Виртуальная реальность сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Virtual Internet communication results in losing real-life social skills

Internet today has become so much popular, that every pupil knows how to use it. We can order food, buy and sell clothes, transfer money, find the direction and many other things. People can even work in internet staying at home and get good money. And of course we can find friends here and communicate with them any moment.

Unfortunately the more time we stay online the less we use our social skills in real life. Instead of going out together with our friends and enjoy a real talk, we choose communication online. We can not see the face of our companion, we use virtual smiles instead of a real smile. Virtual communication is very limited, there is no soul here, I would say.

From other side, people can talk online when they can not talk face to face. Any time, from any country I can call my friends or family. We can still share any information, support each other, make video calls and send the pictures. The world is developing today and we have to follow. It’s also a good possibility to save time. If you need to send some message it’s easier to do with internet and virtual communication.

Well I definitely choose communication alive, to see the eyes of my friends, to joke with them, to see their emotions and mood at this very moment. It’s also better to understand each other, because a person is in front of you and you can see if he is happy, sad, busy or boring. I hope in future internet will not take all our life under control and we will still be able to spend time together. People always need support and it’s very important not only see this support in messages, but also to feel in reality.

Виртуальное интернет-общение приводит к потере реальных социальных навыков

Сегодня интернет стал очень популярным и буквально каждый учащийся знает, как им пользоваться. Мы можем заказать еду домой, купить или продать одежду, перевести деньги с карты на карту, найти любой адрес и много чего ещё. Люди даже работают в интернете не выходя из дома и получают хорошие деньги за это. И конечно, мы можем найти друзей через интернет и общаться с ними в любое удобное для нас время.

К сожалению, чем больше времени мы проводим онлайн, тем меньше пользуемся своими навыками общения в реальной жизни. Вместо того, чтобы выйти на прогулку вместе с друзьями и получить удовольствие от реального общения, мы выбираем разговор через интернет. Мы не видим лицо нашего собеседника, мы пользуемся виртуальными смайлами вместо реальной улыбки. Виртуальное общение вгоняется нас в определенные рамки, здесь не чувствуется души чтоли, я бы так сказала.

Some people say that online interaction between people decreases communication in real life, while others are sure that internet communication increases one’s real-life skills. In my essay, I would like to look upon this issue.

I agree with the first point of view. Firstly, it decreases the number of offline relationships. People tend to communicate online with friends, family and coworkers and they do not need to talk in person. Secondly, the quality of face-to-face interactions decreases. People are always busy when they interact with social media. People can talk with someone in real life, but do not listen to them because they are on their phones and nobody can do multitask efficiently. As a result, people’s ability to interact in real life gets worse.

However, some people say that no one loses his offline social skill because of virtual Internet communication.

Conversely, they give people the opportunity to communicate with other more. Also, with people from other countries. Online practice polishes their language skills, while in real life they would likely not find a native speaker to speak with and most importantly, work up the courage to talk to one in real life.

I cannot totally agree with this point of view. It is true that internet communication helps with learning foreign languages, but despite that, virtual Internet communication decreases language skills in general. People use shortened and abbreviated words, copy-paste and online programmes to check their texts. As a result, they often cannot properly use the language in real life.

To summarize, I would like to say that despite the opportunities virtual Internet communication gives us, there are some negative results. People who did not learn to use it wisely, lose their real-life social skills.

Некоторые люди считают, что интерактивные общение между людьми в сети снижает вероятность очного общения, в то время как другие уверены, что общение через Интернет повышает их навыки в реальной жизни. В своем эссе я хотел бы рассмотреть этот вопрос.

Я согласен с первой точкой зрения. Во-первых, это уменьшает количество оффлайн-отношений. Люди, как правило, общаются в сети с друзьями, членами семьи и коллегами, и им уже неинтересно общаться друг с другом лично. Во-вторых, снижается качество личных контактов. Люди всегда заняты, когда взаимодействуют в социальных сетях. Люди могут говорить с кем-то в реальной жизни, но не слушать их, потому что они в телефоне, а никто не может эффективно выполнять несколько задач.В результате люди теряют навыки общения в реальной жизни. В результате люди теряют навыки общения в реальной жизни.

Однако некоторые говорят, что мы не теряем навыки общения в реальной жизни, когда речь идет о виртуальном общении через Интернет. И наоборот, оно дает людям возможность больше общаться друг с другом. Также, с людьми из других стран. Онлайн практика помогает улучшить языковые навыки, в то время как в реальной жизни они, скорее всего, не нашли бы носителя языка для общения и, самое главное, не набрались бы смелости, чтобы поговорить с ним в реальной жизни.

Я не могу полностью согласиться с этой точкой зрения. Конечно, общение в интернете помогает в изучении иностранных языков, но, несмотря на это, виртуальное общение в интернете снижает языковые навыки в целом. Люди используют сокращенные варианты слов, программы прошлых лет и онлайн-программы для проверки своих текстов. В результате они часто не могут должным образом использовать язык в реальной жизни.

Подводя итог, хочу сказать, что, несмотря на возможности, которые нам дает виртуальная связь, существует несколько серьезных негативных последствий. Люди, которые не научились пользоваться ей мудро, теряют свои навыки общения в реальной жизни.

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fiction world, which leads us away from real life for a moment of time.

In our own utopia, we forget contemporary problems of reality.

Even though the virtual reality technology creates a utopia for us to

explore, it is in a lot of ways different from other developments we

know so well today. June Deery, from the Rensselaer Polytechnic

Institute in Troy says ^whereas in fiction we imagine and empathize, in

cyberspace we are supposed to ^actually^ step into the other world.^

This means that the other world is not created in our minds, but is

already there. We have to move in that world and take part in it, not

only with our mind, but by using our senses, such as seeing, hearing

and touching. These are our navigation tools. This world is imaginary

in the way that it is not of something real, but a result of the

programmer of that worlds imagination. It is ^virtual.^

In previous developments, such as theatre, novels and cinema we

passively follow a linear storyline, with a start and an end. The

author of it predetermines all the happenings in a particular story. We

have no participation in the play, but identify with it and our

imagination creates a generic feeling that we are a part of the story.

In virtual reality however, we do participate actively in a non-linear

story, we are a part of the plot. How the story evolves, depends on

what we do, and when we do it. What we get to see of the story, depends

on where in the virtual world we are. We are able to see, hear and

touch the elements in the story and interact with them. We have become

one of the actors, with the freedom to rewrite the play along the way!

Human beings are social creatures that like to communicate. ^Because

computers make networks, VR seems a natural candidate for a new

communications medium^ (Heim, Michael 1993). Just as the Internet has

become our time^s biggest communication network, virtual reality could

have a great impact on how we share information. Imagine a meeting with

people from all parts of the world in a virtual room, or playing

cricket with people from Pakistan.

As mentioned above, we identify with stories, and also the characters

within them. We often think ^if I were him,^ or ^if I looked like

that,^ then ^I would.^ We imagine and wish for a moment that we were

something else or lived another life. In time, as virtual reality

improves, maybe we will get the chance to do just that by strapping on

a set of goggles and a sensory suit. Using this technology we could be

able to choose a desired identity and act it out as our imagination

wants us to. But what if that virtual world is better than the real

John Suler, with a PhD in psychology, at Department of Psychology at

Ryder University states in the website ^ Computer and Cyberspace

Addiction^ that ^People become “addicted” to the Internet, or act out

pathologically in cyberspace, when they have dissociated it from their

f2f life. Their cyberspace activity becomes a world unto itself. They

don’t talk about it with the people in their f2f life. It becomes a

walled-off substitute or escape from their life.^

It seems like the virtual reality technology is inevitable. ^People

initially use technology to do what they do now-but faster. Then they

gradually begin to use technology to do new things. The new things

change life-styles and work ^styles. The new life-styles and

work-styles change society^.and eventually technology.^(Fubini^s law)

Before we know it, virtual reality might be as usual in contemporary

life, as television has been for decades. We will be presented with a

new way to escape from reality, which seems to be ten times as powerful

as previous developments. We will open doors to fascinating mazes, that

some of us may never come out of. Worlds that we don^t even want to

come out of because it appears better than the chaos we daily are

surrounded with, the real world. It might even be another addiction. Or

as Jerry Garcia put it ^they made LSD illegal. I wonder what they^re

going to do with this stuff.^

^?Virtual Reality- The Past, Present and the Future^?

^?Potential Future Applications of Virtual Reality in Architecture and Related Issues^?

Zupko, Sarah (1999) ^?Cultural Studies Center^? Articles/Papers

Chislenko, Alexander (1997) ^?Intelligent Information Filters and Enhanced Reality^?

^?Jones Telecommunications & Multimedia Encyclopedia^? Virtual Reality

Farscht, Russel ^?Virtual Reality^?

June Deery (1995) ^?Fiction-Medicated Communication: Virtual and Real Realities^?

John Suler (1999) ^?Computer and Cyberspace Addiction^?

Heim, M (1993) ^?The Essence of VR^?

^?Potential Future Applications of Virtual Reality in Architecture and Related Issues^? Fubini^?s Law

New technologies are developing at high speed these days, and their development is unstoppable. One of the most influential technologies is the Internet penetrating into every aspect of people’s life and endangering their real-life social skills.

In my opinion, people really lose their real-life social abilities because of massive use of the Internet services. The evidence is everywhere. Firstly, when visiting a cafe or another public place, you can see a group of young people sitting together and staring into their smartphones. Instead of looking at each other and communicating, they are pushing the buttons and texting. The teenagers feel more comfortable to talk through social nets than in reality. Secondly, more people get their education online using special services. I consider it to be bad because immediate contact with your groupmates and teachers are lost in this case. To study and grow personally, it is important not only to get bare knowledge, but also to have close contacts to its bearers.

But there are people who believe that virtual Internet communication does not break any real-life social skills. They see the Internet as a copy of the reality. So, the virtual world is as rich in social interaction as the real one. People do not lose their skills, but they transfer them onto a new ground.

Nethertheless, I cannot agree with the foregoing statement, because there is no true transfer of skills. The virtual world has its own rules of communication and real-life social skills are not applicable here. They are put aside and, in the end, completely lost.

To sum it up, I want to emphasize the necessity of finding a balance between virtuality and reality, otherwise shifting to the virtual scene will inflict serious damage on people’s social life.

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