Сочинение про остров на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

One of the world's most famous yet least visited archaeological sites, Easter Island is a small, hilly, now treeless island of volcanic origin. Located in the Pacific Ocean at 27 degrees south of the equator, some 2200 miles (3600 kilometers) off the coast of Chile, the island is 63 square miles in size and has extinct volcanoes rising to 1500 feet.

In the early 1950s, the Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl (famous for his Kon-Tiki raft voyages across the oceans) popularized the idea that the island, called Rapa Nui by the natives, had been originally settled by advanced societies of Indians from the coast of South America. Extensive archaeological, ethnographic, and linguistic research has conclusively shown this hypothesis to be inaccurate. It is now recognized that the original inhabitants of Easter Island are of Polynesian stock (DNA extracts from skeletons have recently confirmed this), that they most probably came from the Marquesas or Society islands, and that they arrived around AD 380 to 400. At the time of their arrival, the island was entirely covered in thick forests and was teeming with land birds. It was the richest seabird breeding site in Polynesia and probably in the whole Pacific. Within a matter of centuries this profusion of wildlife was entirely destroyed by the islanders' way of life. The reasons are today eminently clear. It is estimated that the original colonists, who were quite probably lost at sea, arrived in just a few canoes and numbered fewer than 100. Because of the plentiful bird, fish, and plant food sources, the population grew rapidly and gave rise to a rich religious and artistic culture. However, the resource needs of the growing population inevitably outpaced the island's capacity to renew itself ecologically and the ensuing environmental degradation triggered a social and cultural collapse. Pollen records show that the destruction of the forests was well under way by the year 800, just a few centuries after the start of the first settlement. These forest trees were extremely important to the islanders, being used for fuel, for the construction of houses and ocean-fishing canoes, and as rollers for transporting the great stone statues. By the 1400s the forests had been entirely cut, the rich ground cover had eroded away, the springs had dried up, and the vast flocks of birds coming to roost on the island had long since disappeared. With no logs to build canoes for offshore fishing, with depleted bird and wildlife food sources, and with declining crop yields because of the erosion of good soil, the nutritional intake of the people plummeted. First famine, then cannibalism, set in. Because the island could no longer feed the chiefs, bureaucrats, and priests who kept the complex society running, chaos resulted, and by 1700 the population dropped to between one-quarter and one-tenth of its former number. During the mid 1700s rival clans began to topple each other's stone statues. By 1864 the last of the statues was thrown down and desecrated.

Easter Island was unknown to Europeans until 1722 when it was accidentally sailed upon by the Dutch admiral, Jacob Roggeveen, on Easter Day. The barren lands and social strife that Roggeveen first recorded make it difficult to imagine the extraordinary culture that had flowered on the island during the previous 1400 years. That culture's most famous features are its enormous stone statues called moai, more than 200 of which once stood upon massive stone platforms called ahu. At least 700 more moai statues, in various stages of completion, are scattered around the island, either in quarries or along ancient roads between the quarries and the coastal areas where the statues were most often erected. Nearly all the moai are carved from the tough stone of the Rano Raraku volcano. The average statue is 14 feet, 6 inches tall and weighs 14 tons; some moai were as large as 33 feet and weighed more than 80 tons (one statue only partially quarried from the bedrock was 65 feet long and would have weighed an estimated 270 tons). The moai and ahu were in use as early as AD 700, but the great majority were carved and erected between AD 1000 and 1500. Depending upon the size of the statue, between 50 and 150 people were needed to drag it across the countryside on sleds and rollers made from the island's trees. While many of the statues were toppled during the clan wars of the 1600 and 1700s, other statues fell over and cracked while being transported across the island. Recent research has shown that certain statue sites, particularly the most important ones with great ahu platforms, were periodically ritually dismantled and reassembled with ever larger statues. A small number of the moai were once capped with "crowns" or "hats" of red volcanic stone. The meaning and purpose of these capstones is not known, but archaeologists have suggested that the moai thus marked were of pan-island ritual significance or perhaps sacred to a particular clan. Scholars are unable to definitively explain the function and use of the moai statues. It is assumed that their carving and erection derived from an idea rooted in similar practices found elsewhere in Polynesia but which evolved in a unique way on Easter Island. Archaeological and iconographic analysis indicates that the statue cult was based on an ideology of male, lineage-based authority incorporating anthropomorphic symbolism. The statues were thus symbols of authority and power, both religious and political. But they were not only symbols. To the people who erected and used them, they were actual repositories of sacred spirit. All carved objects in ancient Polynesian religions were, when properly fashioned and ritually prepared, believed to be charged by a magical spiritual essence called mana. The ahu platforms of Easter Island were the sanctuaries of the people of Rapa Nui, and the moai statues were the ritually charged sacred objects of those sanctuaries. While the statues have been toppled and re-erected over the centuries, and while great social and environmental calamity afflicted the island, the mana or spiritual presence of Rapa Nui is still strongly present at the ahu sites and atop the sacred volcanoes.

Last year I spent my holidays in Tenerife. I would like to tell about this journey.The Canary Islands are located in the Atlantic Ocean not far from the coast of Morocco. The archipelago consists of 7 islands. The Canary Islands are renowned for their hot climate. Tourists come here all year round.

One of the most popular islands is Tenerife. It is also the largest one. Beaches with black sand are one of the main features of this island. The highest mountain isTeide volcano. Its snow-capped top can be seen from anywhere on the island.

There are a lot of typical Spanish villages and lively resort towns on the island. Las Americas is a very popular place. There are a lot of small side streets where one can buy souvenirs and relax with a cup of coffee in a cosy family-run cafe. There are palm trees growing along main roads and little paved squares which create a special welcoming atmosphere.

There are famous pyramids of Güímar on the island. Los Gigantes is a very scenic place. There are a lot of cruise boats in numerous ports and harbours. They will take you to the open sea. If you are lucky you will be able to watch whales and dolphins. There are also some zoos and waterparks where both children and adults will have fun. Journey to Tenerife is definitely the one to remember.

Перевод на русский язык

В прошлом году я провел каникулы на Тенерифе. Я бы хотел рассказать об этом путешествии. Канарские острова находятся в Атлантическом океане, недалеко от побережья Марокко. Архипелаг состоит из 7 островов. Канарские острова знамениты своим жарким климатом. Сюда едут туристы со всего мира.

Одним из популярных островов является Тенерифе. Он также самый большой. Пляжи с черным песком являются одной из главных особенностей этого острова. Самая высокая гора – вулкан Тейде. Его снежную вершину можно увидеть с любой точки острова.

На острове есть много типичных испанских деревушек и оживленных курортных городков. Лас-Америкас – очень популярное место. В городе много маленьких переулков, где можно купить сувениры и расслабиться за чашкой кофе в уютном семейном кафе. Вдоль главных улиц растут пальмы, а маленькие мощеные площади создают особую атмосферу гостеприимства.

The Hawaiian islands were formed volcanic eruptions that pushed molten rock. One of these volcanoes, Mauna Loa,still erupts sometimes, with spectacular explosions of lava. During the early nineteenth century, the island became unified under a single king. There was great demand for labor on the sugar and pineapple plantations. The native Hawaiians mixed with people from places such as Japan, Korea, China, the Philippines.

Гавайские островах были образованы путем вулканических извержений, которые вытолкнули расплавленную породу. Один из этих вулканов, Мауна-Лоа, до сих пор иногда извергается с захватывающими взрывами лавы. В начале девятнадцатого века остров стал единым под властью единого короля. На сахарных и ананасовых плантациях был большой спрос на рабочую силу. Коренные гавайцы смешались с людьми из таких мест, как Япония, Корея, Китай, Филиппины.


Of the fifty states in the united states,forty nine are located on the mainland of north america.The other state is hawaii,which consist of several islands in the middle of the pacific ocean.Hawai is known as an especially beatiful and interesting place.

Из пятидесяти штатов США сорок девять расположены на материковой части Северной Америки. Другой штат — Гавайи, состоящий из нескольких островов посреди Тихого океана. Гаваи известны как особенно красивое и интересное место.

The air above mauna kea is so clear and thin that The islands of hawaii are located in the tropics,and they are known for their beatiful weather.The temperatures are usually in the range of 20 to 30 degress celcius,and the days are usually sunny.This weather allows people to enjoy swimming and surfing on the beatiful beaches of hawaii.Despite the sunshine,most of the islands also receive enough rainfall to support many beatiful flowers and trees.

Воздух над мауна-кеа настолько чистый и разреженный, что гавайские острова расположенные в тропиках известны своей прекрасной погодой: температура обычно колеблется от 20 до 30 градусов по Цельсию, а дни обычно солнечные. Такая погода позволяет людям наслаждаться плаванием и серфингом на прекрасных пляжах Гавайев. Несмотря на солнечный свет, на большинстве островов также выпадает достаточно осадков, чтобы поддержать множество красивых цветов и деревьев.

The first people to live in hawaii were polynesian groups who arrived from other islands in the pacific,well over 1000 years ago.The islands were visited by european explorers during the late eighteenth century.During the early nineteeenth century,the islands became unified under a single king.However,during this time,many hawaiians died from diseases that were brought by european and american visitors.The hawaiian islands are excellent places for growing sugar cane and pineapples.

Первыми людьми, которые поселились на Гавайях, были группы полинезийцев, прибывшие с других островов Тихого океана более 1000 лет назад. Острова посещали европейские исследователи в конце восемнадцатого века. В начале девятнадцатого века острова были объединены под властью. Однако за это время многие гавайцы умерли от болезней, принесенных европейцами и американцами. Гавайские острова — отличные места для выращивания сахарного тростника и ананасов.

People came to hawaii from many lands,and hawaii became a place of many cultures.The native hawaiians mixed with people from places such as japan,china,korea,the philippines,portugal,and puerto rico,as well as the mainland united states.Today,many hawaiians can claim a diverse heritage.in 1959,hawaii became th 50.th state of the united states,with the city of honolulu as its capital.Today,there are more than one million people in hawaii,more than half of whom live in honolulu.Each year,many people visit hawaii as tourists,to experience the beauty of these islands.

Люди приехали на Гавайи из многих стран, и Гавайи стали местом многих культур. Коренные гавайцы смешались с людьми из таких мест, как Япония, Китай, Корея, Филиппины, Португалия и Пуэрто-Рико, а также с континентальной части Соединенных Штатов. Сегодня многие гавайцы могут претендовать на разнообразное наследие. В 1959 году Гавайи стали 50-м штатом Соединенных Штатов со столицей в городе Гонолулу. Сегодня на Гавайях проживает более миллиона человек, то есть более половины всего населения. которые живут в Гонолулу. Каждый год многие люди посещают Гавайи в качестве туристов, чтобы ощутить красоту этих островов.

Написать про остров ( свой, придуманный либо настоящий ) на английском.

Мой придуманный остров.

Далеко от нас, в Северном Ледовитом океане, есть остров, который называется - 'Мороженое.

' Никто не знает о его существовании, кроме детей.

Каждый малыш мечтает туда попасть.

Вместо земли там - снег и лёд.

Вместо цветов - рожки с мороженым.

Дома там некоторые из пломбира.

В общем остров - мечта детей.

My invented island.

Far away, in the North Arctic Ocean, there is an island called, 'Ice Cream.

' Nobody knows about its existence, except for children.

Every kid wants to get there.

Instead of the land there is snow and ice.

Instead of flowers there are ice cream cones.

Some houses are made of ice cream there.

On the whole, this island is a dream of many children.

Для 5 класса Написать по - английски 3 предложения в простом настоящем времени - положительная форма?

Для 5 класса Написать по - английски 3 предложения в простом настоящем времени - положительная форма.

Написать по - английски 3 предложения в простом настоящем времени - отрицательная форма.

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Помогите перевести словосочетание с русского на английский!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - уставать от чего - либо, искать что - либо - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Пожалуйста постарайтесь правильно написать).

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Помогите написать сочинение о каком либо спорте на английском.

Придумать свой девиз(по английски)?

Придумать свой девиз(по английски).

Написать короткую электронную почту своему другу о том, что вы и ваша семья делаете дома сегодня?

Написать короткую электронную почту своему другу о том, что вы и ваша семья делаете дома сегодня.

По английски настоящее длительное время.

Помогите, пожалуйста, написать репортаж на английском языке о какой - либо достопримечательности?

Помогите, пожалуйста, написать репортаж на английском языке о какой - либо достопримечательности.

Написать рассказ про войну в какой - либо стране по английскому языку?

Написать рассказ про войну в какой - либо стране по английскому языку.

Придумать и написать три предложения в простом настоящем времени на английском И поставить их в положительной отрицательной и вопросительной форме?

Придумать и написать три предложения в простом настоящем времени на английском И поставить их в положительной отрицательной и вопросительной форме.

Придумать 5 вопросов про дома в настоящем времени на английском?

Придумать 5 вопросов про дома в настоящем времени на английском.

Помогите придумать рассказ про необычный остров на английском языке для 5 класса?

Помогите придумать рассказ про необычный остров на английском языке для 5 класса.

1. We must do every exercises. We must do homework. We must read topics. We must speak on English. We must learn English words. 2. We must not speak with friends. We must not play with toys. We must not do everythink what we want. We must not..

I drank water this morning.

I living without TV several years and it is good life. I don't like TV programs, I think they are so boring! I like YouTube and computers, it is 2017 year and now people watching TV very rarely.

This flower is beautiful. This is a flower. That is dog. That dog is big. There is pencil. There are pencils sharp. Those are fruit trees. Those fruit trees are young.

This is a bad school.

Настоящее время прошедшее время всегда. Каждый день. Делать уметь am. Is. are(спряжение to be в present simple).

1 - f 2 - b 3 - e 4 - d 5 - a 6 - c aaaaāksjdjdjdjsjjsjsj.

1f 2d 3e 4a 5b 6c.

Largest , biggest, has built, didn't want, are а остальные ты неправильно перепечал(а) я не могу понять где точки и где скобки.

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