited by British merchants and hampered by British regulations. As the quarrel grew, he voiced his resistance to the restrictions. In 1775 Washington was elected Commander in Chief of the Continental Army and on July 3 he took command of his ill-trained troops and embarked upon a war that was to last six years. In 1781 George with the aid of French allies forced the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown.

Death and legacy

George Washington was elected the President after the new Constitution was ratified in Philadelphia. His presidency lasted till 1797 when he retired and went to his estate at Mount Vernon. Washington died of a throat infection on 14 December, 1799. The Nation mourned him for months.

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George Washington (1732-99) was commander in chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War (1775-83) and served two terms as the first U.S. president, from 1789 to 1797. The son of a prosperous planter, Washington was raised in colonial Virginia. As a young man, he worked as a surveyor then fought in the French and Indian War (1754-63). During the American Revolution, he led the colonial forces to victory over the British and became a national hero. In 1787, he was elected president of the convention that wrote the U.S. Constitution. Two years later, Washington became America’s first president. Realizing that the way he handled the job would impact how future presidents approached the position, he handed down a legacy of strength, integrity and national purpose. Less than three years after leaving office, he died at his Virginia plantation, Mount Vernon, at age 67. George Washington (1732-99) was commander in chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War (1775-83) and served two terms as the first U.S. president, from 1789 to 1797. The son of a prosperous planter, Washington was raised in colonial Virginia. As a young man, he worked as a surveyor then fought in the French and Indian War (1754-63). During the American Revolution, he led the colonial forces to victory over the British and became a national hero. In 1787, he was elected president of the convention that wrote the U.S. Constitution. Two years later, Washington became America’s first president. Realizing that the way he handled the job would impact how future presidents approached the position, he handed down a legacy of strength, integrity and national purpose. Less than three years after leaving office, he died at his Virginia plantation, Mount Vernon, at age 67.

George Washington did not attend college. Washington was known as an energetic and excellent dancer. Washington married Martha Dandridge Custis in 1759. Washington did not have children of his own. Washington was the first to sign the Constitution

John Adams (1735-1826) was a leader of the American Revolution, and served as the second U.S. president from 1797 to 1801. The Massachusetts-born, Harvard-educated Adams began his career as a lawyer. Intelligent, patriotic, opinionated and blunt, Adams became a critic of Great Britain’s authority in colonial America and viewed the British imposition of high taxes and tariffs as a tool of oppression. During the 1770s, he was a delegate to the Continental Congress. In the 1780s, Adams served as a diplomat in Europe and helped negotiate the Treaty of Paris (1783), which officially ended the American Revolutionary War (1775-83). From 1789 to 1797, Adams was America’s first vice president. He then served a term as the nation’s second president. He was defeated for another term by Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826). John Adams (1735-1826) was a leader of the American Revolution, and served as the second U.S. president from 1797 to 1801. The Massachusetts-born, Harvard-educated Adams began his career as a lawyer. Intelligent, patriotic, opinionated and blunt, Adams became a critic of Great Britain’s authority in colonial America and viewed the British imposition of high taxes and tariffs as a tool of oppression. During the 1770s, he was a delegate to the Continental Congress. In the 1780s, Adams served as a diplomat in Europe and helped negotiate the Treaty of Paris (1783), which officially ended the American Revolutionary War (1775-83). From 1789 to 1797, Adams was America’s first vice president. He then served a term as the nation’s second president. He was defeated for another term by Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826).

Adams was the first lawyer-president. He was the only president of the first five U.S. presidents not to be a slaveholder. He was the first president to live in the White House, he moved in before it was finished. Adams was not a popular president, his independent mind led to political isolation, unwilling to compromise he faced opposition from his own cabinet. His son John Quincy became the 6th President.

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), author of the Declaration of Independence and the third U.S. president, was a leading figure in America’s early development. During the American Revolutionary War (1775-83), Jefferson served in the Virginia legislature and the Continental Congress and was governor of Virginia. He later served as U.S. minister to France and U.S. secretary of state, and was vice president under John Adams (1735-1826). Jefferson, who thought the national government should have a limited role in citizens’ lives, was elected president in 1800. During his two terms in office (1801-1809), the U.S. purchased the Louisiana Territory and Lewis and Clark explored the vast new acquisition. Although Jefferson promoted individual liberty, he was also a slaveowner. After leaving office, he retired to his Virginia plantation, Monticello, and helped found the University of Virginia. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), author of the Declaration of Independence and the third U.S. president, was a leading figure in America’s early development. During the American Revolutionary War (1775-83), Jefferson served in the Virginia legislature and the Continental Congress and was governor of Virginia. He later served as U.S. minister to France and U.S. secretary of state, and was vice president under John Adams (1735-1826). Jefferson, who thought the national government should have a limited role in citizens’ lives, was elected president in 1800. During his two terms in office (1801-1809), the U.S. purchased the Louisiana Territory and Lewis and Clark explored the vast new acquisition. Although Jefferson promoted individual liberty, he was also a slaveowner. After leaving office, he retired to his Virginia plantation, Monticello, and helped found the University of Virginia.

He had thousands of books and loved reading almost anything even if it was written in Latin. He helped create the human Bill of Rights to add to the Constitution of the United States. He loved to gaze and examine stars, planets, and comets. Thomas and Martha had 6 children, 1 boy and 5 girls, but only 2 girls, Mary and Martha, lived to be adults.

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