Some people think that to get a good education one should go abroad сочинение

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Some people think that to get a good education one should go abroad. Different groups of people have opposite opinions about education. Many people are in favor of the idea that the abroad education is better and more prestige. To my mind it depends on people. On one hand abroad education has a lot of advantages and offer different opportunities. Firstly, education in Europe is well-known as very good education, because Europe has oldest University in the world and a lot of studying programs, so you can choose, what are you interested for and moreover you become certificate, which will be valued in the whole world. Secondly, if you study abroad, you will exactly speak in foreign language, it is not a secret, if you can speak other languages, you will have a good job and moreover a high paid job. Thirdly, you can look round another country; I think it’s a very good opportunity to travel. On other hand, our country has such good university as Europe’s university. Also we have some possibilities to study for free in compare to abroad education, where we, Russians, hardly can get any grants. Last, but not least, Russia is our native land, we can speak Russian, so it is more simple to study here and study at two or more faculties, because it takes no time to translate and understand lectures and books. To sum up, everywhere there is some pro and con. But as for me it depends on people. When you like studying and you study very well, you will get everywhere good and prestige education.

Some people think that to get a good education one should go abroad.

Different groups of people have opposing views about education. Many people are in favor of the idea that education abroad is better and is more prestigious . In my perspective , it depends on the person .
On one hand , education abroad has a lot of advantages and offer different opportunities. Firstly, education in Europe is well-known to be very good, because Europe has the oldest universities in the world and a lot of studying programs, so you can choose, what you are interested in and moreover , you become certified , which is valued in the whole world. Secondly, if you study abroad, you will definitely speak in a foreign language. It is not a secret. If you can speak other languages, you will have a good job and, moreover, a high paid job. Thirdly, you can explore another country. I think it’s a very good opportunity to travel.
On other hand, our country has good universities as Europe’s. Also we have some possibilities to study for free in comparison to studying abroad, where we, Russians, are hardly able to get any grants. Last, but not least, Russia is our native land. We can speak Russian, so it is more simple to study here , and study at two or more faculties, because it takes no time to translate and understand lectures and readings.
To sum up, everywhere you go, there are pros and cons . But for me it depends on the person . When you like to study and you study very well, you will get good and prestigious education anywhere .

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Views concerning education differ widely among people. Some people consider that the best way of studying is international one. Others consider it unacceptable.

In my opinion, if people want to get good education they should go abroad. Firstly, foreign universities are the oldest in the world. Thus they have more experience in preparing students for their future career than Russian ones. That is why European or American diplomas are more valuable in modern society and you can be in demand all over the world. Secondly, students will increase their language fluency because they will be not only taught in it but also speak this language in their daily life. Therefore the level of socializing foreign languages is better when you get international education and it is very essential nowadays if you want to get a well-paid job.

However, some people believe that studying abroad is not necessary because there are lots of universities in Russia such as MGIMO, HSE and MSU that are also very prestigious.

They have high-qualified professional staff that can compete with their foreign colleagues in quality of offered education.

Nevertheless, I do not agree with the above-given idea. It is widely known that than more collaborations with foreign universities Russian ones have than more popular they are considered, so if one has such an opportunity to study directly in foreign country it is better to do it there.

To sum up, tastes differ, but I personally think that the best education is one getting abroad because feelings of excitement from new place give students inspiration to study better and explore all the new.

Задания Д40 C2 № 653

Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных высказываний и выразите своё мнение по предложенной проблеме согласно данному плану.

Comment on one of the following statements.

1. Some people think that to get a good education one should go abroad.

2. Some students believe that homework should be optional.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200–250 words. Use the following plan:

− make an introduction (state the problem)

− express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion

− express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion

− explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

− make a conclusion restating your position

Чтобы успешно написать высказывание с элементами рассуждения следует:

- строить высказывания в соответствии с предложенным планом;

- начинать введение с общего представления темы и предложения, отображающего ее проблемный характер;

- во введении необходимо перефразировать тему/проблему, используя синонимичные выражения;

- в основной части сначала высказать свое мнение и аргументировать его, затем представить точки зрения других людей и дать аргументацию, почему с ними не согласны;

- приводя контраргументы, отстаивая свою точку зрения, желательно использовать перифраз, синонимию;

- в заключительном абзаце еще раз указать на проблемный характер темы, показать, что вы способны видеть и другие точки зрения, тем не менее ваша кажется вам более убедительной;

- делить текст на абзацы, которые отражают содержательную и логическую структуру текста;

- сделать введение и заключение приблизительно одинаковыми по объему;

- разбить основную часть как минимум на два абзаца, приблизительно одинаковых по размеру;

-следить за тем, чтобы общий объем основной части был не меньше общего объема введения и заключения;

- особое внимание уделять средствам логической связи текста, как внутри предложения, так и между предложениями.

После выполнения задания уделите внимание проверке и подсчету количества слов (должно быть 200—250 слов).

More and more people believe that you can get a better education only if you go to England or America. I would like to consider if it is really so.

On the one hand, studying abroad is more advantageous than studying in a local country because you gain useful experience. Moreover, it can have a positive impact on your Career Development as you become more initiative and acquire quickness in comprehension. It gives you a chance to learn the culture of the other country and improve your foreign language skills.

On the other hand, you can find it rather difficult to implement your knowledge and experience got abroad in your own country because laws and conditions are quite different in different countries. Also it is very expensive to study abroad. Besides, you have to adapt to many things and it can be stressful.

I think every student would like to go abroad to get some life experience and go to the university there to broaden their mind.

Finally, I should say that you have to analyze and compare all pros and cons before making a proper decision where to get your education. It is easy enough to make a mistake when you are so young. Think about what valuable contribution you can make in your own country.


В задании приводится некое утверждение. Вам нужно написать сочинение-рассуждение, в котором вы выражаете собственное мнение касательно данного утверждения (opinion essay).

Эссе должно быть чётко структурировано и включать в себя следующие части (каждая начинается с нового абзаца):

  1. Вступление. Здесь вы должны обозначить проблему, указанную в задании. Важно перефразировать её, а не переписать слово в слово. Например, задание «In order to get a good education one should go abroad” можно переформулировать так: “Nowadays, the problem of studying abroad causes great argument and controversy”. Также следует дополнить этот тезис небольшим комментарием-пояснением.
  2. Выражение собственного мнения. В данном абзаце необходимо тезисно отразить ваше личное отношение к данной проблеме и подкрепить его 2-3 развернутыми аргументами. Важно, чтобы доводы были убедительными, ёмкими и логичными. Аргументы вводятся с помощью универсальных слов-связок и фраз.
  3. Выражение противоположного мнения. Третий абзац эссе должен содержать точку зрения оппонента. Этот тезис также необходимо подкрепить 1-2 аргументами. Важно, чтобы аргументов у оппонента было на 1 меньше (т.е., если во 2-м абзаце у вас три аргумента, в 3-м должно быть два), потому что наша цель – доказать собственную правоту.
  4. Несогласие с мнением оппонентов. Здесь следует опровергнуть мнение оппонента, выразить свое несогласие и подкрепить его 1-2 контраргументами. Помните, что вы приводите контраргументы к доводам оппонента, их количество должно быть одинаковым (2 аргумента оппонента = 2 ваших контраргумента).
  5. Заключение. Последний абзац должен содержать обобщенный вывод касательно обсуждаемого вопроса, который также дополняется комментарием. Можно использовать универсальную фразу, которая заставит читателя задуматься над проблемой.

Ниже приведена таблица с образцами вводных слов и фраз.



Nowadays, the problem of … causes great argument and controversy. Some people believe that … while others think … . Who is right?

In my opinion, … . To begin with, … . What is more, … . Additionally,… .

However, there exists another point of view on this issue. First of all, … . Besides, … .

Despite my respect for this opinion, I cannot share it because… . … .

In conclusion, I would like to say that the problem of … is still to be discussed. As far as I am concerned, the point is to…


  • Comment on the following statement:

What is your opinion? Write 200–250 words. Use the following plan:

− make an introduction (state the problem)

− express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion

− express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion

− explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

− make a conclusion restating your position

Nowadays, the problem of studying abroad causes great argument and controversy. Some people think that one can get a better education only in another country, others believe that it is possible to study at home.

In my opinion, studying abroad is more advantageous because one can gain useful experience. To begin with, it can have a positive impact on students’ self-discipline as youngsters become more initiative and acquire quickness in comprehension. Moreover, it gives them a chance to learn more about the culture of the other country and improve their language skills. Additionally, it is a splendid opportunity to make new friends.

However, there exists another point of view on this issue. First of all it is very expensive to study abroad. Moreover, one should not ignore the fact that children have to adapt to many things, thus, it can be stressful for them.

Despite my respect for this opinion, I cannot share it because there are a lot of exchange programmes which are funded by government, therefore, students can study abroad for free. Besides, a person should learn to cope with stress if he or she would like to go the university to broaden their mind.

In conclusion, I would like to say that to get a good education one should go abroad . I believe studying in a foreign country is the best way to be well-educated in many respects.


Обязательно нужно уложиться в заданный объём: 200-250 слов (допускается отклонение на 10% в обе стороны, т.е. 180-275 слов). Если в эссе ≤179 слов, то за задание ставится 0 баллов. Если ≥276 слов, то проверяются только первые 250 слов. Помните, что 1 слово – это всё, что находится между двумя пробелами. Дефисы (-), и апострофы (’) не являются пробелами, поэтому слова из разряда world’s, open-minded, UK, считаются за одно слово. Тренируйтесь писать письма на экзаменационных бланках – так вы научитесь на глазок определять количество слов и будете меньше тратить времени на их подсчёт.

Нельзя использовать сокращения (только полные формы I am, cannot), а также начинать предложения с неформальных слов-связок well, also, but). Используйте безличные формы глагола (one should). Богатый словарный запас и разноообразие грамматических и синтаксических конструкций демонстрирует высокий уровень знания английского языка.

На выполнение этого задания выделите себе 60 минут: 10 мин на план и пишите сразу на чистовик 40-45 мин, 5 мин. на подсчёт слов и проверку. Обязательно проверьте эссе перед сдачей!

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