That was the last time he she ever saw them сочинение

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

1 I b in a plane before so I am feeling a bit nervous about my flight.

a) have never flied

b) have never flown

c) didn’t fly

2 Sue a in a jazz band when she was 21.

b) has sung

c) hasn’t sung

3 We first c Tamara at university in 2010. We were on the same degree programme.

a) have met

4 James a in the national hockey team for five years but stopped after he hurt his back.

a) has played

c) hasn’t played

5 They a a four-bedroom house in Wales.

a) have just bought

b) have bought recently

c) already bought

6 Who b the match on Saturday? Do you know?

7 Can we watch something else? I b this film twice.

a) saw already

b) ’ve already seen

c) just seen

8 You said you’ve been to South America. How interesting! Where a ?

a) did you go

b) have you gone

c) have you been yet

9 They c on a cruise before so they’re really excited about their holiday

a) already went

b) never went

c) ’ve never been

10 When I first saw Coldplay, they weren’t famous. They b a long way since then.

b) have come

c) didn’t come

11 I’m sorry, I b . I’ll do that later when I have some free time.

a) have already contacted him

b) haven’t contacted him yet

c) just contacted him

2 Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verb in brackets.

1 It was the most beautiful beach he ’d ever seen and the perfect place to spend their honeymoon. (see)

2 As soon as she closed the door, she remembered she left her house keys on the table. (remember / leave)

3 While we were waiting for the taxi to arrive, we checked all the windows were closed.
(wait / check)

4 By the time they got to the station, the train had gone . (get / go)

5 As she was driving over the bridge, the car in front swerved and nearly fell into the river. (drive / fall)

6 While I was telling the joke, I suddenly realised I forgot the ending! (tell / forget)

3 Complete the types of film stories in the sentences.

1 Liz enjoys romantic comedies because she thinks they are fun to watch and likes films about people falling in love.

2 I love watching period dramas. I’m very interested in history and I love old-fashioned costumes.

3 Did you see the biopic on Gandhi’s life? It was really interesting. I had no idea he had studied at university in London.

4 Lee says his favourite films are psychological thriller because they focus on the mental and emotional states of the characters so you never know what is going to happen.

5 Tim never watches documentary movies as he thinks there are already too many stories of terrible things that have happened, like earthquakes and plane crashes, on the news.

6 Pru often watches mysteries . She likes to try and solve the murders before the detectives do.

4 Complete the text with the correct prepositions.

I was in France 1 on business last year when I met an old school friend, Pierre, 2 by chance. It was great to see him but I was 3 in a bit of a hurry so we swapped numbers and arranged to meet up the next day. The meeting I was going to was 4 in the afternoon but I was running late so I called a taxi. While I was waiting, I spotted a Dutch colleague, Suus. She was also staying at the hotel
5 on her own and was going to the same meeting. She kindly offered me a lift and we both arrived
6 in time. During the journey we had a lovely chat and 7 at the end, we arranged to have dinner together.

5 Complete the sentences using one word from box A and one from box B.

demonstration earthquake floods fugitive hostages pay

armed destroyed hit released strike violent

1 The big earthquake that hit California lasted five seconds.

2 Thousands of homes were destroyed by floods after days of heavy rain.

3 Police are telling people to be cautious because an armed fugitive is on the run.

4 The anti-war demonstration turned violent when it reached the city centre.

5 Ten hostages have now been released from the plane by the terrorists.

6 10,000 workers have gone on strike over pay .

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of say or tell.

1 When you say ‘hello’ you should smile.

2 If Dad starts telling us the same joke he told us last week, please stop him.

3 The best time to tell a scary story is at night, sitting around a campfire with friends.

4 When he said sorry I knew he meant it.

5 Please just say what you mean! I don’t understand what is going on.

7 Put the sentences of the story (a–k) into the correct order.

a) The people in my carriage were really friendly so I started talking with them.

b) I had quite an adventure when I was travelling in Italy for work last summer.

c) He also called the school I was visiting and spoke to the headteacher to explain what had happened.

d) Before long, I found out that the train didn’t stop at the place I was going to.

e) Anyway, I had no idea that there was a delay with the previous train that was due at the same platform.

f) She introduced herself with a big smile and we laughed about my little adventure before getting into her car.

g) When I finally arrived at my destination, the headteacher was already there waiting for me at the station.

h) Fortunately, another passenger told me where to get off and what train to catch from there.

i) So, when a train arrived at my platform a minute early I thought it was the one I wanted and I got on it.

j) I was in a new town so I checked on the train and waited at the platform I needed.

k) Well, you can imagine that this was quite worrying.

1 b 5 a 9 c

2 j 6 d 10 g

3 i 7 k 11 f

4 e 8 h

Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1) Сложно отличать правду от выдумки. Поэтому я не люблю документальные и биографические фильмы, потому что режиссеры часто врут в своих фильмах и им нельзя верить. Я люблю фантастику и ужасы, а также романтические комедии. It is difficult to differentiate between truth and lie. So, I don’t like documentaries and biopics because the directors often lie in their films and you shouldn’t believe them. I like science fiction films, horrors and romantic comedies.

2) Я никогда не видела, как кто-то совершает преступление. Но папа стал свидетелем того, как вооруженные грабители напали на магазин. Охранники не заметили, как преступная группировка пробралась в супермаркет. Грабители взяли в заложники всех покупателей и держали их на прицеле. На следующий день я увидела об этом по телевизору и прочитала статью. Грабителям предъявили обвинения, а затем их арестовали. I've never seen anyone commit a crime. But dad witnessed armed robbers attacking the store. Security guards did not notice how the criminal group came to the supermarket. The robbers took all the customers hostage and held them at gunpoint. The next day, I saw it on TV and read the article. The robbers were charged and then arrested.

3) Мне интересны разные конспиративные теории. Сначала, я случайно увидела научно-фантастический фильм, а потом специально стала читать об этом книги, написанные известными авторами. Много из работы посвящены первому человеку на луне. I'm interested in different conspiracy theories. At first, I accidentally saw a science fiction movie, and then I started reading books about it written by famous authors. Many of the works are dedicated to the first man on the moon.

4) Я хорошо вру, особенно, если это ложь во благо. По моему языку тела невозможно ничего понять. Но говорить правду намного приятнее. I am a good liar, especially if it is a white lie. It’s impossible to understand my body language in this. But it is more enjoyable to tell the truth.

5) Я плохо рассказываю шутки, потому что всегда забываю концовку. I’m bad at telling jokes, because I always forget the end of it.

4. Read the box. You are in a DVD store. Pick some films and act out similar exchanges with your partner. — Прочитайте текст в таблице. Вы в магазине DVD. Подберите несколько фильмов и разыграйте похожие диалоги с вашим партнером.

Suggesting — Предложение

  • Would you like…? — Не хотел бы ты…?
  • Do you fancy…? — Хочешь ли ты?
  • How about — Как насчет?

Responding — Ответ

  • I love/like/enjoy… — Мне нравится…
  • I don’t mind. — Не возражаю.
  • (I quite like … but) I prefer… — (Мне-то нравится… но) я предпочитаю…
  • That’s a great idea. — Великолепная идея
  • I don’t really like… — Мне действительно не нравится…
  • I’m not a big fan of… — Не не большой поклонник …
  • I hate/I can’t stand… — Я ненавижу/терпеть не могу…

5. Read the rules. Find examples of each tense in the dialogue. — Прочитайте правило. Найдите примеры каждого времени в диалоге.

  • We moved here in 1990. — Мы переехали сюда в 1990 году.
  • I have had this bike since 1990. — У меня этот велосипед с 1990 года.

Ответы, примеры из диалога на стр. 68:

  • Настоящее совершенное: I’ve found a great film for us. — Я нашел великолепный фильм для нас.
  • Настоящее совершенное: We’ve been here for hours. — Мы здесь уже столько торчим.
  • Простое прошедшее время: I saw it last weekend. — Я смотрел его на прошлых выходных.

6. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. — Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильное время.

7. Complete with: for or since. — Поставьте for или since.

  1. He has been an actor for twenty years. — Он был актером в течение 20 лет.
  2. She has known him since 1996. — Она знает его с 1996 года.
  3. Brian has lived in Oslo since he was a child. — Брайан живет в Осло с детства.
  4. They have worked in the film industry for fifty years. — Они работают в киноиндустрии 50 лет.
  5. She’s been upset since last night. — Она расстроена со вчерашнего вечера.

8. Write a list of chores you have to do today. Swap papers. Ask each other questions to find out about your partner. — Напишите перечень дел, которые нужно сделать сегодня. Обменяйтесь списками. Задайте друг другу вопросы, чтобы выяснить у своего партнера (что уже сделано).

  • A: Have you done the shopping? — Ты сходил в магазин?
    B: Not yet./Yes, I’ve already done it. — Еще нет/Да, я уже сделал это.
  • A: Have you cleaned your room? — Ты убрался в комнате?
    B: Not yet./Yes, I’ve already done it. — Еще нет/Да, я уже сделал это.
  • A: Have you done your homework? — Ты сделал домашнюю работу?
    B: Not yet./Yes, I’ve already done it. — Еще нет/Да, я уже сделал это.

9. Complete the sentence with the correct phrasal verb. — Дополните предложения правильным фразовым глаголом.

  • Turn in — ложиться спать, отправляться на боковую, прилечь.
  • Turn off — останавливать, выключать, отсоединять.
  • Turn on — открывать, зажигать, включать, пускать в ход.
  • Turn into — превращаться, становиться, оборачиваться.

10. Portfolio: Think of a film you have seen recently. Answer the questions, then write a short film review of it. Use the texts In Ex. 2 as a model (30*40 words). — Портфолио: Задумай фильм, который ты видел недавно. Ответь на вопросы, затем напиши короткий обзор фильма. Используй текст из упражнения 2 в качестве модели (30-40 слов).

  • What is the name/type of the film? — Название/жанр фильма?
  • Who directed it? — Кто режиссер?
  • Who stars in it? — Кто снимается в нем?
  • What is the film about? — О чем фильм?
  • What do you think of the film? — Что ты думаешь о фильме?

… We all got the shock of our lives last Christmas. We were sitting round the fire, forcing third helpings of Christmas cake into our mouths, when the doorbell rang. It made everybody jump. Auntie Jane nearly jumped out of her skin. I was pretty startled myself, I must admit. Anyway, there at the door – believe it or not – was Uncle Mac, with an armful of presents (It was the first time in living memory that he had ever given anything to anybody). Everyone caught their breath when they saw him. No-one could really believe their eyes. Poor Aunt Flossie actually fainted, and Uncle Bill kept blinking, as if he had seen a ghost. And Granny, who had been talking non-stop since breakfast, was absolutely speechless. I thought her eyes were going to pop out of her head. I reckon you could have knocked all of us over with a feather.

Рассмотрим выделенные идиомы:

… I looked across and saw that tears were already trickling down Mum’s cheeks. I must confess a lump had come to my throat. When the priest started speaking, Julia burst out crying, and that was the signal for Mum to break down; she was completely overcome. By this time tears were rolling down several faces – including Dad’s – and I had a horrible feeling that I was going to burst into tears. The priest’s few words were very touching; I think he was almost moved to tears himself. I’m not surprised. They made such a lovely couple and Maggie looked great in white.

… I think it was Dad’s side of the family that started it, when Uncle Mac started calling Uncle Bill names. Auntie Jane took offence immediately and then Granny joined it. She made Aunt Flossie lose her temper and soon after that Dad blew his top. That led to Mum going berserk – I’ve never seen her so livid. It wasn’t long before Maggie, for some reason, started insulting Uncle Tom and then it was his turn to see red; he really went mad – “furious” isn’t the word for it. It was about then that Grandad, who had obviously been seething for some time, hit the roof. Things quietened down a bit after that and Granny dealt the next hand of cards.

… Well, naturally most of us were scared stiff. Only Maggie kept cool throughout. Mum went as white as a sheet and even Dad panicked a bit. Auntie Jane’s hair stood on end and Uncle Bill ran a mile. I must confess that my heart missed a beat or two. I mean, it’s not every day that a tax inspector comes to your front door, is it? All the time he was with us, Uncle Mac was twitching as if he had an army of ants inside his shirt collar. Whenever the phrase “failure to declare earned income” came up, Aunt Flossie winced and Mac’s hand started shaking so much he couldn’t light his pipe. It was obvious that Granny was trembling too when she tried to pick her cup of tea up – three times. Everyone shuddered visibly when the man said he would be back – everyone except Maggie, that is. She didn’t flinch once, didn’t turn a hair. She’s either a very good actress or extremely honest.

… I could see that Julia was dying of embarrassment – not surprisingly, in the circumstances. I bet the incident is still on her conscience. Anyway, I could feel that I was blushing, and the other chap was as red as a beetroot. Julia had a terribly guilty look in her eyes, or rather, she had guilt written all over her face. She started stammering something about feeling tired and having come up for a rest. I didn’t know where to put myself, I can tell you. I stood there for a few seconds hoping a hole would open up in the floor and swallow me. In the end I just gulped and backed out of the room.

… Well, everyone burst out laughing, of course. Uncle Bill laughed his head off, and Auntie Jane nearly died laughing. And you should have seen Granny; she was in hysterics. She nearly split her sides laughing. Even Uncle Mac couldn’t help laughing when he realized what the cause of their laughter was. The vicar was the only one who didn’t see the funny side of things; completely straight-faced, stony-faced he was. Granny was still hysterical long after Uncle Mac had turned round, chuckling to himself, and put the matter straight.

Для закрепления слов и выражений предлагаем выполнить следующие задания:

Choose the correct word to complete each sentence:

Read the story and translate the words in bold:

My friend has a great sense of humour. She is always cheerful and ready to tell a few anecdotes. Хотите верьте, хотите нет, but when we are together I nearly надрываю живот от смеха. Helen is able to make everyone смеяться. But on the other hand, she doesn’t теряет самообладание, her jokes are never оскорбительные, she never обзывает меня and не обижается when we have some misunderstandings. Moreover, she is a real friend in need. Once we went to the cinema together. Frankly speaking, I expected to watch some трогательную melodrama. I’m always тронута до слез by love stories; я ощущаю комок в горле, и слезы катятся по моим щекам. But that evening my friend had some other plans and decided to watch a horror film. On hearing that I пришла в ярость. I hate horror films, because у меня волосы становятся дыбом, when I see blood, and I’m ready бежать куда глаза глядят. Nevertheless, Helen persuaded me to go. She promised that the film wouldn’t be too terrifying. After the first episode у меня глаза на лоб полезли. Я онемела от страха. Then I began дрожать. My сердце замерло, I побледнела как полотно and at last I упала в обморок. When I recovered my consciousness I was already at home. Helen не знала, куда себя деть. Вина была написана на ее лице. She asked: “How are you?” заикаясь. At that moment она готова была сквозь землю провалиться. I said: “I’m Ok. You’d better cheer me up after that wonderful film!”

My friend has a great sense of humour. She is always cheerful and ready to tell a few anecdotes. Believe it or not, but when we are together I nearly split my sides laughing. Helen is able to make everyone laugh. But on the other hand, she doesn’t lose her temper, her jokes are never insulting, she never calls me names and doesn’t take offence when we have some misunderstandings. Moreover, she is a real friend in need. Once we went to the cinema together. Frankly speaking, I expected to watch some touching / moving melodrama. I’m always moved to tears by love stories; feel a lump coming to my throat and tears are trickling down my cheeks. But that evening my friend had some other plans and decided to watch a horror film. On hearing that I went berserk. I hate horror films, because my hair stands on end, when I see blood, and I’m ready to run a mile. Nevertheless, Helen persuaded me to go. She promised that the film wouldn’t be too terrifying. After the first episode my eyes were going to pop out of my head. I was scared stiff. Then I began to tremble. My heart missed a beat, I went as white as a sheet and at last I fainted. When I recovered my consciousness I was already at home. Helen didn’t know where to put herself. She had guilt written all over her face. She asked: “How are you?” stammering. At that moment she hoped a hole would open up in the floor and swallow her. I said: “I’m Ok. You’d better cheer me up after that wonderful film!”

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ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) на Spotlight on russia Номер 3 по учебнику Английский язык. 7 класс. Учебник для общеобразовательный организаций. Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О.Е. Подолянко, В. Эванс. - 11 издание, Просвещение, 2019г.


At Spotlight on Russia we get a lot of emails from children all over the country. Here are two of them written in completely different parts of Russia.

Spotlight on Russia hears from two young Russians from very different parts of the country

Hi. My name is Sergey Demidov and I’m 13 years old. I live in Yakutsk which is the capital of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in northern Siberia.
I love my city in the winter when the clean, crisp snow covers everything. The temperature often falls below −40 degrees, so we wear fur caps and coats, thick woollen mittens and unty which are fur boots made of deer skin. Today it’s bright and sunny. It’s only −25˚C outside, so I’m going skiing with my family for the first time this year.
I go to a Russian school, but we have lessons in our native Yakut language as well. My father plays the khomus – a traditional Yakut instrument, and my mother does embroidery with beads. She also makes hats and her friends sometimes ask her to make outfits for our national summer holiday. It’s called Yhyakh, and it’s a great chance for me to perform a dance called Ohuokhai and to drink kumys – a national drink that’s made from mare’s milk.

Hello, I’m Irina Smirnova. I’m 14 and I live in Kolomna – one of the biggest and most beautiful towns in the Moscow region. Kolomna is over 800 years old and a lot of tourists come here to see the old Kremlin, the churches and monasteries, as well as the museums and art galleries.
I love my town because there’s so much to do here. In the summer, I like to go rowing and sailing on the Oka River, and we can go ice−skating at any time of the year in our new Ice Palace. Dmitry Dorofeyev, the Olympic silver medallist (2006), and Ekaterina Lobysheva, Olympic bronze medallist (2006 and 2014), are from Kolomna and we have a long history of success in this sport.
There are more than 30 schools in Kolomna and mine is one of the new ones. In the spring and autumn, my class goes to the Park of Peace after lessons to look after the plants and flowers. Tomorrow is Sunday and we’re going to see a play at the Maly Theatre in Moscow. It only takes us an hour and a half to get there by bus and I’m really looking forward to it.

• How similar/different are the teens’ lifestyles? Why?
• What does your lifestyle depend on?

• What is your lifestyle like? What is it like to live in your town/city/area? Write to Spotlight on Russia and let us know!

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