There is no place in nature for extinction сочинение

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

-учебник " Enjoy English 8 класс" М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н Трубанева.

3. Тема урока : "The Earth needs a friend, doesn't it?''

4. Образовательная цель: обучение говорению.

5. Воспитательная цель: воспитание любви и уважения к природе, экологической сознательности.

Развивающая цель: умение выражать свою точку зрения по заданной проблеме.

7. Оборудование: медиааппаратура.

I.-Nowadays people face a lot of problems: dangerous diseases, wars, natural disasters and others. Ecological problems are the most vital and crucial problems of our time. They include climate change, global warning, pollution, endangered animals.

-And the topic of our lesson is "The Earth needs a friend, doesn't it?'' ( Слайд №1)

-Today we'll try to come to know why these problems exist, how we (ordinary people and authority) can help our planet, our country and our city.

II. Речевая зарядка.

1.-Look at these pictures. What do they tell you about? ( Слайд №2 )

2.-Try to guess these words. ( Слайд №3)

-Yes, they are pollution and recycling that could reduce this problem.

III.-Since ancient times nature has served man, being the source of his life.

-Let's brush up your phonetics! Will you recite a poem about nature?

Imagine there's no heaven,

It's easy If you try.

No hell below us,

Above us only sky.

Ima gine all the people,

Li ving for today.

Ima gine there's no countries,

It isn't hard to do.

N othing to kill or die for,

And no religion too,

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace, yu-huh.

You may say I'm a dreamer.

But I'm not the only one.

I hope some day you'll jom us,

And the world will be one.

Imagine no possessions,

I wonder if you can.

N о need for greed or hunger,

A brotherhood of man.

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world, yu-huh,

You may say I'm a dreamer,

But I'm not the only one.

1 hope some day you'll join us,

And the world will live as one.

-What a wonderful poem! Nature is our wealth and we must cherish it.

-The problem of relations between man and nature is becoming more and more important. What ecological problems can you name?

-destruction of natural resources

-littering ( Слайд № 5 )

IV.-Read the quotations of famous people about nature and environment.

-Who do you agree with and why? ( Слайд №6)

-There is no place in nature for extinction. (Licretius, Roman poet and philosopher).

-A nation that destroys its soil destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people. (Franklin Roosevelt, American president).

-There's so much pollution in the air now that if it weren't for our lungs, there would be no place to put it all. (Robert Orben, US comedy writer).

-A society is not defined by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy. (John Sawhill, US environmentalist).

-Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites. (William Ruckelshaus, US environmentalist).

V.-Let's work in groups of 3 or 4. Read one of the texts. ( Слайд № 7,8,9 )

1. The Loggerhead Sea Turtle

Did you know that in the last 500 years, 844 species - like the passenger pigeon, the dodo, and the golden toad - are known to have died out? Or that by the year 2100 some scientists believe that half of the world's species may be extinct? That could be one species every 20 minutes, or 27,000 a year! At the moment, experts say that up to 16,000 species are under threat. In most cases, human activity is the greatest danger to these species. One of these species is the loggerhead sea turtle, which is finding that the beaches it uses to lay its eggs are becoming increasingly popular with tourists. When the eggs begin to hatch in August, there are already thousands of humans enjoying the sun on the beaches. An area that was used by turtles for thousands of years is now the territory of sunbathers, swimmers and ice-cream vendors. Humans cause terrible damage to the eggs. Nests can be walked on by tourists, destroying the eggs. In addition, the newly-born turtles find it hard to find the sea at night with so much artificial light around. Some people, however, are trying to make a difference. Since 1982, the Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece has done its best to protect this rare species. With help from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), it has bought a beach popular with the turtles and makes sure that tourists stay away. Every year over 500 volunteers from all over the world come to help with the society's work for the turtles. Thanks to their help, more and more young turtles are finding their way to the sea. You can help.

2. What are tropical rainforests?

Tropical rainforests grow in the hot, wet, humid places near the Equator. The plants and trees in the rainforest grow in different heights. The forest can be divided into four layers: the forest floor, the understorey, the ca пору and the emergent (layer of larger trees which stick out above all the rest). Why are they important? They are important for various reasons. Firstly, they clean renew the Earth's air supply by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. Secondly, they provide a home to thousands of animals and plant species.

What grows there? South American rainforests are the home of the wild cocoa plant, from which chocolate is made. The medicines quinine and aspirin come from tree bark and cough mixture is from tree resin, both found in rainforests. Some other important products that come from rainforest plants are mahogany wood, rattan, bananas, paprika, pepper and coffee. Why are they in danger?

People are destroying the rainforests at a rate of 115 square miles a day. The trees are cut down and used as building material or fuel. The land on which these forests grow is being used for homes and factories and roads. What can we do to save them? There are lots of things that we can do to help protect the rainforests. Join an organization which tries to save the rainforests, like Greenpeace. Write letters to politicians in countries where there are rainforests, asking them to stop allowing companies to cut down the trees. Don't buy furniture which is produced from rainforest wood. By acting together, we can really make a difference!

3. We all enjoy a day out at the beach, but these days you are likely to find much more there than just sand and sea! Many of the thousands of people that visit beaches every leave behind food wrappers, cigarette ends, drink cans and toys like buckets, spades and beach balls. these can then be blown or washed into the sea and become marine litter. Marine litter can also come from ships, fishermen, drains and factories. This litter doesn't just look horrible - it's dangerous, too! Litter harms Wildlife and People. Marine mammals such as seals, sea lions and dolphins are very curious animals who like to examine unusual objects in the sea. This is how they get mixed up in the litter, which causes them injury and stops them from finding food or swimming away from their enemies. Birds, fish and mammals can also confuse litter for food and eat it. Sea turtles, for example, often eat plastic bags because they look like jellyfish, one of their favourite foods. This then fills up the turtle's digestive system,1 and makes it feel full, so it stops eating and starves.2 100,000 marine mammals and nearly a million seabirds die either from getting caught in or eating litter each year! Many of these creatures are already threatened or endangered species. In addition, litter is dangerous for people as they can cut themselves on glass or metal. Marine litter can also block boat propellers, which is dangerous and very expensive to repair.

Be the Solution. So . next time you go to the beach, make sure you are part of the solution, NOT the problem! Take ALL of your litter home with you and consider taking any other litter you can see around you too. If you live near a beach, you could even organize a Beach Clean-up-Day.

- What ecological problems do they tell us about? What is the reason?

-Can we help to solve them?

VI.-At home write an essay about an ecological situation in the world. Use the information from the texts and the following guidelines. ( Слайд№ 10)

-Name ecological problems.

-Why are they so dangerous?

-What are their reasons ?

-How can we (ordinary people and authority) keep our Earth clean and healthy?

There is no place in nature for extinction.”

I agree right words Roman poet and philosopher.
That's why I want to retell article is named
“Endangered Species”.It tells about different species animals which are on the verge of extinction for example :pandas,tigers, elephants, gorillas.
In the last 500 years , 844 species – like the passenger pigeon, the dodo,and golden toad are died out. Some scientists believer that half of the world's species may be extinct by the year 2100.
At the moment, experts say that human activity in the greatest danger all species.
For example the loggerhead sea turtle who lays eggs in the beaches . Its eggs its eggs are becoming increasingly popular with tourists.Humans cause terrible damage to the eggs.
Fortunately,many people are trying to help our planet.There are lot of environmental groups and international organization whose main goal is to strengthen(укреплять) cooperation among environmentalists from different countries.Of course, volunteers help too.
If we do nothing, we are heading for disaster!

Ответ оставил Гуру

There is no place in nature for extinction.”Licretius.
I am not argee with the statement above. That's why I want to retell article is named “Extinction as a natural process and a part of evolution ”. The article says that the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) ranks a species as extinct when there is no reasonable doubt that the last individual has died. And that it isn’t always easy to pinpoint exactly when a species has become extinct. For example, Young takahe bird that thought to be extinct in the 1930s but then was redicovered in 1948.The article also says about history of extinctions, causes of extinction, the impacts of extinction and how scientins prevent the extintion. From this article I get that the present time extinsion is persumed to be mostly coused by people and civilization and sometimes the ecosystem cannot cope with it.And I also got that the scientistes are working now to solve this problem.
But I think that the people and even civilization cannot be separated from the nature and are the part of it. In addition I don't agree with the stereotype that there is a kind od a natural disaster we have today. I think that all we see around it is just the life process of the panet Earth and we cannot do anything, as, for example, volcano while erupting, discharges as much CO2 in the atmosphere per 1 hour, as all the human civilization per all their lifetimes.

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There is no place in nature for extinction.

I agree right words Roman poet and philosopher.
That's why I want to retell article is named
Endangered Species.It tells about different species animals which are on the verge of extinction for example :pandas,tigers, elephants, gorillas.
In the last 500 years , 844 species like the passenger pigeon, the dodo,and golden toad are died out. Some scientists believer that half of the world's species may be extinct by the year 2100.
At the moment, experts say that human activity in the greatest danger all species.
For example the loggerhead sea turtle who lays eggs in the beaches . Its eggs its eggs are becoming increasingly popular with tourists.Humans cause terrible damage to the eggs.
Fortunately,many people are trying to help our planet.There are lot of environmental groups and international organization whose main goal is to strengthen(усиливать) cooperation among environmentalists from different countries.Of course, volunteers help too.
If we do nothing, we are heading for disaster!

  • Колян Скударнов
  • Английский язык
  • 2019-07-05 18:35:13
  • 0
  • 1

I agree with Roman poet and philosopher's words.
That's why I want to retell the article which is named
Endangered Species. It tells about different species of animals which are on the verge of extinction for example pandas , tigers, elephants, gorillas.
In the last 500 years, 844 species like the passenger pigeon, the dodo, and golden toad have died out. Some scientists believe that half of the world's species may become extinct by the year 2100.
At the moment, experts say that human activity puts all species in the greatest danger.
For example, the loggerhead sea turtle who lays eggs on the beaches. Its eggs are becoming increasingly popular with tourists. Humans cause terrible damage to the eggs by either stealing or breaking them.
Fortunately, many people are trying to help our planet. There are a lot of environmental groups and international organization whose main goal is to strengthen the cooperation among environmentalists from different countries. Of course, the volunteers help too.
If we do nothing, we are heading for a disaster!
So what can we do to help? I think it is obvious. We need to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and create a more environmentally-friendly planet where hunting is not allowed. We should ban harmful liquids (which cause poisonous evaporations) and overall try to look after our planet.

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We must keep our environment clean. «There’s so much pollution in the air now.

we must protect Our animals “There is no place in nature for extinction.” (.

we must protect Our animals “There is no place in nature for extinction.” ( Licretius, Roman poet and philosopher)

100,000 marine mammals and nearly a million seabirds die either from getting.

100,000 marine mammals and nearly a million seabirds die either from getting caught in or eating litter each year. Many of these creatures are already threatened or endangered species.

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Protect Earth

These problems become very pressing, the subject of many scientific meetings.

These problems become very pressing, the subject of many scientific meetings. Let everybody remember: we live only once and not a very long life. We have one earth for all those who love it and who do not. “A society is not defined by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy.” (John Sawhill, US environmentalist).

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“A nation that destroys its soil destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of ou.

“A nation that destroys its soil destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people” (Franklin D Roosevelt, American president) People are destroying the rainforests at a rate of 115 square miles a day. The trees are cut down and used as building material or fuel. The land on which these forests grow is being used for homes and factories and roads.

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Never forget to turn off lights and water. Water, heating and electricity are expensive!



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We can save oceans, seas and rivers

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Future is in our hands. 1

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It`s a world of laughter, a world of tears, It`s a world of hope and a world of fears! There`s so much that we share that it`s time we are aware- It`s a small world after all !

There`s just the moon and the golden sun And a smile means friendship to ever.

There`s just the moon and the golden sun And a smile means friendship to everyone. Though the mountains divide and the oceans are wide! It`s a small world after all!

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