Сочинение про брянск на английском языке

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

В английский Брянск переводится как Bryansk . В переведенных предложениях Брянск встречается не менее 203 раз.


переводы Брянск


en city in Russia

21 июня выполнен первый в этом году авиарейс по маршруту Брянск-Анталия.

On the 21 of June the first to-year flight from Bryansk to Antalya took place.

en Bryansk, a city in Russia, administrative centre of Bryansk oblast.


ПРООН продолжает осуществление в Российской Федерации своего проекта по контролю качества воды и водоснабжению в зараженных районах в целях обеспечения безопасного водоснабжения в пострадавшей Брянской области

UNDP has continued its project in the Russian Federation on water quality evaluation and water availability in contaminated areas in order to ensure a safe water supply in the affected Bryansk region

The State Property Fund of Ukraine presented Bryansk Machine Building Plant (a member of Transmashholding, Russia) with an offer to terminate their contract on acquisition of 76% share in Luganskteplovoz [LTPL UZ] by agreement between the parties.

Крупные группировки советских войск были окружены южнее Брянска и в районе Вязьмы, прямо к западу от Москвы.

Large Soviet troop concentrations were encircled south of Bryansk and in the Viazma area due west of Moscow.

Затем с линии Брянск – Гомель Центральный фронт должен был перейти в наступление на Смоленск, Могилев.

Then from the Briansk – Gomel line, Central Front was to go on the offensive toward Smolensk and Mogilev.

Жители одного НП на территории Калужской области и 445 НП Брянской области в 2001 году получили эффективную среднегодовую дозу облучения выше 1 мЗв. (в 128 из них население не проживает).

In 2001, the inhabitants of one community in the Kaluzhsk region and 445 communities in the Bryansk region received an effective average annual radiation dose of over 1 mSv (the inhabitants of 128 of them are no longer living there).

Среди наиболее активных регионов по развитию ипотеки наряду с Вологодской, Ленинградской, Белгородской, Брянской, Московской, Самарской и Новосибирской областями, а также Ханты-Мансийским автономным округом и Якутией числится и Башкортостан, который, к слову, занимает третье место в России по объему выданных ипотечных кредитов.

Amongst the most active regions developing mortgage lending have been Vologda, Leningrad, Belgorod, Briansk, Moscow, Samara, Novosibirsk oblasts, Khanty-Mansiysk autonomy, Yakutia and Bashkortostan, which, by the way, is the third in Russia as for mortgages lent.

In Bryansk, as late as 1948, more than 9,000 families, invalids, and orphans were still living in holes in the ground.

В соответствии с предварительным прогнозом число НП с превышением накопленных эффективных доз более 70 мЗв к 2056 году может достигать 350 и только в Брянской области.

According to a preliminary projection, the number of communities with effective cumulative doses exceeding 70 mSv may reach 350 by the year 2056 in the Bryansk region.

Производство светильников, уличной и промышленной светотехники для освещения производственных помещений, улиц, садов и парков расположено на территории завода в России, в городе Клинцы, Брянской области.

Президент России отдал приказ вернуть войска, принимавшие участие в учениях в Ростовской, Белгородской и Брянской областях, в места постоянной дислокации и продолжить подготовку на близлежащих полигонах.

The President of Russia gave the order to return the troops, which participated in exercises in Rostov, Belgorod and Bryansk Regions, to their permanent locations and to continue preparations in the nearby polygons.

Наступление должно было осуществляться по кратчайшему, центральному маршруту и проходить в два этапа: достижение рубежа (Днепр — во взаимодействии с поляками) — Брянск — Орёл — Елец и оттуда концентрическое наступление на Москву.

The offensive was to be carried out along the shortest, central route and take place in two stages: first reaching the line (Dnieper - in cooperation with the Poles) - Bryansk - Oryol - Yelets and from there the concentric attack on Moscow.

Moreover, the configuration of the railway system made it impossible to switch the Bryansk army around to face due west.

При финансовой поддержке со стороны Управления по координации гуманитарной деятельности представительство ПРООН в Российской Федерации оказывает помощь в создании в Брянской области центра поддержки предпринимательской деятельности и фонда микрокредитования.

With financial support from the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the UNDP Russian Federation office is helping to establish a business promotion centre and microcredit facility in the Bryansk oblast.

После этого визита в феврале 2004 года Брянскую область Российской Федерации посетил Администратор ПРООН.

This visit was followed in February 2004 by a visit to the Bryansk oblast of the Russian Federation by the UNDP Administrator.

25 октября 1941 года её полевое управление было расформировано, а войска переданы в состав 50-й армии Брянского фронта.

On 25 October 1941, its field HQ was disbanded, and its constituent formations were transferred to the 50th Army of the Bryansk Front.

THEY CROSSED the front line to the north of Bryansk, near the large village of Zhukovka, on the River Desna.

Bryansk lies on the banks of the Desna River in the western part of the Russian Federation. The city is the administrative center of Bryansk Oblast. Брянск лежит на берегах реки Десны в западной части Российской Федерации. Город является административным центром Брянской области.

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Bryansk was founded around 985. Брянск был основан приблизительно в 985 году.
The total area of Bryansk is 230 square kilometers. The city’s population is approximately 406 thousand inhabitants. Общая площадь Брянска составляет 230 квадратных километров. Население города составляет примерно 406 тысяч жителей.

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Bryansk is divided into four districts: Sovietskiy, Fokinskiy, Bezhitskiy and Volodarskiy. Sovietskiy district is in the central part of the city. The district has 3 plants, a market and a department store. Брянск состоит из четырех районов: Советский, Фокинский, Бежицкий и Володарский. Советский район находится в центральности части города. Там расположено 3 завода, рынок и универмаг.

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Fokinskiy is the most economically developed district of Bryansk. There are 25 enterprises. Фокинский – наиболее экономически развитый район города Брянска. Там находятся 25 крупных предприятий.

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District Volodarskiy is located on the left bank of the Desna River. Володарский район расположен на левом берегу реки Десны.
Bezhitsky district is the most industrialized district of the city. There are factories and the beach. Бежицкий район — промышленно развитый район города. Там расположены комбинаты и пляж.

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The Tolstoy Park is the oldest park in the city. It has many wooden sculptures. Самый старый парк города – это Парк-музей им. Толстого. В нем очень много деревянных скульптур.

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In Bryansk, it is worth to visit the Bar of Immortality and the Regional Planetarium. В Брянске обязательно стоит посетить Курган Бессмертия и Областной Планетарий.

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The transportation system of the city is represented by public, rail and air transport. Транспортная система города Брянск представлена общественным, железнодорожным и воздушным транспортом.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Автор: учитель английского языка Кайтурова Ю.Ю. МБОУ Жирятинская СОШ им. А.Ф.Возликова Брянской области The Sights of Bryansk

City of Military Glory In 2010 Bryansk was awarded the title of a City of Military Glory for the heroism of its citizens and partisans during the Second World War and this monument was unveiled in the same year. The monument is the standard City of Military Glory Monument with a granite obelisk with the Russian double-headed eagle on the top. The obelisk is surrounded by four plinths with engravings of scenes from the Battle of Kulikovo Field, the Northern War, the Napoleonic War and finally the Second World War.

Intercession Cathedral(Покровский Собор)

Intercession Cathedral The Intercession Cathedral is the oldest surviving religious building in Bryansk having been completed in 1698. The cathedral takes the form of a standard five-domed building but with an additional two storey building attached to the side. In 1918 the cathedral was closed and subsequently used as an archive. It was only returned to the Orthodox Church in 1993.

Bryansk State Regional Museum

Bryansk State Regional Museum Bryansk has had a regional museum since 1921 but it only moved to the massive monumental building on Ploschad Partizan (Partisan Square) in 1984. Its exhibits on the natural world include the skeleton of a mammoth, geological displays and stuffed animals in dioramas of their national habitats. The history section covers ancient weapons, the role of Bryansk's citizens in the Battle of Kulikovo Field, the Northern Wars, the Napoleonic War and the Second World War as well as the belongings of Fyodor Tyutchev and Aleksey Tolstoy.

Bryansk Museum of Art and Exhibition Centre

Bryansk Museum of Art and Exhibition Centre The Bryansk Museum of Art was established in 1968 when it was decided to separate the regional museum's art collection so that it could be put on display in a museum devoted solely to art. As well as functioning as an exhibition centre, the museum's permanent displays contain over 9,000 items. Its exhibitions are dedicated to folk art, Russian paintings from the 19th and 20th centuries, sculptures, icons and glass and ceramic wares.

Kurgan of Immortality

Kurgan of Immortality One of the symbols of Bryansk is the Kurgan of Immortality which is located in the Solovi Park. The 12 metre high kurgan (a Russian burial mound) was created in 1968 to commemorate the citizens of Bryansk who died protecting the freedom and independence of the Motherland during the Second World War. On top of the mound is a giant star decorated with a brightly coloured mosaic.

Svensky Uspensky Monastery

Svensky Uspensky Monastery The Svensky Monastery was founded in 1288 by Prince Roman Mikhailovich of Bryansk who dedicated it to the Dormition ('Uspenie' in Russian) of the Virgin Mary. According to the legend surrounding the establishment of the monastery, Prince Roman was losing his sight and so sent for a copy of the wonderworking Our Lady of Pechersk Icon from the Kievo-Percherskaya Lavra in Kiev so that he could pray to it. As the party was returning with the icon to Bryansk along the River Desna, the icon disappeared and later miraculously appeared in a tree on the bank of the River Sven. Prince Roman prayed to the icon and his sight was returned and so in gratitude he founded a monastery on the site where the icon appeared. Today the icon is also housed in Moscow's Tretyakov Gallery.

Fyodor Tyutchev Monument

Fyodor Tyutchev Monument The renowned poet and diplomat Fyodor Tyutchev was born in 1803 in the village of Ovstug which is located in what is now the Bryansk Region. This monument to him was erected in 2003 to commemorate the 130th anniversary of the death of the great poet. The statue stands opposite to the grand building of the Aleksey Tolstoy Bryansk Regional Theatre.

Aleksey Tolstoy Bryansk Regional Theatre

Vladimir Lenin Monument

Vladimir Lenin Monument On Ploschad Lenina (Lenin Square) around halfway up Prospekt Lenina (Lenin Prospect) is a statue of Vladimir Lenin. This statue depicts him with one hand in his coat pocket and one hand resting on a stand. The statue was unveiled in 1970 and is eight metres tall including the pedestal. The building behind Lenin is the City Administration and to the left of him is the Administration of the Bryansk Region.

Chernobyl Memorial As a result of the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster of 1986, the Belgorod Region was mildly contaminated and many people who now live in the region were sent in to liquate the catastrophe and are now suffering from the effects of radiation poisoning. This poignant memorial was unveiled in 2006 on the 20th anniversary of the tragedy and consists of a giant globe with a huge crack running down the centre.

Но кто позаботится о тех, кто приезжает в город Брянск? – Мы.

(Who will help people arriving in Bryansk? We can.)

Why do not you participate in this project? (integrated services for people who come to any city in Russia). We've been doing this project in the Bryansk almost two years. The thought is beautiful, the most logical perspective, the niche is free or in Bryansk, neither Russia nor in the world no one else has thought of this! The idea and its embodiment in life, the scale of Russia, my and my friends invest $ 720 thousand. Your own. Payback period of 15 months, profitability (POI) 14%. We are all honest. .

Regards N. Stefashin.

Trip to Bryansk, Travel to Bryansk

Турне Брянск 2012

Hello, Dear Ladies and gentlemen! We thank you that have found time to visit our site. Bryansk - one of the finest cities of Russia with the rich history, traditions, culture, sights. Here there is no sea and oil, but in it there live very nice and kind people. Many tour operators care of inhabitants of the city, providing their travel and rest, and it is correct. But who will take care of those who comes to the city of Bryansk? – We.

Full range of services in Bryansk - transport, accommodation, catering, leisure, business.
We do this to you, we will solve practically any problem in Bryansk.
Health to you, good luck in affairs. Bryansk.

And who isn't important you the corporate group advancing the business, old age a family dreaming to visit a cradle of Russia-place connected with Tyutchev, young men decided to have a rest – all of us are glad to help you with our city.

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