Traditional russian games сочинение

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Английский (топики/темы) : Russian Traditions
It is a well-known fact that most Russians are patriots of their country: they are usually homesick when they leave Russia for a long period of time, and are usually keen supporters of traditions. Russian people keep up a lot of folk traditions. Many of them are of religious origin and were, actually, banned after the Russian Revolution of 1917 but survived and are now restored. These are all kinds of traditions based on Christianity and the Russian Orthodox Church, like those of Christmas, Lent and Easter. A well-known Easter tradition is, for example, painting eggs bright colours to symbolize springtime and life, and playing an Easter egg game in which each person takes a hard-boiled, coloured egg. Players make pairs and then tap the ends of their eggs together. First the wide ends of the two eggs are tapped together, then the narrow ends, and finally one wide and one narrow end. When a player's egg breaks, he or she leaves the game, which continues until one player is left with an unbroken egg. The one who wins is considered to be likely to have good luck in everything.
The second group is formed by folk traditions which date back to the times before Christianity, like fortune-telling, some wedding or funeral rituals. The third group is formed by traditions pertaining to official celebrations, like those of the Victory Day when World War II veterans meet in Moscow in front of the Bolshoi Theatre building, and people of all ages come to congratulate them and give them flowers.
My favourite Russian folk tradition is Maslenitsa, or Pancake Week, which is a combination of Christian and pagan traditions and is the last week before the Lent. There are several reasons why I like it so much. Firstly, I am really fond of Russian folk traditions, and Maslenitsa week is full of traditional Russian festival activities: masquerades, snowball fights, sledding and sleigh rides. Secondly, it is a chance to taste traditional Russian food which we don't very often cook nowadays, as we got used to buy ready-made food in supermarkets. The essential element of Maslenitsa celebration is Russian pancakes, made of rich foods like butter, eggs and milk. They are usually eaten with sour cream or caviar. For many Christians, Maslenitsa is the last chance to meet with the worldly delights before the fasting of Lent. (For Russian official holidays, see 'Public Holidays in Russia'.)

Why? 6)What fomous Russian and foreign athletes do you know?

In what sports did they become famous?

7) What sports are the most dangerous and the least dangerous /

8) What water sports do you know?

9)What team games do teenagers usually play in Russian schools?

10)Why is it necessary for teenagers to go in for sports?

Ответь на вопросы

1) какие традиционные русские игры вы знаете

2) Какие виды спорта и игры в России сейчас наиболее популярны

3) Какие виды спорта являются новыми или необычными в этой стране?

4) Какие летние и зимние виды спорта вы знаете?

5) Какие виды спорта вам больше всего нравятся?

6) Какие знатные российские и иностранные атлеты вы знаете?

В каких видах спорта они прославились?

7) Какие виды спорта являются наиболее опасными и наименее опасными /

8) Какие водные виды спорта вы знаете?

9) В каких командных играх подростки обычно играют в русских школах?

10) Почему подросткам нужно заниматься спортом?

Задание : ответить на вопросы the world of sport 1)do you like sport?

Задание : ответить на вопросы the world of sport 1)do you like sport?

Do you do sports or do you watch them?

And what about your friends?

2)how is sports activity organized in your school?

3) what are the sports which Russian has traditionally been good at?

Do you know the names of any famous Russian sportsman?

Are there any athletes that you admire?

4) why is the Olympic movement so popular?

What do you know about its history?

5) why is it important that people should go in for sport?

What does practicing sport give us?

6) what are your best result in different sports?

7) what is your greatest wish connected with sport?

Как ответить на вопрос what sports doyou do?

Как ответить на вопрос what sports doyou do?

What sports are you good at?

What winter sports do you like?

Ответе на вопросы плезззззз На Английском 1?

Ответе на вопросы плезззззз На Английском 1.

Why is sport popular nowadays?

2. What are popular summer kinds of sports?

3. What sports and games can people play in winter?

4. What is the best age to try sports?

5. What kinds of sports are good for young children?

6. What kind of sports did you play in your childhood?

7. What is professional sport?

8. Why do many people try to become professional sportsmen?

9. What problems do professional sportsmen have?

10. Which do you think is better : to watch sports or participate in sports?

Ответьте на вопросы?

Ответьте на вопросы.

People all over the world are fond of sports and games.

Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fil, more organised and better disciplined.

It unites people of different classes and nationalities.

Many people do sports on their personal initiative.

They go in for skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, football, basketdall, body - building etc.

All necessary facilities are provided for them : stadiums, sport swimming pools, skating - rinks.

But, of course, one has to pay for there services.

Sport is paid much attention to in our schools and lnstitutes.

Physical training is a compulsory subject.

Different sports and games are popular with my classmates.

All my friends go in for different kinds of sport, such as waler sports (that is swimming, sailing, rowing), gymnastics, horseracing, wrestling, fencing, weightlifting, boxing, football, basketball, volleyball, etc.

And now a few words about our physical training lessons at school.

In summer they are held out - of - doors.

When it is cold outside the lessons are held indoors in our school gymnasium.

Professional sport is also paid much attention to in our country in the city where I live.

There are different sport societies, clubs and sport schools.

Practically all kinds of sports are popular in our country, but gymnastics and tennis enjoy the greatest popularity.

The most popular kinds of sports in the United States are baseball, dasketball and American football.

In England the popular kinds of sports are golf and rugby.

Englishmen like football too.

It is their national kind of sports.

Ответить на вопросы :

Why do people all over the world are fond of sports and games?

2. What are summer sports and what are winter sports?

3. What kinds of sports are popular with your friends and schoolmates?

4. Do you have to play for sports facilitics, such as stadiums, swimmming pools and tennis courtry?

5. What can you say about physical training lessons at your school?

6. What kinds of sport are the most popular in our country?

7. What are the sports clubs in our country?

8. What are the most popular kinds of sport in America and England?

9. What other American or English sports do you know?

10. Are American football and baseball popular in Russia?

Why and why not?

11. What do you do to be healthy and fit?



1. Is there sport do you are good at?

2. What sport do you like doing or playing?

3. What sports are popular in your family?

4. What sports do you like watching?

5. Are there any sports do you like watshing?

ОЧЕНЬ НАДО, ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА1) It there sport that you are good at?


1) It there sport that you are good at?

2) What sports do you like doing or playing?

3) What sports are popular in yiur family?

4) Are there any sports you would like to try?

5) What is the most dangerous sport in your opinion?

6) Have you ever taken part any competitions?

7) What do you prefer : to watch sports competitions or to take part in them?

8) Do you want to de a sportsman?

Дати відповідь на запитання?

Дати відповідь на запитання.

• Do you do any sports?

• Which sport can you do at school?

• Do you like watching sports?

• Would you like to try playing water polo?

• Which are the most popular sports in Ukraine?

• What is your favourite sportsman or team?

What sports and games are probably the most popular in Russia?

What sports and games are probably the most popular in Russia?

(name three of them)

what sports and games are probably less popular?

(name three of them).

What sportsmen do you know?

What sportsmen do you know?

What are they famous for?

Ответьте на эти вопросы и составьте небольшое сочинение на Английском?

Ответьте на эти вопросы и составьте небольшое сочинение на Английском.

Вот Вопросы : What sports are most popular with teenagers in your country?

Why do teenagers often do extreme sports?

What kind of sport is your favourite?

What do you know about the geography of Russia?

What do you know about the geography of Russia?

What climate does Russia have?

What are the main cities in Russia?

What Russian citi do you want to visit most?

Вы открыли страницу вопроса Answer the questions1)what traditional russian games do you know2)What sports and games are most popular in Russia now3)What sports are new or uncommon in this country?. Он относится к категории Английский язык. Уровень сложности вопроса – для учащихся 5 - 9 классов. Удобный и простой интерфейс сайта поможет найти максимально исчерпывающие ответы по интересующей теме. Чтобы получить наиболее развернутый ответ, можно просмотреть другие, похожие вопросы в категории Английский язык, воспользовавшись поисковой системой, или ознакомиться с ответами других пользователей. Для расширения границ поиска создайте новый вопрос, используя ключевые слова. Введите его в строку, нажав кнопку вверху.

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Talking about Russia and Russian culture I can speak about our traditions forever. Many foreign people don’t know them, many people don’t м them. But we love, respect and follow our traditions. They came from past and I hope we will save Russian traditions for future generation.

The best tradition I like is celebrating of New Year. This holiday is celebrated all around the world. But we celebrate it in a particular way. We have traditional Russian salad on the table, TV programs and movies, decorations, Christmas tree, stories and so on. We celebrate New Year in a big company with presents, songs and dances. Children wait for New Year because of our Russian Santa “Ded Moroz”. It is really interesting and funny holiday.

In spring we celebrate Easter. There is no certain day for this holiday, but there are always coloured eggs, Easter pie and family lunch. I like Easter because all my family always gets together.

In the beginning of July we celebrate Kupalle. This is a holiday nobody knows abroad. At night young people can read fortune and their future and jump over the fire.

A marriage is also full of different traditions. For example, a bridegroom can’t see a bride before the ceremony. During the lunch guests should shout “gorko” and newlyweds should kiss each other. In general we celebrate marriage during 2 days, sometimes even longer. I guess it’s a nice tradition because guests can meet each other and spend a lot of time together.

According Russian tradition the first day of summer is in June 1. In Europe and in the USA summer start in June 21. The same thing is for autumn, winter and spring. Every season starts on the first day of September, December and March.

Also Russian people are very friendly and hospitable. I think it’s a nice tradition and that’s why tourists like to visit our country. We have many interesting fairy-tales and legends, our cuisine is one of the most delicious in the world, the history of our country is interesting and historical monuments are all around Russia. I am proud to be Russian and I like our traditions.

Традиции в России

Говоря о России и русской культуре, я могу рассказывать о русских традициях бесконечно. Многие иностранцы не знают наших традиций, а кому-то они и вовсе не понятны. Но мы чтим наши традиции и следуем им. Они пришли к нам из далекого прошлого и я надеюсь, что мы сохраним их для будущего поколения.

Весной мы празднуем Пасху. Вообще, нет определенного дня, когда отмечается Пасха, но есть традиция красить яйца, печь пасхальный пирог и обедать всей семьёй. Мне нравится Пасха именно потому, что вся наша семья собирается вместе.

В начале июля мы отмечаем Купале. Это тот праздник, о котором не знают за пределами нашей страны. Ночью молодежь может погадать и увидеть своё будущее, а ещё есть традиция прыгать через костёр.

Согласно русской традиции, лето у нас начинается 1 июня. В Европе и США первым днём лета считается 21 июня. Тоже самое происходит осенью, зимой и весной. Здесь каждый новый сезон начинается в первый день сентября, декабря и марта.

А ещё русские люди очень дружелюбные и гостеприимные. Это очень важная традиция, ведь именно поэтому, туристы любят приезжать в нашу страну и знакомиться с нашей культурой. У нас есть огромное количество сказок и легенд, наша кухня считается одной из самых вкусных и разнообразных в мире, у нас богатое и интересное прошлое, а исторические памятники расположены по всей стране. Я горжусь тем, что родилась здесь и очень люблю наши традиции.

Ответьте на вопросы
What traditional Russian games do you know?
What sports and games are most popular in Russia now?
What sports are new or uncommon in this country?
What summer and winter sports do you know?
What sports would you enjoy most? Why?
What famous Russian and foreign athletes do you know? In
what sports did they become famous?
What sports are the most dangerous and the least dangerous?
What water sports do you know?

What team games do teenagers1 usually play in Russian
Why is it necessary for teenagers to go in for sport?

Are there enough stadiums, gyms and swimming baths in the
place where you live?
What can local and national governments do to make sport 4
more popular?

Что традиционный русский игры вы знаете?
Какие виды спорта и игры сейчас наиболее популярны в России?
Какие виды спорта являются новыми или редко в этой стране?
Что летом и зимние виды спорта вы знаете?
Какие виды спорта вы бы больше всего нравится? Зачем?
Кем из известных русских и зарубежных спортсменов вы знаете? В
какие виды спорта они стали знаменитым?
Какие виды спорта являются наиболее опасными и наименее опасным?
Какие виды спорта воды вы знаете?

Что команда игры делать teenagers1 обычно играют на русском языке
Почему необходимо для подростков заниматься спортом?

Достаточно ли стадионы, спортивные залы и плавательные ванны под
место, где вы живете?
Какие местные и национальные правительства могут сделать, чтобы сделать спорт 4
более популярным?

I live in the city of Ufa. Jalandhar city - the capital of Bashkortostan. Bashkortostan is rich and beautiful land. There are a lot of towns, villages, rivers, lakes, gardens, fields and forests. We live in the forests of different animals: foxes, hares, squirrels, can meet moose, wolves and bears. Our land is rich in oil, gas and other mineral resources.
On the high bank of the Belaya River is a monument to Salavat Yulaev - folk hero. He seemed to welcome visitors who come to us in Ufa. In our country built many new houses, palaces and playgrounds. Every day my city becomes more and more beautiful.
Если что, могу написать перевод.

1. I shall stay at home if it rains today . Я останусь дома, если сегодня пойдёт дождь.
2. If the weather is hot today, we shall put on T-shirts and shorts. Если погода будет жаркая сегодня, мы наденем футболки и шорты.
3. If I have much free time, I shall go to the sport club. - Если у меня будет много свободного времени, я пойду в спортивный клуб.
4. I shall take Russian souvenirs, if I go abroad. - Я возьму русские сувениры, если поеду за границу.
5. I shall become a fashion designer, if I finish this college after school. - Я стану дизайнером моды , если я окончу этот колледж после школы.

Перед названиями компаний, авиалиний и т. п. артикля нет:

Fiat, Sony, Kodak, IBM, American Airways, BP.

Думаю, возможно исключение, когда само по себе название предполагает наличие определенного артикля (редчайшие случаи)

1. One hundred years ago women spent a lot of time preparing
clothes for the whole family. 2. In the picture you can see a narrow
winding river running through the fields. 3. Look at these lovely salad bowl I have just bought. 4. "Hello, would you like to come
in?" he said smiling cheerfully at us. 5. The Smiths are at home:
there's light in their windows. 6. If you want to open the door,
push it and if you want to close the door, pull it.
7. Are you hungry? I'll be happy to share .these cheese sandwiches with you. 8. We quarrelled yesterday and I regret a lot of
things that I said. 9. Good basketball players know how to dribble
the ball. 10. Some people on our planet still struggle for their independence. 11. Кnock a little louder, the door is thick and I don't
think they can hear you. 12. How many сandles are you going to
have on your birthday cake this year? 13. My home is rather
сlose to the new shop. 14. I'm going to leave as soon as I can.
This is my final decision.

3 haven't got
4 Have you got…
5 have got
6 doesn't have
7 Has he got
8 Have
9 Does your sister have
10 doesn't have
11 don't have

Помогите срочно! переведите: Lena says when she reads books she trevels to different countries and learns many importtant things

1. How’s your father keeping? 2. How do you do? 3. Thank you very much. 4. What a nice blouse! 5. I’m awfully sorry, I’ve broken

There are some words that sound the same but their meaning is very different! They are called homophones. Can you complete the s

Read some statements about one of the most popular festivals of Russia. What do you think: are these statements true or false?
1 . Maslenitsa is a summer festival.
2 . A pancake was a symbol of the Sun in pagan Russia.
3 . The celebrations last a whole week.
4 . Burning the scarecrow Maslenitsa begins the celebrations.
Now read the text and check your answers.
Maslenitsa is one of the most popular festivals in Russia. It is pagan in origin, signals the end of winter and welcomes the coming of spring. Russian pancakes − blini − are very important in the celebration of Maslenitsa. They are given to friends and family all through the week. Blini are eaten with jam, sour cream, and of course, lots of butter. Warm, round, and golden − blini are a symbol of the sun! Ancient Russians actually believed that by eating a pancake they were getting part of the Sun’s life energy.
The festival is week−long. It starts on Monday and ends on Sunday. Troika rides, sledging, puppet theater, pole climbing, tug−of−war contests and fireworks are all part of the Maslenitsa celebrations. There is usually a storming of a snow fort. In the 18 th century there were bear shows, too! But don’t be afraid if you see a bear now. It is an actor dressed in a bear costume!
The week ends with burning the scarecrow Maslenitsa, a symbol of winter. In this way people say goodbye to winter till the next year and welcome the coming of spring.
Answer the questions.
1 . What traditional dish is served at Maslenitsa?
2 . Why is it an important part of celebrations?
3 . What is the difference between bear shows in the past and today?


Перевод задания
Прочтите некоторые высказывания об одном из самых популярных фестивалей России. Как вы думаете: верны эти утверждения или нет?
1 . Масленица − летний праздник.
2 . Блин был символом Солнца в языческой Руси.
3 . Праздники длятся целую неделю.
4 . Сжигание чучела Масленицы начинает торжество.
Теперь прочтите текст и проверьте свои ответы.
Масленица − один из самых популярных фестивалей в России. Он языческого происхождения, и знаменует конец зимы и приветствует приход весны. Русские блины − блины − очень важны на праздновании Масленицы. Их раздают друзьям и родственникам в течение всей недели. Блины едят с джемом, сметаной и, конечно же, с большим количеством масла. Теплые, круглые и золотистые − блины − символ солнца! Древние русские действительно верили, что, съев блины, они получают часть жизненной энергии Солнца.
Фестиваль длится неделю. Он начинается в понедельник и заканчивается в воскресенье. Катание на тройках, катание на санках, кукольный театр, восхождение на шест, соревнования по перетягиванию каната и салюты − все это часть празднования Масленицы. Обычно идет штурм снежной крепости. В 18 веке также проводились медвежьи шоу! Но не бойтесь, если вы увидите медведя сейчас. Это актер в костюме медведя!
Завершается неделя сожжением чучела Масленицы − символа зимы. Так люди прощаются с зимой до следующего года и приветствуют приход весны.
Ответь на вопросы.
1 . Какое традиционное блюдо подают на Масленице?
2 . Почему это важная часть торжеств?
3 . В чем разница между выставками медведей в прошлом и сегодня?

1 . It’s false. People celebrate Maslenitsa in the end of winter.
2 . It’s true.
3 . It’s true.
4 . It’s false. The week ends with burning the scarecrow Maslenitsa, a symbol of winter.

1 . Pancakes are traditional dish at Maslenitsa.
2 . It is an important part of celebrations because ancient Russians believed that by eating a pancake they were getting part of the Sun’s life energy.
3 . Bear shows in the past were with real bears and today there are actors in bear costumes.

Перевод ответа
1 . Это неправда. Масленицу празднуют в конце зимы.
2 . Это правда.
3 . Это правда.
4 . Это неправда. Неделя завершается сожжением чучела Масленицы − символа зимы.

1 . Блины − традиционное блюдо Масленицы.
2 . Это важная часть празднования, потому что древние русские верили, что, съев блины, они получают часть жизненной энергии Солнца.
3 . Медвежьи шоу раньше были с настоящими медведями, а сегодня участвуют актеры в костюмах медведей.

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