Туризм разрушает гнезда птиц сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Tourism is becoming more and more popular. It’s one of the best way to spend a holiday. It’s also a well-developed business today.

There are so many means of travelling around the world, such as jet-planes, express trains, cruise liners, comfortable buses, personal cars and else. We can choose what’s best for us. I’m glad that tourism has become more available because I love travelling.

Ecotourism as a chance to preserve our nature.

The little Prince from the fairy tale novel by Antoine de Saint exupéry said very important words: "there is such a rule. Got up in the morning, washed, cleaned himself up - and immediately put in order his planet. It's a very boring job, but not at all difficult." Before the trip to the South, I always went every day to our beautiful lake to grab a little sun, so as not to burn on the seas.

Most travellers carry a camera with them to capture memorable objects of moments. Interesting objects may include ancient ruins, old churches and monasteries, castles, waterfalls, mountains and other places of interest.

I think tourism has almost no disadvantages, expect making people less patriotic. With the development of international tourism, people have become less interested in culture and the attractions of their native country. In fact, our country has a great number of wonderful places to offer.

Overpopulation, industrialization, urbanization and environmental pollution have disastrous effects on Nature and wildlife. Nowadays we often hear such words as nature tourism, green tourism, sustainable tourism, bio-tourism, ecologically responsible tourism, educational tourism and cultural tourism. But sometimes we don't fully understand their meaning. All these terms have much in common but they are not synonyms with ecotourism which probably involves a little of all of them. Ecotourism is one of the fastest-growing sectors of the tourism industry. The International Ecotourism Society defines ecotourism as 'responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people.' Ecotourism has a save-the-planet goal. Unfortunately there are very few pristine and unpolluted areas left in the world and they must be protected. Ecotourism is a travelling to natural destinations with rare flora and fauna.

Besides, ecotourism helps people understand the environment around them, makes them respect different cultures and be careful with Nature. It is an unforgettable experience which is rewarding at the same time.

Ecotourism is for environment-conscious people who love Nature, understand the negative influence of conventional tourism on the environment and want to minimize it. Ecotourism promotes recycling, energy efficiency, water conservation, safe disposal of waste and garbage and creation of economic opportunities for the local communities.

However ecotourism may have some negative aspects. The increasing number of tourists may damage the local environment. Some tourists don't understand the negative consequences of their visits. Many of them don't know how to behave and don't follow the main rule of ecotourism 'Leave nothing behind you except footprints and take nothing away except photographs'. They pollute drinking water, pick up rare flowers, disturb wild animals, purchase souvenirs made from the skin of endangered animals or leaves of rare plants. Searching for 'untouched places' tourists move off the beaten path and scare away animals.

First and most ecotourism is education. That is why before visiting some remote area tourists should learn as much as they can about its flora, fauna, local people, history, culture and traditions. It is also useful to learn a few words of the local language. The more information you learn, the more you will get out of your trip. It is very important to be open-minded and respectful.

There are three main principles to this idea.

Firstly, ecotourism should minimize the effect on the locality. Secondly, ecotourism should improve the environment. And thirdly, the local population should also benefit as a result of the tourism.

Effect on the locality means that the tourism that the tourism is small-scale and that something is given back to the community through the projects carried out. No big hotels are built. Ecotourism is conserved the environment. It does through education, conservation and recycling. This is education of the local people and also the tourists.

Conservation means respecting it by using renewable sources of avoiding unnecessary use of plastics. As for the local population benefit , this can be in financial ways by earning money from the tourists, but also through education, better schools, better health services and improve roads. What is important is that each ecotourism holiday must make a difference to the local community. For example, the percentage of money from eco holidays that goes to the local community is usually much higher then from traditional package holidays. Only local guides are employed to show the tourists the sights and explain the different customs and culture. The tourists stay in locally – owned hotels and can sold by the local community. Nowadays, an increasing number of people want their holiday to have a positive impact on local people and ecotourism does this.

In conclusion, I would like to say, that real ecotourism is a responsible way to travel, benefiting both the tourists and the local people.Don't forget about conservation and careful attitude to the environment in your everyday life. Follow the rule, 'Preserve and improve'. And remember that Nature is very fragile and we ought to take great care of it like a loving mother who takes great care of her only child.

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Предварительный просмотр:

Кульбердина Янгузель Гарифулловна

Научно-исследовательский институт, Вологда

Экологический туризм как шанс сохранить нашу природу.

В докладе обосновывается, что есть огромное количество видов туризма. Экологический туризм один из них. На сегодняшний день экотуризм является очень актуальной темой, и ее сохранение зависит от нас, от каждого жителя нашей страны, республики и района. Маленький принц из сказочной повести Антуана де Сент Экзюпери сказал очень важные слова: "Есть такое правило. Встал поутру, умылся, привел себя в порядок - и сразу же приведи в порядок свою планету. Это очень скучная работа, но совсем не трудная".

Research Institute, Vologda

Ecological tourism as a chance to protect our nature.

Ecotourism as a chance to preserve our nature.

The report proves that there are a huge number of types of tourism. Ecological tourism is one of them. Today ecotourism is a very important topic, and its preservation depends on us, on each inhabitant of our country, Republic and region. The little Prince from the fairy tale novel by Antoine de Saint exupéry said very important words: "there is such a rule. Got up in the morning, washed, cleaned himself up - and immediately put in order his planet. It's a very boring job, but not at all difficult."

Ecological tourism as a chance to protect our nature.

Tourism is becoming more and more popular. It’s one of the best way to spend a holiday. It’s also a well-developed business today.

There are so many means of travelling around the world, such as jet-planes, express trains, cruise liners, comfortable buses, personal cars and else. We can choose what’s best for us. I’m glad that tourism has become more available because I love travelling.

Ecotourism as a chance to preserve our nature.

The little Prince from the fairy tale novel by Antoine de Saint exupéry said very important words: "there is such a rule. Got up in the morning, washed, cleaned himself up - and immediately put in order his planet. It's a very boring job, but not at all difficult." Before the trip to the South, I always went every day to our beautiful lake to grab a little sun, so as not to burn on the seas.

Most travellers carry a camera with them to capture memorable objects of moments. Interesting objects may include ancient ruins, old churches and monasteries, castles, waterfalls, mountains and other places of interest.

I think tourism has almost no disadvantages, expect making people less patriotic. With the development of international tourism, people have become less interested in culture and the attractions of their native country. In fact, our country has a great number of wonderful places to offer.

Overpopulation, industrialization, urbanization and environmental pollution have disastrous effects on Nature and wildlife. Nowadays we often hear such words as nature tourism, green tourism, sustainable tourism, bio-tourism, ecologically responsible tourism, educational tourism and cultural tourism. But sometimes we don't fully understand their meaning. All these terms have much in common but they are not synonyms with ecotourism which probably involves a little of all of them. Ecotourism is one of the fastest-growing sectors of the tourism industry. The International Ecotourism Society defines ecotourism as 'responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people.' Ecotourism has a save-the-planet goal. Unfortunately there are very few pristine and unpolluted areas left in the world and they must be protected. Ecotourism is a travelling to natural destinations with rare flora and fauna.

Besides, ecotourism helps people understand the environment around them, makes them respect different cultures and be careful with Nature. It is an unforgettable experience which is rewarding at the same time.

Ecotourism is for environment-conscious people who love Nature, understand the negative influence of conventional tourism on the environment and want to minimize it. Ecotourism promotes recycling, energy efficiency, water conservation, safe disposal of waste and garbage and creation of economic opportunities for the local communities.

However ecotourism may have some negative aspects. The increasing number of tourists may damage the local environment. Some tourists don't understand the negative consequences of their visits. Many of them don't know how to behave and don't follow the main rule of ecotourism 'Leave nothing behind you except footprints and take nothing away except photographs'. They pollute drinking water, pick up rare flowers, disturb wild animals, purchase souvenirs made from the skin of endangered animals or leaves of rare plants. Searching for 'untouched places' tourists move off the beaten path and scare away animals.

First and most ecotourism is education. That is why before visiting some remote area tourists should learn as much as they can about its flora, fauna, local people, history, culture and traditions. It is also useful to learn a few words of the local language. The more information you learn, the more you will get out of your trip. It is very important to be open-minded and respectful.

There are three main principles to this idea.

Firstly, ecotourism should minimize the effect on the locality. Secondly, ecotourism should improve the environment. And thirdly, the local population should also benefit as a result of the tourism.

Effect on the locality means that the tourism that the tourism is small-scale and that something is given back to the community through the projects carried out. No big hotels are built. Ecotourism is conserved the environment. It does through education, conservation and recycling. This is education of the local people and also the tourists.

Conservation means respecting it by using renewable sources of avoiding unnecessary use of plastics. As for the local population benefit , this can be in financial ways by earning money from the tourists, but also through education, better schools, better health services and improve roads. What is important is that each ecotourism holiday must make a difference to the local community. For example, the percentage of money from eco holidays that goes to the local community is usually much higher then from traditional package holidays. Only local guides are employed to show the tourists the sights and explain the different customs and culture. The tourists stay in locally – owned hotels and can sold by the local community. Nowadays, an increasing number of people want their holiday to have a positive impact on local people and ecotourism does this.

In conclusion, I would like to say, that real ecotourism is a responsible way to travel, benefiting both the tourists and the local people. Don't forget about conservation and careful attitude to the environment in your everyday life. Follow the rule, 'Preserve and improve'. And remember that Nature is very fragile and we ought to take great care of it like a loving mother who takes great care of her only child.

Comment on the following statement:

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
— make an introduction (state the problem)
— express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
— express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
- explain why you don't agree with the opposing opinion
— make a conclusion restating your position



Some people say that tourism is a great way to see the world, whereas others say that it is dangerous for the towns that tourists visit.

I think that tourism is not that as dangerous as it might seem. First of all , tourists spend a lot of money in the places they visit. In some towns tourists even have to pay fees to enter. All this money goes to develop the places and fix the damage caused by tourists. Second , tourists are as a rule cultural people that do not usually destroy everything around.

At the same time there are people who say that tourism annihilates everything it comes in contact with. Thousands of tourists have visited Venice, Italy resent years and it needs a serious renovation after that.

Well, people will always leave a trace of their visitings, nevertheless , they pay for this and the places that are visited by many tourist become even better. There are a lot of towns that can not survive without tourism. If tourists, for some reason, stop going there, the towns turn into ruins.

In conclusion , I would like to say that everything has its side effects and tourism is not an exception. No one can stop people from visiting tourist places because of some minor damages tourists might cause. Thus , taking into consideration the big financial support tourists give, I strongly believe that increasing the tourist flow creates more good than bad for the places.


In conclusion , I would like to say that there are opposing views on this issue. At first sight tourism might seem destructive but in actual factit invests a lot of money into the economy of those places. Thus , I strongly believe that increasing the tourist flow brings a lot of benefits for the places.

Здесь Вы можете ознакомиться и скачать In recent years tourism has really taken off. However, many people think that tourism ruins everything that it touches..

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The popularity and the quality of tourism certainly had a sharp rise in recent years. Some people say, though, that tourism is only hurting the countries' development and insults native citizens. However, is tourism really that bad for the countries? Does it ruin everything on its path or does it help the economy? These questions may seem easy, but the answers to them are not that simple.

On one hand, when a country or a certain place gets popular with tourists, government begins to invest more money in its infrastructure and conveniences, and it helps the country to improve and develop futher.

What is more, tourism raises additional funds for countries' economies and creates new vacancies for natives. It is a win-win situation where both the government and the citizens make profit out of tourism.

On the other hand, there is the other side of the coin as tourism may have a negative influence. The government might decide to make tourism the main source of income for the country and not develop it in other important spheres like science, technology or trading. Besides, it goes without saying that most of the tourists are usually ignorant towards native citizens, traditions and social norms of the place they are visiting. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

It is an another aspect of natives' hatred towards not only said tourists, but tourism as a whole.

However, I still disagree with this opinion. In my point of view, tourism has more pros than cons, as it is not only an additional source of income for the country, but a way to make people around the globe familiar with the culture of the country as well. Tours and guides may help to form a positive image of the country in foreigners' minds which is definitely helping the international relationships and diplomacy.

To sum it up, I cannot say for sure whether tourism is definitely good or bad. Although it has some cons, for me personally, pros of tourism overwheigh the cons. Still, the government should decide whether to develop their country in the direction of tourism.

Влияние туризма на окружающую среду
В процессе туристской деятельности неизбежно происходит изменение окружающей среды. Проблемы охраны окружающей среды и ее улучшения занимают важное место во многих исследованиях.

Международный туризм оказывает положительное влияние на охрану и реставрацию исторических памятников, создание национальных парков и заповедников, защиту берегов и рифов, сохранение лесов и т. д.

Негативные воздействия туризма на природу, к сожалению, часто берут верх над положительными. В частности, ухудшается качество воды в реках, морях, озерах и качество воздуха из-за применения транспортных средств с двигателями внутреннего сгорания на масляном топливе ухудшаются; повышается уровень шума от деятельности различных развлекательных заведений; уничтожается местная и дикая фауна туристами, разжигающими костры; разрушаются исторические памятники вандалами, оставляющими на них надписи. Это примеры лишь незначительных повреждений, причиняемых окружающей среде.

Environmental effects of tourism on WednesdayIn the process of tourism activity inevitably environmental change occurs Wednesday. Environmental problems and their improvements Wednesday occupy an important place in many studies. International tourism has a positive impact on the protection and restoration of historical monuments, the creation of national parks and nature reserves, protection of shores and reefs, forest conservation, etc. Negative impacts of tourism on nature, unfortunately, often prevail over positive. In particular, deteriorating water quality in rivers, seas, lakes and air quality due to the use of vehicles with internal combustion engines on fuel oil to deteriorate; increase noise from various entertainment activities; destroyed the local wildlife and tourists suppress speeches inciting bonfires; historical monuments are being destroyed by vandals, leaving inscriptions on them. These are examples only minor damage caused by the environment Wednesday.

The impact of tourism on the environment
in the process of tourist activity inevitably occurs environmental change. Environmental problems and improve it occupy an important place in many studies.

International tourism has a positive impact on the protection and restoration of historical monuments, the creation of national parks and nature reserves, protect coasts and reefs, forest conservation, and so on. D.

The negative impact of tourism in the country, unfortunately, often prevail over the positive. In particular, deteriorating water quality in rivers, seas, lakes and air quality due to the use of vehicles with internal combustion engines to fuel oil deteriorates; increased noise level from the activities of a variety of entertainment; destroyed the local fauna and wildlife tourists, bonfires; historical monuments destroyed by vandals, leaves a label. These are examples only minor damage to the environment.

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