Сюрреализм сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

3. What style of painting is each picture? How do these styles differ? Read the texts to find out. — В каком стиле нарисована каждая из картин? Чем отличаются эти стили? Прочитайте тексты, чтобы узнать.

Word Formation

Read the title of the text to get an idea what the text is about. Read the text once quickly. For each gap decide what part of speech the missing word is e.g. noun, verb, adverb, etc. You may need to make the word plural or with a negative meaning. Think of possible prefixes and suffixes. Complete the gaps. Check the spelling. Read the completed text to check if it makes sense.


Прочтите название текста, чтобы получить представление о тексте. Прочитайте текст один раз бегло. Для каждого пробела определите, какая часть речи отсутствует, т.е. существительное, глагол, наречие и т.д. Возможно, вам понадобится поставить слова во множественное число или в отрицательную форму. Подумайте о возможных префиксах и суффиксах. Заполните пробелы. Проверьте орфографию. Прочитайте заполненный текст, чтобы убедиться, что он имеет смысл.

We can see that picture A is painted in cubism style. All objects in the painting are represented as a combination of different geometrical shapes. There are several layers and dull colours as well. Picture B is a surrealistic painting. We can see bright colours and the combination of strange images that show an allusion from an artist’s imagination.

Мы видим, что картина А нарисована в стиле кубизма. Все объекты на картине представлены как комбинация различных геометрических фигур. Существует также несколько слоёв и тусклые цвета. Картина В — сюрреалистическая картина. Мы видим яркие цвета и комбинацию странных изображений, которые показывают аллюзию, созданную воображением художника.

Примечание: Аллюзия — стилистическая фигура, содержащая указание, аналогию или намёк на некий литературный, исторический, мифологический или политический факт, закреплённый в текстовой культуре или в разговорной речи. Другими словами можно сказать, что аллюзия в изобразительном исскустве имеет иносказательный смысл, своеобразный намек, который хотел сделать художник.

4. Read the text and complete the gaps 1-8 with the correct derivative formed from the words in brackets. Compare with your partner. — Прочитайте текст и заполните пробелы 1-8 корректными словами, образованными из слов в скобках. Сравните с вашим партнером.

Painting styles — Стили живописи


Cubism was a popular painting style from around the 1900s. Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque were two 1) famous Cubist painters. They used Cubism to show people a new way of 2) seeing the world. They looked at an object or person and broke it down into shapes. Then they put these shapes back together to make a picture which represented the 3) original object even though it may not look very much like it anymore. They used shapes such as rectangles, cylinders and cubes. Most of their paintings were dark and used dull colours like grey and brown. This makes the painting seem to have many layers and so it can be seen from a number of 4) different viewpoints.

Кубизм был популярным стилем живописи в 1900-х годах. Пабло Пикассо и Жорж Браке были двумя известными художниками-кубистами. Они использовали кубизм, чтобы показать людям новый способ увидеть мир. Они смотрели на объект или человека и разбивали его на фигуры. Затем они собрали эти фигуры вместе, чтобы сделать картину, которая представляла оригинальный объект, хотя он возможно больше и не был похож на самого себя. Они использовали такие формы, как прямоугольники, цилиндры и кубы. Большинство их картин были тёмными и тусклыми, использовались такие цвета, как серый и коричневый. Таким образом создается впечатление, что картина имеет много слоев и поэтому ее можно увидеть по-разному.


5) Artists such as Salvador Dalí and René Magritte painted in the Surrealist style that was at its most popular from the 1920s to the 1960s. Surrealist paintings always have an element of surprise in them. They put strange images and ideas together to create strange 6) representation of things. The Surrealists painted images and ideas from their dreams and their imagination. They often used bright colours to create an even 7) bigger impact and always showed people and objects in new and 8) unusual ways.


Такие художники, как Сальвадор Дали и Рене Магритт, рисовали в стиле сюрреализма, который был наиболее популярным с 1920-х по 1960-е годы. Сюрреалистические картины всегда имеют элемент неожиданности. Они соединяют странные образы и идеи вместе, чтобы создать парадоксальное представление вещей. Сюрреалисты воплощали в картинах образы и идеи из своих снов и воображения. Они часто использовали яркие цвета, чтобы создать даже большее воздействие и всегда показывали людей и объекты новыми и необычными способами.

5. Listen to and read the texts to answer the questions. — Послушайте и прочитайте тексты, чтобы ответить на вопросы.

  1. When was Cubism popular? — Когда был популярен кубизм?
  2. How did Cubism get its name? — Как кубизм получил свое название?
  3. What style did Dalí paint in? — В каком стиле рисовал Дали?
  4. What did Surrealist painters use to get ideas for their paintings? — Откуда сюрреалисты обычно берут идеи для своих картин?
  1. Cubism was a popular painting style from around the 1900s. — Кубизм был популярным стилем живописи в 1900-х годах.
  2. Cubism got its name from the fact that cubist painters used simple geometrical shapes to represent an original object in a different way. — Кубизм получил своё название от того факта, что художники-кубисты использовали простые геометрические фигуры, чтобы представить оригинальный объект по-другому.
  3. Dali painted in the Surrealist style. — Дали рисовал в стиле сюрреализма.
  4. Surrealist painters use to get ideas for their paintings from their own imagination. — Сюрреалисты обычно берут идеи для своих картин из своего собственного воображения.

6. Complete the sentences with the correct idioms. Check in Appendix 3. Are there similar ones in your language? — Дополните предложения корректными идиомами. Сверьтесь с приложением 3. Есть что-то похожее в вашем языке?

  • paint the town red — хорошо развлечься, оторваться (буквально, раскрасить город красным цветом);
  • like watching paint dry — очень скучное занятие (буквально, смотреть как сохнет краска)
  • paints a grim picture of (sth) — рисовать мрачную картину чего-нибудь
  • paint (sb/sth) with the same brush (as sb/sth else) — ставить кого-то или что-то на один уровень, сравнивать, находиться в одной и той же ситуации (буквально, рисовать кого-то одной и той же кистью)
  1. This film is so boring it’s like watching paint dry. — Этот фильм такой скучный, что будто смотришь, как высыхает краска.
  2. I want to have some fun. Let’s go out tonight and paint the town red. — Я хочу повеселиться. Пойдем сегодня оторвемся по полной.
  3. I know Sam and Dan can be a bit boring but don’t paint Tim with the same brush. Not all people who like science fiction are bores! — Я знаю, что Сэм и Дэн могут быть немного скучными, но не ровняй с ними Тима. Не все люди, которым нравится научная фантастика, скучны!
  4. The documentary paints a grim picture of life in the war-torn region. — Документальный фильм рисует мрачную картину жизни в истерзанном войной регионе.

7. Match the words in bold in the text to their meanings. — Сопоставьте слова, выделенные в тексте жирным шрифтом с их значениями.

A 20th-century literary and artistic movement that attempts to express the workings of the subconscious by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtaposition of subject matter.

Surrealism, movement in visual art and literature, flourishing in Europe between World Wars I and II. Surrealism grew principally out of the earlier Dada movement, which before World War I produced works of anti-art that deliberately defied reason; but Surrealism's emphasis was not on negation but on positive expression. The movement represented a reaction against what its members saw as the destruction wrought by the "rationalism" that had guided European culture and politics in the past and that had culminated in the horrors of World War I. According to the major spokesman of the movement, the poet and critic Andrй Breton, who published "The Surrealist Manifesto" in 1924, Surrealism was a means of reuniting conscious and unconscious realms of experience so completely that the world of dream and fantasy would be joined to the everyday rational world in "an absolute reality, a surreality." Drawing heavily on theories adapted from Sigmund Freud, Breton saw the unconscious as the wellspring of the imagination. He defined genius in terms of accessibility to this normally untapped realm, which, he believed, could be attained by poets and painters alike.

The major Surrealist painters were Jean Arp, Max Ernst, Andrй Masson, Renй Magritte, Yves Tanguy, Salvador Dalн, Pierre Roy, Paul Delvaux, and Joan Mirу. With its emphasis on content and free form, Surrealism provided a major alternative to the contemporary, highly formalistic Cubist movement and was largely responsible for perpetuating in modern painting the traditional emphasis on content.

1917, Apollinaire (le mot lui aurait йtй suggйrй par Chagall ou, selon d'autres sources, par P. AlbertBirot). Ensemble de procйdйs de crйation et d'expression utilisant toutes les forces psychiques (automatisme, rкve, inconscient. ) libйrйes du contrфle de la raison et en lutte contre les valeurs reзues; mouvement intellectuel rйvolutionnaire affirmant la supйrioritй de ces procйdйs, qui se dйveloppa surtout en littйrature et dans les arts plastiques, peinture, cinйma. suite du mouvement dada.

Quand l'homme a voulu imiter la marche, il a crйй la roue qui ne ressemble pas а une jambe. Il a fait ainsi du surrйalisme sans le savoir.

C'est de trиs mauvaise foi qu'on nous contesterait le droit d'employer le mot Surrйalisme dans le sens trиs particulier oщ nous l'entendons car il est clair qu'avant nous ce mot n'avait pas fait fortune. Je le dйfinis donc une fois pour toutes :

SURRЙALISME. n. m. Automatisme psychique pur par lequel on se propose d'exprimer [. ] le fonctionnement rйel de la pensйe. Dictйe de la pensйe, en l'absence de tout contrфle exercй par la raison, en dehors de toute prйoccupation esthйtique ou morale.

ENCYCL. Philos. Le surrйalisme repose sur la croyance а la rйalitй supйrieure de certaines formes d'associations nйgligйes jusqu'а lui, а la toutepuissance du rкve, au jeu dйsintйressй de la pensйe.

Вы можете изучить и скачать доклад-презентацию на тему Surrealism / Salvador Dali. Презентация на заданную тему содержит 10 слайдов. Для просмотра воспользуйтесь проигрывателем, если материал оказался полезным для Вас - поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок и добавьте наш сайт презентаций в закладки!


presentation at the English lesson "surrealism / Salvador Dali" From 10-a Gymnasium №6 Donetsk Klopotovskaya Irina

Dali is well known for his surrealist works and many consider him the most brilliant Surrealist of his time. But to understand the enigma that is Salvador Dali, one must take a look back into his childhood, his family, and his inspirations. Dali is well known for his surrealist works and many consider him the most brilliant Surrealist of his time. But to understand the enigma that is Salvador Dali, one must take a look back into his childhood, his family, and his inspirations. Salvador Dali was born in Figueras, Spain. Dali, being the only young male in a female-dominated household, was pampered a lot by his mother, grandmother, aunt, and nurse. All this attention was not enough for Dali, and he constantly sought ways to attract more. He was extremely naughty boy. By the age of 10, Dali began to show an interest in art. He produced his first painting. By the time, he was 15; he had already set up his own art exhibition. In 1921, a 17-year-old Salvador Dali entered the Madrid Fine Arts School, hoping to fuel his interest in Futurism and Cubism. However, Dali was suspended for a year after urging all students to rebel against the school's authorities. In 1926, the school decided to expel Dali for similar reasons.

In the continuing years, Dali painted less. He began to read the ideas of Freud, and found new inspiration. He was fascinated with the state of semi-consciousness, the mental state between consciousness and unconsciousness. In this state, the mind is free from the restraints of logic or social regulations. Instead of analyzing this state of mind as Freud did, Dali simply wanted to explore it and find a way to portray it with his art. In the continuing years, Dali painted less. He began to read the ideas of Freud, and found new inspiration. He was fascinated with the state of semi-consciousness, the mental state between consciousness and unconsciousness. In this state, the mind is free from the restraints of logic or social regulations. Instead of analyzing this state of mind as Freud did, Dali simply wanted to explore it and find a way to portray it with his art. Perhaps because he grew tired of it, or perhaps to keep his own sanity, Dali stayed away from Surrealism and returned to the Classical form of art in 1936. He experimented with several types of classical art, including Classical Spanish, Classical Italian.

In the 1930's, he took up a great interest in Hitler, and not Lenin, who was favoured by the other surrealists. This created a strain with his friends, and in 1939, Dali decided to move to the United States. In the United States he participated in the making of several films. He explored religious themes in his art for a time, also began introducing erotic scenes into his works.

Salvador Dali was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 1981. His beloved Gala died the next year. Dali'sl ife, it seemed, was falling apart around him. His reason for living had ceased to exist. The 77 year old Dali had, for the first time in his life, lost all inspiration for his art. He lost the desire to paint. Salvador Dali was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 1981. His beloved Gala died the next year. Dali'sl ife, it seemed, was falling apart around him. His reason for living had ceased to exist. The 77 year old Dali had, for the first time in his life, lost all inspiration for his art. He lost the desire to paint. In 1989, when Dali was 85 years old, his disease, which he was diagnosed with in 1981, had finally caught up with him, and the most brilliant surrealist of his time was dead. He was buried in a tomb below his Museum in his hometown of Figueras. His contributions to the art world can be seen in many modern artists' works and one may suspect that the influence of Salvador Dali will be present in many years to come.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

New vocabulary Influential Avant-garde To depict Prosperous Hysterical Eccent.

New vocabulary Influential Avant-garde To depict Prosperous Hysterical Eccentric Inspiration Illusion Hallucinatory Iconiс to manifest влиятельный авангард изображать процветающий истерический эксцентрический вдохновение иллюзия галлюцинация портретный провозглашать

Surrealism The Life and History of Salvador Dali “the only difference between.

Surrealism The Life and History of Salvador Dali “the only difference between me and a mad man is that I am not mad”- Salvador Dali

Salvador Dali Salvador Felipe Jacinto Dali, one of the most iconic painters o.

Salvador Dali Salvador Felipe Jacinto Dali, one of the most iconic painters of the Twentieth Century

Salvador was an influential surrealist and avant-garde painter. He also exper.

Salvador was an influential surrealist and avant-garde painter. He also experimented with film, sculpture, and photography.

Dali was born in Figueres, a small town outside Barcelona, to a prosperous fa.

Dali was born in Figueres, a small town outside Barcelona, to a prosperous family. His larger-than-life persona started early: aged 10, he had his first drawing lessons where he claimed that he manifested hysterical, rage-filled outbursts toward his family and playmates. Throughout his life, Dali retained his love for Catalan culture, and he depicted the landscape surrounding Figueres in several key paintings throughout his career.

Salvador Dali After passing through phases of cubism, futurism, and metaphysi.

Salvador Dali After passing through phases of cubism, futurism, and metaphysical painting, he joined the surrealists in 1920. Soon he became the most famous surrealist of the time

Dali had a habit of doing eccentric things which polarised opinions. His ecce.

Dali had a habit of doing eccentric things which polarised opinions. His eccentric manner was a reflection of his art and vice versa. The fact that he was always in the limelight made his paintings more famous. He could also display a supreme confidence. “At the age of six I wanted to be a cook. At seven I wanted to be Napoleon. And my ambition has been growing steadily ever since.”

In 1931, Dali painted one of his most famous works, ‘The Persistence of Memor.

In 1931, Dali painted one of his most famous works, ‘The Persistence of Memory’. Sometimes called Soft Watches or Melting Clocks, the work introduced the surrealistic image of a soft, melting pocket watch. It is has become an iconic artwork of the twentieth century – amongst other things it points to the illusion of time.

The main source of inspiration of Dali was his adorable wife GALA, his muse.

The main source of inspiration of Dali was his adorable wife GALA, his muse.

Dali’s artwork He said he believed that his paintings came from an unreal dre.

Dali’s artwork He said he believed that his paintings came from an unreal dream space, which is understandable because of the hallucinatory things in them.

Dali’s artworks He moved to the USA in1940 and stayed there till 1955. During.

Dali’s artworks He moved to the USA in1940 and stayed there till 1955. During that time his paintings were often on religious themes, for example, the crucifixion of saint John of the cross

The End In 1955 he moved back to Spain and died in1989

The End In 1955 he moved back to Spain and died in1989

Краткое описание документа:

Данная презентация о величайшем испанском художнике Сальвадоре Дали включена в цикл уроков 9 класса по английскому языку, посвященному изучению искусства. Тема урока - "Painting styles", модуль 3 (across the Curriculum), УМК "Spotlight 9" (авторы Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Julia Vaulina).

Первая часть урока посвящена изучению кубизма и его ярчайшему представителю - Пабло Пикассо, во второй части урока предлагается знакомство с сюрреализмом и творчеством Сальвадора Дали, которое предоставлено в данной презентации. Предъявлена и семантизирована новая лексика по теме (depict, manifest, prosperous, hysterical, eccentric, inspiration, hallucinatory, illusion, iconic). В презентации 14 слайдов.

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Dali is one of the greatest artists of all time. He is famous for his extraordinary behaviour and long moustache. Salvador Dali is considered to be the most brilliant surrealist, although the artist himself said: ‘I don’t belong to surrealism, I am the surrealism’.

Dali was born on May, 11 1904 in Figueras, Spain. One year earlier his elder brother died so Dali was the only son in the family. Young Dali was given a good primary education by his father and began to show an interest in art at the age of 10. He started to create his first paintings and by the age of 15 he organised his first exhibition.

Before turning to surrealism in 1929 Dali tried himself in different styles. Nevertheless, surrealism was the style that attracted him the most. He succeeded not only in painting but also in designing theatrical costumes, scent bottles, logos and participated in producing some films. Dali also liked inventing different stylish things, such as: the Lips sofa and Lobster Telephone.

Salvador was married to Gala who was greatly loved and admired by him. She was his muse and his perfect life partner who always was on his side and protected him. Gala died several years earlier than Dali. After her death the great artist lived a sheltered life in their house in Port Lligat and lost any desire to paint. The author of innumerable master pieces was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease which caught up with him in 1989 at the age of 85.


Дали родился 11 мая 1904 года в Фигерасе, Испания. Годом ранее его старший брат умер, поэтому Дали был единственным сынов в семье. Молодой Дали получил хорошее начальное образование, благодаря своему отцу, и начал проявлять интерес к искусству уже в 10 лет. Он начал создавать свои первые картины и к 15 годам уже организовал свою первую выставку.

Прежде чем обратиться к сюрреализму в 1929, Дали пробовал себя в разных направлениях. Тем не менее, сюрреализм был тем, что привлекало его больше всего. Он преуспел не только в живописи, но также в дизайне театральных костюмов, флаконов для духов, логотипов, а также участвовал в создании некоторых фильмов. Дали также любил изобретать различные стильные вещи, такие как: Диван-Губы и Телефон-Омар.

Сальвадор был женат на Гале, которая была объектом его любви и восхищения. Она была его музой и идеальной спутницей жизни, которая всегда была на его стороне и защищала его. Гала умерла несколькими годами ранее, чем Дали. После ее смерти великий художник жил отшельником в их дом в Порт-Льигате и утратил всякое желание рисовать. Автору бесчисленных шедевров был поставлен диагноз – болезнь Паркинсона, которая одолела его окончательно в 1989 году, когда Дали было 85.

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