Сочинение на тему английская страна

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

Англия – это страна, являющаяся частью Соединенного Королевства. Она охватывает центральную и 2/3 южной части острова Великобритании, включая более 100 островов меньшего размера. Страна граничит с Шотландией и Уэльсом. Она омывается Ирландским морем, Кельтским морем и Северным морем. Пролив Ла Манш отделяет Англию от континентальной Европы. Население страны составляет около 51 миллиона человек.

Появление Соединенного Королевства

Изначально заселенная кельтами, Англия была завоевана римлянами, англами, саксонами, джутами, датчанами и нормандцами. Акты объединения Англии с Уэльсом в 1536, с Шотландией в 1707 и Ирландией в 1801 образовали Соединенное Королевство. Столица и крупнейший город Англии и Соединенного Королевства – Лондон.


В Англии умеренный морской климат. Погода в стране очень переменчива с частыми дождями, особенно в Лэйк Дистрикт.

Самые важные реки Англии – это Темза, Мерси и Тайн с портами соответственно в Лондоне, Ливерпуле и Ньюкасле.


Экономика Англии – одна из крупнейших в мире. Страна является лидером в химической и фармацевтической промышленностях, равно как в аэрокосмической и военной. Туризм также стал важной частью экономики Англии. Страну ежегодно посещают миллионы туристов.


В Англии много театров, музеев, библиотек и галерей. Среди наиболее значимых Лондонский Британский музей, хранящий коллекцию из более 7 миллионов экспонатов, Британская библиотека и Национальная галерея.


В Англии большое количество университетов. Самые известные – Оксфорд и Кембридж, привлекают студентов со всего мира. Общие похожие черты дали им название Оксбридж.


Стоит отметить еще один интересный факт: Англия – родина многих видов спорта, но самый распространенный из них футбол.


Англия – очень интересная и красивая страна.



England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It comprises the central and southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain, including over 100 smaller islands. The country borders on Scotland and Wales. It is washed by the Irish Sea, the Celtic Sea and the North Sea. The English Channel separates England from continental Europe. The population of the country is about 51 million people.

Acts of union

Originally settled by Celtic peoples, England was conquered by Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes, and Normans. Acts of union joined England with Wales in 1536, with Scotland in 1707 and with Ireland in 1801 to form the United Kingdom. The capital and the largest city of both England and the United Kingdom is London.


England has a temperate maritime climate. The weather in the country is very changeable and it rains a lot, especially in the Lake District.


The most important rivers in England are Thames, Mersey and Tyne with the ports respectively in London, Liverpool and Newcastle.

England’s economy

England’s economy is one of the largest in the world. The country is a leader in chemical and pharmaceutical industries as well as in aerospace and the arms industries. Tourism has also become an important part of England’s economy. The country is visited by millions of people every year.


There are lots of theatres, museums, libraries and galleries in England. Among the most notable are London’s British Museum, housing a collection of more than 7 million objects, The British Library and the National Gallery.


There are a great number of universities in England. The most famous are Cambridge and Oxford attracting students from all over the world. They have many common features and known as Oxbridge.


One more interesting fact to mention is that England is home to lots of different sports but the most played one is football.

текст про великобританию на английском языке

The United Kingdom — Великобритания. Текст на английском языке + аудио

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The United Kingdom

The United Kingdom is an advanced European island country. It is surrounded by three bodies of water: the North Sea, in the eastern part, the English Channel in the southern part, and the Atlantic Ocean in the west. The country consists of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The term “United Kingdom” is often confused with the term “Great Britain”, which is the name of the island, but not the state. Many smaller islands and adjacent territories form an integral part of this country, as well as the area of Northern Ireland in the northwest. The total area of the country is 242,500 sq. km. The population is over 67 million people, according to the 2020 statistical data.

The British landscape is diverse. It includes flat countryside, low hills, and a long line of high mountains. In this unique island country, the climate is rather mild and a bit humid. This geographical region is known for its warm weather in winter, and cool weather in summer, combined with intense rainfall and baffling winds over the year.

There are numerous rivers and lakes in the UK. The water resources of great importance are the largest river the Thames, the longest one called the Severn, and many smaller rivers like the Mersey, the Clyde, and the Tyne. These natural resources play a critical role in the water supply of the nation. Unfortunately, the UK has already been affected by the ongoing climate change. The nation experiences increased rainfall, storms, and heatwaves.

London, the official capital city and influential administrative center, is one of the most densely populated megalopolises in the world. Its population is over 9.2 million people. The major cities are Manchester, famous for its industrial heritage, Birmingham, Leeds, and Glasgow.

They are recognized as significant cultural, commercial, and industrial centers that contribute to the nation’s economic growth and sustainable social development. Many highly acclaimed universities and colleges can be found in the UK.

The UK has mixed economy that allows the nation to succeed both in international trade, the manufacturing industry, agriculture, and the services sector. Tourism is the number one national industry that keeps the UK economy flourishing. There are many places of huge interest in this popular destination that attract visitors from all over the world. Among them are the majestic Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, and the British Museum in London.

Текст на английском языке с переводом. The United Kingdom — Великобритания

Это тот же самый текст, но с переводом каждого предложения, который поможет вам с незнакомыми словами и оборотами.

There are many different counters in the world but I would like to visit a lot of dreams but travelling to England is my best wish. Every country is interesting in its own but England at tract me with its beauty and unusual architecture. It’s every beautiful and industrial country.

There are many museums and parks there. Also there are lots of sights whish have a world-wide fame, such as Big Ben, the House of Parlaments and the river Thams. I’d like to visit Madam Tussauds museum.

It’s very famous in England and other countries. There are more than six hundred wax figures of famous people of the past and present. It would be interesting to look ateach figure and learn more about singers, actors, actresses and others. Also I’d like to walk in Hyde.

Park, because I know that people have picnics there, play and just spend their free time.

Besides the places of interest England at tracts me with its wonderful customs and traditions. Everybody

I like to celebrate English holidays: Halloween, St. Valentine’s Day and Fool’s Day. England is a very hospitable country.

And I believe that my dream will come true.

Foreigners have many ideas about what the English like. For example, some people say the English are always cold and reserved, this means that they don’t talk much to strangers, and don’t show much emotion. A reserved person never tells you anything about himself. But the people of the North and West of Britain are much less reserved than those of the South and East.

Some believe the English eat porridge for breakfast and read The Times every day. Many Australians believe that the English always whine and call them “whining poms”. The Welsh, Scottish and Irish also have a thing or two to say about what they think the English are like with reference to the British Empire.

And, of course, the English themselves have plenty of ideas about what they are, such

English competitions in general give a great opportunity for learners to improve their writing, speaking, reading translation skills, creativity, to develop the interest in the research field. The competitions are usually interesting and attract those who are really interested in English learning, learners like to show what they know and what they have learned.

As for me, would like to share my impressions and to write about the competitions where I participated. This competition held by City &; Guilds is not the first for me, actually I don’t remember the first one but anyway they are all connected with English. Translation competitions are the most challenging from my point of view because you need not only to know English but a lot of other things as well. Different types of texts require this or that way or strategy for translation and by the way it is not easy to make the text sound natural in English if you translate from Russian into English or in Russian if you translate it from English into Russian.

I strongly believe that translators get experienced during their whole life, translating more and more texts, it is impossible to be taught how to translate just at once – it is a long process. But still there are also translation competitions for young translators and for students who can try to do it and to see the process of translation as it is. It is an interesting task to do I should say.

Once I came across the essay competition on the Internet on the website for English learners and decided to participate in order not to win something, I don’t do anything concerning English especially in order to win the prize, it was and now it is a kind of self-actualization – this is the way out for me, not to keep everything in my mind but also to express my ideas and to share this or that information with others and to make them interested in English as the English language is relevant in our modern world. So, coming back to the competition – I wrote an essay not expecting to get the prize but it happened so that one day I received an e-mail with congratulations – I was glad even though it was not the 1-st place but still. There were other competitions concerning English as well but holding by the travel agencies and the result was null, I have some ideas why it was so, but I would rather not express them here.

And now this competition – to tell the truth it was a great pleasure for me to find the information one day on the Internet about it and I said to myself that I would take part in it without hesitation. I had some essays that were written when I was for example the 2-nd year student and I sent them. After a while I had a desire to write more and more and I started writing and I know that it helps to develop writing skills and creativity as well.

It motivates me to do something useful and to teach English other people to explain the rules, and to see the results because they know how to say this or that phrase in English. And it is some kind of a thank from them. And English competitions are a great motivation for beginners in the language as well as the advanced learners.

There are many beautiful and nice countries in the world that are worth visiting. My parents in past used to travel a lot. And my dad says that the best countries are English-speaking ones. Even if you are there for the first time and you speak English you will be ok there.

Well the United States of America is one of the best countries I think. I have never been there but I hope one day I will get a chance to visit the USA. Many people claim that place is good for job, for traveling, for adventures, for practicing language and for life. America is huge and you can travel from one state to another. It’s not easy to get there but many of my friends and relatives went there few times.

Another fantastic English-speaking countriy is England. I know it’s historical place and everyone who used to study English is dreaming to go there. It’s so interesting to see Westminster abbey, Big Ben, the capital of Great Britain and all other things. Personally for me England is a country number one in my must-visit list.

Actually English is an international language. In many countries in Europe you can travel and be sure that people will understand you.

Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga and some other countries speak English very well. Of course, somewhere people speak also French or dialect, but because in past these countries had influence of England, first language is English.

As you can see our world is so interesting and unique. All people are so different, but thank to English we are able to understand each other and travel around the world.

Англоговорящие страны

В мире много красивых и необычных стран, которые стоит посетить хотя бы раз. Мои родители в прошлом очень много путешествовали. И папа говорит, что самые лучшие места- это англоговорящие страны. Даже оказавшись там впервые, но владея английским, вы будете чувствовать себя там прекрасно.

Соединённые Штаты Америки одна из лучших стран на мой взгляд. Я там ещё ни разу не была, но надеюсь, что в будущем получу шанс съездить хотя бы раз. Многие люди утверждают, что это место отлично подходит для работы, путешествий, приключений, практики языка и жизни в целом. Америка огромна и ты можешь путешествовать из одного места в другое. Туда, конечно, не совсем легко попасть, но многие мои друзья и родственники съездили туда несколько раз.

Ещё одной фантастической страной является Англия. Я знаю, что это историческое место и каждый, кто изучал английский, мечтает попасть туда. Ведь так интересно увидеть Вестминстерское аббатство, Биг Бен, столицу Великобритании вообще и многие другие места. Лично для меня Англия это страна номер один в моем списке путешествий.

Вообще английский это международный язык. Во многие страны Европы вы можете смело ехать и быть уверенным, что люди вас поймут.

Канада, Австралия, Новая Зеландия, Фиджи, Самоа и Тонга и некоторые другие прекрасно говорят на английском языке. Конечно, кое-где говорят на французском или на местном диалекте. Но в прошлом Англия имела влияние на эти страны и поэтому английский язык там основной.

Как видите, наш мир интересный и уникальный. Все люди такие разные, но благодаря английскому языку мы можем понять друг друга и путешествовать по всему миру.

Дорогой ученик! В этом материале подготовлен рассказ про англоговорящие страны. Под английским текстом есть перевод на русский язык.

The United Kingdom 🇬🇧

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. There are 64 million people in Great Britain whose first language is English (98% of population) . London is the capital of the United Kingdom. London is one of the largest financial centres in the world.

The USA 🇺🇸

The history of the USA started with the Thirteen British Colonies on the Atlantic coast of North America. On July 4, 1776 they declared independence and formed the United States of America.

Today the country consists of 50 states, a federal district, five major self-governing territories, and various possessions. The capital is Washington, D.C., and the most populous city is New York City. It is one of the most developed countries in the world. English is the first language for about 78% of its population .

Canada 🇨🇦

Canada is a country in North America. It is the second largest country in the world. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. The official languages of the country are English and French. English is the mother tongue of 56% of Canadians .

The population of Canada is about 38 million people (2021). Most of the population lives not far from the border with the United States. The largest cities of the country are Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver.

Australia 🇦🇺

Australia is a country comprising the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands. It is the largest country in Oceania and the world's sixth-largest country by total area.

Australia's capital is Canberra, and its largest city is Sydney. Today the country is among the most developed countries in the world, with 73% of the population speaking Australian English.

New Zealand 🇳🇿

New Zealand occupies two large islands and many small ones in the south-western part of the Pacific Ocean. New Zealand's capital city is Wellington, and its most populous city is Auckland.

New Zealand is one of the most beautiful countries in the world with unique flora and fauna. English is the predominant language and a de facto official language of New Zealand. Almost the entire population speak it either as native speakers or proficiently as a second language.

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