Индира ганди сообщение на английском

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

Индира Ганди объявила режим чрезвычайного положения в 1975 г.

Indira Gandhi declared emergency rule in 1975.


"When she'd read about Indira Gandhi's assassination, she'd thought: ""All women leaders are doomed, one way or another."""

Краткое "аварийное" правление Индиры Ганди в 1970-х годах было частично результатом такой институциональной нефункциональности.

Indira Gandhi's brief "emergency rule" in the 1970's was partly the result of such institutional dysfunction.

Но после убийств Индиры Ганди и её сына, бывшего Премьер-министра Раджива Ганди, Конгресс распался и не восстановился.

But with the assassinations of Indira Gandhi and her son, former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, Congress disintegrated and has not recovered.

Индиры Ганди ежемесячно направляет в министерство информацию о всех доведенных до ее сведения случаях.

Finger pointing replaces responsibility, fueling popular demand for a strongman (or woman) who can override political divisions. Indira Gandhi’s brief “emergency rule” in the 1970’s was partly the result of such institutional dysfunction.

In 1968, the 400th anniversary of the synagogue was celebrated in a ceremony attended by Indira Gandhi, the Indian Prime Minister.

The election of a new president became a contest between the Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and the old guard of the Congress Party known as the Syndicate.

При помощи жены Суреша Сингха Пракаш ей удалось встретиться с Индирой Ганди во время предвыборной кампании.

В 1984 г., после убийства Индиры Ганди, правящая партия Конгресса возглавила массовое убийство 3000 сикхов.

In 1984, following Indira Gandhi's assassination, the ruling Congress Party presided over the massacre of 3,000 Sikhs.

Indira Gandhi’s brief “emergency rule” in the 1970’s was partly the result of such institutional dysfunction.

Краткое "аварийное" правление Индиры Ганди в 1970-х годах было частично результатом такой институциональной нефункциональности.

Finger pointing replaces responsibility, fueling popular demand for a strongman (or woman) who can override political divisions. Indira Gandhi's brief "emergency rule" in the 1970's was partly the result of such institutional dysfunction.

He later retired from active politics but returned in 1975, responding to Jayaprakash Narayan's call for "Total Revolution" against the Indira Gandhi Government.

I didn't really care about the details of Indira's assassination, but I was happy that he'd changed the subject.

Indira Gandhi was born on 19th November, 1917 and took active part in the freedom struggle. She was President of the Congress party. She was married to Sri Feroz Gandhi and had two sons- Rajiv and Sanjay. Sri Firoz Gandhi died in 1960. Sanjay Gandhi used to help her in her work but he died in a plane crash in 1980. Then Rajiv Gandhi started helping her and after her death on 31st October, 1984 he became the Prime Minister of India.">]" data-testid="answer_box_list">


Indira Gandhi was the first lady Prime Minister of in India. She became Prime Minister after the death of Sri Lai Bahadur Shastri. Her father Sri Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister of India. So she belonged to a family of politicians.

Indira Gandhi was born on 19th November, 1917 and took active part in the freedom struggle. She was President of the Congress party. She was married to Sri Feroz Gandhi and had two sons- Rajiv and Sanjay. Sri Firoz Gandhi died in 1960. Sanjay Gandhi used to help her in her work but he died in a plane crash in 1980. Then Rajiv Gandhi started helping her and after her death on 31st October, 1984 he became the Prime Minister of India.






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Indira Gandhi Guselnikova Daria

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Indira Gandhi Guselnikova Daria

Indira Gandhi Guselnikova Daria

Indira Gandhi was born in the city of Allahabad (Ilakhabada) (the modern Stat.

Indira Gandhi was born in the city of Allahabad (Ilakhabada) (the modern State of Uttar Pradesh). She was Jawaharlal Nehru's only daughter, the first prime minister of India and the leader of the Indian National Congress (INC). Her husband, the politician and the journalist Feroz Gandi (1912 — 1960), wasn't in any relationship with other well-known Indian politician by the name of Gandhi — Mohandas Karamchand (Mahatma).

After death of the father in 1964 it was elected the deputy of the Lok Sabha.

After death of the father in 1964 it was elected the deputy of the Lok Sabha (the lower house of parliament) from INK, I worked in the government Lal Bakhadura Shastri. After Shastri's death in 1966 in Tashkent during peace talks with Pakistan Indira Gandhi becomes the leader of INK and the prime minister of India (the world's second woman — the prime minister after Sirimavo Bandaranaike).

In 1969, after split of INK, Gandhi led the so-called independent party of th.

In 1969, after split of INK, Gandhi led the so-called independent party of the Congress which later has been officially recognized by Central Election Commission of India by the successor of INK. Split happened owing to intentions of Gandhi to pursue more socially oriented policy and to improve the relations with the USSR.

In 1971 I won a victory at parliamentary elections under the slogan of fight.

In 1971 I won a victory at parliamentary elections under the slogan of fight against poverty. The same year there was the next Indo-Pakistan war — after intervention of the Indian armies in captured fight for independence East Pakistan there proclaimed the republic of Bangladesh. In this conflict India was supported by the USSR that promoted still to bigger improvement of the relations between two countries.

Indira Gandhi carried out nationalization of banks; in days of its board in t.

Indira Gandhi carried out nationalization of banks; in days of its board in the country fast rates the industry, including heavy developed; the first nuclear power plant (in the State of Maharashtra) was started; in agriculture there was a so-called green revolution thanks to which India for the first time for many years became independent of food import.

In 1975 the Supreme Court of Uttar Pradesh in Allahabad found Indira Gandhi g.

In 1975 the Supreme Court of Uttar Pradesh in Allahabad found Indira Gandhi guilty of violations of electoral laws on elections in 1971 and ordered it to retire, with a ban of political activity for six years. In reply to Gandhi, having used the 352nd article of the constitution of India, I declared state of emergency. During state of emergency in economy a number of progress was reached; practically the interreligious conflicts stopped. However not all taken measures were popular, as, for example, compulsory sterilization for control of growth of the population. Besides political freedoms were limited, a number of oppositional newspapers is closed.

In 1977, having overestimated own popularity, Gandhi appointed parliamentary.

In 1977, having overestimated own popularity, Gandhi appointed parliamentary elections and I lost. I returned to the power in 1980. The second term of its board was noted by the conflict to the Sikhs living, generally in the State of Punjab. The leader of Sikhs Dzharnail Singh Bhindranwale declared Sikhs an independent self-governed community. They occupied the main shrine of Sikhs — the Gold temple in Amritsar. In reply the Indian government in June, 1984 performed the army operation "Blue Star" during which the temple was freed, 500 people thus were lost. The revenge of Sikhs didn't keep itself waiting long — on October 31, 1984 Indira Gandhi was killed by own bodyguards who were Sikhs. It is cremated.

In memory of Indira Gandhi monuments are established and stamps of many count.

In memory of Indira Gandhi monuments are established and stamps of many countries of the world are let out.

(1869-1948; выдающийся политический, общественный деятель, лидер национально-освободительного движения; войдя в мировую историю как крупный государственный деятель, в Индии Ганди воспринимается скорее как духовный Учитель, наставник - недаром его называют Махатма ( Mahatma ), т. е. на санскрите "Великая душа" ("great soul"); борьба с неприкасаемостью и проповедь ненасилия - наиболее важные стороны его религ. реформаторства) Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand

2 Ганди

3 Ганди

4 Движение за права человека имени Махатмы Ганди

5 Мохатма Ганди

6 Награда Ганди-Кинга

7 болезнь Ганди-Нанта

Medicine: Gandy-Nanta disease (спленомегалия вследствие гемосидероза, возможно, то же самое, что и "Gamna disease" – "болезнь Гамны")

8 прекрасное введение в учение Ганди

9 прекрасное введение в философию (учение) Ганди

10 прекрасное введение в философию Ганди

11 прядь натуральных белых волос (например , как у Индиры Ганди или Свини Тода)

12 узелки Ганди-Гамны

13 узлы Гамна-Ганди

14 Ганди, Махатма

These people were vegetarians: Albert Einstein, George Bernard Shaw, Leo Tolstoy, Clara Barton, Mahatma Ghandi, Mr. Rogers, Leonardo da Vinci, Jeff Juliano, the original Ronald McDonald.

15 Махатма Ганди

These people were vegetarians: Albert Einstein, George Bernard Shaw, Leo Tolstoy, Clara Barton, Mahatma Ghandi, Mr. Rogers, Leonardo da Vinci, Jeff Juliano, the original Ronald McDonald.

16 Индира

17 Ганди

18 Ганди

19 теория ненасилия

20 прядь натуральных белых волос

См. также в других словарях:

ГАНДИ Индира — (1917 84) премьер министр Индии в 1966 77 и с 1980, министр иностранных дел в 1984. Дочь Дж. Неру. Участница национально освободительного движения. Один из лидеров партии Индийский национальный конгресс (ИНК), а после ее раскола в декабре 1977… … Большой Энциклопедический словарь

Ганди Индира — (р. 19.11.1917, Илахабад), политический и государственный деятель Индии. Дочь Дж. Неру. Образование получила в учебных заведениях Швейцарии, Англии и Индии. В 1938 вступила в партию Индийский национальный конгресс (ИНК). В 1942 вышла замуж за… … Большая советская энциклопедия

Ганди Индира — (Gandhi, Indira) (1917 84), инд. гос. деятель, дочь Джавахарлала Неру. В 1939 г. вступила в партию Индийский национальный конгресс (ИНК), за свою деятельность во время войны провела больше года в тюрьме. В первые годы своей полит, деятельности… … Всемирная история

ГАНДИ Индира — (Gandhi, Indira) ИНДИРА ГАНДИ (1917 1984), индийский политический деятель. Родилась 19 ноября 1917 в Аллахабаде в семье, активно участвовавшей в борьбе за независимость Индии. При рождении получила имя Индира Прийядаршини Неру. Ее отец,… … Энциклопедия Кольера

Ганди Индира — (1917 1984), премьер министр Индии в 1966 77 и с 1980, министр иностранных дел в 1984. Дочь Дж. Неру. Участница национально освободительного движения. Один из лидеров партии Индийский национальный конгресс (ИНК), а после её раскола в декабре… … Энциклопедический словарь

Ганди Индира — … Википедия

Индира Ганди — इन्दिरा गांधी 200px … Википедия

Индира Ганди (национальный парк) — Индира Ганди Джамбу Малай … Википедия

Индира — Индира: Индира женское имя, стало распространённым в разных странах благодаря Индире Ганди Индира мыс в Индии, назван в честь Индиры Ганди Индира село, Ахвахский район Дагестана … Википедия

Ганди — Ганди индийская фамилия. Известные носители: Ганди, Индира (1917 1984), премьер министр Индии (1966 1977 и 1980 1984), дочь Джавахарлала Неру. Ганди, Кастурба (1869 1944) супруга Махатмы Ганди. Ганди, Кобад (род. 1951) индийский … Википедия

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