Волонтерство сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

Теперь, Общество Красного Креста находится в почти каждой стране. Приблизительно 250000000 добровольцев во всем мире помогают этой организации. Красный Крест помогает людям, давая приют, пищу и медицину, добровольцы Красного Креста обучают людей в скорой помощи и заботиться о нетрудоспособных и стариках. Люди празднуют День Красного Креста 8 мая, день рождения Генри Дунэнт*са.
В 1870 было сформировано британское Общество Красного Креста. У британского Красного Креста есть Группы Юниора и Молодежи. Есть больше чем 22000 британских участников Красного Креста в 1700 Молодежные Группы.

Now, the Society of the Red Cross is in almost each country. Approximately 250000000 volunteers all over the world help this organisation. The red Cross helps people, sheltering, food and medicine, volunteers of the Red Cross train people in first aid and to care about invalid and old men. People celebrate Day of the Red Cross on May, 8th, Henry Dunent*sa's birthday.
In 1870 the British Society of the Red Cross has been generated. The British Red Cross has Groups of the Junior and Youth. Is more than 22000 British participants of the Red Cross in 1700 Youth Groups.

Volunteering not only helps and benefits one's community but, in a way, it benefits the volunteers themselves. For instance, I believe volunteering makes a person feel worthy, as if they've accomplished something because they made someone else's life better or they made a change in their community somehow. Volunteering also shows that that person is generous, compassionate, and good-hearted, because he/she is kind enough to give up a few hours of their time and put it into their community. It also serves others without expecting to get anything out of their service. I believe that everyone should give back to their community because volunteering will make your community a more comforting and pleasing place to live in.

Park Terrace at Radisson is where I've been volunteering since March of 2003. Park Terrace was established in 2002, and is a Residential Care Community that includes a memory-impaired neighborhood. As a Residential Care Community, Park Terrace is not allowed to provide medical services. It is not a "nursing home ?. Park Terrace exists expressly to provide a protected living environment for those adults requiring such care and supervision.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам


I am a volunteer.

Who is a volunteer? Volunteers help the poor and needy. Volunteers collect money and distribute money for the poor. Volunteers work in the charitable organizations. Since 1985, December 5, volunteers around the world celebrate the International Volunteer Day. The history of volunteer’s movement in Russia is existed for many years. In Russia it was always customary to make good things without prompt. When you do a good deed, your soul becomes warm and makes a person happy.

My name is Gorbunova Katya. I am a volunteer. In 2016 I joined the group of volunteers of the "Youth Council" and I try to help people and do a good deed. I like it very much. I want to participate in different projects and help people who need help. Volunteers always take care of elderly people. Children from a social shelter are studying at our school. We visit them often at the shelter. We bring them knitted socks and mittens. We organize trips to the circus. We come to them just to play. By the way, me and my friends we have learned to value the time, to choose interesting games, to organize children, to be interesting for them. We’ve become more disciplined and close – knit. But mainly we understand that only by own example you can involve people in volunteer’s movement. On November 24, we congratulated our mothers on the holiday "Mother's Day". We prepared a concert for mothers and made postcards ourselves. Our mothers were very happy.

We are volunteers who are ready to devote our free time to unpaid work, helping those who find themselves in a difficult situation. We, volunteers, conduct propaganda work among our classmates and friends. Because only by own example it is possible to involve in volunteer movement. I'm proud to be a volunteer. Hurry up to do good deeds! Let everyone in this world be happy! (306)

8 Представьте, что вы только что начали выполнять некоторую волонтерскую работу после школы. Напишите письмо вашему английскому другу по переписке, чтобы убедить его / ее выполнять некоторую волонтерскую работу тоже. Скажите: какой добровольной деятельностью вы занимаетесь, когда и как часто, какие работы вы делаете, почему вы думаете, что ваш друг должен присоединиться к вам (60-80 слов).

I have got your letter and can tell you more about my work. I am volunteer as event organizer. I work after school not more than for 4 hours twice a week. As a rule, I help to organize competitions, festivals and master classes for people. I usually meet our guests and tell where they have to go and what should do.

I think it is a great opportunity to help to make life of our society more interesting and diverse. Moreover, you can meet many volunteers of your age and make new friends.

Я получил твое письмо и могу рассказать тебе больше о моей работе. Я волонтер-организатор мероприятий. Я работаю после школы в течение не более 4 часов дважды в неделю. Как правило, я помогаю организовать соревнования, фестивали и мастер-классы для людей. Я обычно встречаю наших гостей и говорю куда они должны идти и что делать.

Я думаю это замечательная возможность помочь сделать жизнь нашего общества интереснее и разнообразнее. Кроме того, ты можешь встретить много волонтеров твоего возраста и завести новых друзей.

Last week I began to work as a volunteer at the animal shelter. I thought that it’s very hard, but I erred. It’s very interesting! I help to educate animals, to take care about them, to find the good hosts for animals. You know I love animals, and this job is the best way of implementation of my love. I’m very glad to help animals!

На прошлой неделе я начал работать в качестве волонтера в приюте для животных. Я думал, что это очень трудно, но я ошибся. Это очень интересно! Я помогаю обучать животных, заботиться о них, искать хороших хозяев. Ты знаешь, что я люблю животных, а эта работа является лучшим способом реализации моей любви. Я очень рад, что могу помочь животным!

What is new with you? I started volunteering at the local Red Cross. We had an earthquake last week and many of our friends and neighbours have lost their homes. I go everyday and hand out clothes, food and blankets to people that are in need. Last week we had to set up beds in a huge tent for people to sleep. It felt really good to do something for someone else. You should think about coming with me sometime. It is very rewarding.

Что нового у тебя? Я начал заниматься волонтерством в местной организации Красного Креста. На прошлой неделе было землетрясение и многие из наших друзей и соседей потеряли свои дома. Я хожу каждый день и раздаю одежду, еду и одеяла людям, которые в этом нуждаются. На прошлой неделе мы поставили кровати в большой палатке, чтобы люди спали. Это действительно здорово делать что-то для кого-то другого. Подумай насчет того, чтобы пойти со мной как-нибудь. Это очень стояще.

8 Imagine you have just started doing some volunteer work after school. Write an email to your English pen friend persuading him/her to do some volunteer work too. Say: what kind of volunteering you are doing, when & how often, what kind of jobs.

*Цитирирование части задания со ссылкой на учебник производится исключительно в учебных целях для лучшего понимания разбора решения задания.

Здесь Вы можете ознакомиться и скачать It should be mandatory for all young people to volunteer to help protect the environment.

Если материал и наш сайт сочинений Вам понравились - поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок!

Today it is popular to join volunteer organisations and take part in charity movements among young people. Some of them do it at will, the others aren't fond of volunteering. But should it be mandatory for everyone to volunteer?

To begin with, I'd like to say that the most popular kind of charity movement is protection of our environment. Our nature needs help and everyone must do their best to protect it. And this is the first reason why volunteering is compulsory. Secondly, this work would benefit young people in the future. Taking part in such events, they get more working experience and learn to communiate in society. And finally, it is a chance to find your future job and favourite occupation. According to the reports of Greenpeace organisation, more than a half oftheir volunteers decided to continue their work in nature protection.

But on the other hand, it is unfair to male people do something they aren't keen on. Charity movements shouldn't be mandatory, as it isn't as easy work as it seems to be, and everyone can cope with it. Moreover, volunteering takes much time, but nowadays most of young people are lack of it. Some of them aren't ready to devote their free time to this occupation.

As for me, I absolutely disagree with the opinion, that volunteering should be mandatory. We often hear young people's statements for protecting the Earth, but they do nothing for it. In my opinion, young people have to contribute to environmental problems and help solve them.

To sum it up, I'd like to say that everyone must take part in voluntary events and do their best to save our environment. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

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