Сочинение по английскому дом моей мечты с презентацией

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Вы можете изучить и скачать доклад-презентацию на тему My dream house. Презентация на заданную тему содержит 11 слайдов. Для просмотра воспользуйтесь проигрывателем, если материал оказался полезным для Вас - поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок и добавьте наш сайт презентаций в закладки!


I dream to live in a private house somewhere in the quite suburb of the city. There are 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 living rooms, a study, a kitchen, a recreation room, a gym, a balcony and a swimming pool.

This is my bedroom. It is very big and bright. There is a big bed near the wall, a table with two chairs near my bed and a TV opposite the bed. I like minimal but with style.

This is my living room There is a big sofa, There are white, black and green pillows on the sofa. There is a furry brown carpet on the floor. There are brown curtains on the windows. My living room is cozy and stylish

This is my kitchen There is a modern kitchen set in my kitchen. There are shelves, cupboards, a sink, a microwave oven, an oven, a fridge, a freezer, a table and some chairs in my kitchen.

my library This is my library with such masterpieces as Shakespeare, Margaret Mitchell and L.N Tolstoy.

This is my dining room There is a table in the middle of my dining room. There are six chairs around the table. There are pictures on the wall. There is also a wooden chest of drawers, a vase and candles on it.

This is my swimming pool. You can swim in it and sunbathe nearby. opposite the swimming pool has a wooden table.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

In my house there will be 11 rooms Hall Kitchen Toilet Bath Two rooms for gue.

In my house there will be 11 rooms Hall Kitchen Toilet Bath Two rooms for guests Four children's room Parent room

Hall The hall will be bright. A large stained glass window. Comfortable sofa.

Hall The hall will be bright. A large stained glass window. Comfortable sofa and television. Shelving for books.

Kitchen The kitchen is spacious. Built-in appliances. Furniture in light colo.

Kitchen The kitchen is spacious. Built-in appliances. Furniture in light colors.

Toilet This room is in shades of green. Toilet made ​​of light ceramic. Brigh.

Toilet This room is in shades of green. Toilet made ​​of light ceramic. Bright lighting.

Bath In this room is a large bath, very spacious. It is painted in dark colo.

Bath In this room is a large bath, very spacious. It is painted in dark colors. There will sink..

1-й guest room The first guest room will consist of two beds and chest of dra.

1-й guest room The first guest room will consist of two beds and chest of drawers. The walls will be purple.

2-й guest room The second guest room is a double bed, two lamps, two pictures.

2-й guest room The second guest room is a double bed, two lamps, two pictures. And green walls..

Room my sister Zlata This is my sister's room Zlaty. She will be in bright colors, there will be a bed, a desk with a mirror, a computer, a wardrobe, a small rack of books..

Room my brother Gleb. This is the room my brother Gleb. Bedroom will be done.

Room my brother Gleb. This is the room my brother Gleb. Bedroom will be done in bright colors, the bed in the form of cars, wardrobe, shelving for books, bedside table, chair.

Bathroom my second sister Veronica. This room Veroniki. For since my sister l.

Bathroom my second sister Veronica. This room Veroniki. For since my sister loves teddy bears she will have wardrobe and bed with Teddy stickers. There will also be a computer, a desk, table, shelves for books and pink walls.

My room My room is in purple and pink. In my room will Desk, computer, wardro.

My room My room is in purple and pink. In my room will Desk, computer, wardrobe, flowers, bed and shelves for soft toys.

Parents' room. Room parents will be very bright and colorful room. There will be patterned carpet, the bed and the wall, which will be drawing flowers.

I'd really like to have such a house!

Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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In my house there will be 11 rooms Hall Kitchen Toilet Bath Two rooms for guests

№ слайда 2

In my house there will be 11 rooms Hall Kitchen Toilet Bath Two rooms for guests Four children's room Parent room

Hall The hall will be bright. A large stained glass window. Comfortable sofa and

№ слайда 3

Hall The hall will be bright. A large stained glass window. Comfortable sofa and television. Shelving for books.

Kitchen The kitchen is spacious. Built-in appliances. Furniture in light colors.

№ слайда 4

Kitchen The kitchen is spacious. Built-in appliances. Furniture in light colors.

Toilet This room is in shades of green. Toilet made of light ceramic. Bright lig

№ слайда 5

Toilet This room is in shades of green. Toilet made of light ceramic. Bright lighting.

Bath In this room is a large bath, very spacious. It is painted in dark colors.

№ слайда 6

Bath In this room is a large bath, very spacious. It is painted in dark colors. There will sink..

1-й guest room The first guest room will consist of two beds and chest of drawer

№ слайда 7

1-й guest room The first guest room will consist of two beds and chest of drawers. The walls will be purple.

2-й guest room The second guest room is a double bed, two lamps, two pictures. A

№ слайда 8

2-й guest room The second guest room is a double bed, two lamps, two pictures. And green walls..

Room my sister Zlata This is my sister

№ слайда 9

Room my sister Zlata This is my sister's room Zlaty. She will be in bright colors, there will be a bed, a desk with a mirror, a computer, a wardrobe, a small rack of books..

Room my brother Gleb. This is the room my brother Gleb. Bedroom will be done in

№ слайда 10

Room my brother Gleb. This is the room my brother Gleb. Bedroom will be done in bright colors, the bed in the form of cars, wardrobe, shelving for books, bedside table, chair.

Bathroom my second sister Veronica. This room Veroniki. For since my sister love

№ слайда 11

Bathroom my second sister Veronica. This room Veroniki. For since my sister loves teddy bears she will have wardrobe and bed with Teddy stickers. There will also be a computer, a desk, table, shelves for books and pink walls.

My room My room is in purple and pink. In my room will Desk, computer, wardrobe,

№ слайда 12

My room My room is in purple and pink. In my room will Desk, computer, wardrobe, flowers, bed and shelves for soft toys.


№ слайда 13

Parents' room. Room parents will be very bright and colorful room. There will be patterned carpet, the bed and the wall, which will be drawing flowers.


№ слайда 14

I'd really like to have such a house!

Thank you for your attention!

№ слайда 15

This is a house of my dream. It is a three - storey. There are ten rooms in it. There are three living - rooms, three bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining - room, a toilet, three bathrooms and a big balcony in it.

This is my first living - room. There are two sofas in. There is a fireplace at the wall. There are three big windows near the fireplace. There are bright curtains on the windows. There is a picture opposite the windows. There is a coffee table in the middle of the room. There is a nice carpet on the floor. My living - room is comfortable.

This is my second living - room. It is quite. This living room is different from everyone, because he off - white. White symbolizes purity, whiteness, innocence, virtue, joy. Since white is related to an obvious, common, legitimate, true. There are two sofas next to the coffee table. There is a coffee table in the middle of the room. There is a domestic cinema opposite the sofa. There is a nice carpet on the floor. This is a nice room.

This is my third living - room. It is on second storey. Views are the most beautiful. There are two sofas, the big windows and tv. the ceiling is decorated like the night sky. Stars shine at night here. there is very cozy and I love it room.

This is my parent’s bedroom. It is black. It is very quite. There is a beautiful white bed in it. There is a big window in the bedroom. This is a nice room.

This is my bedroom. I love my room. This room is very bright. There is electronic fireplace on the wall. There is a white sofa, it is opposite the fireplace. Floor is very warm. It is very beautiful.

This is bedroom for guests. It is purple. The bathroom is in the room. There is a bed in the middle of the room. The walls are purple and black. There are bright pink curtains on the big window. I like this room and all the guests are happy.

There are two bathrooms in my house. The first bathroom is my wonderful bath. There is a TV in the bath. Views are very beautiful. I like it. There is my second bathroom for the guests. It is also wonderful, as well as mine.

This is my kitchen. There is a big table in the kitchen. There is a new sink in it. There is a lot of ambry and the big fridge. There is a beautiful lamp in the kitchen. My kitchen is lovely.

This is a swimming pool. It is big and very beautiful.

This is a balcony. It is very big. There are many sofas and coffee tables in it. There is a nice floor. There is a wonderful ceiling in it. It is very large. I really love mine house. I really fell in love this house. It is my dream. I want to make this dream come true in the future.

Содержимое разработки

КФ – 11 Мустафина Айганым

КФ – 11

Мустафина Айганым

This is a house of my dream. It is a three-storey. There are ten rooms in it. There are three living-rooms, three bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining-room, a toilet, three bathrooms and a big balcony in it.

This is a house of my dream. It is a three-storey. There are ten rooms in it. There are three living-rooms, three bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining-room, a toilet, three bathrooms and a big balcony in it.

 This is my first living-room. There are two sofas in . There is a fireplace at the wall. There are three big windows near the fireplace. There are bright curtains on the windows. There is a picture opposite the windows. There is a coffee table in the middle of the room. There is a nice carpet on the floor. My living-room is comfortable.

This is my first living-room. There are two sofas in . There is a fireplace at the wall. There are three big windows near the fireplace. There are bright curtains on the windows. There is a picture opposite the windows. There is a coffee table in the middle of the room. There is a nice carpet on the floor. My living-room is comfortable.

This is my second living- room.It is quite. This living room is different from everyone, because he off-white.White symbolizes purity, whiteness, innocence, virtue, joy. Since white is related to an obvious, common, legitimate, true. There are two sofas next to the coffee table. There is a coffee table in the middle of the room. There is a domestic cinema opposite the sofa. There is a nice carpet on the floor. This is a nice room.

This is my second living- room.It is quite. This living room is different from everyone, because he off-white.White symbolizes purity, whiteness, innocence, virtue, joy. Since white is related to an obvious, common, legitimate, true. There are two sofas next to the coffee table. There is a coffee table in the middle of the room. There is a domestic cinema opposite the sofa. There is a nice carpet on the floor. This is a nice room.

 This is my parent’s bedroom. It is black. It is very quite. There is a beautiful white bed in it. There is a big window in the bedroom. This is a nice room.

This is my parent’s bedroom. It is black. It is very quite. There is a beautiful white bed in it. There is a big window in the bedroom. This is a nice room.

 This is my bedroom. I love my room. This room is very bright. There is electronic fireplace on the wall. There is a white sofa, it is opposite the fireplace. Floor is very warm. It is very beautiful.

This is my bedroom. I love my room. This room is very bright. There is electronic fireplace on the wall. There is a white sofa, it is opposite the fireplace. Floor is very warm. It is very beautiful.

This is bedroom for guests. It is purple. The bathroom is in the room.There is a bed in the middle of the room. The walls are purple and black. There are bright pink curtains on the big window. I like this room and all the guests are happy.

This is bedroom for guests. It is purple. The bathroom is in the room.There is a bed in the middle of the room. The walls are purple and black. There are bright pink curtains on the big window. I like this room and all the guests are happy.

There are two bathrooms in my house. The first bathroom is my wonderful bath.There is a TV in the bath. Views are very beautiful. I like it. There is my second bathroom for the guests. It is also wonderful , as well as mine.

There are two bathrooms in my house. The first bathroom is my wonderful bath.There is a TV in the bath. Views are very beautiful. I like it.

There is my second bathroom for the guests. It is also wonderful , as well as mine.

 This is my kitchen. There is a big table in the kitchen. There is a new sink in it. There is a lot of ambry and the big fridge. There is a beautiful lamp in the kitchen. My kitchen is lovely.

This is my kitchen. There is a big table in the kitchen. There is a new sink in it. There is a lot of ambry and the big fridge. There is a beautiful lamp in the kitchen. My kitchen is lovely.

 This is a swimming pool. It is big and very beautiful.

This is a swimming pool. It is big and very beautiful.

 This is a balcony. It is very big. There are many sofas and coffee tables in it. There is a nice floor. There is a wonderful ceiling in it. It is very large. I really love mine house. I really fell in love this house. It is my dream. I want to make this dream come true in the future.

This is a balcony. It is very big. There are many sofas and coffee tables in it. There is a nice floor. There is a wonderful ceiling in it. It is very large. I really love mine house. I really fell in love this house. It is my dream. I want to make this dream come true in the future.


Презентация: Дом моей мечты на английском языке

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Презентация на тему "Дом моей мечты на английском языке" по иностранным языкам. Состоит из 15 слайдов. Размер файла 2.5 Мб. Каталог презентаций в формате powerpoint. Можно бесплатно скачать материал к себе на компьютер или смотреть его онлайн с анимацией.


Презентация: Дом моей мечты на английском языке

Made by: VikaArmashova Form 6 “A” Bekhteevskaya School 2014 год.

Слайд 2

In my house there will be 11 rooms

Hall Kitchen Toilet Bath Two rooms for guests Four children's room Parent room

Слайд 3

The hall will be bright. A large stained glass window. Comfortable sofa and television. Shelving for books.

Слайд 4


The kitchen is spacious. Built-in appliances. Furniture in light colors.

Слайд 5


This room is in shades of green. Toilet made ​​of light ceramic.Brightlighting.

Слайд 6

In this room is a large bath, very spacious. It is painted in dark colors. There will sink..

Слайд 7

1-й guest room

The first guest room will consist of two beds and chest of drawers. The walls will be purple.

Слайд 8

2-й guest room

The second guest room is a double bed, two lamps, two pictures. And green walls..

Слайд 9

Room my sister Zlata

This is my sister's room Zlaty. She will be in bright colors, there will be a bed, a desk with a mirror, a computer, a wardrobe, a small rack of books..

Слайд 10

Room my brother Gleb.

This is the room my brother Gleb. Bedroom will be done in bright colors, the bed in the form of cars, wardrobe, shelving for books, bedside table, chair.

Слайд 11

Bathroom my second sister Veronica.

This room Veroniki. For since my sister loves teddy bears she will have wardrobe and bed with Teddy stickers. There will also be a computer, a desk, table, shelves for books and pink walls.

Слайд 12

My room

My room is in purple and pink. In my room will Desk, computer, wardrobe, flowers, bed and shelves for soft toys.

Слайд 13

Parents' room.

Room parents will be very bright and colorful room. There will be patterned carpet, the bed and the wall, which will be drawing flowers.

Слайд 14

I'd really like to have such a house!

Слайд 15

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