Сочинение про пермь на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Не думала, что буду просить такое. Мне надо написать сочинение про Пермь, хоть про что. Помогите. я бы написала сама но уже поздно, а сочинение нужно к завтраму. Потом чем смогу помогу тому, кто мне поможет. Вот информация для сочинения. Пермь
Пермь - крупнейший город Прикамья, центр Пермской области. Город расположен на реке Каме, в географической зоне, называемой "Вятко-Камская тайга". С точки зрения экономической географии, Пермь входит в состав Уральского экономического региона. Кама - четвертая по длине река Европы. Ее длина составляет 1805 км. Город является важным речным портом. Пассажирские теплоходы, грузовые суда и баржи приходят в Пермь с пяти морей. Набережная Камы возле речного вокзала - одно из наиболее живописных мест.

Город окружен прекрасными сосновыми борами. Климат Перми континентальный. Камское водохранилище (Камское море) делает его довольно влажным. Средняя температура января -15 С, а июля +18 С. Влажность - часто выше 80 процентов. Пермь занимает площадь в 720 кв. км. Город тянется вдоль Камы на 65 км. В Содружестве Независимых Государств Пермь уступает по величине только Москве и Киеву.

Население: 1 000 100 человек (перепись населения РФ 2002). Мужчин: 45,2%. Женщин: 54,8%.

Плотность населения - самая низкая среди городов-миллионеров. Речной вокзал, железнодорожные станции Пермь I и Пермь II, аэропорты Большое Савино и Бахаревка являются " воротами " города. Пермь - один из крупных промышленных, научных и культурных центров нашей страны.

Город обязан своим существованием В.Н. Татищеву (1686-1750), которого считают основателем Перми. Он был известным деятелем своего времени, сподвижником Петра Великого. Татищев был выдающимся горным инженером, историком и географом. В 1723 году именно он разработал проект и руководил строительством Егошихинского медеплавильного завода и основал заводской поселок возле речки Егошихи (или Ягошихи), притока Камы.

Очертания Перми изменяют многоэтажные здания. К числу самых красивых зданий принадлежит здание Камского пароходства (бывший дом пароходчика Н.В.Мешкова), которое отражает архитектуру 19 столетия. В отличие от этого здания конструкции Дворца творчества юных фонтан перед драматическим театром современные и очень необычные.

Наиболее впечатляющими памятниками являются монумент героя фронта и тыла в парке - эспланаде вдоль улицы Ленина, памятник В.И. Ленину в Комсомольском сквере и мемориальный комплекс в честь Уральского добровольческого танкового корпуса.

Пермь - один из культурных и научных центров страны. Университет (осн. в 1916, первое на Урале высшее учебное заведение), технический университет, институты: медицинский, сельскохозяйственный, фармацевтический, педагогический, искусств и культуры. НИИ Пермского научного центра Уральского отделения Российской АН и другие научно-исследовательские и проектно-конструкторские учреждения.

Пермь издавна славится музыкальными и театральными традициями. В 1806 здесь состоялся первый музыкальный спектакль, в 1878 сооружено каменное здание оперного театра, в 1895 была организована театральная дирекция, сменившая частную антрепризу. Ныне в Перми открыты театры: оперы и балета им. П.И. Чайковского (осн. в 1870), драматический (1927), кукол (1940), юного зрителя (1945). Мировой известностью пользуется пермская балетная школа (Хореографическое училище основано в 1945). Филармония. Цирк. Художественная галерея. Краеведческий музей.

Perm - the largest city of Prikamye, the centre of the Perm area. The city is located on the river Kama, in the geographical zone named "Vjatko-Kamskaja a taiga". From the point of view of economic geography, Perm is a part of the Ural economic region. Kama - the fourth on length the river of Europe. Its length makes 1805 km. The city is the important river port. Passenger steam-ships, cargo vessels and barges come to Perm from five seas. Quay of Kama near river station - one of the most picturesque places.

The city is surrounded by fine pine pine forests. A climate of Perm the continental. The Kamsky water basin (the Kamsky sea) does its damp enough. Average temperature of January-15 With, and July +18 S.Vlazhnost - are frequent above 80 percent. Perm occupies the space in 720 sq. km. The city lasts along Kama on 65 km. Perm concedes in the Commonwealth of Independent States on size only to Moscow and Kiev.

The population: 1 000 100 persons (population census of the Russian Federation 2002). Men: 45,2 %. Women: 54,8 %.

Population density - the lowest among cities-millionaires. The river station, railway stations Perm I and Perm II, the airports Big Savino and Baharevka are city "collars". Perm - one of the large industrial, scientific and cultural centres of our country.

Perm is a city in the east of the European part of Russia. The city was founded in 1723. Foundation day of Perm is 4 May, 1723. – Пермь – город на востоке европейской части России. Город основан в 1723 году. Днём основания Перми считается 4 мая 1723 года.

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Perm is a major research center. For example, the Perm State University – one of the oldest and largest universities in the Urals, was founded in 1916, there are trained more than eighteen thousand students. – Пермь — крупный научный центр. Например, Пермский государственный университет — один из старейших и крупнейших вузов на Урале, основан в 1916 году, в нём обучается более восемнадцати тысяч студентов.

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Perm Zoo appeared in the 20s of xx-th century. It is planned to combine it with the Biopark, create Victory Park, summer theater, themed rides and fitness area. – Зоопарк в Перми появился в 20-х годах ΧΧ-го века. Планируется совместить его с биопарком, создать Парк Победы, летний театр, тематические аттракционы и тренажёрную площадку.

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Perm Planetarium was built and commissioned in December 7, 1967. Then it was the only planetarium in the Urals. planetarium dome has become one of the symbols of Perm. Today Planetarium – this is one of the centers of the city of Perm Natural Sciences. – Пермский планетарий был построен и сдан в эксплуатацию 7 декабря 1967 года. Тогда это был единственный планетарий на Урале. Купол планетария стал одним из символов Перми. Сегодня планетарий — это один из центров естествознания города Перми

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The first theater in Perm (illusion) was opened in 1896 in the house V. Mikhailov. In 2011, in Perm operated 10 cinemas. – Первый в Перми кинотеатр (Иллюзион) был открыт в 1896 году в доме В. М. Михайловой. В 2011 году в Перми функционировало 10 кинотеатров.

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In the city center is located a live organ hall of the Perm Regional Philharmonic. – В центре города располагается концертный органный зал Пермской краевой филармонии.

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In Perm there are thirteen museums and a lot of installations, for example Perm Art Gallery. – В Перми находятся тринадцать музеев и множество инсталляций, например Пермская художественная галерея.

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In Perm located the Perm state circus acts, a building which was built in 1970. – В Перми Пермский государственный цирк, здание которого было построено в 1970 г.

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Диалог о Перми на английском языке

– We are first time arrived in Perm. What do you recommend we visit? (Мы впервые приехали в Пермь. Что вы посоветуете нам посетить?)
– In Perm there are many beautiful parks where you can spend time together. You can also go to the museum. (В Перми есть множество прекрасных парков, в которых можно провести время вместе. Еще можно сходить в музеи)
– What do you recommend to visit? (Что вы посоветуете посетить?)
– The zoo, art galleries and a planetarium. It will be interesting to the whole family. (Зоопарк, Художественную галерею и планетарий. Там будет интересно всей семье)
– What about something cheerful (А как насчет чего-нибудь веселого?)
– You can visit the cinema or the circus. Kids should like it. (Можно посетить кинотеатры или цирк. Детям это должно понравиться)
– Thanks for the advice! (Спасибо за совет!)

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Perm is my native city, so I want to tell you about it.

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Perm is my native city, so I want to tell you about it.

Perm is my native city, so I want to tell you about it.

Perm is in the European part of Russia near the Ural Mountains. Perm

Perm is in the European part of Russia near the Ural Mountains. Perm

Our city has a flag and its Coat of Arms. The strong, hardy and clever bear i.

Our city has a flag and its Coat of Arms. The strong, hardy and clever bear is one of inhabitants of the Ural forests, that is why the bear is taken into the Arms of Perm and the flag.

Vasily Tatishchev founded Perm in 1723.

Vasily Tatishchev founded Perm in 1723.

 The city of Perm is on the bank of the Kama River. The Kama is one of the de.

The city of Perm is on the bank of the Kama River. The Kama is one of the deepest and most picturesque rivers of Russia.

The Kama divides the city into two parts: the central part and the right bank.

The Kama divides the city into two parts: the central part and the right bank part. The city stretches for 70 kilometers along the Kama and 40 kilometers across it.

 Perm has a continental climate with warm summers and long, cold winters.

Perm has a continental climate with warm summers and long, cold winters.

Perm has its long history. There are many old buildings in it, for example, G.

Perm has its long history. There are many old buildings in it, for example, Gribushin House, Meshkov Mansion, Rotunda and others.

 Perm is famous for its State Art Gallery. It has outstanding collections of.

Perm is famous for its State Art Gallery. It has outstanding collections of art and the collection of wooden sculpture.

At weekends people can go to Perm circus, to Perm Planetarium, to Perm Zoo an.

At weekends people can go to Perm circus, to Perm Planetarium, to Perm Zoo and also to the cinemas. Perm Planetarium Perm Circus Perm Zoo

There are many temples in Perm. The most significant of them are Sludskaya .

There are many temples in Perm. The most significant of them are Sludskaya Church Feоdosievskaya Church All Saints Church Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Motherof God. Perm Mosque and others.

There are many monuments in our city: A Heart Memorial The monument to F. Kh.

There are many monuments in our city: A Heart Memorial The monument to F. Kh. Grahl

The monument to A. S.Pushkin The monument to B. Pasternak The monument to A.

The monument to A. S.Pushkin The monument to B. Pasternak The monument to A. P. Chekhov The monument to the Heroes of Front and Rear Stella to the Conquerors of Space

Some of these monuments are very funny. The monument to a plumber Permjak Sal.

Some of these monuments are very funny. The monument to a plumber Permjak Salty Ears Ivan Semyonov Apple

Perm is an industrial city. There are many factories and plants in our city.

Perm is an industrial city. There are many factories and plants in our city. They produce many things from pins to engines for planes. Many engineers , workers work there.

Young people study at schools and colleges. There are three universities and.

Young people study at schools and colleges. There are three universities and three academies in Perm. I love my city very much.

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Perm Presentation byZverev Venyamin

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Perm Presentation byZverev Venyamin

Perm is the most easterly city in Europe situated on the border of Europe and As

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Perm is the most easterly city in Europe situated on the border of Europe and Asia. It is the administrative centre of the Perm region.

Perm occupies 799.68 sq.km. It is the third largest Russian city after Moscow an

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Perm occupies 799.68 sq.km. It is the third largest Russian city after Moscow and Saint-Petersburg.

Perm is a major rail junction connecting Siberia and the Far East with the Europ

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Perm is a major rail junction connecting Siberia and the Far East with the European part of the country.

Perm is located on the Kama river, the fifth largest river in Europe after the V

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Perm is located on the Kama river, the fifth largest river in Europe after the Volga, the Danube, the Ural and the Dnieper.

Recognizable Perm There are over a dozen of phrases with the word Perm. These ph

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Recognizable Perm There are over a dozen of phrases with the word Perm. These phrases reflect originality, viability and creativity of the Perm region and its people. Permian Period There is a Permian age in the history of the Earth. About three hundred million years ago, most of the region was covered by sea, which left huge deposits of limestone. The limestone was subsequently transformed by the action of water into a typical karst formation characterized by the abundance of caves, grottos, and deep lakes.

Perm Animal Style The cast metal objects known as the Perm animal style date fro

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Perm Animal Style The cast metal objects known as the Perm animal style date from the early Iron Age to the Middle Ages. Some were used by the ancient Ural peoples to decorate their clothing, or as protective amulets, or in religious rituals.

The most popular subjects were bears, horses, elk, birds, fish and chimera.

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The most popular subjects were bears, horses, elk, birds, fish and chimera.

Perm Gods Perm Wooden Religious Sculpture collection spans the period of the lat

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Perm Gods Perm Wooden Religious Sculpture collection spans the period of the late 17th - early 20th century. The collection is unique because of its integrity - all items were brought here from different churches of the Perm region.

The collection numbers about 600 items.

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The collection numbers about 600 items.

Perm Culture Perm opera and ballet theatre Perm opera and ballet theatre is the

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Perm Culture Perm opera and ballet theatre Perm opera and ballet theatre is the oldest theatre of the city and one of the oldest theatres in Russia. It is a symbol of Perm Krai. It became world famous after having created its own ballet school.

Serguei Diaghilev The famous theatre figure Serguei Diaghilev spent his childhoo

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Serguei Diaghilev The famous theatre figure Serguei Diaghilev spent his childhood and adolescence in Perm. He spread the fame of Russian art in Europe, organized exhibitions for artists. Diaghilev's Russian Seasons (Les Ballets Russes) in Paris in the beginning of the 20th century fixed the names of our ballet dancers in the history of the world culture.

Science Perm has a well trained and skilled young population due to availability

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Science Perm has a well trained and skilled young population due to availability of many institutions of higher education.

Besides, in Perm there are more than 30 research institutes such as the Institut

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Besides, in Perm there are more than 30 research institutes such as the Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms, the Heart Institute.

Perm Centre of the Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences supervises t

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Perm Centre of the Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences supervises the research activity in the Perm Region.

Our town is beautiful and interesting. I love my city very much.

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