You would like to do some volunteer work this summer сочинение

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Comment on the following statement:

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
— make an introduction (state the problem)
— express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
— express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
— explain why you don't agree with the opposing opinion
— make a conclusion restating your position



It is of common knowledge that a lot of people volunteer nowadays. Some people believe that it is obligatory for all youngsters to volunteer, whereas others consider that it is not true. They say that volunteering should be optional for everyone.

I think that teenagers should not be made to volunteer. First of all , young people are preoccupied with their studies and they do not have time to volunteer. For example , if teenagers are forced to volunteer, their academic results will be worse due to lack of time for training. Secondly , work performed under pressure or without payment is performed poorly. Until a teenager understands the importance of volunteering, it is useless to force them to work for free.

At the same time there are people who have a different opinion. They consider that all young people should be forced to volunteer. To begin with , forcing youngsters to volunteer can help them develop into proactive citizens. What is more , a teenager’s social circle typically consists of family and school friends. Volunteering gives youth the opportunity to meet people outside of their usual circle.

Personally , I do not agree with the opinion mentioned above. Teenagers may become proactive citizens without volunteering. They may simply participate in community activities. In addition , the social circle of modern teenagers is quite wide even without volunteering.

In conclusion , I would like to say that there are opposing views on this issue. At first sight , obligatory volunteering for all youngsters seems to be efficient. But in actual fact the understanding of the importance of volunteering cannot be overridden by force. Thus , I strongly believe that all volunteering for all youngsters should be optional.

1 video game tester — человек, тестирующий видеоигры
2 lifeguard — спасатель
3 secret shoper — тайный покупатель
4 dishwasher — посудомойщик
5 delivery person — работник службы доставки
6 gardener — садовник
7 babysitter — няня
8 dog walker — человек, выгуливающий собак

b) Which of the jobs in Ex. 1a are popular in your country? Which would you like/not like to do Why? — Какие из рабочих мест в упр. 1a популярны в вашей стране? Что бы вы хотели/не хотели делать, почему?

Babysitter is a popular job for students in my country. I’d like to be a gardener or a dog walker because I’d like to a work outdoors.

Няня — популярная работа для студентов в моей стране. Я хотел бы быть садовником или выгуливать собак, потому что я хотел бы работать на свежем воздухе.


Working as a delivery person is a popular job for students in my country. I would like to be a video game tester because I love
video games. I wouldn’t like to be a gardener. I think it would be very tiring.

Работа курьером — популярная работа для студентов в моей стране. Я хотел бы стать человеком, тестирующим видеоигры, потому что я люблю видеоигры. Я бы не хотел быть садовником. Я думаю, это было бы очень утомительно.

Упражнение 2, с. 18

2. Read the text below. What is it? What is it for? Complete with: travelling abroad, degree, lifeguard, interests, university, shop, grades, waitress. — Прочитайте текст ниже. Что это? Для чего это нужно? Вставьте: поездка за границу, диплом, спасатель, интересы, университет, магазин, оценки, официантка.

It is a CV.
It is for a job application.
Это резюме.
Это для заявления на работу.

Curriculum Vitae

1) Degree in English Literature & French,
2) University of Melbourne, Australia

Степень в области английской литературы и французского языка,
Мельбурнский университет, Австралия

Melbourne College
Exam subjects and 3) grades : English Literature (A), History (B), French (A)

Мельбурнский колледж
Предметы экзамена и оценки: Английская литература (А), История (Б), французский язык (А)

Work Experience
4) Lifeguard , Aquatics Centre, Melbourne

Oпыт работы
Спасатель, Центр водных видов спорта, Мельбурн

6) Shop assistant, Casual Clothing, Melbourne

Продавщица, Повседневная одежда, Мельбурн

Hobbies & 7) Interests
Learning foreign languages, swimming, scuba diving and 8) travelling abroad

Хобби и Интересы
Изучение иностранных языков, плавание, подводное плавание и поездки за границу

Study skills
Identifying key information
Read the two lists of items to familiarise yourself with the content of the conversation. This will help you do the task.

Учебные навыки
Определение ключевой информации
Прочитайте два списка пунктов, чтобы ознакомиться с содержанием беседы. Это поможет вам выполнить поставленную задачу.


Упражнение 3, с. 18

3. Listen and match each person (1-5) to the summer job (A-H) they have. There are two extra jobs. — Послушайте и сопоставьте каждого человека (1-5) с летней работой (A-H), которая у них есть. Есть две дополнительные работы.


1 D Shane — D camp counsellor
Шейн — вожатый

2 G Fiona — G conservation group volunteer
Фиона — волонтёр группы охраны природы

3 E Bridget — E waitress
Бриджит — официантка

4 C Tony — C lifeguard
Тони — спасатель

5 A Andrea — A shop assistant
Андреа — продавщица

Sandy: Hi, Paul. How are you?

Сэнди: Привет, Пол. Как твои дела?

Paul: Hi, Sandy. I’m fine thanks. I’m just trying to plan my summer holiday.

Пол: Привет, Сэнди. Я в порядке, спасибо. Я просто пытаюсь спланировать свой летний отпуск.

Sandy: Oh. Lucky you! I’m not going on holiday this year.

Сэнди: О, тебе повезло! В этом году я не собираюсь в отпуск.

Paul: Why not?

Пол: Почему нет?

Sandy: Well, I’ve got a summer job as a dog walker, so I’m going to be busy every day.

Сэнди: Ну, у меня есть летняя работа в качестве выгульщика собак, так что я буду занята каждый день.

Paul: Wow. Good for you.

Пол: Ух ты. Повезло тебе.

Sandy: So are you going away with Shane again this summer?

Сэнди: Так ты снова уезжаешь с Шейном этим летом?

Paul: No. He’s going to a summer camp in France to be a camp counsellor.

Пол: Нет, он едет в летний лагерь во Франции, чтобы стать вожатым.

Sandy: That sounds interesting!

Сэнди: Звучит интересно!

Paul: Yes, but not as interesting as Fiona. She’s going to spend the summer with a charity which helps endangered animals and the environment. She is going to volunteer with them all summer!

Пол: Да, но не так интересно, как у Фионы. Она собирается провести лето в благотворительной организации, которая помогает находящимся под угрозой исчезновения животным и окружающей среде. Она будет работать с ними волонтёром всё лето!

Sandy: That sounds amazing! Bridget’s going to work as a waitress in a restaurant by the beach.

Сэнди: Это звучит потрясающе! Бриджит собирается работать официанткой в ресторане на пляже.

Paul: Oh. What about Tony? Maybe I could go on holiday with him.

Пол: О, а как насчёт Тони? Может быть, я смогу поехать с ним в отпуск.

Sandy: No, you can’t. Tony is going to spend the summer working, too. He just got a job as a lifeguard!

Сэнди: Нет, ты не сможешь. Тони тоже собирается провести лето на работе. Он только что получил работу спасателя!

Paul: It seems like everyone is working this summer.

Пол: Похоже, этим летом все работают.

Sandy: Yes, Andrea too. She really wanted to find a job working with animals, but she couldn’t find anything so she’s working in a shoe shop all summer.

Сэнди: Да, Андреа тоже. Она очень хотела найти работу по работе с животными, но ничего не смогла найти, поэтому всё лето работает в обувном магазине.

Paul: Maybe I should just get a summer job like everyone else!

Пол: Может быть, мне стоит просто устроиться на летнюю работу, как все остальные!

Sandy: I think that’s a good idea.

Сэнди: Я думаю, это хорошая идея.

Asking for personal details

Упражнение 4, с. 18

4. You are an interview and your partner is Ruth. Use the language in the box to ask and answer questions. — Вы ведёте собеседование, а ваш партнёр — Рут. Используйте вопросы из таблицы ниже, чтобы задать вопросы и ответить на них.

A: How old are you, Ruth?
А: Сколько тебе лет, Рут?

B: I’m 22.
Б: Мне 22 года.

A: Are you married or single?
А: Вы замужем или нет?

B: I’m single.
Б: Я замужем.

A: What qualifications do you have?
А: Какой квалификацией вы обладаете?

B: I have a degree in English Literature and French.
Б: У меня есть степень по английской литературе и французскому языку.

A: What kind of experience do you have?
А: Какой у вас опыт?

B: I worked as a lifeguard, a waitress and a shop assistant.
Б: Я работала спасателем, официанткой и продавщицей в магазине.

A: What are your hobbies and interests?
А: Каковы ваши увлечения и интересы?

B: I enjoy learning foreign languages, swimming, scuba diving and travelling abroad.
Б: Мне нравится изучать иностранные языки, плавать, нырять с аквалангом и путешествовать за границу.

Упражнение 5, с. 18

5. Write your own CV. Use Ruth’s CV in Ex. 2 as a model. — Напишите своё собственное резюме. Используйте резюме Рут из упр. 2 в качестве модели.


Secondary School, Aurora

Средняя школа, Аврора

Work Experience
Summer 2012
Waiter, Dave’s Restaurant, Aurora

Опыт работы
Лето 2012
Официант, Ресторан Дейва, Аврора

Summer 2011
Lifeguard, Aurora Community Centre, Aurora

Hobbies & Interests
Swimming, hiking and reading crime novels.

Хобби и интересы
Плавание, пешие прогулки и чтение криминальных романов.

Экзаменационная тема эссе для ЕГЭ по английскому языку, вынесенная в название статьи, относится к категории сложных, так как содержит слова volunteering и essential, а эти слова непросто синонимизировать.

Познакомьтесь с двумя примерами эссе, которые являются образцовыми и соответствуют всем требованиям экзамена.Предлагаемые письменные работы заслуживают наивысшего балла.

EssayQ: Volunteering is essential for teenagers. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

Version 1

Voluntary work is becoming widespread nowadays. Many people believe that doing this work is necessary for teenagers. Others think that becoming a volunteer can be a useful experience but it is not a necessity for them.

I totally agree with the first statement. There are several reasons for that. Firstly, volunteering in places such as an animal shelter or old people’s homes teaches teenagers empathy and kindness. They learn what practical actions to take in order to help others. Secondly, being a volunteer in environmental projects such as cleaning parks or planting trees makes teenagers responsible for the future of the planet. In addition, volunteer experience allows teenagers to begin to gain professional skills as early as possible, which is important for their future career.

However, some people argue that volunteering is not essential for teenagers because they have to spend a great deal of time on their studies. Consequently, they need to socialize or do a hobby in their spare time in order to regain their energy.

I disagree with the above opinion because volunteering is a team experience and it helps to socialize and make friends. In addition, it is not a regular job. Consequently, if a teenager decides to become a volunteer, they will have enough time to relax and do a hobby.

To conclude, I believe that volunteering is vital for teenagers because of educational, environmental and professional reasons.

Version 2

Volunteering has become a controversial issue recently. Some people think that teenagers need to be involved in volunteering. Others believe that voluntary work does not play an essential role in teenagers’ life.

I entirely agree with the second opinion. It is obvious that education is vital for teenagers’ future and they have to devote a considerable amount of time to their studies. Firstly, it is necessary for them to attend extra classes after school in order to succeed in the exams. Secondly, they have to do a great deal of homework. As a result, teenagers are always too busy and lack time to do regular volunteer activities.

However, some people argue that teenagers need to do volunteer work in order to learn about helping the environment and working in a team.

Despite the fact that volunteering has positive benefits for teenagers, I do not agree with the above opinion. Schoolchildren learn how to help the environment at school. They have Natural history classes, excursions and cleaning the environment activities throughout a year. In addition, teenagers learn how to work in a team when they do science projects, play sports or computer games.

In conclusion, I believe that volunteering is not important for teenagers although it can be beneficial. It is crucial for them to spend time on taking extra classes and doing homework.

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Разработка презентации по теме "Помощь". Содержит информацию по теме и кто и что такое волонтер, иллюстрации, воросы и лексика.

- help given free of charge

- anyone

- 13 “yes”

- 1 “no”

- help children and senior citizens, help abundant animals

Most of the students think that volunteering is …

Most of the students believe that voluntary work can be done by …

Most of the student would like to be a volunteer. And they would like to …

 We define volunteering as any activity that involves spending time, unpaid, doing something that aims to benefit the environment or someone (individuals or groups) other than, or in addition to, close relatives. Central to this definition is the fact that volunteering must be a choice freely made by each individual. This can include formal activity undertaken through public, private and voluntary organisations as well as informal community participation.

We define volunteering as any activity

that involves spending time, unpaid, doing something that aims to benefit the environment or someone (individuals or groups) other than, or in addition to, close relatives. Central to this definition is the fact that volunteering must be a choice freely made by each individual. This can include formal activity undertaken through public, private and voluntary organisations as well as informal community participation.

 We define volunteering as any activity that involves spending time, unpaid , doing something that aims to benefit the environment or someone (individuals or groups) other than, or in addition to, close relatives. Central to this definition is the fact that volunteering must be a choice freely made by each individual. This can include formal activity undertaken through public, private and voluntary organisations as well as informal community participation .

We define volunteering as any activity

that involves spending time, unpaid , doing something that aims to benefit the environment or someone (individuals or groups) other than, or in addition to, close relatives. Central to this definition is the fact that volunteering must be a choice freely made by each individual. This can include formal activity undertaken through public, private and voluntary organisations as well as informal community participation .

Make-A-Wish Foundation

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Make-A-Wish Foundation is a non-profit organisation founded in the United States that grants wishes to children (2½ years to 17 years old) who have life-threatening medical conditions. The charity now operates in forty-seven countries around the world through thirty-six affiliate offices.

The president & CEO of this charity is David A. Williams. His first wish was granted to Christopher James Greicius who wished to be a police officer. Chris died soon after.

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