Терроризм сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Five bombings in four weeks. The targets: a downtown shopping mall, a military housing complex and three apartment buildings. The victims: civilians or the families of serving military personnel either asleep in their beds or out for an evening on the town. The death toll: at least 350 persons, with scores more injured and maimed. The perpetrators: unknown. The reason for the attacks: unclear. Welcome to terrorism, 21st century-style.

At a time when the United States is obsessed with more exotic threats like bioterror, cy-berteiror and agroterror, these incidents in Russia and Dagestan underscore how terrorists can still achieve their dual aim of fear and intimidation through conventional means and traditional methods: using bombs to blow things up. This has important implications for countert-errorism preparedness. As fanatical and irrational as terrorists often appear, they remain conservative operationally.

In other respects, too, the string of deadly explosions that has convulsed Russia is not without precedent. Nor can it be written off as some isolated phenomenon inspired by recondite historical enmities. Rather, the bombings conform to a pattern of terrorism evident throughout the 1990s: The most heinous and lethal attacks, those directed against civilians, go unclaimed. This development contrasts with the modus operandi of the first generation of modern terrorists who surfaced during the 1970s and 1980s. They not only proudly claimed credit for particularly bloody attacks, but generally issued detailed communiques explaining precisely why they had carried out their operations.

True, a large number of terrorist attacks have gone unclaimed. According to a Rand report published in 1985, upward of 60 percent of international terrorist incidents recorded between 1980-82, and 39 percent of those that occurred in the 1970s, were never claimed. The most deadly terrorist incidents of the 1990s have never been credibly claimed, much less explained or justified as terrorist acts once were.

Although two alleged Libyan government intelligence operatives were identified and accused of placing the suitcase containing the bomb that eventually found its way onto the plane, no believable claim of responsibility has ever been issued.

That terrorists today do not feel as driven to take credit for their acts may be related to their belief that their message, whatever it may be, is still reaching its intended audience. As the renowned terrorism expert Walter Laqueur has observed, "If terrorism is propaganda by the deed, the success of a terrorist campaign depends decisively on the amount of publicity it receives." In this respect, terrorists are still getting all the publicity they crave, but they are manipulating and exploiting it in different ways. By maintaining their anonymity, terrorists may believe they are better able to capitalize on fear and alarm. Attacks perpetrated by enigmatic, unseen and unknown assailants may thus be deliberately designed to foment greater insecurity and panic in the target audience. In this way, the terrorists’ ability to portray themselves as being able to strike whenever and wherever they please, while highlighting the government's inability to protect potential targets, is appreciably heightened. The terrorists appear stronger, the government weak and powerless to stop the mayhem.

Terrorists have long sought to embarrass governments and undermine public confidence in their leaders. Even when they issue no claim, the perpetrators may believe they are still effectively harming their enemy and achieving their ultimate objective. They may also be confident that even if their message is not clearly understood, the suspicion aroused by even an anonymous attack is sufficient reward in itself.

The current situation in Russia illuminates the challenges faced by other countries confronted with terrorist threats. The potentially corrosive effects of fear and uncertainty on civil liberties and constitutional safeguards are already evident: Russian authorities and the Russian public have singled out Chechen, Dagestani, Ingush and other swarthy, dark-haired immigrants from the Caucasus. Discriminated against in the best of times, they have been subjecte.d to withering scrutiny despite assurances from President Boris Yeltsin that no one ethnic group or people would be targeted for attention.

The ease with which Russia has been thrown into panic by a handful of men using entirely conventional terrorist weapons and tactics suggests that terrorists can still ably achieve their objectives of fear and intimidation without having to resort to more exotic weaponry or futuristic tactics.

This is an important lesson for the United States, where the focus of current counterterrorism efforts has been on low-probability, high-consequence terrorist incidents using weapons of mass of destruction. Attention on this high-end threat, therefore, should not be at the expense of higher-probability, lower-consequence incidents, such as ordinary terrorist bombings.

Bruce Hoffman is the director of the Rand Washington office and author of "Inside Terrorism." He contributed this comment to the Los Angeles Times.

Fight Against Terror; Don’t Resort to it

The great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin once wrote with bitterness that "the only European in Russia is the government." And this despite how he suffered at the hands of the tsar's government and especially the tsar's censorship. I recalled the genius' paradoxical phrase when — a few days after the anti-Caucasian bacchanalia in the press— Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced, "We can't confuse the bandits who are operating on the territory of Chechnya with the Chechen people, who are also their victims."

A war against terror must not be turned into terror against the people. We lost the Chechen war of 1994-96 precisely because from the very beginning

— with the massive, senseless bombing of Grozny

— the war was turned against the people, leading to the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians. We won the August war in Dagestan precisely because it was fought in the people's defense.

In order to win a war with bandits and terrorists in Chechnya, we have to clearly announce to ourselves and to the Chechens what the goals and tasks of our policy in Chechnya are to be. This means guaranteeing the safety of our borders and the liquidation of the cradles of terrorism in Chechnya. We have to convince the majority of Chechens to support these intentions. We have to give Chechen President Asian Maskhadov a chance. We must cease threatening Chechnya every day from the pages of newspapers and televisions with the wholesale destruction of its residents. Then, after we have accomplished these tasks jointly with Chechnya’s legal government, we can discuss the region's status, including its sovereignty.

We must also say that we don't plan to forcibly hold Chechnya as part of the Russian Federation against its will, nor do we plan to punish it should it wish to leave. On this subject, Dagestan^ defensive reaction to the Chechen troops pouring over its borders shows that we are not in danger of a domino effect should Chechnya secede.

The great Russian civilization cannot roll down the path to the destruction of an entire ethnicity, no matter how difficult the last 100 years of relations with this ethnicity have been. Here, the matter is not world public opinion. As concerns world public opinion, we wouldn't have any trouble at all.

For example, in 1996, in the heat of the crudest and most senseless bombardments of Chechnya, President Bill Clinton, on a visit to Moscow, publicly supported President Boris Yeltsin and compared him to Abraham Lincoln, struggling to hold the union together.

And now, the quotes of Western politicians — especially off the record ones — are beginning to reflect the motif of understanding Russia's role as a shield protecting civilization from the "barbarian hordes." But here we risk more than just falling into a trap. We are in danger of geopolitical catastrophe. With every public pronouncement sounding in Russia about the wholesale destruction of the Chechen ethnicity, with every "mistake" that happens during "surgical strikes on terrorist bases," we are begetting thousands more potential suicide bombers who will come to our cities. Such a final solution to the "Chechen question" would once and for all turn all Islamic opinion against Russia. Satan No. 2 — as the Ayatollah Khomeini used to call the Soviet Union — would be graduated in the eyes of the Moslem world to Satan No. 1, crowding the United States out of its honored position.

Каждый день, прошедший без теракта, увеличивает вероятность теракта. Что самое интересное, терроризм ведь большей частью — бесполезная жестокость, совершаемая для успокоения самих себя людьми, которые испытывают страх. В последнее время в мире творится такое, что любой фильм ужасов ничто по сравнению с выпуском новостей. Кто знает, может быть если бы вместо миллиардов, которые тратятся на вооружённые силы, нашлись бы миллионы на образование и здравоохранение, то для терроризма не было бы места? We'll see where it goes.

Essay on Terrorism

Under the term "terrorism", we understand the use of violence and intimidation for political or religious goals. The terrorism usually targets at the civilian population and it creates an atmosphere of horror for pressure the government or other representatives of power. There are plenty of things that give birth to terrorism, they include different kinds of fanaticism, racism, political frustration and interests.

In a measure, you may say that terrorism existed in the 19th century as well. Many people identify terrorists as revolutionaries who killed government functionaries. However, it is substantially a phenomenon of the 20th and now the 21st century. When the society became, on the whole, more religious, fundamentalists and secessionists became more active and their technical equipment affects the lives of innocent people all over the globe.

For the second half of the 20th century Israel, Great Britain, and Italy suffered from the terrorism most of all. All the most noticeable actions were performed by Islamic fundamentalists from AL–Qaeda early in the 21st century. The most famous one was the terrorist attack when towers of World Trade Center in New York, USA, were destructed on 11th of September 2001. About 3000 people died that time.

The danger of terrorism has changed our lives. Countries are now gathering information about terrorists on a more worldwide level. But in spite of accepting, extent terrorism is still a serious threat for common people. It is considered to be the pressing problem of our time. Drastic measures should be taken in order to address the situation as peacefully as possible.

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О мафии на английском

Сочинение на тему Терроризм

В какой–то мере вы можете сказать, что терроризм также существовал и в XIX веке. Многие люди идентифицируют террористов как революционеров, которые убивали должностных лиц в правительстве. Тем не менее, это по существу феномен 20–го и 21–го века. Когда общество стало, в целом, более религиозным, сторонники фундаментализма и сепаратисты стали более активными, а их техническое оснащение повлияло на жизнь невинных людей по всему миру.

Опасность угрозы изменила нашу жизнь. В настоящее время страны собирают информацию о террористах на международном уровне. Но, несмотря на принятые меры, терроризм по–прежнему является серьезной угрозой для простых людей. Сегодня терроризм считается неотложным вопросом. Необходимо принять решительные меры для максимально возможного урегулирования ситуации без применения насилия.

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Государственное автономное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Выполнила: Главатских Елена,

Terrorism is called a crime. The people who commit it seek to kill as many civilians as possible. Unlike ordinary murders, where a specific person becomes the target, terrorist attacks go to those victims that other killers are trying to avoid. For a terrorist, it makes no difference how many people will suffer on the way to their goal.

What are the goals of terrorists?

Kill as many people as possible. To do this, the places of the largest concentration of the population are selected. It can be various holidays, events, public transport during rush hour. Any place where a crowd of people gathers can be called potentially dangerous. They are the ones that a terrorist can choose for his crime.

To kill a particular person or group of people without caring whether other people will be able to suffer during the attack. It is very important to see the difference here. After all, if a criminal takes a gun and shoots his enemy in the middle of a busy street, it's murder. But if he stocks up on explosives and goes out on the same street, it's terrorism. Even if random passers-by are lucky, they will remain alive and get off with only injuries. All the same, if one person neglects the safety of innocent people in order to achieve his goal, this is terrorism.

To attract attention through a crime or, conversely, to distract the public from terrible events, while other criminal actions are being prepared or are already taking place elsewhere. It is worth remembering here that a terrorist rarely works alone. Most often, these are entire criminal groups that have been developing a crime plan for a long time and using the forces of a large number of people to put it into practice.

Terrorists are criminals who are not fighting against the police or the army. They fight ordinary people against their will. In addition to killing, they take hostages, kidnap and brutalize their victims. The behavior of terrorists is unpredictable, which is why when faced with them, you should not panic or resist. Terrorists don't value the lives of hostages. That is why the phenomenon of terrorism itself is dangerous and tragic.

Who can become a terrorist?

· A person to whom religious precepts were incorrectly explained.

· A man heartbroken, eager for revenge.

· Suffering from a psychological illness or drug addiction.

· Safety rules that can save lives.

In many life-threatening situations (for example, when a stranger is chasing you), it is recommended to stay in busy places. However, in the case of terrorism, the opposite will be safer. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict where and when an attack will occur. Therefore, you should know a few rules:

Always, when outside the house, remain vigilant. Pay attention to anything that seems suspicious and report it to adults.

Do not take bags and other things out of the hands of strangers, even if you are only asked to hand them over. Do not touch unattended items. Also, do not leave your belongings unattended. One of the criminals can plant explosive elements in your bag while you don't see it.

Arrange a meeting place with your family in advance in case of an emergency. Try to remember the phone number of one of the family members to contact him if something terrible happens.

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Terrorism Performed by Gorchakova Marina

There are so many problems in the modern world, such as global warming, environmental issues, shortage of natural resources, earthquakes, floods and other disasters. But one of the most dangerous of all is terrorism. Вставка рисунка

There are so many problems in the modern world, such as global warming, environmental issues, shortage of natural resources, earthquakes, floods and other disasters. But one of the most dangerous of all is terrorism.

It is a huge threat to all mankind. Today we hear more and more news on TV about terrorist attacks. All magazines and newspapers write about this problem. Вставка рисунка

It is a huge threat to all mankind. Today we hear more and more news on TV about terrorist attacks. All magazines and newspapers write about this problem.

 Each year different countries face terrorism. A lot of people suffer from terroristic acts. Some die, some get wounded, others lose their loved ones. In certain countries people are even scared to go to the cinemas, theatres, concerts, supermarkets, and other crowded places.

Each year different countries face terrorism. A lot of people suffer from terroristic acts. Some die, some get wounded, others lose their loved ones. In certain countries people are even scared to go to the cinemas, theatres, concerts, supermarkets, and other crowded places.

 People who become terrorists have no values in life. Most attacks take place because of misunderstanding. While some countries are in war with each other, their civilians suffer. Terrorism also occurs on basis of religious matters. Вставка рисунка

People who become terrorists have no values in life. Most attacks take place because of misunderstanding. While some countries are in war with each other, their civilians suffer. Terrorism also occurs on basis of religious matters.

It is especially sad when children become the target of terrorists. There was once such attack in south part of Russia, in Beslan. It was a terrible tragedy for the families of these school children and for the whole country .

It is especially sad when children become the target of terrorists. There was once such attack in south part of Russia, in Beslan. It was a terrible tragedy for the families of these school children and for the whole country .

Another unexpected attack took place in Moscow in the musical theatre “Nord-Ost”. It happened in 2002 and shocked Russian population as well as people all around the world.

Another unexpected attack took place in Moscow in the musical theatre “Nord-Ost”. It happened in 2002 and shocked Russian population as well as people all around the world.

The USA suffered from a series of terroristic attacks. The largest of all happened on September 11th 2001 in New York City. The two huge skyscrapers were demolished and thousands of people died.

The USA suffered from a series of terroristic attacks. The largest of all happened on September 11th 2001 in New York City. The two huge skyscrapers were demolished and thousands of people died.

Terrorism is not just a problem, it’s a global disaster. People should unite and confront it together ! Вставка рисунка

Terrorism is not just a problem, it’s a global disaster. People should unite and confront it together !

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