Сочинение про хиппи на английском

Обновлено: 04.07.2024



Subculture is a term used for social groups the representatives of which
have different behaviour, outlook on life, preferences and so on. They differ
from the representatives of the culture.

Субкультура – это термин, используемый
для социальных групп, представители которых имеют отличное от других
поведение, взгляд на жизнь, предпочтения и так далее. Они отличаются от
представителей культуры.

The representatives of the subculture have their own value system,
language, behavior, style, clothes and so on. Subculture can be formed on
national, professional and many other bases. The most popular subcultures are
those the representatives of which are the youth.

У представителей субкультуры существует
своя система ценностей, язык, поведение, стиль, одежда и т.д. Субкультура
может формироваться на национальной, профессиональной и многих других
основах. Самыми популярными субкультурами являются те, представителем которых
является молодежь.

Subculture can be based on
musical, art or political preferences and so on. Very often subculture
differentiates itself from the culture. Sometimes it can be aggressive.
Special style and behavior help to differentiate the representatives of
subculture from the representatives of culture. Besides, it helps to show
people their outlook on life.

Субкультура может основываться на
музыкальных, художественных или политических предпочтениях. Очень часто
субкультура отделяет себя от культуры. Иногда она может быть агрессивной.
Особый стиль и поведение помогают отличить представителей субкультуры от
представителей культуры. Кроме того, это помогает им показывать людям свой
взгляд на жизнь.

Sometimes some parts of subculture can become the part of culture. For example,
some clothes or shoes which are used by the representatives of subculture as
its peculiarity can be used by other people.

Иногда некоторые особенности
субкультуры могут стать частью культуры. Например, некоторая одежда или
обувь, которые используются представителями субкультуры в качестве ее
особенности, могут быть использованы другими людьми.

The most popular subcultures are based on musical preferences. The
musicians wear particular clothes, put on make-up and so on. In accordance
with it, the representatives of the particular musical subculture, for
example, choose clothes. So, the particular clothes become the peculiarity of
such subculture. The most popular musical subcultures are hippie, heavy metal
subculture, punk subculture, goth subculture, hip-hop and so on.

Самые популярные субкультуры основаны
на музыкальных предпочтениях. Музыканты носят определенную одежду, накладывают
макияж и т.д. В соответствии с этим, представители конкретной музыкальной
субкультуры, например, выбирают одежду. Итак, конкретная одежда становится
особенностью такой субкультуры. Самыми популярными музыкальными субкультурами
являются хиппи, металлисты, панки готы, хип-хоп и т.д.

Культура хиппи - одна из самых древних движений.Хиппи славятся мягкостью и не агрессивностью. Как известно, хиппи появились на свет в 60-е. Они призывали человечество любить друг друга, а не воевать, называли себя "детьми цветов",были против насилия .У хиппи за все время сложились настоящие традиции. И, наверное, самая грандиозная из них - "Собрание Радуги".Внешний вид хиппи - длинные распущенные волосы, джинсы, большой вязаный свитер, на руках “фенички” - самодельные браслеты или бусы. Проповедуют “свободную любовь” со всеми вытекающими последствиями .Главная идея хиппи - "Жизнь без насилия и в единстве с Матерью-Землей".Их лозунг ,,Мир во всем мире.

Hippy culture - one of the most famous ancient dvizheniy.Hippi soft and not aggressive. As you know, hippie evolved in the 60 - e. They urged humanity to love each other and not to fight, calling themselves "flower children" were against violence. U hippie ever have these traditions. And, perhaps, the most ambitious of them - "Rainbow Collection." Appearance hippie - disbanded long hair, jeans, heavy wool sweater, at the hands of "fenichki" - homemade bracelets and beads. Preach "free love" with all its consequences. Main idea of hippie - "Life without violence and in unity with Mother Earth." Their slogan, world peace ".

Culture of hippie is one of the most ancient movement. The hippie are famous for gentleness and unaggressive. The hippie came into the world in 60th years as is known. They called to humanity for love each other and don't fight, they identified themself "flower children", they were against violence. The hippie had real traditions for the whole time. And probably the one most grandiose of them is "Assembly of a rainbow". Appearance of hippie is long uncovered hair, jeans, a big jersey, whickies on hands - homemade bracelets or beads. They propogate "free love" with tha all ensuing consequences. The mane idea of hippie is "Life without violence and in unity with mother-ground". Their motto is "World peace".


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The hippie subculture was originally a youth movement that arose in the United S

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The hippie subculture was originally a youth movement that arose in the United States during the mid-1960s, swiftly spreading to other countries around the world.

Hippie fashions and values had a major effect on culture, influencing popular mu

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Hippie fashions and values had a major effect on culture, influencing popular music, television, film, literature, and the arts. Since the widespread movement in the 1960s, many aspects of hippie culture have been assimilated by mainstream society.

The religious and cultural diversity espoused by the hippies has gained widespre

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The religious and cultural diversity espoused by the hippies has gained widespread acceptance, and Eastern philosophy and spiritual concepts have reached a wide audience. From around 1967, its fundamental ethos — including harmony with nature, communal living, artistic experimentation particularly in music, and the widespread use of recreational drugs — spread around the world.

Sedgwick and 10,000 hippies came together in Manhattan for the Central Park Be-I

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Sedgwick and 10,000 hippies came together in Manhattan for the Central Park Be-In on Easter Sunday. On January 14, 1967, the outdoor Human Be-In organized by Michael Bowen helped to popularize hippie culture across the United States, with 20,000 hippies gathering in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park The Monterey Pop Festival from June 16 to June 18 introduced the rock music of the counterculture to a wide audience and marked the start of the "Summer of Love."

Many took to living on the street, panhandling and drug-dealing. There were prob

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Many took to living on the street, panhandling and drug-dealing. There were problems with malnourishment, disease, and drug addiction. Crime and violence skyrocketed. By the end of 1967, many of the hippies and musicians who initiated the Summer of Love had moved on. Misgivings about the hippie culture, particularly with regard to drug abuse and lenient morality, fueled the moral panics of the late 1960s.

As with other adolescent, white middle-class movements, deviant behavior of the

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As with other adolescent, white middle-class movements, deviant behavior of the hippies involved challenging the prevailing gender differences of their time: both men and women in the hippie movement wore jeans and maintained long hair, and both genders wore sandals or went barefoot. Men often wore beards, while women wore little or no makeup. Hippies often chose brightly colored clothing and wore unusual styles, such as bell-bottom pants, vests, tie-dyed garments, peasant blouses, and long, full skirts; non-Western inspired clothing with Native American, Asian, Indian, African and Latin American motifs were also popular. Much of hippie clothing was self-made in defiance of corporate culture, and hippies often purchased their clothes from flea markets and second-hand shops.

One of the symbols of the hippie movement is considered old minibus

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Slogans Hippie 60

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symbols hippie.

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Famous hippie: Foreign hippies :John Lennon Abbie Hoffman Joplin, Janice ; Baez,

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Famous hippie: Foreign hippies :John Lennon Abbie Hoffman Joplin, Janice ; Baez, Joan ; Kessadi Neil;Ouselaw;Morrison, Jim ;Hendrix, Jimmy;Jerry Rubin Domestic hippie: Anna Gerasimova (Umka), musician Eugene Chicherin, musician Yuri Morozov, musician, philosopher.Olga Arefieva, musician.Sergei Solmi, artist.Also mentioned in connection with the hippie movement:The Doors;Grateful Dead;Black Sabbath;Led Zeppelin;Helms, Chet;Ginsberg, Allen;Kesey, Ken;Aquarium

The end.

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The hippie subculture was originally a youth movement that arose in the United States during the mid-1960s and spread to other countries around the world.

Hippie spread in the West, and also in Australia, Mexico and Chile. Hippie fashions and values had a major effect on culture, influencing popular music , television, film, literature, and the arts.

Hippies believe: that people should be free; that freedom can be achieve only by changing the internal structure of the soul; the beauty and freedom are identical to each other and that the implementation one and the other is a purely spiritual problem; that spiritual community - an ideal form of the hostel that all who think otherwise are mistaken.

Lifestyle They don’t comfort to society’s standards, showing this by dressing in unusual clothes, having long hair and living in groups together. For them loving means accepting others as they are, giving freedom to do as one pleases and to go where the flow takes you.

Appearance It is not so difficult to look like a traditional hippie ~ a pair of worn-out blue jeans, long hair tied with strings and a couple of decorative chains. They have noticed that if you are wearing your long hair and your jeans are old, you have easier time on the road.

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