Животные в опасности сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

Endangered Species

Вымирающие виды

The problem of endangered species is very urgent. Every little change in the nature influences all nature, needless to say that threatened with extinction species are in the big danger and their extinction can influence the environment.

Проблема исчезающих видов очень актуальна. Каждое небольшое изменение в природе влияет на всю природу, не говоря уже о том, что виды, которым угрожает вымирание, находятся в большой опасности, а их вымирание может повлиять на окружающую среду.

There are many factors why some species are referred to endangered species. First of all, there are some changes in the environment which can be the causes of their extinction, for example, climate changes or environmental pollution. One more significant cause is the human factor. Many species are endangered, threatened with extinction or have become extinct because of poaching. Coextinction is both the cause and the result of extinction or probable extinction. Coextinction means that one species are threatened with extinction as the result of the extinction of another species. One more cause is connected with interspecies competition and predators.

Существует много факторов, из-за которых некоторые виды относятся к вымирающим видам. Прежде всего, существуют некоторые изменения в окружающей среде, которые могут быть причинами их исчезновения, например, изменения в климате или загрязнение окружающей среды. Еще одна значительная причина – человеческий фактор. Многие виды являются вымирающими, находятся под угрозой исчезновения или уже вымерли из-за браконьерства. Совымирание – это одновременно и причина, и результат исчезновения или возможного исчезновения. Совымирание означает, что одному виду угрожает вымирание в результате исчезновения другого вида. Еще одна причина связана с межвидовым соперничеством и хищниками.

There are many endangered species of animals and plants in the world. The most comprehensive data list is Red List. It includes data about extinct species, species which are of the lowest risk and species of other groups depending on the risk level.

В мире существует много вымирающих видов животных и растений. Наиболее полный справочник о них – Красная книга. Она включает данные о вымерших видах, видах, которые находятся в меньшем риске, и видах, относящихся к другим группам, в зависимости от уровня риска.

Какие примеры вымирающих видов можно привести? К ним относятся, например, островная лисица, морская выдра, калифорнийский кондор, головастая морская черепаха Логгерхеда, один из видов трехкоготных черепах и многие другие. Охранный статус играет важную роль в сохранении вымирающих видов. Некоторые виды могут быть помещены в заповедник. В любом случае, ученые и экологи следят за вымирающими видами, которые находятся как в заповедной зоне, так и в дикой природе.

In this project you are to speak about animals and plants. Give the examples of endangered and extinct species, speak about the way to protect animals, speak about The Red Book.

*В данной теме Вам нужно найти дополнительную информацию о любом виде вымирающих животных и рассказать о нем по примеру из текста учебника

People have lived on the Earth for many years. They live on different continents in different countries. People depend on their planet, on the sun, on animals and plants around them.
Many animals and plants are disappearing nowadays. Many of them are in danger. Indian tigers and African elephants are among them. People have hunted and killed many tigers in India and a lot of elephants in Africa as tigers and elephants are often dangerous. Tigers can kill domestic animals and sometimes even men. So people are afraid of them and kill them to save their cows and sheep and protect themselves. But people have often hunted tigers for fun and for their beautiful skin. They sell the skin and get money as the prices are high.
The result is very sad. There are few Indian tigers left on the Earth now. Many of them are old and sick. They don`t hunt people but hide from them in deep dark forests. But people have cut down a lot of trees so there aren`t many forests for tigers. African elephants are wonderful animals. They can help men. In the 19th century Africa was full of elephants. But these days there are not many of them except in African parks. Many less dangerous wild animals and birds are also disappearing from the Earth. Modern life is bad for them. The air is not fresh. The water is not clean. Animals don`t have good things to eat and space to live. Their names are in the Red Book. You can find the names of some fish there too.
People must take special care of them all. We must save wild animals. We must find the right balance between land, people and animals. We must take care of nature.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Many animals and birds on the Earth are disappearing. Many of them are old an.

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Many animals and birds on the Earth are disappearing. Many of them are old an.

Many animals and birds on the Earth are disappearing. Many of them are old and sick animals. Modern life is bad for them. The air isn’t fresh. The water is not clean. They don’t often have good things to eat and space to live. You can find a lot of names in the Red book. People must take special care of them all. Don’t forget.

THERE IS A SERIOUS HABITAT PROBLEM BECAUSE: After pollution or destruction, h.

THERE IS A SERIOUS HABITAT PROBLEM BECAUSE: After pollution or destruction, habitats take a hundred or even a thousand years to grow again. Pollution and destruction change the balance of nature. Each species in its habitat needs and helps the rest. If one animal, a bird or an insect disappears, all the others suffer, too.

The rainforests of South America, Africa and Asia are getting thinner. Habita.

The rainforests of South America, Africa and Asia are getting thinner. Habitats and animals are disappearing in Europe, too. For example 95% of the meadows and 50% of the woods and marshes have disappeared in Britain since 1947.

Man has always been a hunter. Hunting is a crime. Many modern hunters don't just kill for food - they kill for profit or for fashion.

People must stop the trade of fur. It’s wrong to keep wild animals in cages a.

People must stop the trade of fur. It’s wrong to keep wild animals in cages and catch them in traps.

It is very beautiful and dangerous вфтdangerous animal.

It is very beautiful and dangerous вфтdangerous animal.

The Siberian tiger is also known as the Amour tiger, Manchurian tiger. It is.

The Siberian tiger is also known as the Amour tiger, Manchurian tiger. It is written in the Red book. In 1996 there were about 450 tigers.

The Siberian tiger is a big animal, it has exotic colour, it is one of the bi.

The Siberian tiger is a big animal, it has exotic colour, it is one of the biggest beasts of prey of our planet. It’s length is about 3m It’s mass is about 350 kg It runs at a speed of 50 km/h

Tigers can kill cows, sheep and other domestic animals and sometimes they can.

Tigers can kill cows, sheep and other domestic animals and sometimes they can also kill men. Some people are afraid of tigers and kill them to save their domestic animals and their lives.

But some people often hunt tigers for fun and for their beautiful skin. They.

But some people often hunt tigers for fun and for their beautiful skin. They can easily sell the skin and get a lot of money as the prices are high. Most tigers don’t hunt people nowadays, but hide from them in deep, dark forests. They rather hid there earlier, because there aren’t many forests for tigers nowadays. People have cut down many trees.

North America Eurasia Greenland

North America Eurasia Greenland

The polar bear is one of the biggest beasts of prey in the world, too. Polar.

The polar bear is one of the biggest beasts of prey in the world, too. Polar bears inhabit the territories within the Arctic Region, the Arctic Ocean and bordering seas.

The Polar bears are well adapted for cold temperatures, for moving across sno.

The Polar bears are well adapted for cold temperatures, for moving across snow, ice, and open water, and for hunting the seals which make up most of their diet. The adult males weigh around 350- 680 kg, the adult females are about half the size.

Most polar bears are born on land but they spend most of their time at sea hu.

Most polar bears are born on land but they spend most of their time at sea hunting from sea ice.

The population of polar bears is constantly decreasing because people are hun.

The population of polar bears is constantly decreasing because people are hunting them without proper control.

The melting of sea ice reduces the areas where animals can find food.

The melting of sea ice reduces the areas where animals can find food.

The scientists say that under such conditions polar bears can disappear withi.

The scientists say that under such conditions polar bears can disappear within 100 years.

The polar bear was listed as a threatened species in 2008.

The polar bear was listed as a threatened species in 2008.

 You can see this beautiful animal in the Moscow zoo!

You can see this beautiful animal in the Moscow zoo!

Many things are written about animals. Now listen to the poem “My dream” by G.

Many things are written about animals. Now listen to the poem “My dream” by Gillian Brown.

I love all kinds of animals Dogs and cats and rabbits, I love all kinds of an.

I love all kinds of animals Dogs and cats and rabbits, I love all kinds of animals Despite their little habits. If I had tons of money, Do you know what I would do? I would buy lots of animals And have my own zoo. But they wouldn’t be in cages They would be free to run around. And there’s one thing they would feel And that is safe and sound.

The dream is author’s own zoo. A zoo is the place, usually in the city, where.

The dream is author’s own zoo. A zoo is the place, usually in the city, where many kinds of animals are kept so that people can go to look at them.

The dodo was a large bird which used to live on the island of Mauritius in th.

The dodo was a large bird which used to live on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. It built a nest on the ground and laid one egg in it.

in less than 100 years the dodo was extinct.

in less than 100 years the dodo was extinct.

The problem under discussion is very actual up-to-days. With the development.

The problem under discussion is very actual up-to-days. With the development of civilization man's interference in nature grows up. Pollution and destruction change the balance of nature. The rear wild animals, also, are constantly killed. We would like to remind people about it and prevent the different negative factors.

We discussed and thought all ways to help animals. We formalized our research.

We discussed and thought all ways to help animals. We formalized our researching results and tried to answer the questions of our project: “Have the rear animals got a future?” and “How will we be saving their lives?”


THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY PROTECTING ANIMALS AND BIRDS IN DANGER BY LAW To open more national parks To build new roads according to a natural-saving technology To build and save main roads and trunk-lines both for people and animals To plant more new forests To cut pollution To use natural resources more rationally To stop nuclear tests

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Эссе IELTS : Wild animals have no place in the 21st century. Some people think that preventing wild animals from dying out is a waste of resources. Do you agree? To what extend?

Эссе IELTS является одним из самых трудных аспектов подготовки к экзамену IELTS. Как репетитор ielts я думаю что имеет смысл создать список тем, которые я даю студентам которые ставят целью сдать экзамен IELTS. Сегодня мы обсудим тему эссе IELTS “Animal protection”.

[big_title2]Эссе IELTS образец 1[/big_title2]

The wild animal conservation is considered quite necessary today. Human civilization has a considerable negative influence on the whole nature, not only on animal species, but they suffer from the process of human evolution to larger extent, than minerals or plants. Some orators state, that we are losing a great deal of money, spending it on protection of animals in the wilderness. Their arguments are quite understandable: there are so many human beings starving from famine in war-torn countries or disaster-stricken areas, that every penny should be spent on humanitarian aid.

However, it is a universally accepted fact, that the imbalance of ecosystem is the first step to natural disasters and future starvation. The Earth is a unique planet with its biosphere, that produces oxygen and renews water. All these effects, as we can see from studying the Biology science, are the consequences of biological diversity not only of plants, but also of animals. We know some species to be bearers of the forest, and a good case in point are wolves. If we destroy them, a number of bacterias will increase, they will make forest suffer from different illnesses, caused by them, and water be spoiled. Finally, we will have a reduction of oxygen-production.

In addition to the mentioned above facts, wild animals bring us a feeling of vividness and harmony. I think that almost everyone likes posting photos or making videos of the wildlife. The nature is almost the last chance to have a rest of the accelerating pace of civilization.

Generally speaking, it is necessary to make a wide propaganda of the coexistence of human beings and animals, because we will be in profit in the long run, otherwise we will have to pay off for endangered species disappearing.

292 words

[big_title2]Эссе IELTS образец 2[/big_title2]

It is not exaggerating to say that many kinds of animals are in danger as a result of human activities. There is a lot of controversy about how and to what extent we must protect them. Let us consider what people have achieved and what else should be done in this issue.

First and foremost, researchers know what species are under threat of extinction and pay special attention to them. It is well-known about special protected area, where it is forbidden to hunt animals or harm their habitat. Also there are numerous non-governmental organizations and societies striving hard for the protection of animals. As a consequence, at the moment it is beginning to lead to changes in this situation and we can see some positive effects.

On the other hand, a growing number of people feel that it is not enough because many kind of beasts and fishes are still endangered. Many of the activities which harmful to living beings bring big revenue, therefore it is difficult to abandon them. But important step, which in part has already been taken, is to make more stringent punishment for violations of the law on the protection of animals.

Summarizing all written it should be said that, this is one of our main responsibilities to protect animals and ensure the best conditions for their existence. But I can tell from my own experience that we do not always put enough effort in this regard and we have something to strive for.

250 words

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