Сочинение на английском про наушники

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

In the modern world most of people use their gadgets every day. And I’m not an exception. Usually I use mobile phone, TV, my laptop, coffee machine, some kitchen gadgets and etc. but I have to admit that I really can’t imagine my life without my phone, wireless headphones and laptop. My phone gives me opportunity to be on touch with my relatives and friends everywhere. My parents never worry about me because they can call me. I can take photos, serf the Net, play games. Wireless headphones let me listen to music, lessons or something else when I’m doing something in home, on the move. Headphones give me a little freedom. My laptop helps me with home tasks, some project and other ones, which I can’t do by my phone.

Also laptop contains all my essays, works and old photos. I can take laptop everywhere, because this one doesn’t depend from constant access to electricity.

In conclusion I want to say that people shouldn’t so run mad after gadgets that it becomes subjection.

В современном мире большинство людей используют свои гаджеты каждый день. И я не исключение. Обычно я использую мобильный телефон, телевизор, ноутбук, кофемашину, некоторые кухонные гаджеты и т. д. но я должна признать, что действительно не могу представить свою жизнь без телефона, беспроводных наушников и ноутбука. Мой телефон дает мне возможность быть на связи с моими родственниками и друзьями повсюду.

Мои родители никогда не беспокоятся обо мне, потому что они могут позвонить мне. Я могу фотографировать, сидеть в интернете, играть в игры. Беспроводные наушники позволяют мне слушать музыку, уроки или что-то ещё, когда я делаю что-то дома или на ходу. Наушники дают мне немного больше свободы. Мой ноутбук помогает мне с домашними задачами, некоторыми проектами и другими делами, которые я не могу сделать с помощью своего телефона. Также ноутбук хранит все мои эссе, работы и старые фотографии. Я могу взять ноутбук куда угодно, потому что он не зависит от постоянного доступа к электричеству.

В заключение я хочу сказать, что люди не должны настолько быть без ума от гаджетов, чтобы это становилось зависимостью.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
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The history of headphones

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The history of headphones

The history of headphones

The invention Headphones was invented by Nathaniel Baldwin in 1910, sitting a.

The invention Headphones was invented by Nathaniel Baldwin in 1910, sitting at his kitchen. Since then everyone has the opportunity to listen to music alone, without disturbing others. Home, on the street, in the subway - anywhere. Plus, we should note an important role of it in the process of recording (cinema, television, voice and music)

1910 - Nathaniel Baldwin creates headphones

1910 - Nathaniel Baldwin creates headphones

1910 - Nathaniel Baldwin creates headphones According to legend, the U.S. Nav.

1910 - Nathaniel Baldwin creates headphones According to legend, the U.S. Navy Lieutenant A.J. Hepburn received from Nathaniel prototype - it was the details of the phone fastened together so as you can see on the photo. Hepburn immediately tested the device and he realized - headphone - is good. Navy immediately began to order these headphones, but Baldwin could only take small orders - 10 pieces. He was still making them in his kitchen.

1958 - Koss SP3

1958 — John C. Koss and SP3 Stereophones It is noteworthy that before all hea.

1958 — John C. Koss and SP3 Stereophones It is noteworthy that before all headphones used only for radio. John Koss was born and raised in Wisconsin. In 1952 he married and used the money donated to the wedding to start a business (even though his wife was sure that they would buy a sofa , so sad). First, his company manufactures portable phonographs. Once for the presentation of a model phonograph John used aviation headsets. The venture paid off in full, and Koss quickly realized the potential of profits In that industry. Subtotal – SP3 Stereophones was a beginning of new era of personal audio. Also, Koss headphones still produces. Since 1958 ;)

1979 — Sony Walkman

1979 — Sony Walkman

1979 — Sony Walkman Before the invention of portable music players, peoples d.

1979 — Sony Walkman Before the invention of portable music players, peoples did not have much need for small headphones . Mentioned earlier ier in this presentation Baldwin device generally weighed a pound*. *(1/2 kilo) Thanks to Sony's Walkman it’s became possible to listen the music, not only with home stereo. Headphones also become more compact. The Walkman set was consisted of headphones MDR-3L2 and portable audio cassette player.

1989 - Amar Bose and the first noise canceling headphones

1989 - Amar Bose and the first noise canceling headphones

1989 - Amar Bose and the first noise canceling headphones In 1978, Amar was f.

1989 - Amar Bose and the first noise canceling headphones In 1978, Amar was flying home from Zurich, in a way trying to listen the music through his headphones. Of course, because of the noise he did not listen anything, except it. Back in Boston, he sent his capacity of BOSE Corporation (founded in 1964) to investigate the possibility of active noise cancellation. The result was the creation of The Noise Reduction Technology Group (NRTG). In 1989 it was presented the first noise-canceling headphones designed for the aviation industry.

2001 — iPod with EarPods, Apple

2001 — iPod with EarPods, Apple

2001 — iPod with EarPods, Apple iPod and iPhone are available with these reco.

2001 — iPod with EarPods, Apple iPod and iPhone are available with these recognizable white headphones. For 10 days, has sold more than 300 million iPod. Now try to figure out How much in the world the iPod and iPhone, to represent the total number of copies of these headphones. Incidentally, shortly before the presentation of the iPhone 5 Apple reported that delivered more than 600 million of these headphones. In fact, this is the one set for every 12 people on Earth.

2011 – Sennheiser Orpheus for 40.000$

2011 – Sennheiser Orpheus for 40.000$

2011 – Sennheiser Orpheus for 40.000$ At the audioshow in Seoul Germans from.

2011 – Sennheiser Orpheus for 40.000$ At the audioshow in Seoul Germans from Sennheiser introduced the most expensive headphones in the world. Made entirely by hand by senior engineers of Sennheiser. Request Only. It was released only 300 sets.

Conclusion. I guess. Till past century headphones have gone from the device ".

Conclusion. I guess. Till past century headphones have gone from the device "just for the military" to one of the most popular devices of information consumption. And now selling more and more smartphones and tablets, so it gonna be and more headphones.

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Презентация на тему " The history of headphones"

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Подарочные сертификаты

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Gadgets entered our life not so long ago but they have already taken the central stage in it. At present, there are thousands of different devices like smartphones, laptops, tablets, headphones and so on. Some of them are popular, others do not grab our attention.

Of course, the most popular devices are produced by the Apple company which releases gadgets of all types from smartphones to smartwatches every year. Despite high prices, millions of people prefer this brand to others and are ready to stay for hours in lines to get their new iPhone models first.

As for smartwatches, they have become extremely popular recently. The reason why people buy them is due to a growing interest in a healthy lifestyle which has now become fashionable. People want to keep fit and smart watch is the best friend in doing sports. It is also comfortable if your phone is not around you because the watch will send all notifications .

Finally, the headphones are very popular. Millions of people, especially young, wear them most of the day listening to music, news or books on their way to work or any other place. We can purchase ordinary or brand-new wireless headphones. We can choose the colour and even shape to our liking. Some companies which produce smartphones complete certain models with headphones.


Гаджеты вошли в нашу жизнь не так давно, но уже заняли в ней главное место. В настоящее время существуют тысячи различный девайсов: смартфоны, ноутбуки, наушники и т.д. Некоторые из них популярны, другие не привлекают особого внимания.

Конечно, одни из самых популярных девайсов принадлежат компании Apple, которая ежегодно выпускает гаджеты всех видов от смартфонов до смарт-часов. Несмотря на высокие цены, миллионы людей предпочитают этот бренд всем остальным и готовы часами стоять в очереди, чтобы в числе первых приобрести новую модель айфона.

I can not imagine my life today without gadgets. My phone is my best friend, organizer, navigator, vocabulary and so on. I use it every day and almost everywhere. If I go out I always take my phone with me. It helps me to find the right place, any schedule, to buy a ticket and many other useful things.

Another important function of my mobile phone is contact with my friends and family. Today everyone has a profile on Facebook, vkontakte, Twitter, Instagram, viber, Skype. Through these networks I can send pictures and videos, make video call and send any important information in couple of minutes. Besides I can always call my mom and tell her that I am fine and I will be at home soon. Everyone has today a phone but we never think how much useful this thing is for us.

Another my important gadget is my personal computer. It is almost same like my phone, but with bigger screen and it has more memory. I stoped to watch TV, but look for any important information on my PC. It is also so much useful for school and homework. If I need to make any presentation my computer is my best helper. Technologies today are so much important.

My headphones help me to relax and forget about any problems. If I have to travel somewhere, I always take them with me. I like to listen to music or audio books or trainings, so I put my headphones in my eyes and I am not bothering anyone.

In future I would like to have Apple Watch. I have read a lot of information about it and it is a good thing for every person.

I can speak about gadgets forever and describe how much useful these things are today. Every person has preferences and we got used to have what we have. And we can not imagine even one day without these gadgets.


Не могу представить свою жизнь сегодня без любимых гаджетов. Мой телефон- это мой лучший друг, органайзер, навигатор, словарь и так далее. Я пользуюсь им каждый день и практически везде. Если я куда-то отправляюсь, то всегда беру телефон с собой. Он помогает мне найти верное место, любое расписание, купить билет и много других полезных вещей.

Ещё одним важным гаджетом является мой персональный компьютер. Он также важен, как и мой телефон, но с большим экраном и памятью. Я перестала смотреть ТВ, но ищу любую инфу в моем компьютере. Он настолько полезен для школы и домашних заданий. Если мне нужно сделать любую презентацию, мой компьютер- мой лучший помощник. Технологии сегодня очень важны.

Мои наушники помогают мне расслабиться и забыть о всех проблемах. Если мне нужно куда-то уехать, я всегда беру их с собой. Мне нравится слушать музыку, аудио книги или тренинги. Так я вставляю наушники и никого не беспокою.

В будущем я бы хотела купить часы Apple. Я много читала о них и они бы пригодились каждому.

Я могу говорить о гаджетах бесконечно и описывать, насколько они сегодня важны. У каждого есть свои предпочтения и мы имеем то, что имеем. И не можем представить и даже дня без них.

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My favorite gadget is a mobile phone. Thanks to the phone I can chat with friends, to call relatives and at any moment to call mom. In the same way through the phone I'm looking for the right information.
In my spare time I am listening to music on your phone. It is easy to use and very compact.

Мой любимый гаджет является мобильный телефон. Благодаря телефону я могу общаться с друзьями,звонить родственникам и в любой момент звонить маме. Так же через телефон я ищу нужную информацию.

В свободное время я слушаю музыку на телефоне. Он удобный в использовании и очень компактный.

My favourite gadget is the computer. It can help me in different situations. When I do my homework I use it to find different information on different subjects. I regularly listen to news and learn weather forecast. I send e-mails to my friends and get e-mails from them. Sometimes I listen to music or watch a film on the internet. And finally when I have some free time I play computer games. So it can help us both, to educate and to relax.

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