What is good behavior сочинение

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

We cannot imagine our life without clothes, the main function of which is protective. Clothes protect us from cold and hot weather, from rain and snow and from other negative effects of the environment. Also, clothes are considered to influence people’s behaviour.

In my opinion, it is really the fact that we feel and act differently in different clothes. We can get more focused and organised or, on the contrary, more relaxed depending on what we wear. For example, many schools encourage their pupils to wear a uniform to make them more concentrated on study. A number of businesses have a dress code for their staff members to impel them to work better and be more productive.

But there are people who claim that clothes cannot influence people’s behaviour. They are convinced that the way we act depends only on our thoughts and feelings. So, if you feel depressed, you are slow and careless of your manners. Your walk is rickety and your movements are hit-or-miss.

I cannot agree with the aforesaid reasoning because many psychologists come up with the idea that bright clothes can bring you to rights. If you are in low spirits, it is recommended that you should go shopping for varicolored clothes, which will improve your mood and, consequently, will change your behave our for the better.

In conclusion, I would like to stress the importance of being aware of what you wear, because clothes and behaviour are interrelated.

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Some people believe that clothes have a strong influence on people’s behaviour, while others are convinced that there is no connection between the clothes we wear and how we behave. In this essay, I would like to express my point of view on this issue.

Personally. I think that clothes, people wear, has a great influence on them. To start with, clothes can do a lot for a person's self-esteem. It can build or lower it. It is important to wear good and appropriate clothes. If someone comes to a party, where everyone is dressed officially, in jeans, he definitely will not feel comfortable.

In addition, people judge each other from the appearance. And depending on how a person looks people’s attitude towards him changes.

However, there are some people who have an opposing opinion. They claim that clothes have no influence on people’s behaviour. A person wearing a smart suit does not get smarter.

I cannot totally agree with that opinion, because when someone is wearing a tailored smart suit he cannot fail to notice the changes happening to him and around him.

Firstly, how confident he feels and secondly, how his confidence spreads out around and changes the way people treat him.

To summarize, I would like to say that clothes people are wearing not only influence their own behaviour but also the behaviour of people they are in contact with. People should pay attention to their clothes.

Некоторые люди считают, что одежда оказывает сильное влияние на поведение людей, в то время как другие убеждены, что нет никакой связи между одеждой, которую мы носим, &񗜻&񗜻и тем, как мы ведем себя. В этом эссе я хотел бы высказать свою точку зрения по этому вопросу.

Лично я думаю, что одежда, которую носят люди, оказывает на них большое влияние. Начнем с того, что одежда может многое сделать с самооценкой человека. Она может ее повысить или понизить. Важно носить хорошую и подходящую одежду. Если кто-то приходит на вечеринку, где все официально одеты, в джинсах, ему точно не будет комфортно.Кроме того, люди судят друг друга по внешности. И в зависимости от того, как выглядит человек, отношение к нему людей меняется.

Тем не менее, есть люди, которые имеют противоположное мнение. Они утверждают, что одежда не влияет на поведение людей. Человек в стильном костюме не становится стильным.

Я не могу полностью согласиться с этим мнением, потому что, когда кто-то одет в шикарный, сшитый на заказ костюм, он не может не заметить изменений, происходящих с ним и вокруг него. Во-первых, насколько он уверен в себе, а во-вторых, как его уверенность распространяется и меняет отношение людей к нему.

Подводя итог, я хотел бы сказать, что одежда, которую носят люди, влияет не только на их собственное поведение, но и на поведение людей, с которыми они контактируют. Люди должны обращать внимание на свою одежду.

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Comment on the following statement:

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
— make an introduction (state the problem)
— express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
— express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
— explain why you don't agree with the opposing opinion
— make a conclusion restating your position



The question of people’s behavior and clothes they wear has been discussed for a very long time. Some people say that clothes effects people’s behavior, whereas others do not agree. They believe that education plays a bigger role in a way people behave.

In my opinion people’s clothes really impact the way they behave. First of all , nowadays clothes have become a part of people’s image and a way of behavior. For example , people of different occupations dress differently. A person in a suit of policeman cannot act as a person wearing a sport suit. Secondly , by changing clothes, a person can change their lives. It is a scientific fact that people are conditioned by many things, like food, cars, social status and clothes have the strongest position in this list. For instance , wearing aristocrat’s or businessmen clothes people try to act accordingly to match this image.

At the same time there are people who claim that education plays the main role in people’s behavior. They say that no matter how a person is dressed, he or she will always behave well, if they have good education and they are well-bred. Clothes play just a secondary part in their way of behaving.

I do not agree with the opinion mentioned above. Even an ill-bred person changes when they start wearing clothes that are not supposed to do some violence or behave badly.

In conclusion , I would like to say there are opposing views on this issue. At first sight clothes do not influence the way people behave, but in actual fact it seriously condition people’s way of acting. Thus , I strongly believe that clothes people are wearing can influence their behavior.

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Today we cannot imagine our life without clothes. Some people claim that clothes really can influence people’s behaviour. However, other people believe that clothes cannot change the way you behave. I am convinced that it is the fact that we feel and act differently in different clothes.

Firstly, the colour and the style of a thing you wear make you look and behave in dissimilar ways. For example, a person who wears a costume in an office feels more confident. Moreover, many schools force their students to wear a uniform to make them more concentrated on their study. Secondly, an outrageous outfit makes people stand out from the crowd. That means that people wearing these clothes do not care about other people’s opinion.

They let themselves do what they like.

On the other hand, there are people who think that they do not change their behaviour while wearing different clothes. They say that what we wear can change only our appearance as our behaviour depends on our personality.

Nevertheless, I strongly disagree with this point of view because many psychologists have come up with the idea that some clothes change people’s behaviour. They become more relaxed and free in comfortable clothes. What is more, almost everyone tries to wear suitable clothes to not be standing out of the crowd.

To sum up, I would like to say that clothes impact on a wearer. People feel more confident and free in comfortable clothes.

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