Сочинение о герое великой отечественной войны 1941 1945 на английском языке

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

The worst thing that can happen in the life of mankind and of the whole country – it is war. Ominous flames rushing up and incinerate all that stands on their way. Distored horrified faces of women, children and elderly mans. Heart-rending cries of the wounded.The roar of the guns and the whistle of bullets. Everywhere is the pain, the dirt, the hatred and the death. That is war.

Reading and listening the stories of veterans, I often think of my great-grandfather, whom I have never met. Grandfather could tell me much about the events of those years. Petrov Ivan Vasilievich was born June 30, 1908 in the Ulyanovsk region. His parents worked on the collective farm. November 17, 1942 he was drafted into the army. He was drafted to the Leningrad region in the epicenter of the main war events. My great-grandfather participated in the Siege of Leningrad and was mortally wounded. My grandfather, his son, told me that he was a good carpenter and was respected by his work.

My great-grandfather on father`s line – Nikolai Ivanovich went to the front in the first days of the war. He was captured. Nobody believed that he would survive. But by the end of 1946 he returned home from captivity. After the war he worked as foreman in hard-wave shop.

However, the war brought difficulties not only for men who were on the front, also for all people, who stayed in the village. My grandmother, Galina Nikolaevna, who was only 6 years old to the beginning of the war, told that me that adults were on the collective farm from morning to evening and kids were at home alone. There was nothing to eat, all products were sent to the front. People survived by potatoes. They made from it even bread, which became heavy, wet and bitter.

Many years have passed since the first day of The Great Patriotic War and no one can never forget it. The memory of the War become the moral memory, returns us to the heroism and courage of the soldiers. Precisely that memory continues to live piously and relentlessly in every human heart.

My family is proud of my grandparents and great grandparents. My relatives were smart, brave, intelligent and take care about each other.

Many of our friends and relatives died during that war but they will remain in our memories forever.

Every year at school we read the stories and watch the films about the Great Patriotic War. We organize the concert and invite veterans, we give them hand of help and all of them will be our heroes because they have done the most important thing.

For me my great grandad will be my hero forever. He was not an officer, but usual soldier. He had never had any experience about fighting or something like this.

When I was a child my granny liked to tell me different stories about my relatives who participated in a war. Most of these stories were about him- my great grandad Peter. He was only 20 years old when the war had been started. His parents were killed during the first weeks and he remain alone. He was an explorer and he lived in the village, so he knew all the places close to the village. When Germans came to the village, grandad Peter took all the kids and teenagers to the forest in one safe place. He had already prepared some food there and gave them instruction. I couldn’t believe that, but the story is so. At the end he saved almost 46 kids and about 30 teenagers, helped them to reach the closest villages and find their relatives. Some teenagers stayed with him and fought with the Germans.

For me this person will remain a true hero forever. I told this story at school many times. Unfortunately my great grandad died when he was very young. I would like to meet this fantastic person at least once. I want to keep this story for my children and their children.

Герои Великой Отечественной войны

Моя семья очень гордится нашими дедушками и бабушками. Мои родственники были очень умными, отважными и заботились друг о друге.

Многие наши друзья семьи и родственники погибли во времена войны, но они останутся в нашей памяти навсегда.

Каждый год в школе мы читаем истории и смотрим фильмы о Великой Отечественной войне. Мы организуем концерт и приглашаем ветеранов, мы помогаем им, и каждый из них навсегда окажется героем, которые сослужил для нас огромную службу.

Лично для меня мой прадед останется героем навсегда. Он не был офицером, а обычным солдатом. У него никогда не было опыта воевать или чего-то подобного.

Когда я была ребёнком, Бабушка часто рассказывала мне различные истории о том, как родственники участвовали в войне. Но большинство этих историй было о нем- о моем прадедушке Пётре. Ему было всего около 20 лет, когда началась война. Его родители были убиты в первые же недели войны и прадед остался совершенно один. Он любил исследовать места и жил тогда в деревне, поэтому он знал все близлежащие места. Когда немцы пришли в деревню, мой прадед собрал всех детей и подростков и отвёл их в безопасное место в лесу. Там он уже приготовил запасы еды и воды и чётко проинструктировал каждого. Я в это не могла поверить, но такова история! В конце концов, он спас 46 детей и около 30 подростков, помог им добраться до ближайших деревень и найти их родственников. Некоторые подростки остались с ним и воевали с немцами.

Для меня этот человек навсегда останется настоящим героем. Я рассказывала эту историю в школе много раз. К сожалению, мой прадед умер будучи ещё очень молодым. Я бы очень хотела увидеть этого фантастического человека хотя бы раз. Но я сохраню историю о моем прадедушке для моих детей и внуков.

Инкина Зоя Михайловна

В своём эссе автор выражает свои впечатления о судьбе его семьи во время Великой Отечественной войны, размышляет о важности сохранения мирных отношений между государствами, о последствиях второй мировой войны, важности знания истории родной страны, края подрастающим поколением. Автор демонстрирует знание фактов из истории Великой Отечественной войны, аргументирует свою позицию фактами из семейной истории. В эссе отражена личная позиция автора по сохранению мира во всём мире, сохранению исторической памяти поколений.

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Предварительный просмотр:

муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа № 1 городского округа Тольятти

имени Виктора Носова

на лингвистический конкурс

Я помню, я горжусь!

Автор: Инкин Лев Сергеевич

7Б класс, МБУ школа № 1

имени Виктора Носова

Руководитель: Инкина Зоя Михайловна,

учитель английского языка

Тольятти, 2015 г.

I remember and I am proud!

Did Russian children know much about World War II and the great Patriotic war? How do their families feel about Victory Day in Russia on May, 9? Should countries keep peaceful relations between each other or is it wrong to remember about the war features?

Firstly, my family remembers about our relatives who took part in the great Patriotic war. My grandfather said that in the whole history there has never been such a destructive war like it, in its scale of destruction, that war was unique; from Leningrad to the Crimea, from Kiev to Stalingrad, the Soviet Union was devastated, at least 25 million Soviet citizens died. What`s more, during the war our family worked in the factory like many others in Syzran, many factory workers were teenagers, women, old people. My great-grand mother Alexandra Savchenko said that it was the desperate times, they had suffered greatly from hunger, diseases, low survival opportunities, but they had overcome it! My great-grand mother died in 1989 in Togliatty.

Secondly, my great-grand father Leo Kajukov did not like to tell about the great Patriotic war thought he had participated in it since 1942 till 1947. In June 1941, Hitler launched an invasion of the Soviet Union, lots of tears, pain, deaths and struggles came after that day. Over the next four years, our country repulsed German offensives, such as Battle of Kursk, where my great-grand father had taken part. He said that he did his best to win the enemy, the whole of the Soviet Union became dedicated to the war effort, but it was the horrible time. Furthermore, in the end what did German aggressor have to show for it? A broken, divided country, which had lost much of its territory and people! My great-grand father died in 1995 in Chita, he had a heart attack. General Douglas MacArthur said “Old soldiers never die. They just fade away”.

After all, my grandmother cannot forget the price our family had paid for the Victory Day in May 1945. My great-grand father had met that day in Budapest, as he was a soldier. I believe that the heroism of Soviet people in that struggle for peace is unforgettable not only for us. Despite hard condition, the war led to a spike in Soviet nationalism and unity. The Victory of Soviet Union in the great Patriotic war showed the whole world not only the strength of Russian weapons but of the Russian spirit. To sum up, I am proud of my family, Russian children remember the great Patriotic war; understand that the most precious thing in the world is peace! 70 years after the great Patriotic war, in 2015 we Russian people should say “Keep peace no war. Nobody or nothing is forgotten”!

Цель: сохранение чувства гордости за своих предков.
Задачи: собрать информацию об участии в Великой Отечественной войне дедушки по папиной линии, написать статью о подвиге советских солдат, в частности Николая Леонтьевича Комендантова на русском языке, осветить важнейший вклад Советского Союза в деле Победы во Второй Мировой войне на английском языке в связи с тем, что в настоящее время зарубежными политиками предпринимаются многочисленные попытки переписать историю, сведя значимость СССР в Великой Победе до минимума, в то время как всё ровным счетом наоборот.

The World War II was an event that shocked the whole world. Each of us still remembers this terrible event feeling a vile sense of fear in hearts. We cannot imagine something worse and more terrible than a war. Unfortunately, the current generation is beginning to forget about feat which was made by soldiers of the Soviet Army in the achieving victory over fascism that could cover many countries.
In my opinion, people are obliged to keep the incredible feat of our ancestors in memory. We have not seen the war, but we know about it. Thanks to the veterans we have a peaceful sky over our heads and we have an opportunity to live in a free country. Every year we are further and further away from the war period. But time has no power over what people went through in the war. It was a very difficult time. The Soviet soldier could safely look into the eyes of mortal danger. The victory over a strong enemy was extracted by his will and his blood. The USSR is considered the liberator country. It did not only drive the fascist army of their coasts, and it released other countries under the yoke of fascism. I believe that people make mistakes when reduce the importance of the USSA in the victory of the World War II. None of us can say exactly what it could be, if the USSR had not interrupted the terrible plans of Nazi Germany. Do you think we could live in freedom now? I do not think so. If Soviet Russia was unable to stop the conquest of Germany, the whole world would be enslaved to it, which would mean the complete subjugation. Thus, we can safely assert that the USSR literally saved the world.
Summarizing, I can say that we should be proud of what our ancestors did. They prevented a disastrous event, giving us a great life.

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