Сочинение на тему my native land

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

My Village

Моя деревня

My grandparents live in a country house in a small village not far from Moscow. Very often my parents and I visit them on the weekends. Moreover, I spend most part of my summer holidays there. I love my village. The air there is really fresh and there are lots of things to do.

Мои бабушка и дедушка живут в загородном доме в маленькой деревне недалеко от Москвы. Очень часто мы с родителями навещаем их по выходным. Кроме того, я провожу там большую часть моих летних каникул. Я люблю свою деревню. Воздух там действительно свежий и всегда есть чем заняться.

In my village, there is a lake. I swim there with my friends when the weather is good.

My granny has a small garden and I always enjoy an opportunity to eat fresh vegetables, fruit, and berries, when I am in the country. Sometimes my grandfather and I go to the forest and pick up mushrooms. I find this activity really interesting. From time to time we also go fishing. Honestly, I am not really good at it, but my grandfather is a professional. In the Lake there a lot of different species of fish. After the fishing, my granny normally cooks a fish soup. It is one of my favorite dishes and my granny cooks very delicious.

В моей деревне есть озеро. Я плаваю там с моими друзьями, когда погода хорошая.

У моей бабушки есть небольшой сад, и я наслаждаюсь возможностью кушать свежие овощи, фрукты и ягоды, когда я нахожусь в деревне. Иногда мы с дедом ходим в лес собирать грибы. Мне это интересно. Время от времени мы также ходим на рыбалку. Честно говоря, я не очень хорош в этом, но мой дед-профессионал. В озере есть очень много разных видов рыб. После рыбалки, моя бабушка обычно готовит рыбный суп. Это одно из моих любимых блюд и моя бабушка готовит очень вкусно.

In summer there are a lot of people in my village. Some of them are living there
on aregular basis, like mygrandparents. Everybody knows each other there and I really appreciate it that there I can go for a walk with my friends at any time and my relatives would not worry about me. My village is a place, where I have a lot of friends and enjoy spending time!

Летом в деревне много людей. Некоторые из них живут там на постоянной основе, как мои бабушка и дедушка. Там все друг друга знают, и мне нравится, что я могу пойти на прогулку с моими друзьями в любое время, и мои родственники не будут беспокоиться обо мне. Моя деревня — это место, где у меня много друзей и где приятно проводить время!

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There are many beautiful places in the world I would like to visit and to see my own eyes those ones which I have read or heard about. But I completely agree with the English proverb “There is no place like home’.

I am a happy girl, because I live in a wonderful place Shatura, a small native land, dear to my heart.

I love its modest beauty. And if you only knew how beautiful my native place is in different seasons! I think that only here one can see motley grass, bright paints of flower beds and meadows in summer. In autumn it’s multicolored, simply charming. In winter it is filled with magic and poetry. And of course, spring…. There is plenty of light, greens, flowers and fragrance.

There are many beautiful places in the world I would like to visit and to see my own eyes those ones which I have read or heard about. But I completely agree with the English proverb “There is no place like home’.

I am a happy girl, because I live in a wonderful place Shatura, a small native land, dear to my heart.

I love its modest beauty. And if you only knew how beautiful my native place is in different seasons! I think that only here one can see motley grass, bright paints of flower beds and meadows in summer. In autumn it’s multicolored, simply charming. In winter it is filled with magic and poetry. And of course, spring…. There is plenty of light, greens, flowers and fragrance.

Only here I feel my inseparable ties with Russia which is especially sharp when I go away.

New places always attract us. I don`t know what about you, but I always feel myself comfortless when I leave Shatura.

My home is not only my native town; it’s also a small village Felisovo in our region. In Shatura I was born, here I go to school, hang out with my friends. I love my town, but nevertheless I always look forward to every moment I can visit the dearest person for me – my grandmother. On the way I imagine myself going upstairs of our old house, which keeps the memory of my ancestors and my first steps. I open the door and hear: “Hello, granddaughter, darling!” Then we drink tea under my lovely apple-tree (which is the same age as I) talking by grunting cockerel.

Now I want to tell about my Native land.
What does my native land mean for me? For me it means that place, where I was born and spent my early childhood. It ’s my native city Vladimir. If I leave my city I will always want to come back. If I can’t come back I will be unhappy because here my soul has been left.

I have been living in Vladimir since the birth. Where I was a little girl I liked to go to the performances to Puppet theater, to parks of entertainments and to museums. I always had a very good time and got a lot if impressions connected with leisure time in my native town.

Now if I am sad and have some problems I can just go for a walk to the park and take pleasure from the beauty of my native city. I am inspired by Vladimir’s nature, woods and the Klyazma river.

My school is a favourite place of meetings with my friends of mine. Here I have met my best friends. We have overcome a lot of troubles together, helped to understand each other and the world, which surrounds us. Every day I enrich my knowledge at school. It’s great because it will help me in future.

There are a lot of teachers who have become my great friends and assistants. They can’t give me all necessary information, but they are always ready to answer any question.

Assumption Cathedral is one of the attractions which Vladimir is famous for. I love it for its beauty, grandeur and exquisite decorations, it has a rich and interesting history, and for me, Assumption Cathedral is one of the symbols of my country.

When I was younger, I often visited the Children’s Museum Centre. There I opened a world of culture and art, I saw many beautiful exhibitions and learnt more about the history of our state.

It’s impossible to imagine your native land without your own home and your relatives… My close friends are my school-mates. They have become a considerable part of my life. When I am abroad I always think about them… because they are connected with my image of a real native land…

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“ My native place ”


Mikhajlova Daniela

Form 9 th

Village Klimoutsy

Teacher: Girel Pelageja

There is a place for each person, where he is loved and waited.


Hi! My name is Dana. I am fifteen. I am in the ninth Form. I live in the Far East. My home place is far from cities and towns. It is fifty kilometers from Svobodniy Amurskaya oblast. Klimoutsy is a small but nice green village. It is my Motherland. Every man has his own Motherland. It`s the place, where a man was born. May be this place is usual and uninteresting for other people, but for me it is the dearest place in the world. There is no place like home.


My native place for me means my family, my school, and my friends. I have got a lot of friends. Days and nights, summers and winters we spend together with my friends, hanging along the streets, listening to music. On the one hand, we have no theatres, cinemas or exhibitions in our place but on the other hand, we have got forest, river, beautiful hills and high clear blue sky.


It was one of the summer evenings. The weather was fine. My friends and I were walking on the edge of the village. Suddenly somebody shouted: “Look! The Sun is going down. How nice!” The sun ball was huge. The light of the sun was golden. The trees, the bushes, and the grass – everything was as if in the fairy tale. All of us were shocked by the beauty of the nature. We were standing in silence, admiring the beauty of the picture. Just at that moment I understood that I was happy to live in my village and I would never leave it!


Yes, I am happy to live with my family, with my friends in my native village. No other place in the world is better. Just look, how I cannot love my place? It is beautiful in every season. Spring comes and nature awakens. The air is fresh. Everything is full of life and joy. In spring we admire the beauty of the forest flowers: snowdrops, dandelions and Labrador tea. There are a lot of them just near our village, not far from our school. We don’t tear the flowers, we only take photos and enjoy them. How lovely the white snowdrops are.


You can see such a beauty everywhere in and round the village. I and my elder friend Olga like to take photos. It’s our hobby. Every spare minute we hunt the landscapes with camera. Olga is a master. She teaches me to do it.


June, July and August are my favorite months! You know why. We can play and walk all days long. We play and ride bikes. Besides from morning till night we swim in the river. No doubt city teens envy us.


By the way, I’m good at swimming and diving. I learned to swim when I was five. I can do it not worse than my friends – boys. In spring and summer our region has lots of sunshine. In summer we often make a fire in the evenings with our friends, look at the stars and dream about our future. I dream to become a teacher after finishing school and to work in my native village. I’ll be glad to be useful for my native place.


In this forest we pick up berries and mushrooms every autumn. You see my small eastern village is beautiful in every season. Friendly people live here. It is well known fact that village people are kinder and more open hearted. Village life encourages a greater sense of community. My country men are quick to help wherever they can. I love the people in my home village. I love my family. I like spending time with my friends. This is the place where I live. It is the best place in the world. They say “East or West, home is best”. No need to roam the world in the search of the most beautiful place. You should turn around. It`s your native home place, the land, where you were born, whose beauty we imbibed with our mother`s milk.

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