Will artificial intelligence replace human intelligence сочинение

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

IELTS essay 2: Will robots replace humans? Some people says that robots will replace humans at workplaces. 1) Which jobs are the most likely to be affected? 2) Is this a positive or negative development? It is predicted that robots will replace a greater number of human workers in the future. This essay will first discuss the professions that are susceptible to automation and will then outline how robots can eventually benefit society. According to scientists, automation is expected to affect manual labour the most. This is because jobs that involve manipulating small objects can be easily performed by robots. A recent study from the Ministry of Works claimed that by the year 2030 one-third of the existing jobs will have disappeared due to machines programmed by artificial intelligence. However, certain experts with superior mental dexterity skills will be still needed, such as dentists. Although various blue-collar jobs might be threatened by automation, robots are likely to bring tremendous benefits to our lives. Robots can do repetitive and monotone tasks efficiently and errorlessly. According to a survey carried out in the Department of Computer Sciences, job tasks like answering the phone or filling in a patient form could be done by robots. As a result, cognitive labour, such as lawyers and doctors, can concentrate on more demanding tasks, which require analytic thinking and research skills. Thus, it can be argued that this development is chiefly positive. In conclusion, I would argue that although some manual vacancies are at risk to disappear, the advantages of automation overweigh disadvantages. Robots can reliably handle many manual tasks that humans usually consider mundane and uninteresting.

IELTS essay 2: Will robots replace humans?

Some people says that robots will replace humans in the workplace.
1) Which jobs are the most likely to be affected?
2) Is this a positive or negative development?

It is predicted that robots will replace a greater number of human workers in the future. This essay will first discuss the professions that are susceptible to automation and will then outline how robots can eventually benefit society.

According to scientists, automation is expected to affect manual labour the most. This is because jobs that involve manipulating small objects can be easily performed by robots. A recent study from the Ministry of Works claimed that by the year 2030 one-third of the existing jobs will have disappeared due to machines programmed by artificial intelligence. However, certain experts with superior mental dexterity skills will be still needed, such as dentists.

Although various blue-collar jobs might be threatened by automation, robots are likely to bring tremendous benefits to our lives. Robots can do repetitive and monotone tasks efficiently and errorlessly. According to a survey carried out in the Department of Computer Sciences, job tasks like answering the phone or filling in a patient form could be done by robots. As a result, cognitive labour, such as lawyers and doctors, can concentrate on more demanding tasks, which require analytic thinking and research skills. Thus, it can be argued that this development is chiefly positive.

In conclusion, I would argue that although some manual vacancies are at risk to disappear, the advantages of automation outweigh disadvantages. Robots can reliably handle many manual tasks that humans usually consider mundane and uninteresting.

Artificial intelligence / Искусственный интеллект

We are witnessing a rapid development of technologies based on artificial intelligence. Chatbots and voice assistants come as no surprise nowadays. And car manufacturers are already testing self-driving cars. Computer programs beat chess professionals. I think these achievements are very impressive. But, of course, the use of such technologies also carries certain risks.

Some people are concerned that the implementation of artificial intelligence technologies will cut jobs. I think it might actually happen. However, I consider routine tasks automation a positive trend.

But there is another aspect. Now artificial intelligence is able to carry out only those tasks for which it is programmed. No one knows for sure whether a computer will be able to acquire a human-like consciousness in the future, and what the consequences will be. Will people be able to keep such machines under control?

If previously this matter was a subject of speculation of science fiction writers, now this is a concern of many people. It is likely that legal restrictions and security standards will be developed for the creation of such systems. But whether such measures will be effective is not yet clear.

In any case, technical progress cannot be stopped. So I guess we should hope for the best and enjoy the advantages AI provides.

Мы наблюдаем бурное развитие технологий на базе искусственного интеллекта. Уже никого не удивляют чат-боты и голосовые помощники. А автоконцерны уже тестируют беспилотные автомобили. Компьютерные программы обыгрывают профессионалов в шахматы. Я считаю эти достижения очень впечатляющими. Но, конечно, использование подобных технологий несет также определенные риски.

Некоторых беспокоит, что внедрение технологий искусственного интеллекта отнимет у многих людей рабочие места. Полагаю, это действительно может произойти. Однако автоматизацию рутинных задач я считаю все же положительной тенденцией.

Есть и другой аспект. Сейчас искусственный интеллект может выполнять исключительно те задачи, на которые он запрограммирован. Никто точно не знает, сможет ли в будущем компьютер обрести самосознание, подобное человеческому, и чем это обернется. Смогут ли люди держать такие машины под контролем?

Если раньше это было предметом размышлений писателей-фантастов, то сейчас этот вопрос беспокоит многих людей. Вероятно, будут разработаны законодательные ограничения и стандарты безопасности на создания подобных систем. Но будут ли такие меры эффективны, пока не ясно.

В любом случае, технический прогресс нельзя остановить. Так что, полагаю, нам стоит надеяться на лучшее и пользоваться преимуществами, которые дает ИИ.

Some people believe that in the future machines will do all human work, whereas others disagree with it. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue.

I cannot agree with the idea that people will soon be replaced by robots in all jobs. Firstly, it is impossible for robots to do all the jobs. They can replace people in many jobs but cannot operate independently. There is always a need for human supervision in case something will go wrong or break. Secondly, machines are not capable to take decisions, which makes people irreplaceable in jobs where decisions must be taken.

However, there are some people who have an opposing opinion. According to them, technology is developing rapidly and artificial intelligence will be capable to replace human intelligence in the future.

To a certain extent, it is right, but one should not forget that people cannot be totally replaced by machines in social services, health care, and education because communication, collaboration, and empathy can be taught and provided to humans only by humans.

Taking all this into account, I would like to conclude that people cannot be totally replaced by machines. People should be raised and educated by other people.

Одни люди верят, что в будущем машины будут выполнять всю человеческую работу, в то время как другие не согласны с этим. В этом эссе я постараюсь рассмотреть этот вопрос.

Я не могу согласиться с мыслью о том, что скоро людей на всех рабочих местах заменят роботы. Во-первых, роботы не могут выполнять всю работу. Они могут заменить людей на многих работах, но не могут работать независимо друг от друга. В случае, если что-то пойдет не так или сломается, всегда необходим человеческий контроль. Во-вторых, машины не способны принимать решения, что делает людей незаменимыми на рабочих местах, где решения должны приниматься.

Тем не менее, есть люди, которые придерживаются противоположного мнения. По их словам, технологии развиваются быстрыми темпами, и искусственный интеллект способен заменить человеческий интеллект в будущем.

В определенной степени это правильно, но не следует забывать, что люди не могут быть полностью заменены машинами в сфере социальных услуг, здравоохранения и образования, поскольку общение, сотрудничество и сопереживание могут быть обучены и предоставлены людям только самими людьми.

Учитывая все это, я хотел бы сделать вывод, что людей нельзя полностью заменить машинами. Людей должны растить и воспитывать другие люди.

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 3 балла

Объём текста соблюдён, нейтральный стиль выдержан, все требуемые аспекты освещены.

К2 (организация текста) – 2 балла

Текст построен в целом логично, верно разделён на абзацы и снабжён структурирующими мысль словами и выражениями.

В четвёртом абзаце, где как раз упоминаются специальности социальной направленности, можно было бы, пользуясь имеющимся запасом в плане объёма текста, предложить более детальное объяснение того, почему машины не могут (и, что важно, в обозримом будущем не смогут) успешно справляться с подобными обязанностями.

Также можно было бы расширить вывод и сказать не только о воспитании и обучении, но и, к примеру, о лечении людей.

К3 (лексика) – 1 балл

1) to look upon this issue – to address/consider/touch on this issue [Глагол to look upon звучит здесь неестественно];

3) decisions must be taken – decisions must be made;

4) will be capable to replace human intelligence – will be capable of replacing human intelligence;

5) can be taught and provided to humans only by humans – are specifically human activities and characteristics [Лучше перестроить фразу, иначе слова teach и provide будут сопрягаться с communication, collaboration и empathy, образуя нетипичные выражения].

К4 (грамматика) – 3 балла

1) to do all the jobs – to do all jobs [Артикль не требуется. Кроме того, в предыдущем предложении в аналогичной фразе его нет];

2) but cannot operate independently – but they cannot operate independently [Желательно повторить подлежащее, чтобы глагол можно было однозначно отнести к нему];

3) something will go wrong or break – something goes wrong or breaks [В данном случае лучше использовать Present Simple].

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 2 балла

it is right, but one should not forget – it is right but one should not forget.

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Artificial intelligence is used in various fields. In this article we have considered the methods and study of artificial intelligence in various areas of our lives, certain approaches to modern AI.

Keywords:intelligence, artificial intelligence, computer science, neuroscience, optimization, logic.

AI research uses tools and ideas from many fields, including computer science, psychology, philosophy, neuroscience, cognitive science, linguistics, operations research, Economics, control theory, probability, optimization, and logic. AI research also covers tasks such as robotics, control systems, planning, data mining, logistics, speech recognition, face recognition, and many others.

Computational intelligence. Computational intelligence involves iterative development or learning (for example, setting parameters in connection systems).

The training is based on empirical data and is associated with a non-AI, clever artificial intelligence and soft computing. The subjects of computational intelligence, as defined by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, include mainly: neural networks: trainable systems with very strong pattern recognition capabilities.

Evolutionary computation: applies biologically inspired concepts such as populations, mutations, and survival most appropriate to obtain more effective solutions to the problem.

With hybrid intelligent systems attempts are made to combine these two groups.Expert inference rules can be generated through a neural network or production rules from statistical training. It is believed that the human brain uses several methods to formulate and cross-control the results.

Thus, system integration is seen as promising and perhaps necessary for true AI, especially the integration of symbolic and connective models.

An artificial intelligence system that can perform complex tasks such as reading, understanding, and learning has been one of the biggest challenges of artificial intelligence for decades.

Reading, understanding and learning have long been the biggest challenges that an artificial intelligence system has to overcome. Not surprisingly, when the model of artificial intelligence, developed by Alibaba, in the past month have surpassed men on tests of reading comprehension, several media outlets perceived the event as an achievement in the world of artificial intelligence. The system developed by the company on the basis of artificial intelligence will allow to monitor the multi-million population. At the initial stage of implementation of the system machine vision will track pigs using cameras that will keep records of animals, focusing on the stigma with ID on their backs. In the future, Alibaba intends to improve the system by adding features such as animal health analysis. This will be used, for example, infrared sensors that will monitor the motor activity of pigs, as well as a voice recognition system that screech pig will be able to determine that it accidentally crushed a large pig (and this is the cause of death 3 % of piglets annually!) or in time to detect a cough in the herd, which will avoid the epidemic.

According to the 10 main strategic trends in the development of Gartner for the year 2018, the evolution of intellectual development is one of the 10 strategic trends with industry-wide impact and significant potential for development.

First, AI is not machine learning. Even if machine learning can be useful for some tasks, automatic learning is not real.

Let's look at an example. While perceptual tasks such as image recognition are more applicable to an intelligent computer-based learning system, the situation is different if we consider cognitive tasks such as reading and understanding. Such cognitive tasks require a more than pure approach to computer learning because there is a great deal of ambiguity that needs to be overcome to understand the language. More complex possibilities are needed to remove the ambiguity of a word that can Express different meanings in a context.

The idea of an AI world where an artificially intelligent system can magically perform any cognitive task a human can perform is speculative at best. The path to a real artificially intelligent system based on basic aspects of AI, such as semantic text analysis to understand the deeper meaning of words and sentences, is long; human intelligence will remain Central to such a system.

Technologies are developing incredibly fast. So fast that I have already heard from a person who doesn’t know English: “Why should I learn it? Soon, technologies, e.g. Google Translate, will help us communicate.” Well, I certainly disagree with this opinion, but in this article, I would like to discuss how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now used on English lessons .

What is AI?

In simple words, Artificial Intelligence is the creation and development of intelligent machines that can act like humans. All the mental processes that take place in a human brain are simulated by machines so that the computer can learn, reason and even self-correct. AI makes it possible for machines to learn from their previous mistakes and experience. Thrilling, isn’t it?

How is it used in teaching and learning nowadays?

  • As you probably know, there are numerous applications that can analyze voice and pronunciation of certain words that a student says, while learning them (e.g. AWord, “ Skyeng ” for students and teachers of the Skyeng school, Anki, LinguaLeo, Memrise). Most of the applications for learning words analyze in what words or phrases the student makes mistakes and offer them for review at the next learning session.
  • Most programmes for online conferencing capture the person who is speaking during the group discussion and demonstrate him/her in the centre of the screen (e.g. Zoom ). Moreover, recently, Skyeng school has developed a new feature of its platform, which analyzes the facial expressions of a teacher and a student, captures snapshots of their smiles during the lesson and demonstrates them at the end of a lesson. It is a great way to finish the lesson on good terms. Moreover, Skyeng platform analyzes TTT and STT and helps teacher control the right proportion and let the student speak as much as possible.
  • There are programmes for automatical spelling, grammar and punctuation check, for example, Grammarly . It can save teachers’ time in checking students’ written works and help students prepare for the written part of the exam without a teacher’s help. Of course, it corrects not all mistakes and sometimes corrects in the wrong way, but it does simplify a teacher’s life!
  • IBM Tone Analyzer can understand the emotions and communication style in the text. It can even help understand your student’s mood when they were writing an essay.
  • Tutor Mike (a language robot helping English learners to speak in English) can answer a number of questions on different topics (for instance, he can explain some grammar terms, give advice on learning English, check your spelling errors, remind you an irregular verb you forgot, tell you which verbs are followed by infinitive or gerund, and even answer some cross-cultural questions).
  • Nowadays, Siri, Google Assistant and Amazon’s Alexa can be used as interlocutors for a student when he/she performs the hometask. The student can practice dialogical speech with the help of this voice helper (for instance, practice ordering food, giving orders, having small talk, etc.). They benefit the students in several ways: the program should inderstand the student’s speech, the students should understand what the program says and reply in an appropriate manner.
  • In the nearest future, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality will be used to unite language learners from different countries and promote communication in multiplayer games
  • AI-powered digital teachers, for example, Parla, can be used to analyze students’ background knowledge, identify areas that are unclear for a student and compose a study plan.

Despite the speedy progress of artificial intelligence, the job of a teacher is still beyond danger. All the jobs that require communication, creativity, problem-solving, assessment are still best done by human beings. That is why it is essential to teach our students 21st-century skills to make them high-demand specialists in a robotized world.

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