Сочинение youth and society

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

There are a lot of problems in our world that people have to face and try to cope with. But I would like to talk about youth problems.
Adults think that it is very easy to be a teenager, but this is not true. Nowadays there are a lot of different things that young people want to try. They are alcohol, drugs, cigarettes and it is not easy to manage them, especially for teenagers. Most teenagers try such things because their friends do and if they do not, they are not considered to be cool. Some young people take drugs or drink alcohol because they are bored and they have nothing to do. Some of them do such things because their life is hard.
One of the biggest problems among teenagers is the poor relationship with parents. My parents always tell me which clothes to wear, which music to listen and who I should spend my free time with. Parents call me a naughty child and do not give me pocket money if I do not listen to their advice. They always ask me to pay more attention to my studies and they do not allow me to go to night clubs and discos. But at the same time we should understand that all they want is to have their child safe and sound. And I appreciate that. However, the only thing that I do not like about them is that they still consider me their child, but I am a young adult already and they should try to understand that.
Another problem is friendship. It is really hard to find a true friend now. Most of young people have friends because they are rich or clever. Some teenagers like showing off and children from poor families feel uncomfortable in their presence.
One of the problems is school. Teachers usually think that all we have to do is study hard. But sometimes it is so dull! We have a lot of homework and we do not have enough time to go for a walk or to spend time with our friends. But I know that education is very important for young people and this is another problem that I want to discuss.
Every teenager wants to have a good future, to get a good education and a good job afterwards. Everybody wants to lead a good life and have a lot of money. But if you are not bright or you do not have enough money to pay for your entrance exams you won't enter a good university. That is why some of my friends had to give up trying to pass entrance exams and they got a profession which they were not interested in.
Nowadays a lot of teenagers are looking for a job to get some money. They sell newspapers, wash cars and work as mail couriers. These people think about their future already and do not just sit at home or spend a lot of time outside with hooligans.
We are all teenagers and we should start thinking about our future. There are a lot of youth problems nowadays, but we need to do everything possible and impossible to solve them.

appreciate [a'prrjieit] быть благодарным
bright [brait] умный, сообрази¬тельный
consider [ktm'sida] считать, считаться
cool [ku:l] (сленг) крутой
cope with [кэир] справляться с
drug [drAg] наркотик
dull [dyd] скучный
entrance exam ['entransig'zcem] вступительный экзамен
especially [3s'peJ(3)h] особенно
face [feis] сталкиваться
give up ['дгу'лр] бросать, сдаваться
hooligan ['huihgan] хулиган
lead [li:d] вести
mail courier [тепкипэ] почтовый курьер
naughty ['no:ti] непослушный
pocket money ['pttkit'mAni] карманные деньги
relationship [n'leif(3)njrp] отношения
safe and sound ['seifbnd'saund] цел и невредим
show off ['Jsu'ttf] хвастаться
solve [sttlv] решать
uncomfortable [лп'клтг(э)1эЬ1] неудобный

1. Is it easy to be a teenager? Why (not)?
2. What is the biggest youth problem now?
3. What can you say about friendship as a problem of teenagers?
4. Is it dull for you to study? Why (not)?
5. Do you work to get pocket money?
6. Do you have any problems as a teenager? What are they?

-->Not he who has much is rich, but he who gives much.-Богат не тот, кто много имеет, а тот, кто много дает.Фромм -->


  1. Today young people take an active part in social life. How do they do it?

It’s quite natural that young people want to socialize with their equals so as to express their views on several political and social issues. They join youth organizations and societies. The main aim of these organizations is to involve young people into socially useful activities such as sporting events, volunteering, assisting the old and handicapped, carrying out some ecological projects and doing other things.

Tere are a lot of young organizations in Belarus. The most authoritative of them are^ the Belarusian Republican Youth Union (BRSM), the Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization, the Association of Belarusian Scouts, the Association of Belarusian Guides and some others.

Each teenager can choose themselve what organization join and what ideas reflect.

  1. Would you like to join any of the organizations you’ve heard about? Why (not)?

I wouldn’t like to join any of the organizationa as I havent found anything special or interesting for my personal development. I’m very busy with my studies, besides I’ve got a lot of interests and hobbies. I visit fitness club and read a lot. By the way, I’m a very sociable person and have got some close friends and a lot of schoolmates or just mates to communicate with. I’m fond of travelling and like to meet new people.

Thus, I don’t feel intention to join any organizations.

I joined the Belarusian Republican Youth Union (BRSM) some years ago. It is a youth organization in Belarus. Its goals are to promote patriotism and to instill moral value into the youth of Belarus.

We participate and organize different sporting events, pass out flowers to veterans of the Great Patriotic War (World War II), also we help them to hold the house.

I’m proud to be a member of this great organizations.

  1. What questions can you ask about the recent event organized by the BRSM?
    1. Where did t held?
    2. How many participants were there?
    3. What were the aims of the event?
    4. Did they like the resurt?

    It’s rather hard questions to answer. I think teenagers in our country are very busy with their studies and have no time to participate in copains. But at the same time it is necessary to start any cultural compaign which can help teenagers to organize music band or to help them make their career choise. Or maybe to start any travelling compaign to show the beauty of our country and its nature, to visit the farthest villages in the country, to speak with people living there and even to write the legends of those places. It’s a real heritage of our country.

    1. Not all young people in Belarus have joined youth organizations. What stops them?

    To my mind, they don’t understand the aims or activities of these organizations. Some teenagers haven’t found anything special or interesting for their development, some are lazy to take part in anything.

    It depends on a person if he an active or a passive member of the society.

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    I think that teenager years are the most wonderful tears in our life. At this age we start a new adult life. We get more and more freedom, we constantly need to express ourselves. That’s why we become members of youth organizations.

    Being together is very important for teenagers, this feeling of solidarity with likeminded friends makes us feel stronger and more confident. Various activities provide them with a chance to make friends, learn through new experience, have fun and develop different skills and good personal qualities.

    There are a lot of organizations, group and movements, so young people can find a group or a movement that will suit their interests. The biggest youth organization in Belarus is the BRSM, which includes about 500,000 young people from 14 to 31. The main aim of this organization is to promote patriotism, involve young people in useful public activities. Everybody can find something to their taste. Those who want to help people in need join “the Kind heart movement” go to hospitals or orphanages and work with people who need care and love. Some young people who are full of creative ideas can take part in festivals, exhibitions, contests (DJ’s battles, Bridges, marathons) to show their talents.

    Today many young people participate in exchange programmes organized either by schools or youth organizations. The programmes are very successful. It is incredible experiences. When they come back the stereotypes are broken. They also learn to represent their own country. Some young people set up environment groups and join charity projects.

    Though it’s not easy for a teenager to find their own way of life, still being involved in the social life of the country makes us feel more grown up and it trains us to be more confident. The real life is here in the family, in the country we live in.

    2. There are a lot of youth organizations in Belarus. The most popular of them are the Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization (BRPO), the Belarusian Republican Union of Youth (BRSM), the Association of Belarusian Guides, the Belarusian Republican Scout Association. The BRSM accomplish different educational, cultural, social and other programmes, they organize conferences, meetings, lectures, concerts and competitions, charity and volunteering, outdoor activities and sports. You will meet new people, make friends with them, enrich your knowledge and broaden your horizons, you will have an opportunity to travel.

    3. What questions would you like to ask a person who has joined a new international organization?

    What is the name of your organization? Why have you joined this organization? What activities does your organization organize? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    4. What issues would you recommend to discuss at a monthly meeting of a debate club?

    I think there are so many things to talk about for young people. For example I would recommend to discuss: the ecological situation in our town, our modern national music styles, modern arts, some fashion issues. Maybe such questions will be interesting for discussions: Is there any threat from the space? Would you like to change the system of our education? Do you know your history well? Is it possible to avoid all bad habits in the society? So I can say that the topics and questions for discussions are unlimited.

    5. A lot of young people in Europe work in hospitals and kindergartens as volunteers. What do you think attracts them to this kind of work?

    Volunteer movement is a very unique phenomenon in a society. It shows the level of the development of the society. In this kind of work people have no any material motivation. The people who work as volunteers have some spiritual intentions and motivation. Some of them want to help other people, others hope to get some experience in this kind of work because they want to connect their lives with this sphere of activity. Also there are people who have overcome some situations or difficulties in their lives and now they want to help others. In Belarus we also have volunteer movement. For example in our town you can work in the organization taking care about homeless animals. Some young people go to hospitals with Christian priests. Also there are people who go by bicycles around Belarus to clean the countryside.

    6 What questions can you ask about the campaign Education Free for Everybody?

    What is your motto? What goals do you want to achieve? What do you campaign for? Who can join your movement?

    7 A lot of young people think that there is nothing better than having money. Do you agree with them?

    People usually don’t think too much about the meaning of money. The only idea is to make more than they usually have. Of course having money is a good thing because they give us the possibility to satisfy our needs and desires. Сhildren usually don’t value money because they don’t know how much effort their parents put in their work in order to earn a certain some of money. From my point of view, money isn't the most important thing in life. There are many things in life that can't be bought with money. However, money makes your life comfortable, it makes it go easier. I will really work hard on my future job, to become as successful as possible, and also to receive as much money as possible. But I believe that having a family is the most important thing in life.

    8 What would you like to learn about the activities of cheerleaders in Minsk?

    How can young people get into cheerleading? What sports clubs do you support? How many members does your organization consist of? What qualities does it take to be a cheerleader? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    1. What national and international youth organisations do you know?
    There are a lot of youth organizations in Belarus and abroad. The largest international youth organisations are Girl Guides, the Scout Association, Greenpeace Youth, 4-H, and others. They offer a wide range of activities from volunteer work to sports.
    The Scout Association, for example, aims at preparing young people for today and for life and is adventure, family, fun, character and leadership.
    The largest youth organisations in Belarus are the BRSM (the Belarusian Republican Youth Union) and the BRPO (the Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization.)
    The BRSM was founded in 2002 and unites young people from 14 to 31. The organisation promotes patriotism and involves young people in useful public activities.
    To my mind, it’s natural for young people to unite in organisations. As a member of a youth organisation you can find new friends, get new knowledge, discuss important issues and learn new skills. As a result, young people learn to be active in the society and can make the life in their country better.

    2. Are you a member of any youth organization?
    Sorry to say, but I’m not a member of any youth organization because I have no free time. But I think that youth organizations do useful work.

    3. What questions will you ask about a new project organised by the BRSM?
    What kind of project is it?
    What’s the aim of this project?
    How many people are involved into it?

    4. What youth organisation would you recommend young people to join? Why?
    I would recommend them to join the BRSM. I am sure they will find new friends and get involved in some useful public activities as members of this organisation.

    5. People say that volunteering can make a great difference to our lives and the lives of others around us. What do you think about it?
    There’s a quote that says ‘Volunteers are not paid — not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless’. It means volunteering has a positive effect on the community.
    I think it’s very noble to give your time and energy to help people or wildlife around you.

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