Regents park сообщение на английском

Обновлено: 01.06.2024

Regent's Park — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Glorieta para bandas de Regent s Park El Regent s Park (oficialmente The Regent s Park) es uno de los parques reales de Londres. Está en la zona norte del centro de la ciudad, parte en City of Westminster y parte en… … Wikipedia Español

Regent's Park — ▪ park, London, United Kingdom park in the Greater London boroughs of Westminster (Westminster, City of) and Camden. It occupies an area of 487 acres (197 hectares) north and east of the St. Marylebone (Saint Marylebone) district. Originally a… … Universalium

Regent's Park — Regent’s Park [Regents Park] a park in central London, England, designed by John Nash for the ↑Prince Regent and completed in 1828. It contains an outdoor theatre, flower gardens, sports fields and a large lake, and ↑London Zoo is on its north… … Useful english dictionary

Regent's Park — a park in northwest London. It is the home of London Zoo and has an open air theatre where plays by Shakespeare are performed in the summer … Dictionary of contemporary English

Regent's Park — (spr. rīdschents ), s. London, S. 692 … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

Regent's Park — For other meanings, see Regent s Park (disambiguation) Regent s Park (officially The Regent s Park) is one of the Royal Parks of London. It is in the northern part of central London partly in the City of Westminster and partly in the London… … Wikipedia

Regent's Park — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Régent. Regent s Park (officiellement The Regent s Park) est l un des parcs royaux de Londres. Il est situé au nord du centre de Londres, en partie dans la Cité de Westminster et en partie dans le district de… … Wikipédia en Français

Regent's Park — Musikpavillon und Rudersee im Regent’s Park Regent’s Park (offiziell The Regent’s Park) ist einer der königlichen Parks in London. Er liegt im nördlichen Teil des Stadtzentrums von London in den Boroughs City of Westminster und Camden. Der 2,0… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Regent’s Park — Musikpavillon und Rudersee im Regent’s Park (2003) Regent’s Park (offiziell The Regent’s Park) ist einer der königlichen Parks in London. Er liegt im nördlichen Teil des Stadtzentrums von London in den Boroughs City of Westminster und Camden. Der … Deutsch Wikipedia

Regent’s Park — a park in central London, England, designed by John Nash for the Prince Regent and completed in 1828. It contains an outdoor theatre, flower gardens, sports fields and a large lake, and London Zoo is on its north side. The park is surrounded by… … Universalium

Regent's Park — /ridʒənts ˈpak/ (say reejuhnts pahk) noun a park in London; zoological gardens … Australian-English dictionary


London is famous not only for its tourist attractions like Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace and others, but for beautiful and stunning parks as well. There are many park areas in London, each of which is loved both by citizens and toursits.

Green Park is the smallest of capital’s eight Royal Parks. It has a triangle shape and it is situated next to Buckingham Palace. Originally the park was opened as a hunting ground by Charles II. Only in 1826 Green Park became available to public.

Nowadays Green Park attracts hundreds of people every day who come there to have picnics on grass, to lounge on alluring deсkchairs or to walk around, delighting the atmosphere and nature.

Hyde Park – is also one of the Royal Parks but it is considered to be one of the largest ones and certainly the most famous. This park used to be a hunting area as well. Henry VIII appropriated this land from monks of Westminster Abbey for hunting deer. Even when it was open to the public, the park was visitied exclusively by the upper class.

Now the park is a place of great interest not only bacause of its beauty but also of the oldest boat lake, Serpantine, that is located in the Hyde Park. It is possible to see ducks, swans and some other animals there. In addition Serpantine still remains the place where defferent demonstrations take place.

It goes without saying that there are also many other amazing parks in London which are worth visiting, such as: St. James Park in Central London, Regent’s Park (North London), Greenwich (South London).


Лондон знаменит не только своими достопримечательностями, такими как: Биг Бен, Вестминстерское Аббатство, Букингемский Дворец; но также красивыми и великолепными парками. В Лондоне есть множество парковых зон, каждая из которых любима как самими жителями города, так и туристами.

Грин-Парк – самый маленький из Королевских парков столицы. Он имеет треугольную форму и находится рядом с Букингемским Дворцом. Изначально парк был открыт Чарльзом II, как место охоты. Лишь в 1826г. Грин-Парк стал доступен общественности.

В настоящее время Грин-Парк ежедневно привлекает сотни людей, которые приходят туда на пикник на траве, чтобы отдохнуть на манящих лежаках или прогуляться по территории парка, наслаждаясь его атмосферой и природой.

Гайд-Парк также относится к числу Королевских и считается одним из самых крупных парков и, конечно же, самых известных. Этот парк также раньше был местом охоты. Генри VIII присвоил эту землю у монахов Вестминстерского аббатства, чтобы охотиться на оленей. Даже когда парк был открыт для людей, его посещали лишь представители высших классов.

Теперь Гайд-Парк представляет огромный интерес не только по причине своей красоты, но и благодаря находящемуся в нем Серпантину – самому старому озеру. Там вы можете увидеть уток, лебедей и некоторых других животных. Кроме того, Серпантин был и остается местом проведения различных демонстраций.

Совершенно очевидно, что в Лондоне есть и другие удивительные парки, которые стоит посетить. К ним относятся, например, Сент-Джеймс Парк в Центральном Лондоне, Риджентс-Парк на севере и Гринвичский парк на юге Лондона.

Полезные фразы по теме:

To be famous for… — быть известным/знаменитым чем-либо/благодаря чему-либо

Слайд 2

Слайд 3

Regent's Park is one of the Royal Parks of London. It lies within north-west London, partly in the City of Westminster and partly in the London Borough of Camden. It contains Regent's University London and the London Zoo.

Слайд 4

Some facts from history….. Many years ago it was created as Henry VIII’s hunting park. In 1810 it became an amusement place for royal family . The architect John Nash created a masterplan for the area. Nash originally envisaged a palace for the Prince and a number of grand detached villas for his friends, but when this was put into action from 1818 onwards, the palace and most of the villas were dropped. In 1838 it was opened for those who wanted to see and visit this place.

Слайд 5

Слайд 6

A place to visit. Regent’s Park is a wonderful and popular place among the citizens of London and visitors from all over the world. In the park you can rent pitches for playing football and rugby and tennis courts. In summer people usually rent a boat.

Слайд 7

Слайд 8

Слайд 9

Interesting facts from literature… In Agatha Christie's short story "The Adventure of the Italian Nobleman", Hercule Poirot and Arthur Hastings travel in a taxicab to Regent's Park to investigate a murder that has taken place in "Regent's Court", a fictional block of modern flats nearby.

Слайд 10

The Regent's Park is the setting for several scenes in Virginia Woolf's novel, Mrs. Dalloway (1925) In J.K. Rowling's first novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (1997) and the eponymous film, Harry goes to the London Zoo for his cousin's birthday.

Слайд 11

Слайд 12

Слайд 13

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Содержимое разработки

 Regent’s Park


Regent's Park is one of the Royal Parks of London.

It lies within north-west London, partly in the City of Westminster and partly in the London Borough of Camden. It contains Regent's University London and the London Zoo .

Some facts from history….. Many years ago it was created as Henry VIII’s hunting park. In 1810 it became an amusement place for royal family . The architect John Nash created a masterplan for the area. Nash originally envisaged a palace for the Prince and a number of grand detached villas for his friends, but when this was put into action from 1818 onwards, the palace and most of the villas were dropped. In 1838 it was opened for those who wanted to see and visit this place.

Some facts from history…..

Many years ago it was created as Henry VIII’s hunting park.

In 1810 it became an amusement place for

The architect John Nash created a

masterplan for the area.

Nash originally envisaged a palace for the

Prince and a number of grand detached villas for his friends, but when this was put into action from 1818 onwards, the palace and most of the villas were dropped.

In 1838 it was opened for those who wanted to see and visit this place.

In 1836 on the territory of the park there was Bishop

In 1836 on the territory of the park

there was Bishop's Observatory.

A place to visit . Regent’s Park is a wonderful and popular place among the citizens of London and visitors from all over the world. In the park you can rent pitches for playing football and rugby and tennis courts. In summer people usually rent a boat.

A place to visit .

Regent’s Park is a wonderful and popular place among the citizens of London and visitors from all over the world.

In the park you can rent pitches for playing football and rugby and tennis courts.

In summer people

usually rent a boat.

In the lakes of Regent’s Park there are a lot of birds.

In the lakes of Regent’s Park

there are a lot of birds.

In the middle of the park you can see a rosary.

In the middle of the park you can see a rosary.

Interesting facts from literature… In Agatha Christie

Interesting facts from literature…

In Agatha Christie's short story "The Adventure of the Italian Nobleman", Hercule Poirot and Arthur Hastings travel in a taxicab to Regent's Park to investigate a murder that has taken place in

"Regent's Court", a fictional block of

modern flats nearby.

The Regent

The Regent's Park is the setting for several scenes in Virginia Woolf's novel, Mrs. Dalloway (1925)

In J.K. Rowling's first novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (1997) and the eponymous film, Harry goes to the London Zoo for his cousin's birthday.

Don’t miss a chance to see Regent’s Park!

Don’t miss a chance to see Regent’s Park!

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