Лондонский марафон сообщение на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

a race for runners held every year in London, England, since 1981. The race is 26 miles (42 kilometres) long, starting at Greenwich and ending at Westminster Bridge . Thousands of runners take part, many of them to raise money for charity.

Oxford guide to British and American culture English vocabulary. Руководство по британской и американской культуре, Оксфордский английский словарь. 2005

Еще значения слова и перевод LONDON MARATHON с английского на русский язык в англо-русских словарях и с русского на английский язык в русско-английских словарях.

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London marathon

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London marathon

London marathon is one of the most prestigious athletics competitions in the.

London marathon is one of the most prestigious athletics competitions in the world. The race in the capital of Britain is part of the so-called World Marathon Majors and is held every spring. This is a series of 5 largest (majors) marathon competitions, which, in addition to London, also includes competitions in Berlin, Boston, Chicago and new York. In the very first race, which took place in 1981, 6747 athletes took part, and in recent years the distance is about 35-40 thousand people.

History The first marathon was organized in 1981 by Olympic medalists in the.

History The first marathon was organized in 1981 by Olympic medalists in the 3000 m race Chris Brasher and John Disley. Then more than 6 thousand people took part in the race. Nowadays it is not just a competition, it is a universal holiday, where both participants and fans get a huge amount of emotions. Concerts and performances are held in the streets, drum parades are held in honor of the runners, and the results are hotly discussed in pubs.

The race and the participants During the history of the marathon three athlet.

The race and the participants During the history of the marathon three athletes won three times (Dionisio Seron from Mexico, Antonio Pinto from Portugal and representative of Kenya Martin LEL), and the only four-time winner was the Norwegian runner Ingrid Christiansen. Russian marathoners won gold only twice: in 1991 it was a Kemerovo resident Yakov Tolstikov, and in 2010 — Lilia Shobukhova from Bashkiria.The launch pad is located in Greenwich Park. Because of the impressive number of participants athletes start from three points. After 5 km, these three streams of runners are joined into one. Participants move along the banks of the Thames, past big Ben, tower and other famous places of the capital of Britain and finish at Buckingham Palace. You can not just take part in The London marathon (however, this applies to all majors). In total, 125 thousand applications are available for registration, which are usually closed in just a few hours. From this number of applicants by lottery will select approximately 30 thousand the most successful. Several thousand more places are transferred to public organizations.

Original attire London marathon is famous for a huge number of runners in ori.

Original attire London marathon is famous for a huge number of runners in original attire. Basically, a way of expression chosen by the representatives of the charities to pay attention to oneself and therefore to the Fund that they represent. There are simply fans to surprise. So, in 2002, the rescuer Lloyd Scott wore a diving suit weighing 50 kg and became the slowest marathon runner in the world: 42,195 km he overcame in 5 days. In 2011, football player John Farnworth won the distance, filling the ball. He did it in 12 hours and 15 minutes.

The Running Boom In 1980s Great Britain saw a great interest in sports and keepi

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The Running Boom In 1980s Great Britain saw a great interest in sports and keeping fit. A lot of people started running and jogging in their spare time. Among the running races the London Marathon has become an internationally famous event.

is to find out is to find out what the London Marathon iswhat people and why tak

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is to find out is to find out what the London Marathon iswhat people and why take part in the London Marathonwhy the Marathon is so popular

The London Marathon The London Marathon is a popular road marathon that has been

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The London Marathon The London Marathon is a popular road marathon that has been held each year in London since 1981, usually in April. It is one of the top five international marathons run over the traditional distance of 42.195 km (26 miles and 385 yards).

The Marathon’s History The London Marathon was founded in 1981 by the former Oly

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The Marathon’s History The London Marathon was founded in 1981 by the former Olympic champion and renowned journalist Chris Brasher and his lifelong friend John Disley. The race is now organised by David Bedford as Race Director and Nick Bitel as Chief Executive.

The Participants Separate starts are made by elite men, elite women, wheelchair

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The Participants Separate starts are made by elite men, elite women, wheelchair competitors and the general public, some of whom are over 80 years old. A great number of sponsored participants raise money for different charities. In 1983, the first wheelchair races took place.

Number of Participants The number of participants grows steadily. For elite athl

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Number of Participants The number of participants grows steadily. For elite athletes the marathon is a very prestigious running event. Many overseas runners taking part in the mass start can get places through lottery.


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The "Ever Presents" A small number of runners are known as the "Ever Presents“. They have completed each of the London Marathons since 1981. By 2010 their number was 21. The oldest runners amongst them are 75 year old Kenneth Jones and Jeffrey Gordon. The youngest runner is 52-year-old Chris Finill. They are all male.

Money For Charities Large sums of money are raised for a wide range of charities

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Money For Charities Large sums of money are raised for a wide range of charities. The London Marathon is now the largest annual fund raising event in the world. Money is given to charities all over the world. Money is also distributed to recreational schemes through the London Marathon Trust.

Running for a Good Cause Crazy costumes are a familiar sight around the course.

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Running for a Good Cause Crazy costumes are a familiar sight around the course. In fact over 75% of participants run for a good cause. Since 1981, the London Marathon has raised over £400 million for charities worldwide making it the largest fundraising marathon in the world.

The Route The London Marathon covers a 26.2 mile route. It starts on Blackheath

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The Route The London Marathon covers a 26.2 mile route. It starts on Blackheath and passes the Cutty Sark, Tower Bridge, Canary Wharf, Tower of London, London Eye, Houses of Parliament, and finishes in The Mall. It is the only Marathon course in the world that is run in two hemispheres.

The Reasons of Popularity The Marathon

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The Reasons of Popularity The Marathon's popularity has steadily grown since 1981. Thanks to TV coverage the London Marathon has become an internationally famous event. It is known for its perfect organization. Thousands of spectators encourage the runners on the way.

Mini Marathon It is the sister of the London Marathon. Its course is the last 3

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Winners The first winners of the marathon were the runners of the Men

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Winners The first winners of the marathon were the runners of the Men's Elite Race was shared by American Dick Beardsley and Norwegian Inge Simonsen. The marathon has seen a lot of records and is known for its fast times.

Sponsors and Partners The present sponsor of the marathon is Virgin.The original

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Sponsors and Partners The present sponsor of the marathon is Virgin.The original sponsor was Gillette 1981 to 1983. The other sponsors Mars (1984–1988), ADT (1989–1992), NutraSweet (1993–1995), and Flora (1996–2009). A number of other companies and organizations use the event for brand identification and marketing.

Running Marathons Is Not Easy Some participants are treated as national heroes a

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Running Marathons Is Not Easy Some participants are treated as national heroes after completing the marathon. They try to do their best to cover the route.

The Highlight of British Sport Year “The London Marathon is the highlight of my

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The Highlight of British Sport Year “The London Marathon is the highlight of my domestic programme. A great day out!” (Tanni Grey-Thompson, paralympic athlete from Wales, and a winner of the wheelchair London Marathon)

The 30th London Marathon 2010, April, 30th London Marathon. There were around 48

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The 30th London Marathon 2010, April, 30th London Marathon. There were around 48,000 competitors with as many as a million spectators cheering them along the route. There was the first participant from the Royal family, princess Beatrice. Sir Richard Branson and his two children run the marathon as well.

Russian Athletes in the Marathon In 1994 an unknown athlete Yakov Tolstikov won

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Russian Athletes in the Marathon In 1994 an unknown athlete Yakov Tolstikov won the Men’s Elite Race.Last year Svetlana Zakharova, Inga Abitova, Lyudmila Petrova, Maria Konovalova and Liliya Shobukhova took place. Liliya Shobukhova has won the women's London Marathon and her compatriot Inga Abitova finished second.

Sunday, 17, April31st London Marathon120,000 participants from the UK5,000 overs

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Sunday, 17, April31st London Marathon120,000 participants from the UK5,000 overseas participantsthe official charity is Oxfam

CONCLUSION London Marathon has become one of the largest marathons in the world.

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CONCLUSION London Marathon has become one of the largest marathons in the world. It has become the all-inclusive “People’s Marathon” Athletes take part in it for sporting awards, many people participate for pleasure and self-confidence. A lot of money for different charities is raised by sponsored participants.

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One of my favourite events to watch was the London Marathon. When I was just 14, a man from London, named Chris Brasher, organised the first London Marathon. It was 29 March 1981 and 7,747 people were involved in the race. Over the years, I watched the event grow into the biggest of its kind in the world. Now, there are 46,500 participants each year from all corners of the world and of all levels of ability. Many people say the marathon is the ultimate physical challenge. Athletes have to train physically and mentally for each marathon and be prepared for many challenges.

I always found it surprising to see how many well-trained athletes did not complete the course each year. Out of the over 46,000 starters, on average, only 33,000 actually crossed the finishing line. Some dropped out because of injury or illness, but most just ‘hit the wall’, an infamous experience suffered when their bodies simply ran out of fuel. For many runners, by the time they reached the 30 to 35 km point in the race, they just couldn’t go any further. Their muscles would cramp and their heart and lungs could not obtain enough oxygen.

Each year, I tried to imagine what it would be like to line up before all the crowds prepared to run the 42.2 kms along roads, up hills and around some of the most famous sights in London. The race started in Greenwich Park, then competitors would race along the River Thames, towards Big Ben, and eventually ending in front of Buckingham Palace.

I decided to talk to my heart specialist and find out if there was any chance that I could train my body to handle running 42.2 kms. At first, he thought I was joking, but soon he realised how important this was to me. I began walking for a few minutes at a time, increasing my intensity until I was able to walk for 10 minutes a session. At the same time, I started lifting weights to build muscle strength.

Over the course of a year, I progressed from just walking to running. Running became a daily thing for me and I was building more strength and confidence with every step. My doctor was thrilled with my progress and allowed me to continue forward.

Finally, at the age of 19, the time came to apply for the London Marathon. I knew that only a certain number of people would be allowed to enter the race and as much as I wanted to do this, I knew that my chances were slim. The London Marathon is the most challenging marathon in the world. I couldn’t believe how far I had come and that finally my dream would come true. My doctor and I worked together to set out a training schedule that would allow me to safely complete the entire 42.2 kms. Physically I was fit and my heart appeared to be in good condition. The biggest problem would be dehydration, as it would be with all of the competitors. On average most of the runners take four to five hours to complete the race and water is essential to all of the competitors. The year before 710,000 bottles of water had been consumed during the race!

Soon enough it was race day. My family, as well as various friends were all gathered to watch and support me. It was the most difficult and the most exciting and rewarding experience of my life. I finished the race In less than six hours, which was amazing since just a few years before I was barely able to run across the garden.

Today, I am still running. I have not competed in the London Marathon again but I do volunteer each year to assist the athletes in any way I can throughout the race. I enjoy taking part in the atmosphere and sharing my success story with the other athletes. I learned that as long as I try my best and have faith in myself I can do almost anything.

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Одно из моих любимых событий это Лондонский марафон. Когда мне было всего 14 лет человек из Лондона, по имени Крис Брашер, организовала первый Лондонский марафон. Это было 29 марта 1981 года и 7,747 людей участвовали в гонке. На протяжении многих лет, я наблюдал как событие перерастет в крупнейшее в своем роде и во всем мире. Сейчас каждый год участвуют 46,500 участников со всех уголков мира и всех уровней возможностей. Многие люди говорят, что марафон — это типичная физическая задача. Спортсмены должны физически и психически тренироваться перед каждым марафоном и быть готовыми к многочисленным вызовам.

Мне всегда было удивительно видеть, как ежегодно много хорошо подготовленных спортсменов, не доходят до конца. Из более 46,000 в начале, в среднем, только 33,000 человек фактически пересекли финишную линию. Некоторые выбыли из-за травмы или болезни, но большинство просто сталкиваются с препятствием, печально известным опытом, когда в их телах просто заканчивается сила. Многие бегуны, достигнув от 30 до 35 км в гонке, просто не могли идти дальше. Их мышцы сводит и сердце и легкие не могут получить достаточное количество кислорода.

Каждый год, я пытался представить себе, какого это, предстать перед всей толпой готовым преодолеть 42.2 км дороги, холмов вокруг некоторые самых известных достопримечательностей в Лондоне. Гонка начинается в Гринвич-парке, участники мчатся вдоль реки Темзы, в сторону Биг-Бена, и в конечном итоге пробегают перед Букингемским дворцом.

В течение года я прошел путь от простой ходьбы до бега. Бег стал повседневной вещью для меня и я вкладывал больше сил и уверенности с каждым шагом. Мой врач был в восторге от моих успехов и позволил мне продолжить.

Наконец, в возрасте 19 лет, пришло время пройти на Лондонский марафон. Я знал, что только определенному количеству людей будет позволено войти в гонку и как бы я не хотел этого, я знал, что мои шансы были невелики. Лондонский марафон — самый сложный марафон в мире. Я не мог поверить, как далеко я зашел, и что, наконец, моя мечта сбылась бы. Мой врач и я работали вместе, чтобы наметить план тренировок, которые позволят мне спокойно завершить весь путь в 42.2 км. Физически я был здоров, и мое сердце оказалось в хорошем состоянии. Самая большая проблема будет обезвоживание, как бывает со всеми участниками. В среднем большинству бегунов понадобится от четырех до пяти часов, чтобы завершить гонку и вода необходима для всех участников. В прошлом году 710,000 бутылок воды было выпито во время гонки!

Скоро настал день гонки. Моя семья, а также различные друзья все собрались, чтобы посмотреть и поддержать меня. Это был самый сложный и самый интересный и полезный опыт в моей жизни. Я закончил гонку меньше чем через шесть часов, что было так удивительно, всего через несколько лет, после того как я был едва в состоянии бегать по саду.

Сегодня я по-прежнему работаю. Я не раз участвовал в лондонском марафоне, но я занимаюсь волонтерством каждый год, чтобы помочь спортсменам в любое время на протяжении всей гонки. Я с удовольствием принимаю участие в этой атмосфере и делюсь своей историей успеха с другими спортсменами. Я узнал, что пока я стараюсь изо всех сил и верю в себя я могу сделать почти все что угодно.

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