Сочинение про нло на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

В этом диалоге мы говорим об инопланетянах (aliens) на английском языке. Уровень диалога B1-B2. Текст к видео доступен в формате PDF по ссылке в описании. Подписывайтесь на наш канал! Будем очень благодарны, если поставите лайк под видео!

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О пришельцах на английском языке

(1) Do you think there are aliens somewhere in the universe? — Как вы думаете, есть ли где-нибудь во Вселенной инопланетяне?

Absolutely. The universe is so huge. It’d be strange if we were the only forms of life.

(2) What do you think aliens look like? — Как вы думаете, как выглядят инопланетяне?

I don’t know. I think there are a lot of different kinds of aliens. Some of them might look similar to us, others might be absolutely different.

(3) Why do you think aliens in movies and comic books generally have a human shape and eyes? — Как вы думаете, почему инопланетяне в фильмах и комиксах обычно имеют человеческую форму и глаза?

From my point of view, it’s more interesting to watch aliens like that. If they were too different, movies wouldn’t be so successful.

(4) Do you think aliens are likely to be more or less intelligent than us? — Как вы думаете, инопланетяне могут быть более или менее умными, чем мы?

Both are possible. Some of them are more intelligent, the others are less. Most of them are more intelligent I think, because the Earth is a pretty young planet yet. So humans are a young race.

(5) Do you think aliens are likely to be friendly or unfriendly? — Как вы думаете, инопланетяне будут дружелюбны или недружелюбны?

We are still alive. So I guess they are friendly.

(6) Where do you think the idea of aliens from outer space came from? — Как вы думаете, откуда пришла идея пришельцев из космоса?

Space has always been attractive to people. So it’s quite obvious to think about aliens. I think the idea itself comes from the cinema industry.

(7) What are the aliens like in your culture’s movies and books? — На что похожи пришельцы в фильмах и книгах вашей культуры?

In soviet movies they look similar to people. To be honest, I haven’t seen many of them. Only “Kindzadza”. As for Russian movies, the latest one was “Sputnik” directed by Egor Abramenko. In that movie the alien was like some guest, that was living inside of a spaceman. A pretty good movie by the way. I was impressed.

(8) What do you think of people who say they have met or were kidnapped by aliens? — Что вы думаете о людях, которые говорят, что встречались или были похищены инопланетянами?

I have never met such people. So I don’t know really. I think that most of these stories are not true. Or those people are just crazy a little bit.

(9) What’s your favorite movie about aliens? — Какой ваш любимый фильм об инопланетянах?

“Alien” of course! The first one, directed by Ridley Scott. Also I like “Predator” with Arnold Schwarzenegger

(10) Do you think aliens would prefer to communicate with us? — Как вы думаете, инопланетяне предпочтут общаться с нами?

I think they would. They just can’t find us as well as we can’t find them. The universe is too big.

Rinat ——> Anya

(1) What would you say to an alien if you met one? — Что бы вы сказали инопланетянину, если бы встретили его?

I’d say “Don’t kill me please. I’m your friend!”

(2) What would you do if you saw a UFO in a field near your house? — Что бы вы сделали, если бы увидели НЛО в поле возле своего дома?

I would watch it in silence with a hope that they are friendly. It’d be scary.

(3) Do you think aliens might have lots of viruses that could wipe out the human race? — Как вы думаете, у инопланетян может быть много вирусов, которые могут уничтожить человечество?

I think it’s possible of course.

(4) If the secret service discovered an alien, do you think they would tell the general public? — Если бы секретная служба обнаружила инопланетянина, как вы думаете, они бы рассказали об этом широкой публике?

No, I think they wouldn’t. Secret service works on the government, and the government always hides something from other countries.

(5) Do you think aliens would be afraid of humans? — Как вы думаете, инопланетяне боялись бы людей?

I think not afraid, but curious. I think they are much more powerful than humans.

(6) If aliens visited Earth for a week, what do you think they should see to fully understand us and our achievements? — Если инопланетяне посетили Землю на неделю, как вы думаете, что они должны увидеть, чтобы полностью понять нас и наши достижения?

They should see our cosmodromes and spaceships. They also should visit our big cities with huge buildings and engineering. And they should definitely visit a theater.

(7) How likely is it we will ever be able to visit a planet that has aliens? — Насколько вероятно, что мы когда-нибудь сможем посетить планету, на которой обитают инопланетяне?

I think it’s possible in the distant future. Not in this century. That’s for sure. But it’d be so interesting.

(8) Do you think it’s worthwhile for your government to spend money on alien research or sending signals into space in case aliens are listening? — Как вы думаете, стоит ли вашему правительству тратить деньги на исследования инопланетян или на отправку сигналов в космос на случай, если инопланетяне подслушивают?

I think we shouldn’t disturb them.

(9) If an alien visited Earth, what would it say about our planet and people when it returned home? — Если бы на Земле побывал инопланетянин, что бы он сказал о нашей планете и людях, вернувшись домой?

I don’t know really. It depends on what exactly they would have seen. But they would definitely say that our planet is beautiful.

Hundreds of witnesses saw UFO. Most descriptions are identical. Eyewitnesses tell about triangles soundless moving into air with powerful searchlights in every corner and winking light in the middle.

The famous Roswell catastrophe fell on the 2 nd of July in 1947. It was a foul weather. The first thing which Breisel picked up from the land strokes him. Thin scrap, probably metal, but weightless at all. You can tread and bend it as you like but it receives the first form at once. On the black metal sheet Breisel disclosed somewhat as a hieroglyph. Perplexed farmer began to find things with enigmatic inscriptions among the broken pieces. The things were not few, one is rosy, and another is red. Sometimes inscriptions were drowning up like pillars as numerals for joining. Having loaded the jeep with broken pieces Breisel went back to the farm.

The first Breisel’s cousin Hollys Willson persuaded him to gather the broken pieces somewhat more and deliver it to the Roswell airbase.

The early morning on 3 of July 1947 on engineer of the State Service Greidy L. Barnett appeared on the desertly plain Sun – Augustine near the Magdalena town (state New-Mexico).

Looking around the plain, Barnett observed the dimly gleaming object. It was too big.

The archeologists come to the place of catastrophe almost at the same time They were producing excavations of the ancient Indian settlements.

The huge disk made from silver colored metal was lying on the ground.

Being cut in the sand, disk began to brake. There were lying strange bodies in different attitudes. Big hair less heads, small eyes. They have identical faces and clothes: gray suits without collars, seams, and lightnings. They have height of teens ten years old.

In the dark interior of the disk were another bodies. Hadn’t succeeded to contemplate any more. The military jeep drove up. Reluctant eyewitnesses were offered to go away. However, soldiers severely prevented: “Don’t relate about disk and newcomers, it is your patriotic duty”. In those days this phrase meant too much.

The Sun – Augustine plain is situated in the hundred with half miles from the Foster Place, where in the evening Breisel observed brightly flash, after which the house shuddered. And it would be alluring to attach the farm with the point on the Sun – Augustine plain on a map. The situation would be explained at once: the flying disk was struck by lightning over the Breisel territory. It lost a part of rigging and succeeds to overcome hundred and a half miles before cutting in the sand of the plain. The Pentagon took decision to interrupt all rumors about real catastrophe place of the disk. Roswell airbase will declare about the disk finding and Fort-Wart will refute it at once. The Pentagon must hide the disk.

On the 8 th of July the communication of disk finding appeared. At the same day the refutation followed. General Reimy demonstrated to journalists a meteozond in the Fort-Wart. Journalists are hurry to the Roswell airbase for colonel Blonchard interrogating. “Haw can his men entangle the meteozond with UFO ?” But there they were declared that regiment commander suddenly took a furlough.

The separated disk was delivered to railway by lorries, then, under tent, by train through Arizona to California in the Mohave Desert on the top-secret Murock base. Now this base is called Edwards. There are usually shuttles lands on it. UFOs manifested the highest interest to this base especially.

According to the words of the man, who was serving on the Right-Patterson base in 1966 – 1968, he saw the bodies of nine humanoids and the flying disk also. He had asserted that disks were keeping in the hangars of Langley (Virginia) and Macdill (Florida) airbases. He also communicated about mobile detachments, which must hold averaging UFOs.

On the 1 st of April 1968 two fishermen saw a huge strange formed ice-hole on the Sweden Uppraman lake. It was beat out the triangle formed ice-hole. The broken ice was scattered all over the lake. During the immersion on the lake bottom was disclosed the strange scaly material, the origin of which is unknown. During the investigation of the nearest lakes were disclosed the same huge ice-holes.

At the end of September in 1976 the Iran government addressed with a telegram to the USSR and USA governments. Iran asked for the incident over the Teheran, it fell on the 19 th of September. “Is it trying the American or Russian weapon?”

On the basis of analysis of all obtaining files it was concluded that the object, observing over the Teheran, wasn’t production of the modern Earth technology. According to words of the flight administration watchtower operators, the object was flying on 6000 feet height and it was winking red, blue and green colors in turns.

The report, written by American official persons, indicated that the electric system of board weapon of one of the flying machines lost the regime, when the pilot got ready to shot the UFO.

The electric system of those flying machines got the regime again when it turned away from the object.

The Majestic-12 operation.

The Majestic-12 operation is the top-secret operation of the experimental – investigation committee and search, accounting to the president of the USA immediately. Operations of the project realizing under the Majestic-12 group control, created on the basis of special president Truman’s edict on the 24 th of February in 1947, according to the Dr. Bush and minister Forrestol’s recommendations.

The magic numeral – 12 is the quantity number of the group members.

The head quarter of MJ-12 is situated in Washington sea-military observatory.

The MJ-12 committee played the role of main ufologist staff. It worked out and realized the UFO politics, according to the president approbation. The everyday observing laid upon the search-services.

On the 22 nd of May 1949 Forrestol rushed out from the hospital 16 th floor in the deep soul indisposition, with the scream: “They are here now!”

In the Kornell Sympson book “The James Forrestol death” is supposed, that politic opponents removed Forrestol.

“The Bureau must be informed about all UFO observing with your deductions. If the observing is important, you must write the report about the investigation. Army assured the Bureau in complete collaboration. In the event of the information you need would not be reserved for us, or you will be refused in the averaged disk looking, you must inform the Bureau”.

The Pentagon agreed with the conditions and FBI took part in UFO observing or for those people, who had seen it.

It was 1950. Two sky-destroyers “C-Hawk” of the Britain sea-military forces were accomplishing the plan patrol of the Northern Iceland. Suddenly one of the pilots saw the UFO. Commander took decision to attack the UFO, because it did not answer radio-inquiries. Having approached to the target on 300 meters both machines began shooting. The plate-formed object turned to fire sphere at once. The machines were palpable shuddered.

In 1969 the South African Republic destroyers got the command to attack the flying object which had invaded on the air wideness of the country. It was the plate-former object with the brightly gleaming windows, as described it one of pilots. Having got the distance of a rocket volley, four sky-destroyers shot. Two rockets stroke the target. The UFO disappeared in fire-cloud at once.

Beginning form the end of the 40-s UFOs are subjecting to attacks from air and from land regularly. Mostly that attacks fixed over the Ural, in the Far East and in Kazakhstan. Perfectly known that UFOs never attack foremost and what about defense…

In 1959 during the unsuccessful attack of four UFOs over Alaska, Americans lost two flying machines. One of pilots escaped. Later he related that his “Seybr” suddenly lost the regime and fell down to cork-crew. The pilot felt splitting headache and than he was out of senses. To his luck he succeeds to pluck the catapult lever.

The Britain air force pilot, who attacked UFO, related that rocket self liquidators executed as soon as rockets separated from his “Fantom”. It was stayed only on fire front part with the cabin from the sky destroyer. The pilot escaped only by miracle.

Mostly UFOs attack only rockets, approaching to it.

Having joined all evidences, we can do some deductions. UFOs are material and vulnerable objects. They do not use special armor for defense and burn from rockets. The UFO’s defense system is somewhat radio-electric weapon, influencing on electric equipment.

The last occurrence of the UFO attack fell on 1991, the “Desert storm” operation. The strange drop-formed object in the EL-Bachrak territory followed the American copter “Apache”. The object was moving on 200 meters height. The UFO changed the course after unsuccessful attack and disappeared at once.

In autumn 1999 Norwegian ship was in grazing collision with iceberg in cold waters near Greenland.

Nobody suffered. However, the captain was in flap having looked the iceberg: it was the part of a big disk frozen in the iceberg with durability. It was an excellently preserved UFO.

All over the world scholars - ufologists came to find place, near from the Greenland Scoresbisund town. They wanted to investigate the UFO. According to Gerd Stuber, Swede, words the UFO construction and technologies are excelling all world inventions.

The investigator learned the UFO centimeter by centimeter. It was cleared up that the crew of fine ufonouts was managing the disk, but UFO lost the regime and cut in the iceberg by some reasons. The tracks of newcomers are not discovered.

Now nothing can explain the catastrophe.

The scholar-physicist Robert Lazar asserted, that he was working at the sea forces secret object in Nevada, where learn and try the UFO technology. Bob Lazar words:

“If we represent the space as a matter scrap and if the light speed is the limit, that it will be required too much time to fall in point B from point A, even with the light speed.

You cannot exceed the light speed. Nevertheless, let imagine that you are in the spaceship, which can produce the powerful gravitation it self. In that case, somewhere you are, it is enough to power the gravitation to strengthen and twist off the wideness – time. Then the generator switched, only light fillip, and you are far from that place, where you are just now. The time is not ticked away, because you switched it.

In consequence with many stories, it asserted the opinion that the holded UFO technologies are kept in the 18A hangar of zone B of the Right-Patterson airbase. To the press representatives questions Pentagon answers monosyllabically: “The 18A hangar of zone B in the Right-Patterson airbase is absent”.

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Данная тема является актуальной уже в течение многих лет. Не смотря на это, интерес подростков ко всему загадочному и необычному не поддерживается почти ни одним автором учебников, хотя разнообразных УМК огромное множество. Этот текст не только помомжет удовлетворить любопытство учащихся к неопознанным летающим объектам, но и помочь сформировать навыки говорения.

What Is a UFO?

The information Bulletin of the American UFO scientific center warns what people can see in the sky. It describes these objects as clearly outlined lights of red, orange or white colours. The objects are either oval or disk-like in shape and have a metallic glitter. They disappear at great speed. The bulletin writes about three kinds of encounters with the UFOs. The first one is connected with people’s observations of the UFOs in the air. The others include some signs of interaction with the environment like initiating car driving, leaving marks on the ground or even meetings with pilots of the UFOs, so called “humanoids”.

Russian journalist Nickolai Lebedev reported on a “flying saucer” accident in 1988. He also published some articles giving the details of the UFOs’ pilots appearance. “They are 1.2 metres tall. Instead of a nose there is a slight protuberance with one or two holes. There are four fingers on every hand with skin membrane between them. Their skin is grey and thin.”

Nowadays there are also a lot of publications about UFOs. Much of the public believes that UFOs are alien spacecraft. Today, “believers” are talking about actual alien contact, with alien bases on the Moon and Mars, and their concerns receive reinforcement from radio, TV, and Internet blogs.

On one level UFOs are real, of course; many people occasionally see objects in the sky that are not immediately identifiable as planes, balloons, planets, stars, or unusual atmospheric phenomena. But if UFOs are alien spacecraft visiting Earth, then it seems reasonable that evidence of alien civilizations might be seen by astronomers or the radio signals from alien spacecraft might be picked up by the sensitive receivers we use to communicate with our own spacecraft. Perhaps astronauts who venture into space would be among the first to make reliable observations of alien spacecraft or artifacts. Perhaps we should look for alien bases on other worlds.

How does American scientific center describe UFOs?

Do you think encounters with UFOs can be dangerous for people?

How did Russian journalist describe UFOs’ pilots’ appearance?

Why do television, radio, internet blogs reinforce talking about alien contacts?

Do you believe in other worlds’ existence? Do other civilizations try to contact with population of the Earth?

The night was cold, a thick fog hung outside, which I could see from my window. In the moonlight, the fog appeared like clouds descending on the earth.

How I wished I could go out and be amongst the clouds, but here I was trying to catch some sleep, which was eluding me .My mother had just put me to bed wishing me sweet dreams, but sleep was miles away from me.

I paced the floor up and down, clutching the shawl to myself and switched on the Television to see if there was any interesting programme on the channel. The Movie ‘Mars Attacks ‘was being aired, of which I had read good reviews in the press. It was an exciting movie about strange unpredictable creatures from Mars landing on earth. They were welcomed by the American public, to be later annihilated by a mere misunderstanding of releasing a pigeon, as a gesture of peace.

The wanton destruction they brought about, ultimately to flee on hearing a typical classical music. The movie kept me spell bound. After it was over, I stretched myself on the bed and fell fast asleep.

There was a knock on my door; I woke up to see before me a strange looking boy, with two antenna like objects sticking out of his head over a hairy body. His owl like round eyes resembled the characters I had just seen from Mars. I screamed in fright, but he said something in an alien language and gesticulated with his hands, indicating that he meant no harm. I stared at him in disbelief unable to even scream.

Sensing that I was frightened, he gave me a translator to put on my ears that would allow me to understand his language. I hesitatingly agreed and learnt that he indeed had come from Mars. He wanted to take me to his friends and show me his planet. I politely refused, telling him that I had my Math’s exams the very next day and hence could not oblige. He extended his thin wiry like hand in friendship, but I was wary of him and chose to do namaste instead. Though he sounded friendly, I was scared for I knew not what would offend him.

He talked about life in Mars, telling me that it is much bigger than our planet earth, having its own solar system. They do not eat, for they survive on noble gases that are in abundance.

Seeing that I was impressed, he continued to brag about the superiority of his race. I bore with it for quite some time. However, unable to take it any longer, I politely requested him to let me sleep, for I had to wake up early, to attend school.
He reacted with alacrity. Snatching the translator from my hand, he pointed his gun at me and in a flash I was in flames .1 screamed with all my might “Help, Help, this boy from Mars has killed me.” I suddenly felt a splash of cold water on my face. Opening my eyes I saw my mother peering down at me, “What’s the matter son” said she. How relieved I was to realise, that it was all but a dream.

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