Сочинение про упражнения на английском

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Sports. Тексты на английском языке про спорт

Задание. Read the text. Complete the passages using the words: board, becomes, practice, sport, foot,sometimes, body, balance, feet

Skateboarding has become a very popular 1. ______ . All a person needs to enjoy this sport is a skateboard, good 2._______ , and some 3. ________ . It is a good idea to use safety helmets and kneepads because even the best skateboarders fall 4._________. To begin skateboarding, put one foot on the skateboard and push forward with the other 5. ____. When you get moving fast enough put both 6._______on the 7. ____________. You keep your balance by moving your arms and 8._________. The more you practice the easier it 9.___________.

Что вы знаете о серфинге? Кажется, что этот вид спорта только недавно завоевал популярность, однако произошло это в 1960. Кстати, первыми сёрфингистами были … аборигены. Перед тем, как читать текст про сёрфинг, пройдите опрос.

What do you know about surfing? (вводный опрос)

  • practice — практиковать
  • report — сообщать
  • introduction — внедрение
  • fiberglass — стекловолокно
  • Maui — остров Мауи, второй по величине остров в архипелаге Гавайских островов (США)
  • Oahu — остров Оаху (Гавайи; США)
  • experience — испытывать

Surfing is popular all over the world. It is practiced on lakes and rivers, seas and oceans — anywhere with good wind.

Some people think that it is a new kind of sport. But it is not. It was first reported by the British explorer Captain Cook in 1778. It became popular with the introduction of mass-produced, lightweight (легкий) boards made of fiberglass in the 1960s.

The birthplace of surfing is Hawaii and today it’s home of the most famous surfing competition. Huge waves crash along mile after mile of beautiful sand, and every surfer dreams of experiencing surfing in Maui or Oahu.

The best time for surfing is when the waves are high. Serious surfers must be brave, love adventures and have lots of energy. Once they’ve experienced the excitement of a ride on the top of the waves, they never want to stop.

It takes time to learn to catch a wave at the right moment, stand up on your board and stay there. But during a hot summer day, who minds learning?

  • physical disability (disabled) — ограниченные возможности

The Paralympics is for people with a physical disability. They were first held in Rome in 1960 and sibce that time there have been 9 Paralympics. The athletes take part in 19 different sports. They play tennis and snookers. They do judo and ride a bike. Some athletes do weight lifting and some go swimming. A lot of athletes go running and jumping. Athletics is very popular. Playing table tennis is also very popular among disabled athletes.

Задание. Read the text. Complete the passages using the words: racing, until, goggles, almost, as long as, safety, splash, besides, ear plugs, prevent

Most Americans can swim, and 1_______ everyone likes at least to 2 _________ around in the waves on a hot day at the beach. Knowing how to swim is important for 3 _________but when you do it seriously, swimming is also one of the best exercises for your body.

4___________ water and swimsuit you don’t need much.
5___________keep irritating chlorinated water out of your eyes and let you watch where you’re going, A swimming cap makes you more streamlined for 6__________ and keeps your hair out of your face.

7 __________keep the water out and 8__________ear infections.

To get in shape, start by swimming twenty minutes three times a week. Add ten minutes 9 __________ you’re swimming for an hour each time. Vary your strokes to work different muscles. It’s okay to take short breaks, 10 ____________your heart rate stays up.

  • go back — зародиться
  • rub — натирать
  • were bound with — обвязаны
  • maim for life — остаться калекой
  • concede defeat — признать поражение
  • introduce — ввести в практику
  • space roped off — пространство, отгороженное канатом

Boxing is an old sport, going back to the days of ancient Greece, where it was an important part of the Olympic Games. The Olympics were held during the hottest part of the summer, and the boxers were rubbed with oil to limit perspiration. Their hands were bound with heavy leather strips often loaded with lead or iron. So fighters were frequently maimed for life. There were no rounds and no time limits — the men fought until one of them conceded defeat.

The sport passed from Greece to Rome, but after the fall of Rome it was unknown in Europe until the 18th century, when James Figg introduced gloveless fighting in England, and opened a boxing school in London. He built an amphitheatre with a square space roped off for the fighters. Figg didn’t believe in rest periods, and a fight continued without stop until one man had obviously won.

Basket-ball is perhaps the only sport whose origin we can speak of without fear of a mistake.

During the winter of 1891— 1892, James Naesmith, a college instructor in Springfield, Massachusetts, invented the game of basket-ball. He wanted his students to have physical exercise between the time when the football season closed and the baseball season opened. He hung fruit baskets on the walls at opposite ends of the gymnasium and organized nine-men teams to play his new game. The purpose of the game was to throw the ball into one basket and to attempt to prevent the opposing team from throwing the ball into the other basket.

There have since been many changes in the rules (for example, the number of players is now reduced to five), but the game is basically the same today as it was more than eighty years ago.

  • interlinked — связанных
  • chariot racing — гонки на колесницах
  • were resumed — были возобновлены

The world’s greatest international sports games are known as the Olympic games. The Olympic games proves that real peace can be achieved through sport. The Olympic emblem is five interlinked rings: blue, yellow, black, green and red. Any national flag contains at least one of these colours.

The Olympic Games began in ancient Greece in 776 B.C. These games were part of festival held every fourth year in honor of the God Zeus at the place called Mount Olympus.

It was great athletic festival, including competitions in wrestling, foot racing, and chariot racing, rowing and others. The games were for men only. Greek women were forbidden not only to participate but also to attend the Olympics.

The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896. Then they were resumed in London after the Second World War. Since then the Olympics are held every fourth year in different countries.

The ancient Greeks had no winter sports. Only in 1924 the first Winter Olympic games were held in France. Now they are held regularly.

Some tribes of Native Americans played a game which was alike football, but it had a religious meaning. The winning team had to be executed as the one that had pleased the gods of the tribe.

Britain doesn’t often produce sportsmen or sportswomen who are successful in world championship, but it has been good at inventing sports and writing the rules of games.

Golf was first played in Scotland in the 15 th century and the most famous golf club, Saint Andrew in Scotland, is still the most respected authority on golf in the world.

Cricket was first played in England in the 16 th century and its rules were written in the 18 th century. It is a popular summer sport in England, but it is not played in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Football (soccer) has been played in one form or another for hundreds of years. First it was a very rude and hard game. There were no rules. But since 1863 it has been played with proper rules. That year the Football Association (FA) was started. Its first job was to get a set of rules for all games. By the end of the 19 th century almost every town had its own team.

Rugby is a form of football in which the ball can be handled (взят в руки). It was start as a game in the 19 th century. Rugby takes its name from Rugby school in the Midlands. In 1823, a boy playing football at the school picked up the ball and ran with it. Now it is one of the most popular games.

American football is different from soccer. It is played with an oval ball. American football and rugby are alike.

текст на английском про спорт

Как рассказать о любимом виде спорта на английском языке?

Если вам нужно рассказать именно о любимом виде спорта, то часть про роль спорта в жизни можно сократить до вступительного абзаца, а большую часть текста посвятить рассказу о вашем любимом виде спорта.

Пройдите тест на уровень английского:

  • Назовите этот вид спорта,
  • Расскажите, почему он вам нравится,
  • Что он собой представляет (например, волейбол, это, если в двух словах, — командная игра с мячом),
  • Можно добавить в чем суть соревнований, особенно если речь идет о спортивной игре (например, забить мяч).

Вы увидите, что в тексте ниже все эти пункты раскрыты.

Sport in Our Lives / Спорт в нашей жизни. Текст на английском языке + аудио

Это текст на английском языке про спорт в нашей жизни, а также про любимый вид спорта, плюс аудио. Вариант “текст + перевод” вы найдете ниже.


Everyone wants to be healthy. Good health affects the way people behave, work, and interact with each other. As the proverb goes, “Health is wealth.” Health is the key benefit provided by sports activities. People who exercise tend to be well-disciplined and stress-resistant. These qualities are essential for the effectiveness of personal and professional development.

Currently, there are many opportunities offered to those people who want to be fit. Fitness clubs and athletic centers are available for people of different ages. Also, there are public places for physical activities. Students are engaged in special school and university programs that guarantee their successful physical development. They can participate in different sports to find the most appealing athletic activity. Among them are running, swimming, fitness, cycling, football, and yoga, to name a few. Regular physical exercises help stimulate muscles and get better results in any sport.

As for me, my favorite sport is volleyball. This is a traditional team game that is very popular across the world. Playing volleyball teaches me how to become a leader, set goals, organize teamwork, and develop self-confidence and self-discipline.

My participation in sports competitions allows me to improve my physical fitness and mental abilities. Further success in my career depends on these aspects. The rules of this game are easy to understand. Two teams, consisting of six players each, play a match. This indoor game is played with a ball. The winner of the volleyball set is the team that gains 25 points. It’s important for every player to bat the ball over the net using their hands effectively. The key goal is to bat the ball in such a way that it touches the opponent team’s court.

Текст на английском языке с переводом. My Favorite Sport / Мой любимый вид спорта

Это тот же текст про спорт, но с переводом. Перевод сделан для каждого предложения в отдельной строке.

Sport makes us healthier and more active. We do sport almost every day while going shopping, going for a walk, cleaning home and so on. Still many people today like gym because there you can do sports properly.

Fitness is very popular today. You can see teenagers, adults and even adolescents doing fitness. It will help you to keep fit, to move every day, to meet new people with the same hobby and to feel happier.

If you are a big fan of sports you can buy a subscription and visit gym few times per week. A fitness trainer can help you to solve any problem with your body and will tell you which exercises are better.

If you can’t go to gym you can do fitness at home. Download few videos or find something on YouTube and go on. A good thing is that you can do it any time. I think it’s a perfect variant for a busy person.

In general you can find a lot of information about fitness in internet today. Fitness trainers can work even online. You just need to find the best for you and start exercising. A good thing is that your trainer will see the way you doing sports and will tell you how to do correct. It’s important if you really want to see results.

I am happy that fitness today become more popular and interesting to many people. Schools and universities allow students to choose what kind of sport to do: football, boxing, swimming or gym. Also your boss can give you possibility to visit gym few times per week and he will pay for it.

I hope in future people will have more interest to sports and our health will become better every year. Then maybe we will stay fine without hospitals and medicine, and our life will become more interesting and enjoyable.


Спорт делает нас более активными и здоровыми. Мы занимаемся спортом почти каждый день, когда занимаемся шопингом, ходим на прогулку, наводим порядок дома и так далее. Все же многие люди сегодня любят ходить в зал, ведь именно там можно заняться спортом по-настоящему.

Фитнес очень популярен сегодня. Вы можете встретить подростков, взрослых и даже пожилых людей, занимающихся спортом. Он помогает нам поддерживать форму, двигаться каждый день и встречать людей, которые имеют такое же хобби.

Если вы являетесь большим фанатом спорта, можете приобрести абонемент и посещать фитнес зал несколько раз в неделю. А фитнес тренер поможет вам решить любую проблему, построить красивое тело и расскажет, какие упражнения подходят именно вам.

Если вы не можете посещать спортивный зал, фитнесом можно заниматься дома. Загрузите несколько видео или найдите их на ютубе и вперёд. Плюс заключается в том, что заниматься можно в удобное для вас время. Думаю, что это идеальный вариант для тех, кто очень занят.

Вообще вы сможете найти сегодня много информации о фитнесе в интернете. А фитнес тренера работают даже онлайн. Вам просто нужно найти своего тренера и начать упражнения. Плюс здесь в том, что ваш тренер увидит, как вы тренируетесь и подскажет вам, как тренироваться правильно. Это крайне важно, если вам нужны результаты.

Я очень рад, что фитнес сегодня становится все популярнее и интереснее многим людям. Школы и университеты позволяют учащимся выбирать, какой вид спорта они предпочитают: футбол, бокс, плавание или спортивный зал. А ещё ваш босс может позволить вам посещать спортивный зал несколько раз в неделю и будет оплачивать занятия.

Я очень надеюсь, что в будущем у людей интерес к спорту только возрастёт, а наше здоровье будет еще лучше с каждым годом. Может тогда мы будем чувствовать себя прекрасно без больниц и лекарств, а наша жизнь будет более интересной и захватывающей.



Nowadays it is popular to keep a healthy lifestyle, to go to the gym, to eat healthy food and to go to fitness club or to do other activities. People try to find free time after the work or study to visit the gym or fitness-club. I think it is a good tendency. People become healthier.

В наши дни популярно вести здоровый образ жизни, ходить в спортзал, есть здоровую пищу, ходить в фитнес-клуб или заниматься другой активностью. Люди пытаются найти свободное время после работы или учебы для посещения тренажерного зала или фитнес-клуба. Я думаю, что это хорошая тенденция. Люди становятся здоровее.

I like fitness. I have been doing it for about five years. It is my cup of tea. In the broad sense fitness means the general degree of training of the body. Such characteristics include the fitness of cardiovascular system, flexibility, physical coordination and other things. However nowadays under the term “fitness” we understand some physical exercises aimed to improve the body state, its shape and weight. It is advisable to keep a diet during the practicing fitness.

There are many kinds of fitness such as step aerobics, CrossFit, Nordic Walking, pilates, zumba and many other kinds. Such kinds as zumba and aerobics include some dance steps, for example. Anyway, every person can choose that kind of fitness which corresponds to his or her physical conditioning, weight, health and so on. Some kinds of fitness include remedial gymnastics so people with health problems can do it.

Есть много видов фитнеса, таких как степ-аэробика, кроссфит, скандинавская ходьба, пилатес, зумба и многие другие виды. Например, такие виды, как зумба и аэробика, включают в себя некоторые танцевальные движения. Во всяком случае, каждый человек может выбрать такой вид фитнеса, который соответствует его физической форме, весу, здоровью и т.д. Некоторые виды фитнеса включают в себя лечебную физкультуру, поэтому люди, имеющие проблемы со здоровьем, могут им заниматься.

Fitness is popular all over the world. Almost all celebrities do fitness and make it popular among their fans. I think that it is necessary to do fitness because it makes you healthier and improves your mood.

Фитнес пользуется популярностью во всем мире. Почти все знаменитости занимаются фитнесом и делают его популярным среди своих поклонников. Я думаю, что нужно заниматься фитнесом, потому что он делает организм здоровее и улучшает настроение.

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