Антон шипулин сообщение на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Антон Владимирович Чипулин (на русском : Антон Владимирович Шипулин , английская транскрипция: Антон Шипулин ), родился 21 августа 1987 г. в Тюмени - российская биатлонистка . Олимпийский чемпион 2014 года в российской эстафете, он четырехкратный призер чемпионатов мира в личном зачете и занял второе место в чемпионатах мира 2014–2015 и 2016–2017 годов после Мартена Фуркада . Он одержал одиннадцать побед и выиграл маленький хрустальный глобус масс-старта 2015 года. декабрь 2018 что он ставит точку в спортивной карьере.



Он является братом Анастасии Кузьминой , также международной биатлонистки. В 2008 году он трижды становился чемпионом мира среди юниоров в спринте, гонке преследования и эстафете. В январь 2009 г. , он сделал свои первые шаги на чемпионате мира, а год спустя испытал свой первый успех в эстафете в Рупольдинге . В следующем месяце по случаю его участия в Олимпийских играх в Ванкувере он выиграл бронзовую медаль в эстафете.

В сезоне 2010-2011 он выиграл свою первую гонку Кубка мира - спринт в Антерсельве. На чемпионате мира в Рупольдинге в 2012 году он выиграл свою первую индивидуальную медаль в главном чемпионате с бронзой, полученной в гонке преследования.

На Олимпийских играх 2014 года в Сочи он чуть упал с пьедестала почета в спринтерской гонке, прежде чем выиграть с Евгением Устюговым , Алексеем Волковым и Дмитрием Малышко золотые медали в эстафете.

В сезоне 2014-2015 он выиграл две гонки в Поклюке , стал серебряным призером в гонке преследования на чемпионате мира в Контиолахти и выиграл маленький хрустальный глобус масс-старта. Он дважды финишировал вторым в генеральной классификации чемпионата мира после Мартена Фуркада : в 2014-2015 годах и в 2016-2017 годах.

Ему не разрешают участвовать в Олимпийских играх в Пхенчхане-2018 из- за государственного допингового скандала, поразившего Россию : он фактически не входит в список подходящих спортсменов, составленный специальной комиссией, назначенной Международным олимпийским комитетом.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Sidorkina Maria
Class 6
Aleksandrova R.V.
English Teacher

The purpose of the presentation is to recognize more about great

The purpose of the presentation is
to recognize more about great sportsman.

The reasons of choice the theme:
- I was interested in the Olympic Games in Sochi
- I was interested in the biography of the biathlete
- I wanted to check my forces in creation of scientific English work

Anton Vladimirovich Shipulin is a Russian biathlete

Anton Vladimirovich Shipulin
is a Russian biathlete

Shipulin Anton was born in Tyumen in a sports family . His parents Vladimir Ivanovich

Shipulin Anton was born in Tyumen in a sports family . His parents Vladimir Ivanovich and Alla Abushaevna were specialists in ski training, it is determined the occupation of little Anton.

Childhood Anton has two sisters.Anya and Anton are twins. Anya went skiing too, but then

Anton has two sisters.Anya and Anton are twins. Anya went skiing too, but then she decided to stop to do sports. Anya received two degrees, she has a family and a child.

Older sister is Anastasia Kuzmina,Olympic champion in2010 and winner of theWorld Cup . Now she has lived

Older sister is Anastasia
Kuzmina,Olympic champion in
2010 and winner of the
World Cup . Now she has lived in Slovakia.
Today Anastasia is the first
biathlete of the top ten and the
Olympic champion in Sochi.

2002 The 15 -year-old Anton has begun his career in biathlon .

The 15 -year-old Anton has begun his career in biathlon .

2004 He has won two victories at the European Youth Festival.

He has won two victories at the European Youth Festival.

2006 Anton has won the first victory in the competition of the relay at the World

Anton has won the first victory in the competition of the relay at the World Championships in the American Presque Isle .

2007Anton has won the silver medal in the individual race in Val Martello/Italy/.He has won the silver

Anton has won the silver medal in the individual race in Val Martello/Italy/.
He has won the silver in the sprint, the bronze in the pursuit, the gold in the relay in the European Championship.

2008Anton was the best in the sprint and pursuit at the World Championships in Ruhpolding. He has

Anton was the best in the sprint and pursuit at the World Championships in Ruhpolding. He has won all three races and personal baton. He has celebrated victory in the relay with teammates Dmitry Blinov , Paul Magazeev , Viktor Vasilyev . In the individual race Anton has won the silver medal. This year Anton has become the absolute European champion.

2010 He has become a member of the Russian Olympic team in biathlon at the Games

He has become a member of the Russian Olympic team in biathlon at the Games in Vancouver. Anton has won the bronze medal as part of men's relay .

2014 Anton Shipulin is the member of the Russian Olympic team in Sochi. He has won

Anton Shipulin is the member of the Russian Olympic team in Sochi. He has won the gold medal with Evgeny Ustugov,Alexey Volkov and Dmitry Malyshko in the men’s relay at the Winter Olympic Games, in Sochi.

So Anton Shipulin is-Absolute champion of European Biathlon Championship /2008, juniors/.-The bronze medallist ofWinter OlympicGames/2010/.-The

Anton Shipulin is
-Absolute champion of
European Biathlon
Championship /2008, juniors/.
-The bronze medallist of
Winter OlympicGames/2010/.
-The best Russian biathlon
marksman /2010/ .
-The Olympic Champion of
the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi/2014/.

My sports idol is Anton Shipulin, слайд №1
My sports idol is Anton Shipulin, слайд №2
My sports idol is Anton Shipulin, слайд №3
My sports idol is Anton Shipulin, слайд №4
My sports idol is Anton Shipulin, слайд №5
My sports idol is Anton Shipulin, слайд №6
My sports idol is Anton Shipulin, слайд №7
My sports idol is Anton Shipulin, слайд №8
My sports idol is Anton Shipulin, слайд №9

 My sport idol. Performed: Shakirova Aliya 7271

Слайд 1

 My sports idol is Anton Shipulin. Russian biathlete, Olympic champion in the relay race in 2014, bronze medalist of the 2010 Olympic Games in the relay race, world champion in 2017 in the relay race, six-time medalist of the world championships. The owner of a small World Cup in the standings of the mass start (2014-2015). Absolute champion of Europe among juniors 2008. Two-time winner of the Champions race in the mixed relay, two-time winner of the Champions race in the mass start. Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

Слайд 2

My sports idol is Anton Shipulin. Russian biathlete, Olympic champion in the relay race in 2014, bronze medalist of the 2010 Olympic Games in the relay race, world champion in 2017 in the relay race, six-time medalist of the world championships. The owner of a small World Cup in the standings of the mass start (2014-2015). Absolute champion of Europe among juniors 2008. Two-time winner of the Champions race in the mixed relay, two-time winner of the Champions race in the mass start. Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

 Born in a family of masters of sports in ski racing and biathologist - Vladimir Ivanovich Shipulina and Alla Abushaevna Shipulina (Abdyusheva). He began to study from an early age, at first under the guidance of my father I was engaged in cross-country skiing, but once I saw a rifle in a big sister engaged in biathlon, he got the idea to try my hand at biathlon. At the moment his coach is Andrey Kruchkov.

Слайд 3

Born in a family of masters of sports in ski racing and biathologist - Vladimir Ivanovich Shipulina and Alla Abushaevna Shipulina (Abdyusheva). He began to study from an early age, at first under the guidance of my father I was engaged in cross-country skiing, but once I saw a rifle in a big sister engaged in biathlon, he got the idea to try my hand at biathlon. At the moment his coach is Andrey Kruchkov.

 Anton trains in the winter sports center for them in the Filipenko Khanty Mansiysk. His goal: to win the Olympic gold 2018.

Слайд 4

Anton trains in the winter sports center for them in the Filipenko Khanty Mansiysk. His goal: to win the Olympic gold 2018.

 Since June 20, 2015 he is married to Louise Sabitova.

Слайд 5

 He has a son Dima, who was born on December 15, 2015

Слайд 6


Слайд 7

Anton's main rival is Martin Fourcade the French biathlonist, the two-time Olympic champion in 2014 in the pursuit race and the individual race, the two-time silver medalist in the mass start (2010 and 2014), the 11-time world champion (including 10 times in the personal races), six-time winner of the World Cup in the overall standings.

 The Charity Fund

Слайд 8

The Charity Fund "The Fund for the Support of Sport in the Sverdlovsk Region A. V. Shipulina" was registered on November 19, 2010.When the prize-winner of the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver, Anton Shipulin visited the Irbit Children's Home, in which the children told about their desire to play sports. After this meeting, Anton was born the idea of ​​creating a non-profit organization.The purpose of the fund: support for the younger generation, who loves sports and wants to actively pursue it. Mission: To contribute to the improvement and sustainable development of society through the implementation of sports programs in the Sverdlovsk region, making sports accessible to all segments of the population.

 Thank you for attention

Слайд 9

учебник Spotlight 6 класс страница 30 упражнение 5: сочинение Напишите маленькое сочинение про Кими (мне надо про какого нибудь другого спортсмена) или другого спотрсмена в твоей стране (опять же страна любая). Используйте текст из упражнения 2 как образец (модель) или найдите информацию в интернете. //50-60 слов. Помогите мне, плиз. Каждому ставлю по лайку, если ответ по сути, потом всё проверяю и выбираю победителя. Заранее спасибо за помощь! :-)

Так народ, если через две минуты вопросов не будет то вопрос закрыт, а вы могли бы получить по лайку и даже подарку!

Athlete in Biathlon Anton Shipulin is a Russian biathlete, Olympic champion 2014 in the relay, bronze medalist of Olympic games 2010, five-time medalist at the world Championships.Lives in Yekaterinburg,the owner of the small Cup 2015.
Перевод: Спортсмен по Биатлону Антон Шипулин, Российский биатлонист, олимпийский чемпион 2014 года в эстафете, бронзовый призёр Олимпийских игр 2010 года, пятикратный призёр чемпионатов мира. Живет в Екатеринбурге, владелец малого кубка 2015.

Спасибо, но по образцу нужно ещё указать дату рождения, национальность и черты лица, а так всё равно обещал-лайк за старание и ещё :) :0 :-)!

Может как-то так Athlete in Biathlon Anton Shipulin is a Russian biathlete, Olympic champion 2014 in the relay, bronze medalist of Olympic games 2010, five-time medalist at the world Championships.Lives in Yekaterinburg,the owner of the small Cup 2015.Nazionalnosti Russian,facial features light brown hair,a beard,brown eyes,pointed nose.Date of birth August 21, 1987 (28 years)
Перевод: Спортсмен в биатлоне Антон Шипулин-российский биатлонист, олимпийский чемпион 2014 года в эстафете, бронзовый призер Олимпийских игр 2010 года, пятикратный призер чемпионатов мира. Живет в Екатеринбурге, обладателем малого Кубка 2015.По нацеональности Русский, черты лица русые волосы, есть борода, карие глаза, заостренный нос. Дата рождения 21 августа 1987 г. (28 лет)

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