Space exploration сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Exploration of outer space in the 20th century has produced discoveries and inventions that will forever change the way people live, learn and interact.

The dream of space travel is as old as history but in the 20th century the dream became reality with astonishing swiftness. As you recall, the first aeroplane flight occurred in 1903 and in 1926 the first liquid-fuelled rocket was launched that travelled 200 feet.

After World War II, the superpower opposition between the USA and the Soviet Union stimulated rocket research and development. Both nations realized that large rockets can be used to attack an enemy from thousands of miles away and that satellites put into orbit around the Earth by rockets could transmit messages.

The Soviet launch of sputnik, the first man-made object to overcome gravity, began the space age. The Soviet Union soon achieved many other firsts. In 1961, the Soviet Union put the first man, Yuri Gagarin, into space. The first long space flights, a woman in space and space walk were all Soviet achievements. The Soviet Union still retains its leadership in the peaceful application of space exploration. In its Salyut 6, it investigated such vital matters as the causes of cancer, since cells are studied in gravity-free space. The construction of metals that can resist gravity has resulted in tools of incredible hardness; improved seeds have been developed in Salyut.

In the early 1960s the United States organized the Apollo space program. This research program concentrated on landing a man on the moon. Two Americans, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrim, walked on the lunar surface in July 1961.

Since the first moon landing, many nations have developed programs of space exploration. A network of communication satellites made world-wide television and telephone service possible. Space shuttles allowed regular trips between Earth and space. Scientific satellites were put in the Earth’s orbit. Voyages to Venus were made by the Soviet spaceships, voyages to Mars, Jupiter and Saturn - by the American spaceships.

This scientific progress has since resulted in hundreds of benefits for mankind, from the weather satellites whose information we see in our daily newspapers and on TV, to determining from outer space where fish is, where natural resources are hidden in the earth and in discovering areas which are becoming deserts.

Comment on the following statement:

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
— make an introduction (state the problem)
— express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
— express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
— explain why you don't agree with the opposing opinion
— make a conclusion restating your position



The question of space exploration has been discussed for quite a long time. Some people think that the exploration of space is the greatest attainment of the last century, whereas others do not agree. They believe that computers are better achievement.

In my opinion space research is one of the most important accomplishments humans have ever done. First of all , space exploration has integrated a lot of new technologies into our lives. For example , everybody uses satellite television , GPS navigators or weather broadcasts nowadays. It is all only possible because people flew into space and sent their satellites there. Secondly , it has given us understanding that we are not alone and there must be other planets where humans can live. For instance , it is a scientific fact that one day our planet will not exist anymore and people will have to find another place to live.

At the same time there are people who say that computers made a bigger impact on 20 th century. They claim that only computers and computer technologies made other achievements possible.

I do not agree with the statement mentioned above. Computers improved or was the base for a lot of modern things like the Internet, robots some clever technologies. But space exploration has definitely the most outstanding impact since it opened the whole universe for the human race.

In conclusion , I would like to say there are opposing view points on this issue. At first sight seemed not so important, but in actual fact it is the most outstanding accomplishment of that time. Thus , I strongly believe that space exploration was the greatest achievement of the 20 th century.

Space exploration was the greatest achievement of the 20th century

Science is a very interesting thing and everyday is a new possibility for another invention. Many years ago people started to write books, later on they invented a wheel and after that a bicycle. There were scientists who did many discoveries in physics, mathematics, chemistry. But I think the most important exploration of 20th century is space exploration.

We have discovered many things already. People try to look for new medicine, build new robots and so on. When space was discovered people started to pay a lot of attention there. We have found out many interesting facts about the moon and other planets. We can also see asteroids and predict the weather. I have also heard that nowadays people can buy a piece of territory on the moon. I would like to go to the space and to see how beautiful our planet is. There are many things have been discovered but I am sure there are much more to discover.

Still people can say that space is something not so much important. Nuclear engineering, medicine, robotic technology are much more important today. But personally I think, that everyone will choose whatever is closer to them. I like astronomy that’s why space discovers are so interesting to me. Some people admire art. But they don’t know that many artists were inspired by sky, stars and space.

So in general I think that all the researches of space are important. Who knows maybe in future we will be able to travel there without any problems. Maybe people can live out of our planet or even meet new life there. I think we have to invest more in this research because our future is unpredictable. And I am sure new explorations are yet to come.

Исследование космоса стало величайшим достижением 20-го века

Наука - интересная вещь и каждый день - это очередная возможность для новых открытий и исследований. Много лет назад люди начали писать книги, потом изобрели колесо, затем велосипед. Было много ученых, которые совершили открытия в физике, математике, химии. Но я считаю, что самым важным достижением 20 века стало исследование космоса.

Мы уже открыли много всего интересного. Люди пытаются найти новую медицину, изобрести роботов и так далее.

И все-таки люди утверждают, что космос - это нечто не столь важное. Ядерная инженерия, медицина, робототехника - все это куда важнее космоса сегодня. Но лично я считаю, что каждый выбирает именно то, что ближе ему. Я люблю астрономию, поэтому исследования космоса привлекают меня больше. Некоторые люди восхищаются искусством. Но они и не подозревают, что большинство художников вдохновились написать свои картины, глядя на небо, звёзды и космос.

В общем, я думаю, что все исследования космоса очень важны. Кто знает, возможно, в будущем мы сможем путешествовать в космос без каких-либо трудностей. Может, люди смогут жить вне нашей планеты и встретить там новую жизнь. Я считаю, что необходимо инвестировать больше именно в исследования космоса, ведь будущее непредсказуемо. И уверена, новые открытия ещё грядут.

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It is common knowledge that the twentieth century is the beginning of space exploration. Many people claim that it was the most significant achievement of the last century. However, there are those who think that there were more meaningful discoveries.

In my opinion, there are numerous advantages to the space exploration. Firstly, Yuri Gagarin’s flight encouraged many other cosmonauts to explore huge and mysterious space. This first flight proved that people can survive in the cosmos and explore it as well. Secondly, from the first experiments scientists could systematic their knowledge of astronomy. Now we know a lot about the solar system, different planets and our own planet Earth thanks to the space exploration.

Nevertheless, the opponents of this view argue that space research was not the greatest event of the previous century.

They say that there were other useful discoveries for mankind such as mobile phones, computers and Internet connection. In comparison with them, space exploration does not have positive impact on our society.

Despite this, I disagree. I think there is a direct link between the development of space research programmes and different earth technologies. For instance, the satellite provides us with television programmes, weather forecast and many other things.

In conclusion, I am firmly convinced that space research was the biggest success of the twentieth century even though there are different opinions.

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