Сочинение про титаник на английском

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

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Titanic – Титаник

“ Titanic” was released in 1997. It was directed, written and produced by James Cameron. The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. After this film Leonardo DiCaprio’s stage career soared. Both actors got to be famous all over the world. For a long time “Titanic” was the highest-grossing film of all times.

The film is based on the true story of Titanic, a huge passenger liner which wrecked during its first journey across the Atlantic.

The film tells us a story of two people, Rose and Jack, who fell in love with each other on shipboard. Rose belonged to a high-class society, while Jack was a penniless artist who won his ticket in a card game.

Their troubles began when others found out about this love affair. Despite everyone and everything Rose and Jack stood by each other and resisted obeying the rules and boundaries of class differentiation. Unfortunately, we will never know whether this beautiful love story would have the happy end as Jack died during the wreck of the Titanic. Rose survived. At the end of the film we realize that she will keep these feelings in her heart. And she did. She carried them through the rest of her life.

To my mind, “Titanic” is one of those films after which no one will remain indifferent. During the film we follow the story of two people, feeling for them. We don’t give up hope for the happy end, which was never meant to happen. The film impresses us to a great extent and we keep reflecting upon it afterwards. After this film one can think a lot about happiness, love, tragic coincidence and destiny’s predetermination.

В основе фильма лежит реальная история Титаника, огромного пассажирского лайнера, потерпевшего катастрофу и затонувшего во время своего первого рейса через Атлантический океан.

Сюжет развивается вокруг двух людей – Розы и Джека, полюбивших друг друга на борту лайнера. Роза была представителем высшего класса, а Джек – нищим художником, выигравшим свой билет в карты.

Их проблемы начались, когда другие узнали об их романе. Но, несмотря на это, молодые люди остались на стороне друг друга и отказались повиноваться нравам и границам классового расслоения. К сожалению, мы никогда не узнаем, был ли у этой истории счастливый конец, потому что Джек погиб во время крушения Титаника. Роза спаслась. В конце фильма мы понимаем, что она будет хранить эти чувства в своем сердце. И она хранила. Она пронесла их через всю свою жизнь.

My favourite video film is “Titanic”. It tells the story of a famous ship, the “Titanic”, which sank in 1912. The “Titanic” was a colossal ship even by modern standards. Its tragic sinking will always be remembered, for the ship went down on the first voyage with heavy losses.

The director of the film is James Cameron. The main parts in the film are played by young actors Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet. To my mind their acting is superb. The camerawork is fantastic, too. I’ve heard that they made a full-size model of the “Titanic” for this film.

It’s a very spectacular film. It is also a moving love-story. I advise all my friends to see “Titanic”. The film was awarded 11 Oscars and I’m sure it deserves every one of them.

Перевод: Мой самый любимый фильм - "Титаник". Он рассказывает историю известного судна "Титаник", которое затонуло в 1912 году. "Титаник" был колоссальным кораблем даже по современным стандартам. Его трагическое крушение всегда будет помниться, поскольку корабль утонул во время своего первого рейса с большими потерями.

Режиссер фильма - Джеймс Кэмерон. Главные роли в фильме играют молодые актеры Леонардо ди Каприо и Кейт Уинслет. На мой взгляд, их актерская игра превосходна. Операторская работа является фантастической, тоже. Я слышал, что они сделали для этого фильма модель "Титаника" в натуральную величину.

Это очень впечатляющий фильм. Кроме того, это трогательная история любви. Я советую всем моим друзьям, посмотреть "Титаник". Фильм был удостоен 11 Оскаров, и я уверен, что он заслуживает каждого из них.

The film that left a deep and lasting impression on me is a great work of James Cameron direction – “Titanic”. This is feature colored film of more than 3 hours long. This film was released by Columbia Pictures associated with 20th Century Fox. For Russian audience it was doubled by several TV companies and channels.

The director of “Titanic” is well-known Canadian James Cameron famous for his huge budget movie hits. “Titanic” deals with a tremendous disaster which happened on April, 14 1912 in the Atlantic Ocean when more than 15 hundred people died in freezing water after the enormously huge and luxurious passenger liner “Titanic” had sunk.

On this background the love of two young people strongly separated by position they took in society was growing. This story is not quite typical, more likely it"s a story of prohibited feelings among the tragic events.

На фоне этого расцветает любовь двух молодых людей, жестко разделенных своим положением в обществе. Эта история не типична, скорее история запретной любви среди трагических обстоятельств.

The climax of the story is simultaneously the moment when Rose (American aristocrat betrothed to a rich and hopeful suitor) and Jack (free-spirited poor artist who won his 3rd class passage in a card game) despite of great difference between them understood that their love was true and the only thing really worth living. In the same time the liner collided with an iceberg and began to sink.

Кульминация истории – это одновременно тот момент, когда Роуз (американская аристократка, помолвленная с богатым и перспективным женихом) и Джек (свободомыслящий бедный художник, что выиграл свой билет в 3 классе в карточной игре) несмотря на различия между ними поняли, что их любовь настоящая, единственно стоящая того, чтобы жить. В этот же момент лайнер столкнулся с айсбергом и начал тонуть.

The end of the film is quite logical. Rose whose mind and soul have totally changed after Jack"s death hid from her suitor and begins a new life under the surname of the man who could never be her husband but whom she really loved. Rose refused the false glint of her aristocratic past.

Конец фильма достаточно логичен. Роуз, чьи мысли и душа полностью изменились после смерти Джека, скрылась от своего жениха и начала новую жизнь под фамилией мужчины, которому никогда не стать ее мужем, но которого она по-настоящему любила. Роуз отказалась от фальшивого блеска своего аристократического прошлого.

All the scenes in “Titanic” are skillfully directed and show the logical development of the events and changes in characters.

The photography of the film is brilliant. It includes indoor and outdoor scenes. Many high technologies and special effects were used. The exact copy of real Titanic was drowned in a special pool and computer graphics were in service to show it vividly. The crowd scenes are especially impressive as hundreds of people were involved in them.

Работа оператора в фильме прекрасна. Она включает в себя сцены в помещении и вне. Было использовано множество высоких технологий и специальных эффектов. Точную копия Титаника потопили в специальном бассейне, а чтоб все выглядело правдоподобно, использовали компьютерную графику.

“Titanic” has got an all-star cast for the main characters. Kate Winslet and Leo Di Caprio play the lead. The supporting roles help the plot to develop in natural way and emphases all the dramatic nature of the story to make it full of serious content. All the actors created the true to life images of their characters which is proved by the fact that the movie has won universal acclaim and has got a powerful impact on the public.

Nowadays it"s hard to imagine the film with predominating of one component – acting or speaking. Naturally in “Titanic” they are perfectly combined and improve each other. The dialogues are not very long. They are right up to impress the audience in the way they should.

Music is another perfect contribution to the success of the film. It accompanies the development of the story and emphases the bright moments.

Музыка – еще одна безупречная составляющая успеха фильма. Она сопровождает всю историю и усиливает яркие моменты.

I don"t think critics should say badly about the film because its success contains great efforts of producer and director, perfect photography, costumes, acting, music.

Я не думаю, что критики могут плохо отозваться о фильме, потому что его успех состоит из огромных усилий продюсера и режиссера, отличной работы оператора, костюмов, игры актеров, музыки.

The plot reveals the power of love and destructive human vanity. The film is brilliant in both – serious content and technically perfect work.

Сюжет раскрывает силу любви и разрушительного человеческого тщеславия. Фильм бесподобен и по содержанию, и по идеальному техническому исполнению.

Due to everything said before I may conclude that “Titanic” makes us feel and think, helps us to release the best human features. The film allows us vividly imagine the drama that fills our world and, probably, let us wish well to each other.

The Titanic, the biggest, finest ship of its time.
Many people thought it was unsinkable, but they were wrong.

The Titanic

In the 1800s, it became popular to build ships that offered people the ease of home. Passengers could have their own private rooms. There were dining areas where people could eat meals. There were places to exercise. There were libraries with books where people could sit and read. Some ships even had swimming pools!
One ship company was the White Star Line. In 1909, it decided to build the biggest, greatest ship. The company named its ship the Titanic. The word titanic means gigantic, or very big.
When people looked at the size of the Titanic, they could easily believe that it was strong. The Titanic was 269 meters long. It had 9 different desks, or levels. If the ship were to stand on its end, it would have been taller than many buildings during that time! The ship weighed about 60 million kilograms. And it could carry 3547 people.

The people who build the Titanic tried to make it the safest ship as well as the biggest ship. The ship had 16 watertight rooms. These rooms were at the bottom of the ship. They were filled with nothing but air. The air helped the Titanic to float. If the ship experienced damage and one room started to fill with water, the other rooms would keep the ship floating. In fact, people believed that the ship could still float even if five of the rooms were filled with water. At the time the watertight rooms were a new engineering idea. Passengers believed that this would protect the Titanic from sinking.

The titanic was also the finest luxury ship of its time. The inside of the Titanic looked the home of a king! There were stairs that connected each different level. One set of stairs was called “Grand Staircase.” That is because it was so beautiful. There were many details cut into the wood. There were golden lights on the ceilings. And there were also lights made of fine crystal glass. Many of the ships in that day had hard wood floors. But the ship builders put soft cloth carpet on the floors of the Titanic.
People could purchase first, second, or third class tickets to ride on the Titanic. The first class tickets cost the most money. People holding a first class ticket experienced all of the best things of the ship. But everyone riding the Titanic experienced wonderful things that they usually did not experience at home.
For example, many people with third class tickets were poor. They wanted to ride on the Titanic from Europe to America. They did not plan to ever return home. They were going to start a new life in America. But even the poor, third class passengers felt special on the Titanic. All of the rooms on the ship had water in the rooms. This was something many of the third class passengers did not have at home.

On April 10, 1912 the Titanic started on its first trip. It was travelling from Southampton, England to New York City in the United States.
Four days into the trip the captain received warnings about icebergs. These large pieces of ice float on the ocean. And several large icebergs were in the path of the Titanic. However, the captain was not concerned about the ice. He believed that it would not damage the ship. At eleven o’clock, on April 14, the Titanic hit an iceberg. The ice did cause damage.
It made a large tear on the bottom of the boat.
Cold, icy, water poured into the bottom of the Titanic. It filled a few of the watertight rooms. Soon, because of an engineering mistake, most of the watertight rooms were filled with water. The Titanic began to sink.
People on the ship were not prepared. They did not know how to get off the boat safely. There were lifeboats – small boats that could float to safety. But there were not enough lifeboats for all the passengers. Even worse, the crew of the ship did not fill the lifeboats. Many more people could have escaped.

In this situation, some people showed great bravery. One famous example was the ship’s musicians. They knew that they would not escape. So they sat with their instruments, and played music for the people left on the boat. Some people reported that they played the Christian song, “Nearer My God to You.” The words if this song speak about how God is close in difficult times.
But soon, the ship was sinking fast. It broke into two pieces, and many passengers fell into the cold water. They died quickly from the extreme cold. Others drowned inside the ship as it sank. The lifeboats only rescued thirteen people from the water.

At that time, the rule was that women and children escaped first. So more than 90 percent of the men on the ship died. Most second and third class passengers also did not escape. About 1500 people died – two thirds of the people on the ship. It was a great tragedy – one of the worst accidents on the sea at that time.


В то время существовало правило: первыми покидали корабль женщины и дети. Таким образом, более 90 процентов мужчин на корабле погибли. Не сбежало и большинство пассажиров второго и третьего классов. Погибло около 1500 человек — две трети людей на корабле. Это была великая трагедия — одна из самых страшных морских катастроф того времени.

Titanic was released in 1997. It was directed, written and produced by James Cameron.

The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet . After this film both actors became famous all over the world.

Titanic remained the highest-grossing film of all time until Cameron's Avatar surpassed it in 2010.

The film is based on the true story of Titanic, a huge passenger liner that sank after striking an iceberg on 15 April 1912.

The film tells us a story of two people, Rose and Jack, who fell in love with each other. Rose belonged to high society, while Jack was a penniless artist who won his ticket in a card game.

Their troubles began when the others found out about this love affair. Despite everything Rose and Jack stood by each other. Unfortunately, we will never know whether this beautiful love story would have a happy ending as Jack did not survive. Rose survived.

At the end of the film we realize that she will keep these feelings in her heart . And she did. She carried them through the rest of her life.

Titanic made a strong impression on me. To my mind, Titanic is one of those films after which no one will remain indifferent. After this film one can think a lot about happiness, love and tragic coincidence.

Перевод на русский язык

Главные роли исполняли Леонардо Ди Каприо и Кейт Уинслет . Этот фильм принес обоим актерам мировую известность.

Сюжет развивается вокруг двух людей – Розы и Джека, полюбивших друг друга. Роза была представителем высшего класса, а Джек – нищим художником, выигравшим свой билет в карты.

Их проблемы начались, когда другие узнали об их романе. Несмотря ни на что, Роза и Джек остались на стороне друг друга. К сожалению, мы никогда не узнаем, был ли у этой истории счастливый конец, потому что Джек погиб. Роза спаслась.

В конце фильма мы понимаем, что она будет хранить эти чувства в своем сердце . И она хранила. Она пронесла их через всю свою жизнь.

Тема по английскому языку: Титаник

История Титаника

Титаник был британским лайнером, который затонул 15 апреля 1912 года. Это был самый крупный пассажирский пароход в мире. Считавшийся самым быстроплавающим и почти непотопляемым кораблем, Титаник отправился в свое первое плавание и нес на борту среди 2 223 пассажиров и экипажа множество знаменитостей. Через четыре дня после начала путешествия он столкнулся с айсбергом и затонул. Эта ужасная морская катастрофа повлекла за собой смерть 1 517 человек, большинство из которых были мужчинами. Основной причиной смерти было переохлаждение, так как вода в Атлантике была почти 0 градусов. Несмотря на соответствие всем правилам того времени, количество имевшихся на корабле спасательных шлюпок было рассчитано только на 1 178 человек.

Причины трагедии

Создание корабля

Титаник принадлежал Уайт Стар Лайн и был сконструирован в Белфасте. Корабль был спроектирован одними из самых выдающихся инженеров с использованием самых продвинутых технологий, доступных в то время. Для многих явилось шоком, что несмотря на интенсивные меры безопасности, Титаник затонул.

Описание лайнера

Это был огромный и роскошный корабль. В секции первого класса был бассейн, спортзал, корт для игры в сквош, турецкая баня, электрическая ванная и летнее кафе. Обычные комнаты первого класса были украшены деревом и имели дорогую мебель. В первом и втором классе были библиотеки и парикмахерские. Комнаты третьего класса имели сосновую отделку и жесткую мебель из тикового дерева.

Исследование обломков

Идея найти обломки Титаника появилась вскоре после того, как корабль затонул, но до 1 сентября 1985 данные попытки были безуспешными. Среди обломков было найдено почти 6 000 артефактов. Многие из них показаны в Национальном морском музее в Гринвиче, Англия.

Steamship Titanic

The history of Titanic

Titanic was the British liner that sank on 15 April, 1912. It was the largest passenger steamship in the world. Thought to be the fastest ship afloat and almost unsinkable, Titanic was on her maiden voyage and carried many notables among 2,223 persons aboard. After four days of the trip it struck an iceberg and sank. This terrible maritime disaster resulted in the deaths of 1,517 people, most of whom were men rather than women and children. The main cause of death was hypothermia as the water in the Atlantic was almost 0 degrees Celsius. Although complying with all the regulations of the time, the ship carried lifeboats for only 1,178 people.


Official and other investigations revealed that messages of warning had been sent but had either not been received by the commanding officers of the ship or had been ignored by them. The ship had continued at full speed even after the warnings were sent. Other vessels in the vicinity were unable to reach the Titanic.

Creating the ship

Titanic was owned by the White Star Line and constructed in Belfast. The ship was designed by some of the most experienced engineers and used some of the most advanced technologies available at that time. It was a great shock to many that, despite the extensive safety features, Titanic sank.

Describing the liner

It was a huge and luxurious ship. The First-class section had an on-board swimming pool, a gymnasium, a squash court, Turkish bath, Electric bath and a Verandah café. First-class common rooms were decorated with wood; they also had expensive furniture in them. There were libraries and barber shops in both the first and second-class. The third class general room had pine panelling and sturdy teak furniture.

Finding the wreck

The idea of finding the wreck of Titanic came shortly after the ship sank but no attempts were successful until 1 September, 1985. Approximately 6,000 artefacts were from the wreck. Many of these were put on display at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, England.

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