Сочинение про белгород на английском

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

In our country there are many beautiful cities : provincial, spa, large cities with the crazy pace of life . But I want to tell you about the city of Belgorod, a city with its own history, its architecture, its face . In this beautiful city you can, relax, learn, work and enjoy life in general .

Belgorod - the administrative center of Belgorod Oblast. Located on the southern edge of the Central Russian Upland, on the slopes of the White Mountains, on the right bank of the Seversky Donets River in the floodplain of its tributaries - the river Vezelka . White Mountains gave it a name.

Based on archaeological research conducted in 1951 in Belgorod, Academician BA Rybakov argues that the mound on which stands the modern Belgorod, appeared in the X century. When you come to Belgorod on the train, you will be greeted on the platform of the song " White City " :
White, white, white, white city
He is the heart and soul is always young .
Belgorod. Day of the first salute
For all that is holy Russia minute .
In these lines reflects the city's history . Where to begin to explore the city, well, of course, with attractions, museums, galleries, exhibition halls - it is here that you will talk about his past and present.

Modern monuments in Belgorod also surprise you with its uniqueness : a monument to the janitor and his companion, a cat, grandmother, knitting stockings, girl blows out air bubbles , " incorruptible policeman " Paul Grechikhin ; shuttles monument, a monument to Russian language . Away - a monument - a giant egg. At night it is illuminated alternately with all the colors of the rainbow.

The city has recently been built fountains, and now it's favorite vacation spots for locals and visitors . Other recreation remains a favorite park them. Lenin ( rides for children ) , the Zoo, Victory Park .

i live in Belgorod and I like my city very much. Belgorod mean "white city" because the region is rich in limestone. My city is very old, it started in the thirteenth century. I know that Belgorod destroyed by Mongols and in 1596 t h e town founded again as a fortress to protect the borders of Russia. Today Belgorod is a modern and beautiful city. Belgorod is famous for its cathedrals, they was built in the eighteenth and nineteenth. The Preobrazhensky Cathedral is my favourite, it was designed by the architect Evgeny Vasiliev. I like Selivanov's House, it was built in 1792. Now i t houses the Literature Museum. There are funny metal sculptures in the streets. Ordinary people commemorated in them. The sculptures was created by masters from Belgorod and Kharkov. I think that people who visited Belgorod 10 or 15 years ago will like it how the city looks like today.

In our country there are many beautiful cities : provincial, spa, large cities with the crazy pace of life . But I want to tell you about the city of Belgorod, a city with its own history, its architecture, its face . In this beautiful city you can, relax, learn, work and enjoy life in general .

Belgorod — the administrative center of Belgorod Oblast. Located on the southern edge of the Central Russian Upland, on the slopes of the White Mountains, on the right bank of the Seversky Donets River in the floodplain of its tributaries — the river Vezelka . White Mountains gave it a name.

The city has recently been built fountains, and now it’s favorite vacation spots for locals and visitors . Other recreation remains a favorite park them. Lenin ( rides for children ) , the Zoo, Victory Park .

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Белгород происходит от сочетания слов: белый и город. Belgorod comes from a combination of words: white and city
Здесь сухое лето, которое начинается уже в мае, мягкая зима с незначительными осадками. Here is a dry summer, which begins in May, a mild winter with little precipitation.

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Осадки – precipitation [prɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃn̩]
Граница – border [ˈbɔːdə]

Белгород считается одним из наиболее чистых городов в РФ. Belgorod is considered one of the cleanest cities in Russia. В городе больше всего русских — 92%, украинцы по численности на втором(1,5%), далее — армяне, грузины, молдаване. In the city, the most Russians – 92%, Ukrainians in number on the second (1.5%), then – Armenians, Georgians, Moldovans.

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После развала СССР Белгород реально стал пограничным городом в 40 км от границы с Украиной. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Belgorod really became a border town 40 km from the border with Ukraine.

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Белгород, по данным МВД, один из самых тихих городов России. Belgorod, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is one of the quietest cities in Russia.
В городе будет, прежде всего, интересно любителям музеев и парков. In the city will be primarily interested in lovers of museums and parks.

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Достопримечательности Белгорода. Belgorod Attractions.

Герб – coat of arms [kəʊt əv ˈɑ:mz]
Мероприятия – events [ɪˈvents]
Циферблат – dial [ˈdaɪəl]
Представители – representatives [ˌreprɪˈzentətɪvz]

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1. Соборная площадь. Cathedral Square.
Она отличается от подобных мест в других городах оригинальным рисунком покрытия – на брусчатке выложен круг в виде солнца, в центр которого помещена медная карта Белгородской области, а по периметру располагаются гербы всех районов и округов области. На площади часто проходят праздники, парады, митинги и другие мероприятия.
It differs from similar places in other cities by an original drawing of a covering – on a paving stone the circle in the form of the sun is laid out, in the center of which the copper card of the Belgorod area is placed, and on the perimeter there are coats of arms of all regions and districts of the region. On the square often there are celebrations, parades, rallies and other events.

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2. Памятник Владимиру Великому. Monument to Vladimir the Great.
Памятник в его честь установили в 1998 году, на его изготовление ушло 1,5 тонны меди. The monument in his honor was established in 1998, it took 1.5 tons of copper for its manufacture.

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4. Драматический театр имени М. С. Щепкина. The Shchepkin Drama Theater.
Сцена открылась в 1930-х годах. The scene was opened in the 1930s

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5. Белгородская государственная филармония
Belgorod State Philharmonic Society.
Здание Белгородской государственной филармонии – украшение городского пейзажа. The building of the Belgorod State Philharmonic Society – decoration of the cityscape.

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6. Солнечные часы. Sundial.
Днем в солнечную погоду часы показывают время с точностью до 10 минут, ночью на циферблате можно рассмотреть звезды. In the daytime in sunny weather, the clock shows the time to within 10 minutes, at night on the dial you can view the stars.

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7. Преображенский собор.
В архитектурном плане сооружение представляет собой образец русского провинциального классицизма. In architectural terms, the building is an example of Russian provincial classicism.

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8. Белгородский зоопарк. Belgorod Zoo
В вольерах живут представители семейства кошачьих, медведи, лисы, волки, а также экзотические верблюды и кенгуру. Для детей работает контактный зоопарк, где можно погладить кроликов, козлят и подержать на руках цыплят. In the cages live representatives of the cat family, bears, foxes, wolves, as well as exotic camels and kangaroos. For children, there is a contact zoo where you can pet rabbits, kids and hold chicks in their hands.

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9. Центральный Парк. Central Park.
По традиции центральный городской парк носит имя В. И. Ленина. Он был основан в 1950-х годах. By tradition, the central city park bears the name of Lenin. It was founded in the 1950s.

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Сочинение о городе Белгород

Белгород располагается на границе с Украиной, на юге России. 80 километров до Харькова. Считается чистым, благоприятным для проживания городом. Спокойный и красивый город. Здесь много музеев, храмов, памятников, театров. Самое главное – есть площадь в центре. Много учебных заведений. Можно посетить зоопарк.

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Belgorod is located on the border with Ukraine, in the south of Russia. 80 kilometers to Kharkov. It is considered to be a clean, city-friendly city. Quiet and beautiful city. There are many museums, churches, monuments, theaters here. Most importantly, there is an area in the center. Many educational institutions. You can visit the zoo.

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Диалог – город Белгород

-Добрый день
-Ты из какого города?
-Я живу в Москве, а ты?
-А я в Белгороде.
-Скажи, а где он находится?
-В 700 километрах от Москвы. На юге России.
-Что можно посетить, приехав в ваш город?
– У нас много музеев, парков и соборов. Много памятников. Также есть зоопарк, где очень много зверей.
– Понятно, спасибо, обязательно к вам приеду!

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-Good afternoon
-What city are you from?
– I live in Moscow, and you?
-I am in Belgorod.
– Tell me, where is he?
-In 700 kilometers from Moscow. In the south of Russia.
-What can I visit when I come to your city?
– We have many museums, parks and cathedrals. Many monuments. There is also a zoo where there are a lot of animals.
– I see, thanks, I’ll definitely come to you!

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