Сочинение оскар на английском

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Oscar Wilde is a famous English writer of the 19th century, Oscar Wilde was born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1854. His mother wrote poetry, and she taught him to love literature.

He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin and Magdalen College, Oxford. Soon after leaving university his first volume of poetry, "Patience" was published.

Oscar Wilde married Constance Lloyd in 1884 and the couple had two sons. When the boys were children Wilde wrote fairy stories for them that were later published as "The Happy Prince and Other Tales" (1888).

Wildes tales are very beautiful. This was followed two years later by the novel, "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (1890) and a book on the role of the artist, "The Soul of Man under Socialism" (1891). However, it was a playwright that Wilde had his greatest success. Comedies such as "Lady Windermere's Fan" (1892), "A Woman of No Importance" (1893), "An Ideal Husband" (1895) and "The Importance of Being Earnest" (1895) made him one of Britain's most famous writers. By 1895 Wilde had left his wife.

Wilde was publicly accused by the Marquis of Queensberry. Wilde sued for libel but he lost his case and was then himself prosecuted and imprisoned.

After being released from Reading Prison in 1897 Wilde moved to France.

The following year he wrote "The Ballad of Reading Gaol" a poem inspired by his prison experience. Wilde's time in prison badly damaged his health and he died in 1900.

His books are read and his plays are staged in many countries and in many languages.

Оскар Уайльд

Оскар Уайльд — известный английский писатель XIX века. Он родился в Дублине, Ирландия, в 1854 году. Его мать писала стихи и она привила сыну любовь к литературе.

Маркиз Квинсберри публично выдвинул против Уайльда обвинение в аморальном поведении. Уайльд подал на него в суд за клевету, но проиграл дело и попал в тюрьму.

Выйдя из Редингской тюрьмы в 1897 году, Уайльд уехал во Францию.

Его книги читают и сегодня, а его пьесы ставят на разных языках в разных странах.

It is well-known that Oscars are awarded by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. It is a professional honorary organization composed of over 6,000 motion picture artists and craftsmen and women. The Academy was organized in May, 1927, as a nonprofit corporation chartered under the laws of California.

A popular story has been that an Academy librarian and eventual executive director, Margaret Herrick, thought the statuette resembled her Uncle Oscar and said so, and that as a result the Academy staff began referring to it as Oscar. No hard evidence exists to support that tale, but in any case, by the sixth Awards Presentation in 1934, Hollywood columnist Sidney Skolsky used the name in his column in reference to Katharine Hepburn's first Best Actress win. The Academy itself didn't use the nickname officially until 1939.

The Oscar is a tin and copper statuette of a naked man holding a sword and standing on a reel of film. The award weighs 8 1/2 pounds and is plated with gold. Since the list of winners is kept secret until the telecast, the awards handed out on television are blanks. The Academy reclaims the statuettes the morning after the telecast and has them engraved before they are shipped back to the anxious recipients. The personalized engraving is on a small plaque attached to the pedestal on which Oscar stands. The engraving includes the year, the award category and the name of the recipient. Each statuette is also engraved with a serial number on the back of its base.

Since its conception, the Oscar statuette has met exacting uniform standards - with a few notable exceptions. In the 1930s, juvenile players received miniature replicas of the statuette; ventriloquist Edgar Bergen was presented with a wooden statuette with a moveable mouth; and Walt Disney was honored with one full-size and seven miniature statuettes on behalf of his animated feature Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Between 1942 and 1944, in support of the war effort, Oscars were made of plaster. After the War, winners turned in the temporary awards for golden Oscar statuettes.

Watching the Oscar telecast has become the equivalent of a secular religious experience for many. The Oscars occur every year at the same time and there are strict rules and regulations and hundreds of commandments. The Oscar itself has become a sacred icon within the industry.

It is well-known that Oscars are awarded by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. It is a professional honorary organization composed of over 6,000 motion picture artists and craftsmen and women. The Academy was organized in May, 1927, as a nonprofit corporation chartered under the laws of California.

A popular story has been that an Academy librarian and eventual executive director, Margaret Herrick, thought the statuette resembled her Uncle Oscar and said so, and that as a result the Academy staff began referring to it as Oscar. No hard evidence exists to support that tale, but in any case, by the sixth Awards Presentation in 1934, Hollywood columnist Sidney Skolsky used the name in his column in reference to Katharine Hepburn's first Best Actress win. The Academy itself didn't use the nickname officially until 1939.

The Oscar is a tin and copper statuette of a naked man holding a sword and standing on a reel of film. The award weighs 8 1/2 pounds and is plated with gold. Since the list of winners is kept secret until the telecast, the awards handed out on television are blanks. The Academy reclaims the statuettes the morning after the telecast and has them engraved before they are shipped back to the anxious recipients. The personalized engraving is on a small plaque attached to the pedestal on which Oscar stands. The engraving includes the year, the award category and the name of the recipient. Each statuette is also engraved with a serial number on the back of its base.

Since its conception, the Oscar statuette has met exacting uniform standards - with a few notable exceptions. In the 1930s, juvenile players received miniature replicas of the statuette; ventriloquist Edgar Bergen was presented with a wooden statuette with a moveable mouth; and Walt Disney was honored with one full-size and seven miniature statuettes on behalf of his animated feature Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Between 1942 and 1944, in support of the war effort, Oscars were made of plaster. After the War, winners turned in the temporary awards for golden Oscar statuettes.

Watching the Oscar telecast has become the equivalent of a secular religious experience for many. The Oscars occur every year at the same time and there are strict rules and regulations and hundreds of commandments. The Oscar itself has become a sacred icon within the industry.


Хорошо известно, что Оскаром награждает Академия кинематографических искусств и наук. Это профессиональная и почетная организация, состоящая из более 6000 актеров, режиссеров и других людей, задействованных в производстве фильмов. Академия была организована в мае 1927 года как некоммерческая корпорация, в соответствии с законами штата Калифорния.

Популярная история в том, что библиотекарю Академии, а в конечном итоге исполнительному директору Маргарет Херрик,показалось , что статуэтка похожа на ее дядю Оскара и она сказала об этом, в результате сотрудники Академии начали называя его "Оскар". Не существует убедительных доказательств для поддержки этой истории, но в любом случае, во время шестой церемонии вручения наград в 1934, Голливудский журналист Сидни Скольски использовал это имя в своей колонке о победе Кэтрин Хепберн в номинации Лучшая актриса. Академия сама по себе не использовала ник официально до 1939 года.

Оскар- статуэтка из олова и меди обнаженного человека , держащего меч и стоящего на катушке пленки. Награда весит 8 1 / 2 фунта и покрыта золотом. Поскольку список победителей держится в секрете до передачи, награды, раздаваемые по телевидению,- заготовоки. Академия забирает статуэтки на следующее утро после телевизионной передачи и на них наноситься гравировка, прежде чем они будут отправлены обратно встревоженным получателям. Персональная гравировка на небольшой доске прилагается к пьедесталу, на котором стоит Оскар. Она включает год, категорию награды и имя получателя. На каждой статуэтке также выгравирован серийный номер на обратной стороне ее основания.

С момента своего появления, статуэтка Оскара соответсвует единому стандарту - за редкими исключениями. В 1930-х несовершеннолетние актеры получали миниатюрные копии статуэтки; чревовещателю Эдгару Бергену была представлена деревянная статуэтка с подвижным ртом, а Уолт Дисней был удостоен 1 в натуральную величину и 7 миниатюрными статуэтками за мультфильм "Белоснежка и Семь гномов". Между 1942 и 1944, в поддержку военных усилий, Оскары были сделаны из гипса. После войны, победители обменяли временные награды на золотые статуэтки "Оскар".

Просмотр телетрансляции Оскара стал эквивалентом светского религиозного опыта для многих. "Оскар" ежегодно происходит в одно и то же время и существуют строгие правила и положения, и сотни заповедей его проведения. Оскар сам по себе стал святой иконой отрасли.

It is well-known that Oscars are awarded by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. It is a professional honorary organization composed of over 6,000 motion picture artists and craftsmen and women. The Academy was organized in May, 1927, as a nonprofit corporation chartered under the laws of California.

A popular story has been that an Academy librarian and eventual executive director, Margaret Herrick, thought the statuette resembled her Uncle Oscar and said so, and that as a result the Academy staff began referring to it as Oscar. No hard evidence exists to support that tale, but in any case, by the sixth Awards Presentation in 1934, Hollywood columnist Sidney Skolsky used the name in his column in reference to Katharine Hepburn’s first Best Actress win. The Academy itself didn’t use the nickname officially until 1939.

The Oscar is a tin and copper statuette of a naked man holding a sword and standing on a reel of film. The award weighs 8 1/2 pounds

and is plated with gold. Since the list of winners is kept secret until the telecast, the awards handed out on television are blanks. The Academy reclaims the statuettes the morning after the telecast and has them engraved before they are shipped back to the anxious recipients. The personalized engraving is on a small plaque attached to the pedestal on which Oscar stands. The engraving includes the year, the award category and the name of the recipient. Each statuette is also engraved with a serial number on the back of its base.

Since its conception, the Oscar statuette has met exacting uniform standards — with a few notable exceptions. In the 1930s, juvenile players received miniature replicas of the statuette; ventriloquist Edgar Bergen was presented with a wooden statuette with a moveable mouth; and Walt Disney was honored with one full-size and seven miniature statuettes on behalf of his animated feature Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Between 1942 and 1944, in support of the war effort, Oscars were made of plaster. After the War, winners turned in the temporary awards for golden Oscar

Watching the Oscar telecast has become the equivalent of a secular religious experience for many. The Oscars occur every year at the same time and there are strict rules and regulations and hundreds of commandments. The Oscar itself has become a sacred icon within the industry.


Хорошо известно, что Оскаром награждает Академия кинематографических искусств и наук. Это профессиональная и почетная организация, состоящая из более 6000 актеров, режиссеров и других людей, задействованных в производстве фильмов. Академия была организована в мае 1927 года как некоммерческая корпорация, в соответствии с законами штата Калифорния.

Оскар — статуэтка из олова и меди обнаженного человека, держащего меч и стоящего на катушке пленки. Награда весит 8 1 / 2 фунта и покрыта золотом. Поскольку список победителей держится в секрете до передачи, награды, раздаваемые по телевидению,- заготовоки. Академия забирает статуэтки на следующее утро после телевизионной передачи и на них наноситься гравировка, прежде чем они будут отправлены обратно встревоженным получателям. Персональная гравировка на небольшой доске прилагается к пьедесталу, на котором стоит Оскар. Она включает год, категорию награды и имя получателя. На каждой статуэтке также выгравирован серийный номер на обратной стороне ее основания.

Тема по английскому языку: Оскар Уайльд

Ранние годы

Оскар Уайльд родился в Дублине 16 октября 1854. Его отец был успешным хирургом, а мать писала стихи и прозу. Уайльд учился в Тринити-колледже в Дублине и колледже Магдалены в Оксфорде. Учась в Оксфорде, Уайльд стал участвовать в эстетическом движении. Будучи там, он также стал личностью дня: он носил длинные волосы, украшал свою комнату различными красивыми вещами. Его остроумные высказывания были хорошо известны среди студентов. После того как он окончил университет, он переехал в Лондон, чтобы продолжить литературную карьеру.

Первые работы


Личная жизнь

Драма и трагедия коснулась личной жизни Уайльда. Он женился на Констанции Лойд в 1884, и у них было два сына, но в 1891 Уайльд начал отношения с лордом Альфредом Дугласом. В апреле 1895 он был обвинен в аморальности и приговорен к двум годам заключения. Уайльд был освобожден из тюрьмы с разрушенным здоровьем и подорванной репутацией. Он провел остаток своей жизни в Европе. Он умер в Париже 30 ноября 1900 года.

Oscar Wilde

Early years

Oscar Wilde was born in Dublin on 16 October 1854. His father was a successful surgeon and his mother a writer of verse and prose. Wilde was educated at Trinity College, Dublin and Magdalen College, Oxford. While at Oxford, Wilde became involved in the aesthetic movement. While there he also became one of the most famous personalities of the day: he wore his hair long, decorated his room with different beautiful things. His witty sayings were well known among the students. After he graduated, he moved to London to pursue a literary career.

First works

A first volume of Wilde’s poetry was published in 1881 but he also wrote fairy stories and published a novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray” in 1891. His greatest talent was for writing plays, and he produced a string of extremely popular comedies including “Lady Windermere’s Fan”, “An Ideal Husband” and “The Importance of Being Earnest”. ‘Salomé’ was performed in Paris in 1896.


Oscar Wilde attracted the attention of his audiences by the brilliance of his conversation, his knowledge, and the force of his personality. He admired unselfishness, kindness and generosity in “The Happy Prince”, “The Nightingale and the Rose” and despised egoism and greed in “The Selfish Giant” and “The Devoted Friend”. He showed the contrast between wealth and poverty. His own sympathy for poor, laboring people was quite evident.

Personal life

Drama and tragedy touched Wilde’s private life. He married Constance Lloyd in 1884 and they had two sons, but in 1891 Wilde began an affair with Lord Alfred Douglas. In April 1895 he was accused of immorality and sentenced to two years’ imprisonment. Wilde was released from prison with his health damaged and his reputation ruined. He spent the rest of his life in Europe. He died in Paris on 30 November 1900.

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