Сочинение про олимпийский парк в сочи на английском

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

If you think Russia is all about snow and cold weather, you can be wrong. You can enjoy a warm sunny beach holiday in Sochi. — Если вы думаете, что в России везде снег и холодная погода, вы ошибаетесь. Вы можете насладиться отдыхом на теплом, солнечном пляже в Сочи.

Spotlight on Russia visits Sochi — the resort capital of Russia. — Spotlight on Russia едет в Сочи — столица отдыха в России

The city of Sochi is a popular Russian holiday resort on the Black Sea coast. It is about 1.600 miles south of Moscow. The city is famous for its warm weather, beautiful landscapes, golden beaches and health spas.

Every summer, more than 6 million visitors from Russia and abroad spend I heir holidays there. People travel to Sochi by both air and sea. It has got an international airport with flights to most major Russian cities, as well as Europe. Its port has a direct sea link with Turkey, Greece, Georgia and Ukraine. It became more beautiful after the Olympic Games in 2014.

Most tourists visit the city in the summer, but the winter season attracts skiers to the Krasnaya Polyana resort. As well as skiing, visitors can enjoy hunting, fishing and mountain climbing. There are also lots of festivals in Sochi and every year in June there is the international film festival. In the evening, Sochi is alive with colourful street cafe and restaurants where you can eat delicious food at reasonable prices.

Sochi is a city that has got something to offer everyone. Whether you want to spend time on the ski slopes or at the beach, Sochi is the ideal choice for you.

Город Сочи очень популярен для отдыха в России на побережье Черного моря. Он примерно в 1,6 тысячах милях южнее Москвы. Город знаменит своей теплой погодой, красивым ландшафтом, золотыми пляжами и спа.

Сочи — это город в котором есть все для каждого. Хотите ли вы провести свободное время, катаясь на лыжах или на пляже, Сочи — идеальный выбор для вас.

What impressed you most about Sochi? — Что вас впечатлило больше всего в Сочи?

What impressed me most about Sochi is that it offers exciting holiday activities both in the summer and in the winter. — Что меня больше всего впечатляет в Сочи, это то, что город предлагает увлекательный отдых и зимой и летом.

What else do you know about Sochi? — Что еще вы знаете о Сочи?

I know that Sochi is one of the sports capitals of Russia. Sochi hosted the Olympic Winter Games in 2014, as well as the Formula 1 Russian Grand Prix from 2014. It was also one of the host cities for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. — Я знаю, что Сочи — одна из спортивных столиц России. Сочи принимала Зимние Олимпийские игры в 2014 году и проводила этап Формулы 1 с 2014 года. Также город был одним из городов-участников Чемпионата мира по футболу 2018 года.

Collect information on another holiday resort in your country and write an article about it. Write about: home, location, what famous for, activities one can do, recommendation — Соберите информацию о еще одном курорте в вашей стране и напишите статью об этом. Напишите о доме, местоположении, чем знаменит, что можно делать, рекомендации.

Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world and a very popular skiing resort in Russia. It is located in Siberia near the Mongolian border and it is surrounded by mountains, forests and wild rivers. Baikal is a large area of breathtaking beauty. A lot of tourists visit the region every year to enjoy skiing and other outdoor activities such as hiking, climbing, whitewater sports and nature photography. Baikal is a dream world and an ideal holiday destination!

Озеро Байкал — самое глубокое озеро в мире и очень популярный лыжный курорт в России. Оно располагается в Сибири около границы с Монголией и окружено горами, лесами и бурными реками. Байкал — очень большое озеро захватывающей красоты. Множество туристов посещают этот регион каждый год, чтобы насладиться катанием на лыжах и другими видами отдыха, такими как поход, скалолазание, рафтинг и фотографирование живой природы. Байкал — это мечта и идеальное направление для отдыха.

What was your best holiday? Write in and tell us about it. — Каким был ваш лучший отдых? Напишите и расскажите нам об этом.

My best holiday

Two years ago I visited Paris with my family. We spent five days there and we had a wonderful time. We stayed in a beautiful hotel in the city centre and we did lots of sightseeing and shopping. We walked down the Champs Elysees and we saw the Arc de Triomphe (The Triumph Arch). We enjoyed an amazing view of the city from the top of the Eiffel Tower, spent a day in the Louver and had coffee at the little coffee shops in Montmartre. We also went on a day trip to Euro Disney, where we had the time of our lives with our favourite cartoon characters! This was the best holiday I had ever had!

Мой лучший отпуск

Два года назад я был в Париже с семьей. Мы провели там пять дней и прекрасно отдохнули. Мы остановились в красивом отеле в центре города, посмотрели много достопримечательностей и посетили много магазинов. Мы гуляли по Елисейским полям и видели Триумфальную Арку. Мы наслаждались восхитительным видом на город с высоты Эйфелевой башни, провели день в Лувре и пили кофе в маленьком кафе на Монмартре. Мы также ходили в Евро Дисней парк, где мы провели время с нашими любимыми мультипликационными персонажами! Это был лучший отпуск, который у меня был.

Olympic Games XXII were opened in Sochi in February 7 in 2014. It is the second Olympiad for Russia. The first one was in 1980. The difference is that there were summer Olympic Games in 1980 and winter games in 2014. But the whole country worried about this event and supported our sportsmen.

In the beginning it was not really clear why Russian summer city had become a city for winter Olympic Games. But it’s another reason to be proud of Sochi. The Olympic Games 2014 were set in two main zones: “Krasnaya Poliana” and “Rosa Hutor”. And in the center of city a huge park was built for skating, hockey and all kind of sport that need closed spase.

Olympic park had few zones. These zones were divided for different kind of sport and also there was Olympic village.

Olympiad had been lasting for 17 days. Totally 92 medals were played out in 15 kind of sport. Olympic Games in Sochi had a symbol with three animals. They were a polar bear, a hare and a leopard. And popular Russian singers sang the anthem.

In general I think it was a big step to a better future. Our country always have many tourists and guests. But in 2014 Russia had been visited by million of people. I think Russia has earned a lot of money. But also Olympiad here is a sign that our country is powerful and popular.

I haven’t been on this event but I watched it on TV. There were really a lot of people from all over the world. I hope our country will have a chance to host Olympic Games again soon and I will definitely go there. I think this is a historical event and we have to be proud about it and our sportsmen who represent our country.

Олимпиада в Сочи 2014

XXII Олимпийские Игры были проведены в Сочи 7 февраля 2014 года. Это вторая по счету Олимпиада, которая прошла в России. Самая первая была проведена в 1980 года. Разница между ними заключается в том, что в 1980 году проходили летние Олимпийские Игры, а в 2014 прошли зимние игры. Но вся страна волновалась по поводу игр и поддерживала наших спортсменов.

Вначале было не совсем понятно, почему российский летний город стал центром проведения зимних Олимпийских Игр. Хотя, для нас это очередной повод гордится родным Сочи.

Олимпийские Игры 2014 проходили в двух основных зонах- Красная Поляна и Роза Хутор. А в центре города был возведён огромный олимпийский парк для соревнований по фигурному катанию, хоккею и всем другим видам спорта, которые должны проходить в закрытом пространстве.

Олимпийский парк представлял собой несколько зон. Эти зоны были поделены для разных видов спорта, а также была построена олимпийская деревня.

Олимпиада проходила на протяжении 17 дней. Всего было разыграно 92 медали в 15 разных видах спорта. Символом Олимпийских Игр в Сочи стали 3 животных. Это белый медведь, заяц и леопард. А российская эстрада исполнила гимн Олимпийских Игр.

Вообще я считаю, что это стало огромным шагом в лучшее будущее. В нашей стране всегда было много гостей и туристов. А в 2014 году Россию посетило более миллиона человек. Я думаю, страна заработала немалые деньги. Ну а сама Олимпиада стала знаком того, что Россия могущественная и популярная держава.

Я сама лично не присутствовала на этом событие, но смотрела все по телевизору. Там и правда было много людей со всего мира. Надеюсь, однажды Россия снова получит возможность проводить Олимпиаду и тогда я точно отправлюсь туда. Я думаю, что это историческое событие и мы должны гордиться этим. А ещё должны гордиться нашими спортсменами, которые представляли нашу страну.

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"Faster, higher, stronger".

Hot. Cool. Yours. ( Жаркие . Зимние . Твои .)

My interest in sport is great. I always was fond of different kinds of sport and enjoyed watching them on TV. As for me, the Olympic Games are the world’s brightest sporting event.

Hundreds of athletes dream of participating in them. Those who go up the Olympic pedestal become an example for millions of spectators. Their achievements remain in the history of sport and the Olympic movement forever.

The 2014 Olympic Winter Games will be the first time that the Russian Federation will have hosted the Winter Games. They are taking place in 7th February 2014 in Sochi, one of the most popular resorts of the Russian South. Sochi is ready to offer a memorable experience of excitement and lasting impression to sports fans around the world.

The previous Olympics used to be a sensation for the people of Russia and became a symbol of pure international friendship. That is why today many people already are optimistic about the games of 2014.

Putin said to domestic and foreign media: “Sochi visitors will see a new Russia. Russia will welcome all participants and guests of the Olympics irrespective of their sexuality”

The Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games will be the most compact Games in the history of the Olympic Movement.

The preparations for the Olympic Games began in Sochi in 2007 when it became clear that Russia would host them. Sochi has always been attractive for tourists. Situated on the shore of the Black Sea, the biggest Russian resort is known as the Pearl of the Russian South. It’s the warmest place in whole Russia loved by its fresh breezes and sunlit beaches.

The Winter Olympic Games give foreign tourists an astonishing opportunity to face the charms of Sochi.

I think the 2014 Games will help to transform Sochi from a place known to Russians as almost exclusively a summer resort, into a year-round resort of the highest international rank. Sochi will become an example of sustainable development for other Russian cities. Therefore, that is why today many people already are optimistic about the games of 2014.

Презентация на тему: " The Olympic games in Sochi Олимпийские игры в Сочи." — Транскрипт:

1 The Olympic games in Sochi Олимпийские игры в Сочи.

2 A White Hare A Snow Leopard A White Bear

3 Big Ice hockey arena will be the main palace during the Olympic Games. The Ice Palace, located in the Olympic Park, is designed for 12,000 spectators. Its putting into operation is planned for May 2012.

4 Olympic events in Sochi. - Олимпийские виды спорта Winter Olympic Events: Biathlon -Биатлон Bobsleigh -Бобслей Skeleton - Скелетон Curling - Кёрлинг Ice hockey- Хоккей на льду Tobogganning – Санный Спорт Figure skating- Фигурное катание Short-track- Шорт Трек Mountain skiing- Горные Лыжи Cross-country skiing- Лыжные гонки Ski Jumping- Прыжки с трамплина Freestyle – Фри Стайл Snowboarding- Сноуборд

6 Biathlon Биатлон For today the program of the Olympic winter games includes five events in biathlon for men and five for women: individual race, sprint, chase race, mass start relay race.

7 Toboggan (Luge) Санный спорт It is downhill racing on a sledge along a special route with artificial ice. The position on the back makes the body gravity control one of the most difficult elements.

9 SKI- JUMPING Прыжки на лыжах с трамплина At the Olympic games only men participate in ski-jumping.

10 NORDIC COMBINED - ЛЫЖНОЕ ДВОЕБОРЬЕ includes both ski-race and ski- jumps

11 CURLING – КЁРЛИНГ Only women can take part in it.

12 ICE-HOCKEY-ХОККЕЙ НА ЛЬДУ It is one of the most popular winter games in Russia, Canada, USA, Sweden, Switzerland and many other countries.

13 ICE – HOCKEY is a game for strong, fearful and creative men.

14 Figure skating Фигурное катание In the program of the Olympic games figure skating is distinguished by pair figure skating and dances on ice. In total 4 sets of awards are played out.

15 Individual competitions among men and women are also very interesting. Plushenko is a real leader in a Russian team.

16 Snowboarding Сноуборд Snowboarding includes six types of events: half pipe, parallel large slalom and snowboard-cross connect (men and women).

17 MOUNTAIN SKIING Alpine skiing was born in the ALPS

19 Freestyle Фристайл Ski acrobatics and ski-cross are included into the program of the Olympic games in freestyle mogul. In each type of competitions both men, and women can take part.

21 Skeleton Скелетон Skeleton represents descending on a special route with artificial ice in a skeleton, a sledge with turbular runners on a hardened frame.

23 Bobsleigh Бобслей Bobsleigh represents downhill racing from mountains on special routes with artificial ice on controlled sledge (bobs). The program of the Olympic games includes three types of competitions: for men on two- and four-seater bobs, for women on dyadic beans. Thus, all 3 sets of awards are played out. Bodsleigh is downhill racing on a special sledge, a bob, along the artificial track.

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